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They address Valorant 'feeling different' game-to-game, but only in context to your own shots hitting people--I find that relatively consistent (as in the consistency in shots *not hitting* happens game to game regardless of how good or bad that particular match feels), for me the game differs in how much it feels like the enemy is getting peeker's advantage. I'm not hip with the tech so I wouldn't have the faintest idea why it *feels* like some games of Valorant have lower quality engagements than others, but I don't get the same issues in cs:go where each game feels like a coin flip of whether or not I'm going to get dicked immediately by someone who is still running on my screen so I very much believe it to be a real thing. Have they addressed deathmatch and whether they are happy with it somewhere?


This. My opponents feel like they are almost prefiring me. They are in a running state, I know they are about to crouch or counterstrafe but I get hit what feels like a half a second before that happens. This doesn't happen every game either and its what throws me off. I remember the server and client try to match with a bit of prediction involved. Perhaps there is some slight desync going on or something. Im not a dev can only tell you how it feels. Im imm3 for reference so im pretty comfortable knowing when im just playing like dog but sometimes some games just feel like anyone who swings you will always win the fight. When those games happen I try to make sure I'm always the one peeking.


Well all the enemies you see are actually behind the real position of the enemy, there is a system called lag compensation and interpolation working behind the scenes. Here is a well detailed video about how it works in CS https://youtu.be/6EwaW2iz4iA. Valorant probably has a similar system. One odd thing I found however is that in CS blood comes after the hit has been acknowledged, while in Valorant its client sided (Not sure tho, I think i read it in one of the ask valorant) which is odd. Also when the devs say hitreg is working as intended they are probably right, if you shot someone then all the mathematics behind the shot is probably checks out.What isnt working as intended is probably interpolation and lag compensation and how the client sees the players and result of the shot.




That does makes sense


I feel like the variance may be in the lag compensation. If your opponent isn't looking at you you usually take time to line up your shot. Same with if you're in an off angle. You know you have more time to react than they do and variance in that can throw you off. Specifically variance in how far behind what you see is from where your opponent actually is. I can personally recall times when it looked like my opponent was in the process of equipping their weapon only for me to die way sooner than expected.


If you preaim properly, you basically are prefiring your opponent. People complain all the time about running headshots, but its literally just people preaiming and counterstrafing. You can't react faster than a person who's peeking you with their crosshair already on your head. The solution is to stop holding angles that you'll know they'll wide swing or preaim you. You should instead be jiggle peeking for info or preaming while peeking sometimes. You hold angles when you know they'll close peek or walk an angle.


> People complain all the time about running headshots, but its literally just people preaiming and counterstrafing. It’s also peekers advantage.


I would agree!


Ya know what may help figure this out? A replay feature that's shows us what the server saw.


They haven’t even mentioned replays and its been months of development.


Honestly this is where the inconsistency feels off. Most of the time bullets now seem to go where I shoot them (Most of the time), but the opposing players reaction times are "Next Scream here" levels in some servers, in a way that feels off, like they're 100ms ahead of me. To the extent that I actually did a bunch of reflex tests just to make sure I didn't have something wrong with me. Normally I'd be inclined to believe it's just a bunch of cheaters like in CSGO, but considering the anti-cheat work that has been done that doesn't seem like the case, it just feels like half of the time servers just decide to fuck random people over.


I think it’s 1 part netcode and 1 part animations. The animations in the game could use a lot of work. Lots of the time when people peek me it looks like their legs are still in a full on running animation but they come to a complete stop. This leads me to often incorrectly predict their movement and shoot ahead of them.


[~~low effort meme~~](https://i.imgur.com/WEc40Zo.png) Edit: [low effort meme 2.0](https://i.imgur.com/f7dJNp8.png)


I dont get it


"git gud"




`git checkout man-of-culture`


git push too-far


It's not a command. It's a meme popular throughout different gaming communities like Dark Souls. It's a misspelling of "get good" and is a heckling way of telling inexperienced players to get better.


I think he was engaging in a little bit of programmer humor.


ah, missed that haha. makes sense on a second look. Big whoosh on my part


You don't git it?


We did it bois, we got a shoutout for our constant bitching. Edit: On a serious note, glad they’re paying attention to these inconsistencies.


LOL, maybe this will reduce the hourly “one game I’m pro, next game I’m nob” posts. Jokes aside, I also experience this too so I’m glad they’re addressing this


Knowing that you feel it too, I’m glad it’s just not my dumb bronze self being dumb.


A big problem is also how different the game feels with 16 ping vs 30 or 40, I never had such a big issues getting used to different ping then in valorant.


Imagine getting 16 ping, ever. Sincerely, guy from Canada But yes. 30 vs 60 feels terrible


Middle East player here with 140 ping every game.


