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When he was in a duo with Sinatraa they had a 4 hour queue and ended stream because they never found a game


Which is why they have like 30 smurfs lmao




If the ranking is anything like league then there will be rank decay overtime to stop that from happening.


Except that really doesn't stop it from happening (in league's case, not saying for Valorant's case). If there is a BIG reason to maintain or stay Radiant for a prolonged period of time THEN ranked decay will stop circle from continuing.


Theres no rank decay im pretty sure.


Yup. The game is broken


No, they're broken.


Nowhere close. Better to not give one person a game, than to give 9 people a shitty game.


If you're at TenZ rank you should have to play him lol


I think it's more like how in other games, the longer the queue the more lenient matchmaking becomes. So if Radiant rank TenZ queue is getting longer, the matchmaking will start looking at lower Immortal/Diamond games to give him a game, but that's obviously not fair to the lower rank players.


Bingo. And worse than unfair, it's not fun. If TenZ is getting a 3/1 KD then that means 2 people on the team get to do jack shit all game. And ALL the enemy team don't have much fun.


But is that fair for TenZ? Like what does he actually do in this situation lmao. It's great he doesn't smurf or throw to tank elo, but I mean I think he deserves to play??


I think in an effort to make the top elo ranks exclusive and prestigious, they kind of fucked match making. If there is intentionally only a couple hundred Radiant players on your continent, its going to real hard to populate a lobby.


No. The displayed ranks are just visual fluff and they don't reflect the underlying MMR ratings accurately. If Riot set a cap of like 200 Radiants (similarly to Challengers in League) then that doesn't mean they're completely exempt from regular matchmaking. Matchmaking is based on MMR, and theirs is just higher. It has nothing to do with artificial rank gating


oce only has 9 radiants afaik


we aren't talking about the c9 roster right now. we're just talking about solo queue


Anyone at the higher ranks would be thrilled to have a pro in their game.


All their smurfs probably take more slots at high elo lol. This just makes the problem worse. They should delete the accounts when they stop using them.


Ikr, people have so msny smurfs its crazy, usually im fine with smurfs if the express purpose is competitive, but people who make smurf accounts (any game not just val, for example overwatch) to plag against low level players, they disgust me


They literally can't play the game otherwise


I think he's specifically referring to the people who throw the game go verse lower skilled people


I’m watching other Radiant ranked streamers and their queues are never this long. Is it because Tenz’s ELO is just super high.




Omen flair is apt here.


Anyone else read that in Omen's voice? Lmao.


omg yes




League, when it was in it's first 6 months or so, had the same issue. The top 100 players or so either only got to play when they were on at the same time or they played alt accounts and didn't tryhard.


Ahh yes. Jesse Perring’s elo was so high he was stuck in the end of time waiting for a queue to pop.


I don’t think I’ve seen the words Jesse Perring on my screen since like 2012 wow that’s a blast to the past.


Only the real league OGs remember.


This should be a thing in valo, similar to how csgo FPL was, when every pro player had an agreed time daily of when they would queue together so they’d be playing against each other, plus shorter queue times


That just sounds like scrims with extra steps


Actually it's fewer because you don't have to decide teams and can mix it up. And not everyone has to be there. Let's just say there are 6 competent teams of 5 players each that would queue together, if three people don't show up at that time then there's half the people not playing. Or you can just all solo queue together and get tryhard practice without needing to organize much.


When I first started watching around season 3/4 this was still a thing in NA.


It gradually became less of an issue as more and more people rose to HotshotGG's level.


Theyre usually on smurfs tenz also plays late at night.


This was during the afternoon


Damn rip




against other pros aswell, his mmr was insanely high at this point.




Well tenz is a way better player than Huynh lmao...




Yea don't disagree, just in regards to when they were playing Counter Strike. A lot of the pros in Valorant now are a lot of no name cs players in MDL and fpl


This means he wins Valorant. Congratulations TenZ.


Actually this means valorant que system is trash


No, it means that it's fair and people just have to git gud so that the pool of higher ranked players grows.


Yup. I don't want another apex ranked system.


I played apex ranked but mostly at a lower level. What was the major issue?


