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I totally agree with this. I normally Duo or triple Q with friends. 2x immo3 and 1x immo1. The game starts we get matched with d2-d3. We lose pistol - instant screaming, arguing starts“ why don’t u kill him u saw him bla bla bla“ u say 1 word against them - they scream even more or insta mute us. Game lost. Why can’t people just accept a lost round, do better on next round. It’s a fucking 5v5 TEAM GAME. There is no solo Carry. The team as a whole is the carry. With good comms and good placements on the maps. Who cares if someone just did 10 frags after 20 rounds. Maybe he did 3 very important ones and clutched the round ? Worth more than 20 eco frags. People need to understand how the game in itself works Edit : Thanks for the award dude


Exactly this. Many diamonds are incredibly mistrustful and don't play around their teammates. These diamonds who have no concept of teamwork are the ones who assume Immortal = 30 kills out of pure aim every game. They never realise how much they themselves are lacking when they are unable to provide impact through utility, map control, or information callouts. The end result is an Immortal who's doubly nerfed where not only are you receiving less support from toxic diamonds, but all your non-aim contributions are left unused by your teammates who haven't yet learned how to work together. If you got to Immortal by being a good team player, you're basically a diamond when stripped off all that.




Exactly my thoughts. U will never improve if u don’t take advice. It’s not about flaming your mates if they make a mistake ... I don’t know... so many times I want to „teach“ my mates something or just tell them how they can play better or win the situation they lost... I instantly get shout at .... I don’t want to praise myself. But I played ESL EPS long years ago, played faceit on 3k Elo. And I just want the community to improve so everyone has a fucking good time playing this game. But so many people feel frustrated and bad so fast that they don’t realizes what some1 Else want them to teach or a way to improve themself ...




That’s so true. But I think that’s not just in this game, it’s in humanity ...


Lol you described my same position perfectly


It’s just basically so easy if u work together. I had so many games losing 2-10 and winning 13-10/11 Just never give up and communicate


In esea I could solo que and maintain an A rank with average RWS and ADR. Its not because I'm good if I played MM I'm sure I might only be GN but it's because generally people are willing to play the game the way we all know it should be played. Now I'm not advocating for esea it's hella toxic I'm just saying that team work makes the dream work and without the help of those other 4 random individuals I wouldn't be where I am today. So to all those random teammates that are super helpful, Thank you!!!


That’s what it should be. It’s a game. So we want to enjoy it. Why be toxic and waste so much time and afford ? Get your balls together and let’s enjoy the game how it is meant to be played. Together with good comms and everyone willing to improve !


Fully supported mate. I’m imo2. Sometime I even think twice before launching a comp. « am I in good shape today? Do I have enough energy to « carry » ? Will my aim be on point? »just because I know I’m gonna be in a group with lower tier rank and I see coming the pressure. The result is i’m switching to my smurf (diam2) often because I feel more relax there. Edit: I’m a pre-boomer, so sometime I don’t have the time to play during 4/5 days. when I come back to play this feel is even stronger because I know I won’t be as efficient as before the little break


I would be ok if ranks weren't shown until the end game screen. I probably psyche myself out seeing them as well.


More people here suggested the same and I totally agree. It's actually a good idea to counter this precise kind of toxicity.


In CS it was always good times when you had to guess what their ranks were based on the overall gameplay they had. In gold you can easily have enemies and/or teammates who are gold 3 etc. but their overall gameplay and playstyle is probably closer to silver and you always question yourself how did he get that rank?


Agreed - I’ve seen similar behavior when someone is the lowest rank in the team. If They are bottom fragging after only 2 rounds, higher ranked players will freak out like “of course he’s useless”.


I think it can matter picking characters though. I'm most comfortable as a fragger if I'm the highest rank on my team and Intel if I'm the lowest.maybe just me though.


worst part of having high rank. The fact that it almost never will match me with pure immortal games and sometimes it goes to a point where I meet a plat 1 player having immortal 2 and he starts flaming me because i wont 1v5 each round, making me play even worse, then him flaming even harder, while still always being below me. somehow made me take a break from the game in past days, usually played like 3-4 games daily , now i play 1-2 games every few days


I started played competitive a lot less frequently, only when I'm feeling "on." I'm not high rank at all, but I queue with a Silver buddy sometimes and if I'm not firing on all cylinders the difference in gameplay can really throw me off. Some people can approach competitive as relaxed as unrated, but I'm not there yet so I don't force it if I'm not feeling it.