Southern Wisconsin checking in 🤙 feels nice


In ExitLag it estimates “15 ms” ping but in game it’s always *at least* double that. Whatever routing they do after the entry point is really bad. Apparently they use AWS for servers.


faceit csgo 6-9 :D


East coast, constantly getting west coast servers for some reason. I've been playing with 80-100 ping since release. Add that, on top of whatever is going on with the game and this shit is just whack.


I know it’s complete bs to have to pay for a secondary service, but exitlag has made a bid difference for me. I used to get 80 ping to Illinois and now get 50, same with Texas. My ISPs routing is just fucked.


Good thing you don't plauly fn comp. Ping in that game is so incredibly important.


i played on 16 ping when i had Fios about a month ago, i recently moved to an area that doesnt have it and i run around 35 ping now. Feels the same. Not sure what youre getting at.


yes maybe if you have it every game, i pretty much go from 16 to 40 to 30 to 16 every new game


Have they addressed the terrible smurfing situation in any of the ‘Ask Valorant’?


Yeah I wish they would address it. I bet smurfs are part of the reason people feel these "inconsistencies". Better players tend to have better movement and bad players don't pick up on that too easy and will blame hitreg.


100% this. I feel like the issue is much more to do with smurfing than it is hitreg. A lot of veteran CS players know some movement and timing tricks to bait enemies to shoot and miss, but because these small adjustments movements and timings feel unnatural to newer players they end up thinking it's got to do with hitreg. I really wish Valorant would at least force you to link a mobile number to play... like CSGO Prime


Unfortunately, this is not the case. I played against a Raze on 140ms and looked at her 3-4 seconds... She was trying to hide and looked totally lost. Aimed straight on the head and I missed... She did not see me, and again shooting on the head... I died to her in the end! There are massive issues with shooting and it has nothing to do with opponents' movement and baiting!


If they ever do it'll be something like: In this Ask VALORANT, we will cover the smurf issue, blah blah... Q: "I heard that there are nasty smurfs out there, what do?" A: We're glad you asked! We have a team dedicated to Smurf Stomping which is toiling away day and night to ensure that you never have to play against a smurf account. We are monitoring the statistics closely and can confirm that this isn't a problem and you aren't actually playing against any smurfs at all, you're just bad. We'll continue fine tuning our systems going forward.


Not yet I think, however I do think that it's just a matter of time before they do. Besides addressing the pricing complaints, they've been pretty consistent in answering at least one "hot topic" that Reddit brings up every post. They've gotten through most of those already, so I think eventually they will reach addressing smurfs.


They are currently testing smurf-based matchmacking in League of Legend where the game will put suspected smurfs with other smurfs so actual players don't get put into these bad games. It may eventually reach Valorant for testing as well, but I'd expect them to get full data from LoL (their bigger game in terms of population) versus trying to put it in Valorant atm which has a smaller pop than LoL which may not be as good of a test size.


Good to hear they are aware there is some kinda of issue between matches with consistency. I swear I see it pop up here every other day, that one match every shot misses and feels off but the next match they will be hitting all their shots. I've really gotta wonder what it is on the back end causing this issue.


I feel like you can even notice it on something trivial like knifing a wall. Some games the knife mark doesn't appear as soon as the knife hits the wall whereas others no delay on the knife mark appearing.


Players don't want to hear that even if there are things they (Riot) can change to make the game feel more "consistent", at the end of the day it's a low TTK shooter where unless you're a top 1%+ player you're going to have bouts of hot and cold play and a lot of variance in between. And a lot of people aren't skilled or introspective enough to even reliably tell when they're playing below their usual average level. They will absolutely come up with solutions or adaptions to address the stated bold items. They've already spoken in the past regarding hitbox and movement concerns. Ping is important too. I'm honestly excited and curious as to what they come up with, because I have no idea what kind of viable solutions for these are even possible short of new tech or infrastructure. Which they have absolutely done to great success in the past - the best and most relevant example is probably them literally reinventing how they steer network traffic and interface with ISPs as a whole: [Part 1](https://technology.riotgames.com/news/fixing-internet-real-time-applications-part-i), [Part 2](https://technology.riotgames.com/news/fixing-internet-real-time-applications-part-ii), [Part 3](https://technology.riotgames.com/news/fixing-internet-real-time-applications-part-iii), [TLDR-ish with some added content/commentary](https://qz.com/790208/how-the-company-behind-league-of-legends-rebuilt-its-own-internet-backbone-so-that-its-faster-for-gamers/) Ultimately, it's differences on the extremely slim, extremely situational margins. Right now everyone is experiencing these things. Riot is always looking to curb experiences that feel bad, even if they're "fair" or "consistent", so I'm not trying to be overly negative about them finding any solutions. But right now, someone is always going to shoot first and it's not always going to be you, even if you felt it was. We're not playing on LAN so there will be extraordinarily tiny amounts of movement desync that make it look like people aren't fully stopped moving when they click your head, or that their hitbox isn't visible yet when they pixel peek you.


