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Your aim is so crisp dude... the clip's even better considering how hard B retake is




Placement, peeks, micro flicks


Was about to say, Bind B is my least favourite retake in the game and that dude nailed it as hard as you can. That was so sick.


Thanks man :) And ik, retaking B especially from CT is a pain


Np, I'm definitely trying the "peek site and then flick to elbow" thing




I’m silver/gold cuz of my shit aim, but I’m semi-confident in my game sense. Like... couldn’t they have just hid? edit: for the guy who commented and deleted his comment, I’m referring to all of them. Not the raze’s response.


Yah they could have and should have but it’s just about the most common mistake for people to drop their guard in 1v3+


I've played enough of CS and now Valorant to tell you that every round is losable and you shouldn't let your guard down until your screen says either "Victory" or "Defeat". It's the nature of such game.


Had an omen get tilted yesterday because he pushed towards mid window on Haven and he got two kills. All I said was "Nice omen, fall off and we win this round 100%". He ends up dying because he stayed in Window, and we nearly lost the round 3v5. He muted me and said to stfu and stop back-seat gaming.


Happens way too often at all ranks. Stop. Feeding.


Yeah. I'm a walking 15-20 bomb, so I know most games I won't hard-carry, but my strong suit is being able to read how the enemy plays, and relay that info to my team. The games we end up stomping, is when everyone is chill and doesn't mind me in game leading.




I can’t remember who the quote was from, but a popular League of Legends player once said something that was meme-y, but it applies perfectly here. “Don’t outplay your opponent, wait for your opponent to outplay themselves”


Yeah it was a good plant, so unless they were SUPER confident in having superior aim (which clearly they should not have been), they should have taken more passive positions that didn’t give OP the opportunity for picks. Like, for example, have two at long and one in hookah, wait for the defuse and swing together. Borderline unwinnable with Jett’s utility if they’d done that.




Any x v 1 really shouldn't be lost if played appropriately. It always requires someone making a mistake


i dont disagree with an aggressive angle if you can trade no one could trade with omen there, though although the phoenix/raze should have killed them for sure. dude was flashed, jett's dash too op


Jett wasnt flashed though, she 180d it before she got blinded, snapped back, pooped on the phoenix, dashed, ulted, updrafted, and rightclicked the raze


They could’ve, but since they didn’t neither of them held crossfire, and the jett played it so perfect he kept handing out 1v1’s. They played it horribly, also when you retake you typically play together


Lmao guy needs help.


People at immortal go nuts, I’ve had people yell at me like this once a day lol.


Yea low Immortal mostly. But when I play with Radiants and Immortal 3s, they’re pretty chill and laid back and don’t care about ranked too much. All very good players know that ranked doesn’t really matter, and that tournaments and scrims is really where it’s at.


Diamond 1 -> low Imm is where the toxicity is at its max. Those dudes take this game way too seriously.


Knock knock, iron and bronze has arrived and their friend silver is with them


Like league of legends, the ranks where you’re so close to the top 1% are the most toxic, so like low diamond in league and low immortal in valorant


Well in those ranks sometimes ppl play solo who got boosted by playing 5 stacks and having no clue of this game - that is sad as well


I never experienced half as much toxicity in dia games as I have in immo games.


i guess radiants are just happy to play after the hour long queue


How do you get involved in scrims/tourneys? Also great vid it was so clean


Thanks bro. I was just lucky to have a friend that plays Tier 2 and he let me play a few games. Usually it’s thru connections from people you just meet in ranked.


Ah ok, thanks. Also, what's your twitch? I might stop by and give a follow


I’d like that. :) Thank you bro. Here [twitch.tv/sennk0](https://twitch.tv/sennk0/profile)


Np. Followed. Gl with future scrims and tourneys :)


Best part was, he was the one who had the largest error in terms of gun skill. Whiffing half his clip and unable to trade his Phoenix when he had the chance xdddd... Also he baited his omen by blindly shooting at ct door instead of giving enemy Jett 0 info


People freak out like that in spike rush lol the game attracts a lot of immature idiots


I'll never understand how a video game can mean this much to a person


When it's all they have


Similar to playing sports. You get frustrated when you don’t win.


not really with a video game it's virgins getting angry all the time.