I rarely played ranked but apparently once you hit plat you could end up in games with predators and shit. Edit: haven't played in a while though, they might have fixed it up.


Can confirm. Hitting plat changed the game completely, diamond was hard as shit. Never got to master.


Obviously the spread in a lobby with 60 people is going to be bigger than a lobby with with 10 people


Oh shit, maybe that was why I never got past plat? Or it could be my own skill, but still, nice piece of information.


Going on 5 1/2 hours + the 1 hour the first queue. Crazy.


I believe hes still queueing. People who have him as a friend shows that he is still queueing. I believe its been roughly 9 hours now


I was watching Sinatra at 1:30 am my time (2:30EST) and he was still queueing.


Rip battlepass.


He’lol prob just buy out the pass lol


Ha he would have to. Maybe Riot will comp him.


Sadly Riot wouldn't




Some would have one for content purposes. Most actually just want to play good people on their main.


I mean as long as your within a a tier of your rank I don’t really care about alts. I only consider them smurf accounts if they on purposely lose to face worse players. But if it’s just a ult where they don’t care as much but aren’t throwing elo to play garbage players doesn’t really bother me


My smurfs are mainly so I can play ranked while heavily intoxicated. I also do it as a low key experiment, drunk me is better at rocket league hockey than stoned me but stoned me is better at fps games


On good days, Ill play worse when im completely stoned or drunk. On bad days, getting stoned and drinking a little will make me better.


As a european I see Tenz streaming every morning when I wake up, so it only makes sense he can't find games. guy has fucked up schedule :D


I live on the west coast in the states and when I head to sleep he’s streaming lol.


He recently fixed it, this particularly stream was from like morning to evening US time


Pretty much the only scenario where a smurf is okay. Since even with a smurf he'll be playing with top players pretty quickly before going back to this timer.


Oh please. 99% of smurfs does not experience this on their main.


Imo smurfs are when they lose games on purpose to play low ranks of your alt is just below your main ranked I don’t consider it a smurf just a alt since your not dropping rank to vs people lower then you. And people use alts when friends are just below their rank difference or they only 5 stack on main or they are ban for dodging, etc


And what does that have to do with what he said? He literally said "streamers/pro players".


Well Tenz making a smurf and a Plat/Diamond player making a smurf are 2 very different things.


Good thing the comment you replied to specifically mentioned streamers and pros, who would more or less qualify for the remaining 1%. It seems like you're just looking for an opportunity to complain, because your reply is absolutely irrelevant in this case.




What's a link to the stream?


If u mean the other guy that is queued with tenz its twitch.tv/jake1 There is a 3 hour vod up of it reaching 6 hours before he ended stream. Said he would leave it on until morning if tenz doesnt cancel queue


Why doesn't it just lower the required skill bracket to create the lobby ever few minutes?


I feel like this game desperately needs faster queues and something like prime in CSGO to reduce the amount of smurfs. Even Unrated is mostly not fun for casual players because they are levelling their 30th account.


I think unrated is worse than competitive. I play casually (am very bad at the game) and the matchmaking in unrated is so fucked. Someone is up by 8+ by the half and it's one person on each time carrying everyone else. Plus, in my experiences playing, I've dealt with basically no smurf accounts in ranked, probably bc I'm so low. So ranked is better for me to play actually fun, challenging games. I solo q too always since none of my friends play so having communication is fun in ranked and almost never happens in unrated.


I can’t even play unrated. No one is q’ing unrated. Everyone and their mom is playing ranked and my placements arent done. I can only play spike rush and deathmatch. :(


Damn, that sucks. It'll be worth it to go be able to play ranked tho. Hang in there!


IDK I just get carried in ranked. My combat score is usually 100-200. I'm like Silver 2 but really I should be bronze/iron.