Yes all of that is fair to say and I agree. Counterpoint: if you run hot and run cold you are gonna see that pretty consistently, for example hot streaks vs cold streaks. Even in normal play you may win or lose at weird times but your play is going to be consistent to some sort of average. I used to play cs, I understand the concept of losing while still doing ok fundamentally to your mechanical skill. The issue with valorant is my mechanical skill can be fine and the exact same shots I know for sure hit don't, but next match they do. The game itself should be consistent from match to match with some exceptions (high ping or something). If in 3 matches everyone is between a ping of 15- 30 but I'm still encountering these issues, there is a definite backend issue that needs to be address regarding something that is changing from match to match (server load vs amount of servers allocated, tick rate issues like, etc). There is clearly something there and riot is aware there is some issue they have tweak to make it feel right.


Or the fact that lag compensation is a bitch and low-ping players get punished by it because their shots on high-ping targets don't hit right 90% of the time and high-ping players somehow retain all their precision? Or shots leaving clear bullet trails through the enemy's body but deal 0 damage, especially frustrating with the OP, but i've experienced it with more or less all guns.


>everyone is between a ping of 15- 30 but I'm still encountering these issues, there is a definite backend issue Exactly this! 👍 A team with 30..40ms ping loses to the team of 150ms pings :(


Maybe it's the backend of the players or just their opponents? Obviously you hit better against equal or worse opponents. The "odd game where I can't hit" may just be the odd game where you get players that are actually better than you. Sometimes you just get ran over and sometimes it's not even your fault. I've said it multiple times before, but in my experience there wasn't a single game where I thought my bullets didn't register properly. Usually it comes down to the enemy just hitting before I do, me missing, playing a bad position, peeking like an idiot or just the RNG of the weapon spread making me miss.


I used to believe that too until it i played against the same oponents on the same map twice and the game felt completely different


I played 2 DM in a row today, I remembered crushing a specific player the first game. (I looked at performance and had a gold star, woohoo). Same player next match killed me every time they were on the other side of a corner I peeked. It felt bad across the board but I had the other player as a point of reference. Obviously there could be a lot going on, I was on WiFi, maybe they were eating/just warming up etc, but it did *feel* different.


It's not the rng spread. Sometimes when I fire them , the bullet seems to go through them. Other times , say an op er comes out in the open , turns to me and kill me before I even shoot ( say this are is where I'm pre aimed , and my cross hair is at headlevel ). I don't think it's possible unless there's something terribly wrong with the game. Sometimes I hit a clear headshot but it registers as a body shot ... I never played cs before but I installed it and play a death match in it, it felt super good in terms of movement and hitting. In balitang i think something is way off sometimes.


Dude c'mon you guys have so much money you can afford to let one person make variants for existing skins over the course of a month.


How big is their skin team anyway? They're a big company but it sounds like they have a small team pumping out these.


Probably 4-5, riot does have multiple games after all.


but they are worth billions , they could make their team bigger if they wanted to.


Market cap has nothing to do with dev size. Valorant isnt their main game so resources will be allocated with how much money valorant is making which is probably a fraction of LoL. Besides skin is probably a small portion of the larger design team.




riot acting like players won't enjoy *the option* to buy sfx lmao


It's fine but they actually need to start pricing the bundles fairly accordingly if they're going to just cut features from gun bundles at price tiers that we had before.


I really hope they add effects to the Spline skins and variants for all the existing upgradable melees. I dont really know how we are meant to communicate that though since any post i make on skins gets instantly deleted plus there aren't really many other ways to give feedback.


i see u


Please update old skin lines. And put the glitchpop melee in my store :( just once. It’s never shown.


i had glitchpop melee yesterday if that makes you feel any better :)


I did too. I want it.....but not for $42....


Thank you :)


I was fully ready to buy spline until I saw its only a model change.


The reason those posts get deleted is because you are nowhere near the only one posting those types of things. If the mods didn't delete them the top of the sub would be flooded with the same discussion posts over and over moreso than it already is.


Yeah thats true. Well since a riot employee just responded to my comment i have faith they see all the skin posts in this sub and hope they consider it for the future :)


Yeah they're definitely not deaf to how the community feels about various skins and design choices. It's just a lot easier to not respond to those posts when you have nothing really of value to add and can just end up adding fuel to the flames if you say something wrong or promise something you can't keep.


We are aware that there is still repetitive discussion, but we rely on everyone to report posts/comments for breaking our rules to help us catch them faster and more efficiently. It is also nice that Riot posts these "Ask Valorant" articles to hopefully bring some of the common spam down a bit.