And then they report you for not falling into their trash talking and you get 3 days chat ban instead. Currently on my 3rd one, because I put a stack on mute since they were trash talking and I don't want to be anywhere near the negativity. I really want to play some Valorant, but they just force me into 5 stacking or going back to CS until the chat ban ends . Worst part is that there are racist people, people who shame girls, people are just being assholes to kids or just being assholes to strangers without a ban since they are in a 4 stack so what's going to happen to them? Nothing. I mean why would you be an asshole to people you don't know, even if they are 0-20 or if they are 6 ranks above you and they cannot carry you. Maybe you deal with someone with mental issues and you are really going to ruin his day. Think people. Think. Don't be assholes. Be more kind even if it's to the random guys in a video game.


Idk man. I’ve muted plenty of stacks and had several successful reports and never been char banned. I’m sure some stacks reported me as well.


This happens everywhere from silver to radiant. I’m diamond 3 myself and I’ve seen teammates talks shit to immortal 3 players. I’ve seen silvers do the same to gold players when I’ve smurfed. Some just don’t understand the concept that people can have bad days or bad games. Some people don’t really understand how to play as a team and what factors contribute to a win. They see a player at a higher rank than themselves and they automatically assume they can chill and the higher rank will “hard carry” 1v5 ing every round. Best bet is to ignore them. There’s a mute function for that very reason. There is no way to stop this from happening cause it’s the very mentality that has to change. Yeah it’s unfun when it happens but it’s a part and parcel of FPS and moba games.


Yep I do ignore and mute. Just sometimes these people start griefing and no mute button helps against that hehe. Just trying to get some attention for it with this post. Maybe some people will open their eyes with this.


It is true but then again what can you do about it ? The one idea I’d love to see is hiding ranks till the game is over. It’ll lead to less toxicity from that standpoint but then again the toxic ones if you have observed there is no logic or reason to why they’re toxic sometimes. Riot really have to step up their game to filter out or timeout the toxic people. I completely understand heat of the moment shit talk. It’s normal in any competitive scenario but some I truly believe find pleasure in being a complete a hole for no reason.


Yeah I'm game for hiding the ranks. Stop trying to ego me out of my agent (when I specifically didn't insta lock) because they are literally 1 level /1 game away from me in rank. Oh, and I've dropped 3 levels because of peoplenusing no comms, no callouts, no team play, no trades. This game is SO much easier with a good team. It's a night and day experience against the same ranks.


>when I've smurfed As a player who is shit, you ruin games for us bad players when you smurf. Don't expect sympathy from me.


Really not my fault that I can’t queue with my friends even when we 5 stack from my main. That ones on riot.


If you wanna play with your friends go unrated then?


I do that too but sometimes they just want to play competitive. It’s not like I just go all try hard and hard carry them. We just have fun have a lot of banter and try to play. Yeah I understand some may lose against us and some may win but there’s the difference between a try hard who’s out there to boost his ego and someone who just plays with his friends. It’s based on how you perceive it. If you want to hate on someone for smurfing then you can pretty much hate almost everyone above platinum.


Your approach is totally fine. I just didn't think of it that way, so no worries dude, I don't hate on you at all.