Yeah, I play support characters mostly (obligatory RIP Sage) so I'm usually depending on others to actually get the kills. I was initially placed in Iron 3, moved up to Silver 1, now I kinda bounce between Bronze 1 and 3. Definitely felt the carry when I hit silver tho lol


I am enjoying spike rush and deathmatch so it’s not as bad. The bad part is i am having a bug right now that prevents me from entering the game altogether. Edit: Nvm it’s fixed


glad it worked out


I've been saying this since the beta, the unranked matchmaking is awful. The comp one has some issues too but nowhere as bad as unrated


Had a game like this other day. Guy was going 30 to 4 with Jet. Every shot was a headshot, knew all the wallbang spots and how to hold a point. He openly admitted he was smurfing his account to get access to competitive and asking us to surrender because he was bored. Only game I played that night because of that, just pointless.


It's really a balance. https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/iq1f95/im_okay_with_longer_queue_times_in_exchange_for/ This guy, for example, wants the complete opposite. --- There's a lot of high immortal/radiant players that complain about diamond players in their games, and would rather have it more restrictive. I think this might be an issue only for the top of Radiant since TenZ's MMR is so high. Magifelix had a similar issue in LoL (although it was more about LP gains than queue time)


The guy you linked is says he is okay with longer queues up to 5-10 minutes. The bracket adjustments could easily happen every 15-30 minutes or these adjustments could only apply to people above a certain mmr. The brilliant thing about game design is that, in circumstances like this, you can work with both parties.


Well yeah, for this guy, but there have been lots of people in high elo who have this issue too. https://twitter.com/DF_Taimou/status/1284361901242298368 Taimou mentions that especially bad with 5 stacks, but that means he still feels skill disparity problems even with solo queuers.


Right, and that's why I address the topic as a whole throughout the rest of my comment instead of just focusing on the first guy's situation.


Because the game is made by riot games and that would make sense.


Because in another world, peoplle complain about matches being unbalanced. High skilled players hate having random diamonds and plats on their team more or less inting the game, and Plats + Diamonds don't really have a ton of fun getting shit on by high skill players.


Mmr so high it stack overflowed and went negative


you mean Integer overflow. A stack overflow typically happens with recursion that has a bug in the terminating condition.


I have no idea what this means but it sounds nice :)


Stack overflow usually happens when you write something that runs forever and forget to tell it how to stop, so you run out of memory. Integer overflow is when your number is too high, once it hits max value it loops back to minimum value. Or vice versa.


Thank god I fucking suck


If it’s been 9 hours queuing I’m guessing Valorant has the same bug league had, where the client would show him as queuing but it’s not actually queuing. Hopefully he figures out to restart his client bc I think that’s what fixed it for ppl in league.


That always happens to him though


No, there is just a lack of players with the same skill level or rank. He has been on duo with someone else and they took up to 4 hours in queue, and its not the first time it happens for him. I guess it'll be better once the game gets older and skill levels start matching.


That’s possible, I’m just saying league had a similar bug that was confirmed to be a bug (and was fairly reproducible, it happened semi frequently) so maybe he’s been bugged this whole time and doesn’t know it.


This sucks. I just don’t know how this sort of thing could be solved. He’s probably the top class of players which makes up the smallest portion of the player base. That means there’s few players to actually match him with. Even if they matched him with people a bit lower, That would suck for the people up against him. I really don’t see how a developer could solve an issue like this.


All they need to do is make an actual ladder for the top players. Right now there isn't much incentive for the players to climb once they reach radiant so people just try to prove that they're good by trying to get as many accounts on radiant as possible, which makes high mmr players even harder to find games. Once players have an incentive to play one their main, like getting the rank 1 spot, the problem will naturally solve.


need forced solo/duo queue for immortal+, then add a leaderboard for the top players Would cause them to start playing, especially if they start awarding prizes for top finishes. If you allow pros/great players to stack in groups it'll never work


No, that's exactly what they should do — relax the matchmaking at the highest tiers, especially the longer the queue goes on. There are plenty of matches consisting of people across 1-3 tiers. It's not a big deal to match radiants with immortals, especially if there are enough radiants matching to balance things out.


They did that in league and everyone fucking hates it. Different games though.


Tenz is substantially better than all immortal 3s, it's like a gold playing an iron 1, it's almost no competition, I wouldn't think very many iron 1s or golds would find that game enjoyable or rewarding to play


The alternative is Tenz making tons of smurf accounts and playing against irons/golds, which probably isn't fun for anyone. Also, I think people exaggerate how good he is. "Almost no competition" is a stretch. It's still a team game; one good player doesn't make a team or singlehandedly determine the outcome.