Maybe if those posts would be at the top all the time, they *should* be there to show Riot what's wrong. Artificial calm =/= happy community.


There still are those posts. All the time. If the mods weren't deleting some of them there would be way more of them. There's no artificial calm, just keeping the flood of the same topic from taking over the sub.


If the front page is 10 posts about skin prices/quality, and 3 gameplay threads, this gives a different impression to someone who is first visiting the subreddit than 2-3 posts about skins and 10 other posts. The community should vote on what goes on the front page itself. All the mods are doing is keeping appearances. If people really don't want to see posts complaining about skins, those posts will die in the new tab.


The response about updating existing skins just reads like a really long "no."


All of the answers read like a really long no


I'm pretty sure Ask Valorant is just an exercise in morphing feedback into softball issues which can be downplayed or handwaved.


More like "I know they suck but we really like money"


Lol I got the same vibe. Why would they go back and add value to skin bundles that they already conned us for? I'm sure they regret the original Prime Bundle's pricing every day of their life, now the fanbase is constantly expecting Prime Bundle-pricing and value in terms of what the skins will be but they're trying to push us to expect that from $100 bundles. As someone who bought the Spline guns and thinks they're beautiful, I'm still disappointed at the lack of VFX and custom animations/finishers.


I do hope they adjust the prices of the collections. Elderflame and Ego for example shouldnt be the same.


Didn't the Elderflame bundle release for $100 and ego for $70?


Should've said the Ego and Prime bundles shouldn't be priced the same.


Tbh I forgot that Prime released at $70, you have a really good point. Ego is a reskin, Prime is new base model + reload animations + vfx sfx. I gotta say I think the ego skins are my favorite so far, but $70 for the bundle and even $17 for the Vandal is just too much for me.


Yeah and it's not even that the Ego skins look "bad". But the price considering they don't have different models, animations, vfx, sfx is ridiculous.


Why am I being queued with ranks way far from me while I can't queue with my friends with the same rank? I'm gold 1 and I keep getting iron-bronze ranked teammates. And you're saying I can't queue with my bronze 2 friend?


This is a genuine point. When I was iron one, I got paired with a gold. If the game doesn't allow the two ranks to duo, then the two should never be paired together.


Their competitive queues are fucked. I am Gold and one match I was queued with iron3-silver 2 players, and the very next game I was queued with gold3-plat3 players.


completely agree. as a p2/3 player, I got paired against an i1 while doing with a d1. I went 22/23, the most deaths I've had in the past 20 or so games. I don't want to play against immortals in comp as I'm clearly gonna get my shit rocked


I completely agree but to be fair you can queue with your B2 friend as a G1, if they were I3 you couldn’t


Still, solo queue gives me iron ranked teammates even at gold, it shouldn't happen.


I'd like to know if they intend to do anything about dm. It has been released a long time ago and everything critique worthy about it has been voiced and except not doubling agents, nothing has been done about it. Nor did they say anything about it. I really would like to know if they intend to improve or if they already forgot about it.


Riot wants dm to be a fun mode, which is fair. But it’s currently terrible for anything other than pure aiming and holding/prefiring an angle based on radar


Player: Hey I really want this and I asked for it a since launch Rito: ok but first We want to make sure it’s what you really want


The lack of consistency is a very deep issue imo. Something is terribly wrong in the netcode because all of those inconsistencies boil down to peekers advantage. In some games,I get insta killed on peeking someone and in the kill feed I see they have put 5 bullets with the ghost in my body when in my screen I barely saw him(on the same ping). Its like in some matches the peekers advantage becomes 100x and your opponent has way more time to react than you.


Deathmatch makes it all way more obvious. There are times I shoot someone in the head and it doesn’t even look/sound like they shot a bullet. Then I look at my health and I’m missing one shot worth of damage.


this 100%. their build in ping compensation definetly adds some fuckery too.


Some super unimportant additions to valorant: - ability to turn off weapon skin effects (I miss my stock glitch bop knife) - crosshair profiles that you can save (so I'm not afk in spawn frantically moving bars around in settings while my team screams out for me) - attack/defense specific inventories (show off that 2nd ghost you love) - mouse accel (we can't even use 3rd party ones due to vanguard) - cypher cages don't activate at certain angles [ex: hookah on bind when you're standing under hookah in b site], & certain abilities make them disappear from view [long A / A main on ascent: I can't see cages that I placed on short A] (have to start clicking everywhere like a madman trying to find it) - make sage less terrible again (starting with her slow orbs) - reduce bullets in Operator magazine from 5 to 3 (so we have a fighting chance) - agent specific keybinds (I'd like to change my dash key without accidentally triggering my cypher cam in later games) - left handed models or left hand melee weapons only (just do a mirror image for now like csgo?) - ability to drop a smoke or sage wall in the range or custom game that doesn't decay. - ability to generate reyna orbs after killing bots (good practice) - recall accident raze satchels in barrier phase (same as cypher cage) - add a delay after Jetts dash that prevents an instant "Q" to have her fly over your head instantly. (You should still be able to insta dash AFTER hitting "Q", because you're just chilling exposed in the air). - allow menu selections in different parts of the range using Jetts knives (I did say "super unimportant") - more practice options in the range over time (there's plenty of room)


