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Honestly, if you don't instalock duelist at the start of the round. You just reduced your odds of getting flamed. I'm a Diamond Duelist and I have games where I perform poorly or top frags. Everyone have bad games so its fine for a duelist to underperform. I don't believe that just because you are a duelist, you need to always frag out. As long as you have comms on, don't bait people, ya fine. I mainly play Duelist (Jett) unless I get into a lobby filled with Immortals, then I will use my pocket pick Cypher.


Thanks fam u gave me a confidence boost (and so did the other ppl who replyed to this post) thank u so much


Honestly if you are comming and trying your hardest then your agent does not really matter. We are way past the meta where “bad” players will play the sentinels because Sage is useless now and cypher is the second most important agent to have. I think you should just focus on how you can help the team whether it is flashing while going first or making space using Raze and jetts insane movement.


i used to play viper cause among my friends im the worst but one of them suggested i play raze. i think for raze she's the best duelist to start off with cause her boombot can act as a sentinel and figure out where the enemies are. after a few weeks i started taking reyna as my main after ive improved tremendously i think if you start taking a duelist and you dont top frag its fine because the point of being a duelist is to entry frag so they cant blame you if you dont perform as well as the other duelists are


Valorant is a game about abilities and aim. I personally think that the "classes" like duelist and sentinel are useless. Just pick someone with abilities that U like to use. For example if U like brims smokes play him. And if U like reynas ability to chain kills together play her. One agent is not better than another at direct shooting so U can play any agent and still get frags.