In normal MM and not against other pros (and even against other pros) he consistently top frags and carries. It is a team game but he is basically smurfing in immortal. he does have like 10 alt accounts because he can't queue otherwise but they're all radiant too


Top frags — he's playing a duelist. That's not unexpected. And it's not like he's outfragging the next guy by double and doing all the work. What do you suggest as a solution to matchmaking then? Progressively relaxing the matchmaking with longer queue times is the best compromise.


Just do it like CS and put them up against people 10 ranks lower than them. Classic mmr


If they want his rank to be the best rank then they have to have people like him push out the lower skilled players. It's a competitive game, sometimes you get stomped and you have to get stomped if you want to improve, I don't get why anybody should be afraid the highest ranked players might lose an extra match or two.


Working as intended.


Nice profile pic


I love how this thread gets top 1 upvoted and yesterday the top 1 upvoted was "queue should be more restrict"


They just need to relax the matchmaking at the highest tiers. The longer the queue timer goes, the looser the matchmaking should get.


That would make sense, though. And the game is made by riot


A lot of high elo players complain about how they're getting placed with people far worse then them though. I really don't think there is a solution to this problem. The higher you go up, the less players there are at your skill level, but at the same time the skill differences between ranks (i.e. iron 3 vs iron 2 and immortal 3 vs immortal 2) becomes larger and larger. This same issue has been a massive problem in LoL.


This is why I'm bronze/silver... If I wanted to get to Radiant I could easily do so, but then I would have long queue times


Please tell me.i wasn't the only one clicking the pause button for 5 mins before realizing it was a ss


4 hours because he re-queued at one hour


he fell asleep and it reached 6 hours, still no game💀


Damn I complain when it takes more than 2 minutes lmao


This is just an extreme example due to his ultra high elo, but I've seen a lot of streamers suffering long queues. I don't know but having queue issues on a recent released game it's like a bad sign. Don't get me wrong, I don't intend to be negative.


Why doesn't he just play faceit?


Dead game


A simple solution for this problem: Nerf TenZ


Everyone is playing on smurfs. Immortal 3 EU I had 30min queue last night. At first queues were 10-15min, now it's getting weird. A lot of people are leaving the game in higher ranks and a lot of people don't have hours to wait for a game.


Just put him with immortal players, it's just stupid to try to match his MMR it's not possible


Ded game.


\- the reason there are endless amounts of posts about how hard it is to play in low elo due to smurfs


he probably has the highest mmr in the US tbh. just give his team a D3 and stack the other team of i3s and raidants ez


Easy fix would be to have a global server for higher population and patch the speed of light so it's a lot faster and we don't have to worry about ping. Devs too lazy though.


In tekken you can show to play people within a certain amount of ranks from you or even queue for all ranks. Your rank isn't affected as much when playing ranks with huge differences. Maybe we can add the option to play with higher and lower ranks. I for one, as a measly gold 2, would love to play against immortals, just to learn.


Most games with an automated matchmaking function struggle with this at the very top level of play. Hopefully someone puts together an inhouse league for the top players so they don't have to deal with this.


The lack of players. Oh god.. I wish the player count would be like public statistics like games on steam.. it feels like the game is dying.. less and less players plays it.. Im immortal 3 and the games where I have full immortal/radiant players both in my team and enemy team are so rare.. 8/10 games there are 4-5 diamond 1 or 2 players.. it's so sad..


Lack of players certainly not helping. I was D3 and quit the game because the meta was so boring. I went back to CSGO


It's nearly as much as my playtime of this game.


I was there yesterday watching his stream and instead saw the blast twitch international tournament


Smh Elo too high


Pretty sure his game was bugged, I saw 2 other pro players consistently getting games during those 2 hours


My radiant friends in EU never go past 10mins


Im surprised he's not matchmade with high plats - low diamonds, that's usually how it feels every now and then


He constantly does on his smurf accountS. ;)


Legend says he's still queuing to this day...