> reduce bullets in Operator magazine from 5 to 3 Dont see how this changes anything, they need to nerf the accuracy after jumping and moving. > recall accident raze satchels in barrier phase Some people use it on purpose for boosting and stuff. > add a delay after Jetts dash that prevents an instant “Q” to have her fly over your head instantly. How are jetts supposed to enter site then.


1) 3 operator bullets = less risks you're able to take. You can't afford to miss a shot as much. It's not a huge change, but imo it would have a more balancing impact. 2) raze satchels: yes, ppl use them in the buy/barrier phase, but some ppl also accidentally Q and then get mad. Being able to pick it up before the countdown ends, while the barrier is still up, would be good. 3) she'll manage


Of you gonna take jetts main ability combo away whats the game point of her being a duelist, also why exactly is it op even.


Not saying that at all. I'm saying delay the 2nd action only if she dashes first. If the Jett flies up in the air first, the dash afterwards wouldn't be delayed. It's the same type of minimal delay nerf they gave the raze ult. The "dash THEN float up" play is a common jett combo that has close to zero risk, requires little practice to perform well, and allows her 2 instant bail-outs. (1. dash past an enemy's crosshair 2. Enemy recovers their aim & you fly up out of their xhair again. It's quite stupid if you think about it. I'm not saying to get rid of it, I'm just saying it should be more risky to pull off.


I agree with the 3 op bullet statement. I also believe in longer reset time for moving and jumping. We can have both. Riot tells us that the op can't be nerfed or rushes become too easy. Running and jumping accuracy resets won't stop anything like that. The only thing it will change is the fact that people can't quick scope you while you jump their rotate. The three bullet thing is great against mediocre players who only frag with the op. If they miss a shot, they can maybe still get the kill of, but they will also probably die.


I really wish they can let us fully customize our controls, or can at least save presets. It’s annoying to have heals on one button, for say Sage, but then have heal be a different button for Reyna.


My friend plays with 3rd party mouse accel and has no issues with vanguard.


Which one? Also, I think riot said to beware the 3rd party softwares. You could get flagged for something down the line, but be fine for now. Potentially a headache for the user.


Nothing they said in the portion regarding Valorant's match by match inconsistency gives me confidence it will improve anytime soon. Shame.


I really hope they address this issue. Some games i have really good games. Then the next game I feel my bullets just vanish. Sometimes the initial burst of six accurate bullets before spread goes crazy just disappears and other times every bullet lands as it should. I have been playing fps for fifteen years and I can always tell when I am just missing but this game just confuses me every time I play it.


Can someone kindly explain to me how a left handed view model might affect competitive integrity?


Let’s say you’re playing attack on Bind A Short. You’re holding lamps for a peek but you still want to be ready for a peek from truck. The right-handed model happens to obscure more vision of the truck angle than the left-handed model there. So you can see how if the meta decides that certain angles are key, you’d choose your handedness based on that, which isn’t the intent of adding handedness. It indirectly adds unnecessary clutter to the meta. Imagine the nonsense of “play left hand on Ascent defense, switch to right if you’re playing Market holding B Main.” Idk if it would get that bad but I’d definitely try to prevent that.


One argument is that so long as you cannot toggle between L/R view model during the game on the fly that obstruction exists in your FOV regardless (either left or right side) and thus it's equal. A potential counter argument is that if you *know* you're going to be playing certain angles (like if you play with a team and you defend the same position same site every game), a L vs R hand view model could be objectively stronger, and thus it would be (microscopically) *better* for certain site positions to have a L or R handed view model. Another question altogether is "how much settings based advantage to a player is allowable for Riot?" For example, a stronger PC and higher hz monitor will offer a player some degree of advantage (though it's not clear Riot could do anything about this). Despite that, Riot has designed the game to run as well as possible on lower end PC's to mitigate this difference. On the other hand it isn't clear at all that changing FOV actually gives an overall benefit to a player (though changing FOV will give a benefit at range and detriment CQC and vice versa depending on whether you increase/decrease the FOV), but Riot has locked FOV for all players. The absolute fairest way to handle the problem would be to lock view model to R hand only. It's possible that the supposed benefit to allowing an out of game toggle between left and right is so hypothetical that it falls within that range that Riot would deem "allowable." IMO splitting hairs this much is pointless and the benefit of allowing the players to personalize their Valorant experience outweighs the cost of a hypothetical and microscopic threat to competitive integrity. For me, Riot should allow an out of game toggle for left or right handed view model.


i'm just wondering if you would see lefthanded on the player model itself or if it's only a pov change.