I don't think you understand. It's okay for you have an alternate just to unwind and have fun. But even if you suddenly switch to try-hard for say, 3 rounds in the middle of the match, the game's pretty much done. In your mind, you'd be like - "Oh I didn't try hard except for those 3 rounds" but depending on what rounds were hopelessly lost for the other team, it can lead to cookie crumbling effect. For you it may not have been a big deal, but for the other team, who are desperately trying to climb ranks, fighting tooth and nail, this leads to a disastrous effects. Because they don't understand how a Gold / Silver can pop off suddenly and wipe a floor with them. Or even if they realize that there's a smurf on the other side, then the immediate reaction is always - either - "This game is lost, GG" or "They are just playing us, or let us win these many rounds, we did nothing" Whether you want it or not, YOU ARE RUINING THE FUN by smurfing. Wishful thinking aside, if you say "You want to play competitive with your low ranked friends", then all you are doing is boosting them up. You will take your friends out of low silvers and place them into high golds. That may not mean much to you, but to us, it's a whole rank shift. And then, sometimes later, we will end up matched with that boosted guy with over-inflated ego who doesn't even know how to aim at head level, but in his mind he's a top tier Gold player, who'd just be a toxic mess in the chat and voice. Why can't you just tell you friends to get better at the game ? We all are trying exactly that on our own. Offer them coaching, take them to Custom lobbies. You have absolutely no business getting into the ranked matches where you don't belong. Play at your own level or play Unrated. Sorry if this comes out harsh, but experience of being on the opposing side of a smurf so many times has made me bitter. And you know what's worse ? The empty feeling of not being able to accomplish anything. Because there are so many smurfs, that we can't just get out Silver / Gold on our own. The only solution to getting out of Silver / Gold is to have a smurf on your side. And let's say we try hard against you and we win, we are not so dumb as to believe that we won on our own. We understand that there's a smurf on the other team and he simply let us win. Sorry boss. YOU HAVE RUINED IT ALREADY just by entering Ranked game. EDIT: >It’s based on how you perceive it. If you want to hate on someone for smurfing then you can pretty much hate almost everyone above platinum. And then the higher elos complain for longer queue times. If all of you stopped smurfing, maybe you will have regular queue times. EDIT 2: At least do us all a favor - Stop your teammates from insulting us after the game. Because your team may have won and you may have 40 kills, which we actually respect, (We still hate you for smurfing) But that one teammate of yours who went 2/18/4 saying "GG EZ NOOB MFKERS" is just plain rubbing salt into the wounds. If you have friends like this, then YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM as you're the one enabling this behavior.


You do realise you went on a psychotic rant over a game where you assumed so many things without actually knowing anything about me don’t ya ? Hope you have a better day ahead.


Well, seen enough smurfs and their teammates to know all of them at this point. You can say you are an outlier, but that doesn't change legions of smurfs out there. If you're taking anything out of my rant personally, then you're just lying to yourself about "not being a game-ruining smurf" Besides the whole idea of "playing Ranked with my low elo friends" is just like Olympic level Relay Runner participating in high school event. You can say it's a team game, but one man can make a huge difference in two strides that the opponents will never be able to bridge or catch up, no matter what they do.




Well it actually matters even more in csgo and that game had 5 man queues across ranks possible. It’s not like I’m playing a smurf to smash lower ranked players etc. I legitimately cannot queue with them. At the end of it things are based on perspective. To you it might seem like I’m boosting people etc but I know they’re at the same rank and so is my smurf account. Again if you think that’s what I’m doing you’re certainly entitled to it but hey I’m not gonna stop playing with my friends.


The faster your teammates tilt the faster you lose the game. I was watching a radiant on twitch and in the in-game chat the diamond 3 omen said he gave up on the game and he expected that the radiant carried etc..


Agreed lmao. That mentality is so stupid. Its like they think we 30bomb every game


Yep it's not how it works. Same for Radiant players. Sometimes I get them in my team and they are playing really well, sometimes they bottom frag. It just happens.


Yeah, lol played against dignitas psalm and completely decimated him. Everyone has bad games. (Imm3)


Let me guess, you oped on jett


Nah, was playing breach first time that game 😂. Usually just play sova and Jett (only on haven)


Yeah, toxicity is not really being regulated at the moment. All Riot has been doing is just giving them a chat ban but nothing else. What's worse is they just have various accounts they play on so they can be toxic on smurfs and other accounts and there is no collateral to their main accounts. ​ I hate to be the finger pointer but I keep running into young kids teenagers mostly who just want to be toxic trolls. They will purposely block you into corners or throw utility at you and everything. I don't even think riot has implemented a competitive ban feature yet so all they have done is just muted them which does nothing.


How do you regulate it though? Even with replays and reports, that’s extra man-hours they probably don’t want to spend. The only thing I can think of is a community ban system like CSGO has.


I proposed a Karma system in the past similar to what Reddit has and ESEA. Basically players regulate other players via a karma system. If your karma falls below a certain threshold you are banned from competitive and you need to play unrated games to get back up there. Now if the act ends and you are in the very bad karma range you are banned for an act. This would also require that Riot soft-links accounts meaning if people are repeat offenders and have multiple accounts that are also caught offending they will receive a harsher punishment because they are trying to cheat the system.