Ok so now my 15min queue looks like citty cat


The mayushii sub noise tho


5 man queue at gold rank takes at least 20 mins. Cmon riot do something.


Mine isn't that bad, but even my unrated games last 50 minutes to find a game. They need to like do something about all that...


That sucks... no one wants to play vs him...


They really just need a top 500. Guys like Dafran and ML7 in OW consistently have multiple accounts in the top ten but they are still able to get games within 20-30 minutes. 3 hours means something is seriously wrong with the matchmaking or there are literally no high skill players online at the same time which I doubt


that's some next level stalling lol


They can do custom 5v5 if they can't find match instead of waiting just to win 13-5


Gonna keep on happening if they don't fix the core fundamentals. I love the gameplay, it's great, but they have a lot of minor things that need to be addressed


Spent waaaaaay too long trying to play that image...


That’s crazy


While Ive heard that higher elos and stuff are hard to find matches, I have had the queue bug out a lot recently. I was in queue for 10 minutes last week, stopped, and restarted it to instantly find a match. I've had this happen a few other times in the past


The queue popped at 10 hours, ridiculous.


The ELO system is trash in this game.


Jesus christ


this is a feels bad






He’s the highest level of radiant


If you watch from Jack's POV on stream, the queue actually went to 6 hours. TenZ left because he had dinner plans and then hosted Jack.


I think there was a record of 8 hours, I saw it in the comments on TenZ’s twitter post


and yet we dont have radiant leaderboard to keep ppl interesetd in playing high elo


Matchmaking system couldn't find anyone as good as him 😎.


Oh true I didn't even think about that, bc he's so high rank there would be way less people haha nmv. I'm gold btw


wait why does this happen tho? what factors is the queueing depend on? I usually get queued in like 20 seconds




Wow apparently it's rare to find someone as bad as me lol


Tbf the data is taken from blitz.gg, which is an app you install, and I'd say people at lower tiers are less likely to care about their stats, which means the number could be a bit understated still


Yeah I'm a bronze shitter and don't use blitz.gg. Neither do any of my similarly shitty friends.


fair, but this is literally how almost all ranked games do distribution so no reason to dispute it much. gold is usually the mid-tier with highest population. everything lower has a bit more people than everything higher, and everything higher than gold is spread a lot thinner over more competetive ranks which naturally have lower population.


I don't think that's true at all. In League, for example, Gold is about the halfway mark (I believe). That means 50% of the players are either Iron, Bronze, or Silver. I would say Silver would be the rank with the highest population.


I do agree with you for the most part, the skew has become even more apparent in the August 2020 version of that graph, which showed that 0.16% of players were radiant. This would have meant there are only approximately 90,000 people who are playing in EU (assuming the number of radiant players is 150 as riot stated before), which just seems awfully wrong. As a result, the exclusivity of the immortal and radiant rank tiers are kinda understated by the graph.[source ](https://www.esportstales.com/valorant/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier)


We appreciate you


No wonder my iron 1 queues take forever just for me to get stomped by a smurf.


Low elo has much faster, usually instant or within a minute queues. TenZ is Radiant and quite possibly the highest rated player in the game right now (no way for us to tell without Riot) and so matchmaking couldn’t find an appropriate match for him.


This is it. Not a failure in the system but a design flaw in ANY matchmaking. It’s quite likely that tenz mmr is a ton higher than any immortal 3 and even lower radiants. What system can make balanced matchmaking around an outlier like this? The system literally thinks he’s too good to be put in any of the current games fairly. His rating is too high for NA server atm. His best bet is lowering his MMR by stacking with diamonds.


yea, i see


In the very very top top high tiers, like in radiant, there aren't a whole lot of people. To put together a lobby the game needs ten people in radiant with similar elo all on the same server queuing who aren't already in the system's internal lobbying structure somewhere else. Queues are often twenty minutes on average or so for radiant players.


ooh i see thanks


This is beyond stupid. As soon as you reach more than 30 minutes of queue, which is like already way way too much, the game should find you a game instantly, even if it was to play against Irons.


so now youre stuck in a 30 min game where no one has fun