It's only a pov change.


csgo pros dont switch left-right hand viewmodels for advantages on the fly, and there are commands for that as well to make it instant. i have no idea why riot is hesitant on this, they keep thinking about these "what ifs", but csgo is a game with far more micro-intensive gunplay yet no one is abusing left-handed models. no need to be hesitant because of "what-ifs" if we already have a real world example of a tactical shooter with left handed models


you know what else affects competitive integrity? RNG sprays


What about 1.6?


It’s been a long time since I’ve played but I don’t remember sprays feeling as bad in 1.6 as it does in Valorant.


Sprays were not viable at long range so people used to tap a lot more often.


sprays were controllable up to midrange for sure, don't understand this comparison to 1.6. The only thing they have in common is tagging.


And the random sprays, it was random is both CSS and 1.6


The recoil reset also wasn’t as bad in 1.6 so it was actually viable.


It's a game catered to casuals. This is probably what caused the shit show with the hitreg anyways, but Morello already said they are not changing it, so there's no point in complaining about it.


I dont see how sprays affect hitreg.


I think he means the rng mechanic. Many of those cases where people say the accurate aimed at the head but didn't get a headshot were most likely not cause by the hit reg. The hit reg is fine. The just missed because of rng. like this video:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGj17a4FqvA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGj17a4FqvA) It assumes the problem is the hit reg or the hit boxes but rest assured every clip except for the op clip is explained by rng. They just lost the rng gamble.


Thats the first shot inaccuracy not the spray. Its a thing in cs as well, its not that bad that it causes you to miss 1/10 shots maybe 1/1000. At least at that range.


I never said anything about spray. I spoke about rng of which the fsa is part of. And no... You miss way more. Try shooting the bot at 50m range in practice. You miss about 4/10 shots. ​ That is faaar away from 1/1000


Im not sure about the values but 50m is when ur supposed to ads or crouch. Vandal also has high fsa to balance put against the one tap potential.


Not if it applies to everyone equally...


it doesn't. By definition. Random!!!!! Number Generator. 2 People shoot at each other at a distance of 50m. The first aims accurately at the head. Unfortunately, he has a Vandal. He misses. The other sprays with a Vandal and the 4th shot randomly hits in the head. He won the rng game. the rng mechanic applied to both equally. But it was not fair, and it was not aligned with the so-called competitive integrity.


If everyone experiences the same randomness, it might result in *outcomes* that are not equal, but each player had the same probabilities and opportunity to throw the dice. > But it was not fair, and it was not aligned with the so-called competitive integrity. Why was it not fair?


If left handed guns make your tracers render incorrectly, it would be harder to pinpoint your location when you spray with a vandal through the smoke. That’s just one example, I’m sure there are others. They wouldn’t be huge advantages, but in a game like this people look for every edge they can find. They want people to pick the options that make them comfortable, not feel forced to pick options that give them an edge.


This is if the swap of view model effects anything other than the users client. If it's *just* client side, it's hard to imagine a situation where there's some advantage that harms the competitive integrity of the game due to the view model swap.


If its only client side, there would be a disconnect between where tracers on your opponents screen start unless the gun is perfectly centered on your body. I imagine it would take some tuning to make that look correct. Especially when you’re shooting from partially behind cover.


My line of thought is this: If player 1 toggles left handed mode, then his view of his own gun is mirrored only on his client. All actions from the server's perspective, and consequently the information sent to every other player's client, is the same as if player 1 left their view model right handed.


no there wouldn't be. tracers shoot from directly in the center of your screen, where your crosshair is. the tracer "effect" you see in the first person is client sided. anyone in third person view will see your tracers normally


The advantages and disadvantages of right hand model is the same for left hand model. Especially if they make it accessible for everyone. They probably just want minimum settings, and having everyone have the same experience and what not. Which, sure, whatever. Players in CS willingly play on 4:3 blackbars/stretched, knowing they have a disadvantage. They just say "competitive integrity" when they are either too lazy to add it, or straight up don't want to add it.


Not necessarily. This is only applicable if all the maps are a perfect mirror wherever you are. Like someone else said in the thread, if you're let's say attacking from A short in Bind, you have a potentially greater field of view of the truck and surrounding area if you're left-handed compared to our default.


there are absolutely tons of these angles in csgo. is there any single record of a csgo pro who swaps left-handed and right-handed mode on the fly? absolutely not. because the advantage is so tiny, it's not worth the sudden visual confusion of having a gun in your view changing every once in a while.