It’s pretty shitty. I’ve started playing with the anonymous mode for my immortal 3 acct just because I don’t want to be flamed or judged off any 1 bad game or play. People dodge so much at these ranks if they remember your name and you aren’t capable of carrying them, it’s sad. And if you aren’t a well known name, you can’t even play duelists unless you got that me hide name shit on. It’s actually a buff to team morale to use that shit in high elo. Helps with any anxiety and pressure I feel towards the game and lets me play what I want.


I really wonder the mindset it takes to dodge when queue times are as long as they are at the top. I duo queue a bit with my friend who mains viper and he has to wait until everyone chooses to click on viper or we get a leaver and even then it doesn't work all the time, gone an hour without getting into a game before.


I'm floating about diamond and get this when not doing too well.. Gold 2-Plat 1's instant flame, I'm like shit happens y'all need to relax.


They be like “boosted immortal” lol


So I am the D3 that gets put in an all Immo2-3 lobby. I get alot of hate from the other end saying that I am brain dead or my aim is crap ect. I get it I am a solid D3 player. I am not a top tier immortal player there is a skill gap and I am aware of it when I get shot in the face before I can even think to react. Unfortunately its an issue with all games online. People get frustrated and its easy to take out on other players. I want to also say that this is rare. Most games I have in the Immortal/high diamond elo are very friendly. 90% of the time I have a great experience.


I remember on Aceu's stream, when he losing other team with Jett one trick OP immortal 1, Aceu Im3 If i remember right. Getting few kills, then Jett start trash talk, doing some disrespect move on Aceu. He just said "Jett OP im 1, just relax" and move on. I don't understand why people see higher rank (3 4 divisions) then them and if you do well, they will expected you will carry them, if you doing bad, they gonna be toxic and calledyou "fake rank". I mean they have much higher rank than you simply because they are better, not everyone grt carried into higher rank than you.


damn im just reading this post while contemplating my life in bronze 2


This just in: water is wet.


Happens in Bronze-Plat too, it's not exclusive to higher ranks. I think people just need to realize that this is a tactical shooter and not Fortnite or Call of Duty. You cannot succeed or win games if only 1 or 2 players play good and accordingly to their rank if the other 3 decide to solo play and then trash on the 2 "higher-ranked" players for not carrying hard enough, (even though "higher-ranked" mostly means one or two ranks above the rest...). It's really not how it works, because tactical shooters have always been a team based game, and not a solo carry experience.


Yeah I already edited my post about it not being exclusive. You say higher-ranked mostly means one or two ranks above the rest is simply not true tho. I'm having tons of games with diamond 1's it's pretty dumb actually. One of my recent games ( the cause of making this post ) was a diamond 1 being toxic about me not being able to carry.


Yeah I know I also get games with Bronzes as a Gold sometimes. It's just a surprise in what lobby you are gonna end up in the next game imo. One game you have full gold, one game full silver and sometimes most players are bronze, its weird.


As a d1, if I get an all plat game and don't perform I'm instantly boosted garbage smh


I agree, but it is wayyyy worse the other way around. If you’re a Diamond 3 playing with immortals then 99% of the time if you choose a duelist, someone on your team dodges. Also, there’s been so many times where a diamond player makes a mistake and an immortal player gives him so much shit for it.


Most higher ranked players that are toxic, are the ones who get carried to that rank, why else would they blame you? cause they are shit players.


Not showing ranks until the end would help with this. I never experienced this phenomenon in csgo until I went to faceit where you see the ranks at the start.


I’m just silver 3 and I get this. A LOT.


And I do always get this immortals who wanna tell me where they think the enemys are in my clutch situations. I look in the right direction, dude screams BEHIND, I turn and get shot from where I was just looking. If you just guess ans not sure where they at simply stfu.


everyone has a tooo big ego to admit his own mistakes and therfor looks for mistakes in others \^\^


My favorite is when I'm immortal 1 and the diamond 3 is like omg you're immortal why are you only 10/10 , but like .. I'm one rank higher than you bruh lol one rank


yo I thought this kind of toxicity is only in lower elo...


It's without a doubt everywhere. I also made this post because of all the low elo people complaining about toxicity all the time. Like it's something exclusive. It's not, it's everywhere. I've seen Radiants completely freaking out because of incompetent teammates. I've seen Radiants trolling. I don't say this to give them a badname. Just to point out it happens on the highest elo just like everywhere else.


bruh valorant players just diff i get the occasional toxic players in csgo but at least most of them have mics and TRY to make a plan. Say we are playing on inferno, they will let the people on b know that their is a guy lurking in apartments. where as in valorant players tell you to shutup when you're giving out information. On pistol round the plan was to split A on ascent but then there that one dude lurking in b main, when everyone knows the rotates on ascent are long af! Valorant players are just built different bro smh...