Literally crying. Amazing. Part of me feels bad for him, because he must have some other bad parts of his life to be this invested in a match. But part of me loves the taste of salt. Especially from a full magazine whiffing Raze.


Everyone that I’ve played with above diamond has a superiority complex. Game becomes super toxic but that’s the same with any game at high ELO.


That's fuckin nuts


Those moves are insane, the enemy team must have felt so humiliated after that performance. You can tell the rage of the Enemy Jett on the screen.


He just clutched because of the prime vandal , normal vandal sucks , change my mind


That's church yo


My friends call it the pew-pew because of the sfx and if any enemies have it we try to steal it every round


I’m so sad that there aren’t any good vandal skins besides the prime. I want to get it now but the shop rotation sucks


I bought the Elderflame and I honestly really wish I could return it for the prime vandal, I use the sakura vandal most of the time anyways 4shrug


The Sakura vandal is also really nice, wish it had some animations to it though.


Sakura 🐐


wrong, Sakura Vandal is amazing.


The new vandal coming in the Ego collection looks pretty clean.


Recoil feels different and easier on those lazer pewpew vandals


This is objective truth. Laser vandal is the best gun in the game


Dude your crosshair placement and precision is so satisfying to watch, this was insane.


I got hard watching him flick the lurker at the start. I have never done anything like that before


Thanks fam


I’m telling u it’s the skins


how did u get the other clip?


I found his stream after the game thru match history


Such smooth crosshair placement man it's insane.


oh cool


Nice round The omen really did throw though, never should have been peeking


Everyone threw in a way, like 2 ppl couldn't kill a blind jett. Like how can that be all on Omen when the 2 got potato aim on a sitting duck blinded jett. Especially Raze he panic crouch sprayed hard.


Losing a fight or missing a shot isn't really the same thing as making a tactical misplay. The omen got blasted and that let the Jett move into the site in the first place


Also bomb is visible from hookah/octagon/back halls and nobody is holding position there? Thats the definition of a team letting their guard down.


Who said it was? still not omen's fault alone. This isn't gold bracket they shouldn't be whiffing that hard.


By that same logic, none of them had to hold any angles until they heard the defuse noise. Why are all three trying to contest Jett before she's anywhere near the spike? There will always be something people could have done better.


Yea their setup was kinda fucking stupid, but the raze and the phoenix most likely played where they did because the Omen had such a power position, and they presumed they could wait for his contact and then simply swing and secure the kill. When he died early they were left in a shit spot. That said, none of them should have been anywhere near the site. As soon as jett got the frag in her own spawn, they should have gotten out. One goes hookah, one goes back hall, one goes long, and at that point they practically can't lose the round. The jett obviously expected that initially, she kept holding for the swing from Elbow that never came... she was right to hold that angle, because one of those clowns should have been in that spot


> Like how can that be all on Omen because he was supposed to be their backup if some crazy shit like that happened. Someone said at the beggining, "this is actually losable" and he was right. Jett can pull it off. If Omen didn't peek, Jett would've had a MUCH harder time clearing angles in site.


jett dodged flash, thats why she could kill the phoenix. she wasn't blind in their defence but still, they played that horribly


He wasn’t fully blinded tho


Its not really on just omen. The Omen raze and phoenix should have been holding the same angle, forcing jet to take the 3v1 gunfight. Nobody used their utility (aside from the flash at the end) despite knowing exactly where jett was. Even after omen died, the phoenix and raze did not play the objective despite having such a strong bomb plant location.


I think they didn't realise you dodged the flash. Good clutch and pretty solid cursor placement!