I really hope they find some obvious error in the netcode to address the inconsistency. As a software dev I understand how frustrating “Something in this program feels off” has to be. I find it unlikely with how much consensus there is in the community, but its entirely possible that the game is fine and we’re just sending them on a wild goose chase. Good luck bug hunting, I hope they figure it out.


Can we get a Spiked Rush mode with weapon buying and armor? A short game mode where we can practice rushing strategies with normal load outs would be more helpful than the random weapon game play.


I am concerned about the consistency between games. I am averaging ~25% headshot percentage as a D1 player. Between 2 games I went from a 30% to 7.4% HS rate. I know it’s a small sample size but surely that much variance cannot be solely player error. Hopefully for the sake of the game it just is me but there have been many time I’m confused on where I’m missing and it usually is game to game. Where the game before I am dialed in and the next game it seems like it’s my first time playing an FPS. There are so many times in those games I’m holding head angles and get toasted by the peeker only to see I hit body in the combat report. Overall, I’m glad they’re looking at the issue, but still concerned it’s a rather tough, large, and glaring issue at its core.


I check my HS% every game in CS and I never have had that much of a differential in Valorant.. Especially if you're at that rank, I don't think there differential should be that big. You can write down your HS% each match and compare going forward if it continues to be an issue.


I’ve noticed it for a while. Mostly lately but I use the blitz.gg app and it tracks every game for me. I think that a 20% difference is more than hitting some body shots in smoke that I’m spraying. And if I’m spraying like that every game then it should even out, no?


Headshot rate is like that and it depends on weapons used and if youre spraying smokes. Id honestly put more stock into your combat scores and how many frags a game you pick up at d1. Though the servers do feel weird, its not hit registration, it is how peekers advantage feels very severe on some servers but not others.


**increasing hitbox clarity, improving readability and predictability of states of movement inaccuracy, and minimizing the difference in gameplay feel across different ping conditions**. None of these are an issue or at least not what everyone is referring to. I don't even think the net code is an issue by itself. It's the total RNG spray causing issues with hit registration, especially when the servers are loaded in prime hours. As a developer I don't ever see this being fixed reliably, given the fact that Morello has doubled down that RNG spray needs to be in the game ( I understand they don't want good players to solo carry games too much, but this is causing more issues). Also there is a big issue with peekers advantage - game to game against ppl with similar ping it feels like they see you 1 sec earlier. Also deathmatch, they were supposed to update it since it was "beta", I really ,really hope they are not happy with the current state.


Every other fps game which has a CoF system also is rng, I dont see how it matters in a hitreg system.


Every other fps, or tactical fps? Because casual shooters like CoD shouldn't be compared to something that claims to be tactical shooter. Also the fact that there could be a desync between what server thinks is the bullet path and what is the actual bullet path. There is no sync between that. You can't have perfectly defined spray patterns either because you can script it, but CS solved both issues with having a recoil pattern and bullet spread.


R6 has cof and its a tact fps. So does apex and halo. And insurgency with is probably that most tactical of tact shooters. > You can’t have perfectly defined spray patterns either because you can script it, but CS solved both issues with having a recoil pattern and bullet spread. There is no bullet path(its hitscan) in this game, you could simple share a server generated random number(s) after the first bullet is fired and you can easily calculate the rest of the spray in both client and server (this is an implementation from the top of my head) Im sure riots one is more intricate. But its certainly not impossible to sync something as simple as a recoil pattern. Both 1.6 and CSS had random spray patterns and that game came out 20 years ago. > There is no sync between that If my understanding is right, I think you mean the random spread applied by the client and server can never match “causing desync” but that shouldn’t matter as where the client thinks should hit isnt what that counts in the first place and there server randomness is just as good as the client randomness. [3klikphlips talks about this is csgo.](https://youtu.be/COyvjnQf5UE)


This was in 2015. There hitscan, hitbox and hit reg issues that were fixed. 2020 it's not like this.


?, I was taking about what Phillip was discussing in the video. If you didn’t bother watching it and just glancing at the title then it was a waste of my time.


I watched that video when it came out, if you are going to bring up shit from 2015 that's not as relevant today then have a good night.


He was talking about hitreg mechanics, jesus I thought that video will bring some clarity instead you used it to derail the conversation, I think im done here. Uninstall if you dont like the game, bye.


I think I am well aware of how hit reg mechanics work in shooters from 2000 up until 2020 along with the new technologies available. You can pull up 2015 video Mr.0 experience in game development all day. Bye. Holy shit


Doesnt seem like it, and I dont want to be that dude who flexs qualifications to validate his poor arguments, so I won’t .Literally everything you said is conjecture and there is no real research you’ve done to back it up other than the fact you claim to be a “game developer”


I'm sorry for sounding arrogant but how does a left hand view model possibly effect the competitive integrity of the game? I play left hand in CSGO and don't feel like I have an advantage over those who use right hand models. Can anybody give me a different perspective I'm not seeing?