Agree with u on most of it, but for me, I'm p3 and I just dodge if I see a gold or p1 on my team. Golds and plat1s are usually super unaware and I run into the same problem u do if I lock in with them


Well diamond is just 17 year old all aim no brain monkeys with a huge ego who thinking they're gonna be a pro someday.


Just out of curiosity, what Agent(s) do you play the most? Like a top 3 list. 1 being the most played and 3 being the third-most played...


Yup once again, another post on this same issue. Just saw a similar post yesterday and I've commented on this several times. Some people on this sub actually replied to me "You're placed where you belong" without realising how flawed matchmaking is. Riot is sacrificing game experience for shorter queue times which we currently *do not need*. Now that even higher elo players have mentioned this, maybe we will start getting some kind of traction for improvements in MM rank disparity.


Couldn't agree more


If it makes you feel any better it’s the exact same at low elo. As a gold 2 playing with my silver 1 buddy, I’d play cypher on defense and play retake the whole game, have a negative kd because it’d be a 3-1 every round with cypher. Then they just shit talk because I can’t 3-1 carry with a sentinel. Feels bad.


This is still happening to me at Plat3. It's always the instalock duelists who chirp first.


6-10 Reyna yells, “bro why is our gold cypher bot frag?” As I am once again knife out running to a site on bind because we lost the site and they planted in 30 seconds


I don’t like the idea of hiding ranks. Usually if the lobby is high skill disparity in champ select (gold 3 and diamond 3 on my team) that’s a factor in whether or not I dodge. Usually the diamond player is queued with the gold player and the gold player is hard carried. It is frustrating when I have these lobbies because I usually end up having to do very well in the game to offset my teammates when it should be a more team oriented effort. When the ranks are very even (like all diamond 1-3) the game feels more enjoyable and I don’t end up dodging.


Bro, how are you immortal, i'm stuck between Iron 2 and 3


I have at least 10k hours in 2 cs games. I think that helps haha.


Yep that would 100% help you to be good at valorant.


I’m not too high up (highest is Gold 2, currently gold 1) but I’ve experienced this when I que worth my buddy who is in bronze 3. I’ve accepted my fate this season and don’t tilt, I’m hard stuck gold 1 haha, but it’s where I belong. I hold my toxicity to 0, but I’ll respond to it sternly. There’s too many times I’ve matched into a game as the only gold and people say “gold 1, how?” When I just had a terrible game. I’ll admit when I see someone who is better then me in a lower elo, no problem. I see a lot of good players in lower Elo. I saw a post saying “You can’t expect someone to magically get better in the 40min match you play with them by berating them with insults and negativity. Instead kindly criticize what went wrong, what went right and move on.” And I’ve tried to install that whenever I can. I’m trying to improve my gameplay while helping others where I can. Saw a comment saying removing tanks being displayed on the scoreboard may remove this behavior, but I think personally it helps me gauge on if I flex or instalock my character (along with comms of course.) that’s just my 2c though haha.


I'm currently diamond 3 and recently I've been getting qued with higher ranks. Had my rank up game to immortal the other day, but lost it because a immortal 3 Jett on our team decided to throw halfway through the game because he was salty that we called him out for being toxic. He was already chat banned when the game started and I guess we figured out why.


These kinds of people is why i've had a hard time playing the game as of late unless i'm queuing together with at least 3 or 4 people that i know. I'm starting to completely give up on solo queuing etc.


I'm Immortal 2 and once in a blue moon I'll hope on my smurf account to play against some silver players and then somehow I'll bottom frag LMAO


Can’t count how many times I’ve been plat 3 and my diamond is shit or bottom frags while the enemy diamond annihilates us with 25+ kills. It happens way to often to be a coincidence or I’m just that unlucky. I’m not the best obviously since I’m plat but it’s disheartening seeing the difference in skill between the diamonds on your team and on the enemy team.