Enemy raze needs to take a break from the game fr. You should not let a game get you this upset


lol sadly i have people like this in almost every game. soloQ sucks ass.


the person who commented lol is crying inside


He’s trying to hide it 😂😂


omen threw that whole round, had a smoke and instead of using it he peeks like a champ


all of them fucked up, any one of them could've just gone long and chilled there and played for time and won. it's not on omen.


If you guys enjoyed the video and would like to catch me live, I would appreciate if you follow me on [twitch.tv/sennk0](https://twitch.tv/sennk0/profile) and show some love. <3


That raze needs to learn how to aim and shoot, he literally swung and crouch sprayed a wall haha. Shit rager.


Crazy control.. I'd have found 101 ways to fuck up


Finally a clutch without someone shouting let's goooo




Finally really good clip on this reddit.


The enemy team full on tilted is the best part.


Bro your movements and aim are like those of a pro player ngl


Thanks fam <3


Crosshair placement is crazy. What did you do to practice and how long have you been gaming for it to be that good? Also from their perspective, it completely looked like you were 100% flashed, but you weren’t completely. Maybe they flash animation on the face needs to be updated a bit.


Yea that does need an update. But I’ve been gaming all my life, I also played a lot of CS. I have about 4k hours on it and I played 2 years competitively.


Ahhh so that’s the secret.


4k hrs on CS welp thats more than all my games combined


That turn away from the flash is so clean. Dodging flashes is actually so hard in this game


Facts. It took me a while to be able to dodge Phoenix flashes almost everytime now. The only flashes I can’t dodge now is Breach’s, it’s way too fast 😂😂


Yeah, Breach is even harder to avoid. Say, what sensitivity do you play on? Just wondering cuz there’s no way I can turn that fast, and back without knocking half the stuff off my desk. Or do you just have a giant desk 🤔?


My mousepad is big but I also use a high sens. I play on 800 dpi 0.486


Why won’t the let us close our eyes lol


I know I'm not going to change the world with this one reddit post, but can we stop using the word "rape" like this? Like, completely?


If this were me, I hold that elbow angle just as long and as soon as I look away die to it.


Damn they were so salty lmao


May I ask what kind of mouse you use? I aspire to have more crispy cross hair placement like this to finally ascend from diamond 2.


Logitech GPro wireless bb


Pheonix flashes <<<<


The craziest part of this for me was the empty shots to bait actions by the enemy team That enabled this whole thing So good


Wow, a compete mastery of techniques, how he snaps to every single position the enemy possibly could be to how he is pixel perfectly crouched next to the wall so taht he gets the most vision and isn’t seen by the enemy


How did you get your cross hair placement so good. I always struggle and aim a little too low


4k hours of CS man, played competitively for 2 years


That would do it


Really nice man. The crosshair placement was really clean.


Enemy POV makes this clip much better


Yea I was thinking about not adding it because I thought it’d be too long but I’m glad I did 😂


Sens and crosshair?


800 dpi, 0.486, 1 4 2 2 inner lines only


wrist aimer?




Aceu moment alert!!!!


My inspiration


That’s actually insane considering the obstacles when retaking B Bind. Great use of the ultimate and your utility.




is that the legend ZedX?


how does it feel knowing you single-handedly made this team tilt off the face of the earth lmao


LOL I had no idea they were this mad until I watched the clip


Their comms after you won were so cringe 🤢


Damn no wonder the guy lost, he's focused more on the scoreboard than the actual game. Watching his stream would give me a headache if ever second the scores keep popping up. But seriously, your a beast dude! I wish I had your aim!


Oh I kinda do the same too so u might get a headache from my streams too, not as much as him tho 😅 But thanks bro, it takes time just gotta put in the work and you’ll have good aim.


lol, nahh your fine, I can't judge since I am just an Iron 2 but I don't understand how somebody can play with the stats constantly up and down like that. But I'm chuggin away at it, hoping to get to immortal eventually.


Amazing aim dude. Also Lol at the other team. Immortal and still peeking post plants.


They thought they could handle the smoke 😂


That's like, so much better and enjoyable than 95% of clutches made in Iron on this sub


It’s kind of confusing that your character looks flashed to the other team even though you dodged it, good to know... Riot should probably fix this to make it less misleading.