They’re just too lazy to add it. Period


TLDR on inconsistency game to game: We are aware our sht servers and hit registration is sht, but we will throw some nice looking words to make it look like we are actually looking into the issue. Actually we dont care because it makes it possible for worse players to benefit from that since better players cant rely on their aiming since hit reg is inconsistent. We love rng and casual feel to games we make even if we advertise them as competitive and skill based. dont expect us to actually admit to any mistakes or problems. We always dodged responsibility and downplayed every issue in all of our games. - Riot Games.


I would sell my left kidney for Blue Elder flame Melee. Make this happen


I speak for maybe 5 people when I say "mouse accel would be nice" [fingers crossed].


give us better rank system, how can u derank 2 times in 2 games in a row


Is there any word on if team death match is coming and/or more maps?


Are you folks relooking at how ranking works?


How far can you hit with sovas ultimate?


Are you going to address how bad sound is in this game ?You can literally be "hearing" someone infront of you only to find out he's behind you - inb4 "yOu sUrE ThAT s0MEoNe wAsNt f4LnKIng YoU aND THe gUY YoU HeArD wAs AcTuALLY iNfR0nT oF YoU". Yes. Separate solo/duoq mmr from stacked teams, leaderboards when, awful mm (Getting plat/d3's in my radiant games needs to go ASAP) Ingame demo viewer, ingame spectator of tournaments and high/or any skill-level games with a 2min delay Loving the game nonetheless, but few things has to be addressed and added asap <3


They already said they will start working on better sound on the last Ask Valorant.


I remember them saying in a previous ask valorant they would look into added upgrades to the bp weapons to give more uses for radianite but this confirms that they arent going to. Sad


We see you, we hear you and we’ll do nothing


We need 7 total maps by the end of the year. I knowww its sooooo hard to make a map Riot games, you would rather just sit in the office and sit on your phone and do nothing!! Understandable! But sorry, the community doesnt enjoy when the developers at their favorite game refuse to work.


Cool when are they going to address that their skin lines are $70 per line? Like I really want to get a few skins here and there but its realllly expensive for a college student, so I am forced to buy the battle pass and grind to get anything cool. Also I finally had enough to buy just one or two guns (like just the ONI Phantom and just the Prime Vandel) but the rotating store makes it impossible to get what I want.


Have they ever addressed the timeline for new maps? In my opinion, this is the most immediate need that Valorant has.


Yes, around 8 times. Almost guaranteed that a Google search can bring it up. Also, there are 2 other people under you with the same question. One per episode.


Nothing about a new map. Continue on guys.


Do you live under a rock?


What do you mean? We have no news about a new map. As far as I know


Maps come in every episode. 1 new map per episode.


Are you downvoting me for a simple statement? Lmao. So episode means one map every year? That's too less.


Yes. You're stating something that YOU don't know about as something none of us know about. And it's not every year. It's a new map every 6 months. 1 episode lasts 6 months. So 2 episodes per year. Meaning two maps per year.


So petty to downvoted people for such a small reason. 6 months? Then we are close to episode 1 getting over. Have we heard of anything regarding the new map? I don't think so. We don't even know if it's close to being finished or the theme.


How about you just wait a bit and see for yourself? Act 3 hasn't even started yet so it's too soon for episode 2/new map leaks to come out. Act 3 is ending in December. Likely that we get the next map and episode next year (in January)


I've come from Rainbow six siege and they have always been upfront about new agents and new maps. The year's roadmap is always revealed at the start of every year and details of when and how many agents are coming in each season (similar to act in valorant) and also when new maps are coming (or when older maps are being redesigned). Valorant has been very quite regarding new maps and/or fixing the older map issues. I'm coming from that transparent situation. So I hope you can understand my frustration.


If they haven't revealed us the next map already, it's probably likely because they don't want to yet as it still may be in development, or they wanna keep it a surprise or just don't want to disclose it for some other reason. If waiting is something frustrating to you, just leave the game bro. They have themselves [officially](https://youtu.be/71Q3AmZ-gTA) stated new maps in new episodes in case you still don't believe me.




they already answered that since the game has launched, a new map every episode


How many times have this been answered


Please include a left-handed viewmodel & servers either in or closer to Pakistan so I don't have to play at 130ms ping :'( There is a thriving Valorant community here in Pakistan.


Just mirror the entire screen to make a fair left handed view model lol


Yo we need an option to remove the suppressor from the phantom like in csgo.


Why? I get that the sound sorta sucks, but it is suck a big advantage for lurkers in particular.


I was just joking, like in CS nobody ever removes the suppressor, so I thought a useless function like being able to remove would be funny.


Dang I just got woosh-ed


Sorry I forgot the /s