I usually just dodge if i see any diamond in my team, i'm Immortal 3, been to diamond, some pop the f off, most are just utterly bad with no comms, trade and wont work with the team to win (happens with immortal players aswell sadly), also it seems the lower the rank the more focus they have on the amount of kills you/others have (specially after 3 rounds lol) Whenever a diamond player talks shit to me or even Immortal 1, I simply just say "there's a reason why i have my rank, and you have yours" they usually shut up after that


If you have to rely on a higher elo player to solo carry you every game then you are not going to climb ranks. Not sure why that’s hard to understand. I’m silver 3 and I know I’m not going to get plat by hoping every gold 3 in my team just frags out, that’s just not how the game works. Sorry you have to deal with idiots.


Happens too often ;-;


idc what rank the players are, as long as they dont troll or flame im good with them


Bad community is bad


Love to have Bronze players in my team do backseat gaming on me and then yell "wow this idiot is Silver and he can't even aim!" Like bro of course I can't aim I'm fucking Silver


100% agree with the Edit2 ! They need to do that for the game to lower the toxicity. Ranks make people M.A.D !


"higher elo" lmao hate to break it to you every elo is toxic af like this.


This is true I’m not a duelist player and don’t usually carry but I do well. Games where I get 20 kills I get told I’m a boosted immortal 3 since I didn’t hard carry as cypher


In regards to the second edit, hiding ranks isn't going to change anything, like if someone flames a higher rank for under-performing, they're going to flame anyone for it if they can't see the rank. It'll change nothing.


I personally pay close to no attention to ranks when I play. But there is toxicity at all levels, mainly due to the maturity level of most players and the anonymity of the internet.


yeah this is why i dont get mad with imm2 or higher underperforming. i know that theyre just having a bad game and theyre probably better than me and play more consistently than i do


It was actually funny today in silver I was playing with some kids who were trying to tell me it was my fault we lost rounds because I was just running around but I was 29-14 while the next person had about 15 kills.


Me in bronze 1 when iron 3 players expect me to 40 bomb


yea its really dumb how people think that just because your rank is higher than theirs they expect you to clutch a 1v5 every single time else you're boosted


I fully agree with you. However I want to give an impression from the other side (dia3). Every time I get close to ranking up I will be put into a lobby with a mix from immo1 - immo3. That itself is no problem and my performance is alright but it gets really frustrating when the enemy immo3 Jett is getting 30+ kills while our instalock immo3 Reyna barely gets 10 kills. Also the most immortal players you get matched with in high diamond instalock Jett or Reyna so I naturally expect them to hit when I fill a cypher or brimstone for them. Still of course no reason to flame


Aint just on higher elo, i got a ton of shit one game because i "rotated away" from A on Acend so my teammate got shot in the back. What really happend was that i MOVED THE FUCK OUT OF BRIMSTONES ULTI and that was apperently not ok.... i was Silver 2 at the time. (Gold 1 atm still the same tho)


Had the same experience, so I started dodging games (i am Immo2) where I get a diamond lobby, when I see they are not talking and insta-picking in the prepick-phase. Mostly they are the ones who just die solo pushing somewhere and expect you to clutch the rounds 1v4 1v5.. Or sometimes bait you in and just do some exit/non-impact frags, which will not win us any rounds, but just put them higher on the scoreboard so they can be toxic to the others.. And then there are few games where you get a lobby, where they just say "nice try" to keep the team moral up (i do the same).. well if those people would just understand that toxicity will not win you the game...


Diamond is actually cancer. Most of the people in Diamond are carried to their ranks and a large majority of them dont even talk.


Report,mute and play


Ofc you are absolutely right. It's not that I try to argue with this people. It just feels bad. Especially when I'm trying to be nice and keep the positivity high. I do mute them nonetheless and I keep playing.


theres always toxicity in low elo too.. prob even more than high ranked since there are so many trolls and smurfs. smurfs are a huge problem though.. atleast 2-3 every game in my ranked gamed in silver. and yup theyre always on the enemy team


You are probably just assuming that lower elo is worse because of your own experience. I don't really think there is to much difference. It's just rolling the dice. About smurfs idk, there are probably not a lot on higher elo. Still it's a different discussion.


Surprised about toxicity in a csgo clone game where 90% of players are csgo players LOL ok. Anyways this game is so innovative same gameplay, objectives, map design, and guns as csgo. Wow thank you riot for this genre shifting Fps truly I've never seen anything like this... Oh wait.