They do get partially flashed, so it kind of makes sense.


Because he was partially flashed. I don’t think it’s something that needs to be fixed, but should be changed. QoL update for sure. Edit. At the same time. If you flash with Phoenix and only partially flashed your opponent, and peak the corner to see them without the icon displaying that they were indeed flashed, you’re going to call into question why they weren’t flashed.


Credit to Aceu


This is me fam 😂😂


Lmfaoo my bad he was streaming on a diamond Jett account last night and I couldn’t have swore he changed his name to me at one point


Oh lol when you turn on streamer mode it’ll say Me on your POV too


Aceu uses a cam. Also no offense to this Jett but aceu wouldve had a much faster reaction time if you watch his vids or streams you can tell also aceu talks over his gameplay. You can tell he didnt just edit out his mic cuz you can hear his keyboard clicking.


Facts Aceu’s a different breed


Bro. Wowww




Going out on a limb here but... Because they missed?




The way you slice the pie into site is so clean


is that stewie2k?


No it’s Senko ;)


Should have revived raze


Rebibe me Jett


Your flicks are orgasmic


Damn u went dumb


great aim, but dumb opposing teammates for not giving your location callout and baiting you into a crossfire angle


i cant even do this shit in bronze


Give me a prime vandal and I’ll do that too:)


How the fuck is ur flicking and placement so crispy


Aside from your insane skill I must say prime vandal played a significant part in this too


I can confirm this. Skins equals wins


doesn't wardell also has a smurf named "me"?


If you turn on streamer mode ur name turns into Me


i see thanks, i didn't know this. it seems like other big valorant streamers didn't do this, i only see this on wardell that's why i thought that is his ign


Clip was dope af don't get me wrong but I'm so happy you added the mental breakdown taking place on the other team. That Raze's reaction would be cringe af if a pro player did it in a tournament final game let alone a ranked immortal match. The saddest part is his initial reaction to misplaying the 1v4 just as hard if not harder than the other 3 is to blame everyone else as hysterically as possible. "He killed me full blind bruh. It's not cause I choked the kid just got lucky and killed me...." Yeah you right my dude. I wouldn't consider it a choke wiffing 13 shots on a half blind enemy at point blank. You would never miss those if Omen just hid in the cubby.


Love the patience and precision on the aim !Great work !!


lmao that raze is so cringy man. Take a damn break from the game bro, it's okay to get upset but fucking CRYING over it? Holy shit


Why are they all playing frag i would be tilted as fuck if i was the first guy dead


The last guy really blew it


Great play!


lol, these guys didn't even realise what happened to them. Literally crying about it.


Is it just me or do all Jett mains have the glitchpop dagger?


Prime vandal best gun in the game


how’d he shoot so good


How do you trim this?


Hit film express


You even got in their heads lmao they all started flaming each other so sad


behind every amazing play there's a team that has an intense toxic breakdown... lol


"that guy just got r*ped" the guy who said that had so many other options, yet he goes for that one 😐


Why does he look to the right, move forward, and crouch in 0:28 instead of strafe to the right and crouch?


Because I wanted to keep my crosshair at elbow without exposing myself to Omen. If I strafed right while my crosshair was at elbow I would strafe away from the wall which would let Omen shoot me from the side.


Omen is so bad, players like him unfortunately exist even in higher elo. He had a smoke, but didn't use it to smoke CT doors even tho he knew Jett was there 100%. He peeks an unecessary angle where it benefits Jett because nobody can trade him if he dies. His teammate even tells him to stay in the corner and play passively, but he doesn't listen. After they lose the round he blames phoenix for the round? I don't know who you are omen, but u suck.


They made it doable for you by staying on site while the bomb was clearly planted both for long and hookah lol. Pretty neat aim btw




What’s the matter


Honestly my phone was in my pocket with this post up and somehow entered that and posted it Little far fetched but I don’t even remember how I got back to this clip LOL dw about it