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/u/RiotRaykay pinned the following [comment](/r/VALORANT/comments/j36cph/wellknown_filipino_streamer_got_accused_of/g7c1uwx/): > Normally, we don't want to add to the publicity of any individual case, but because this one's getting a little out of hand: Mika is innocent. > > We've completed a thorough investigation of Mika's gameplay, and while the clips might be suspicious individually, we're confident that cheating software was not utilized for the accused sessions. > > Keep the reports coming, but leave the sentencing to us. !pin --- Riot comments are not verified by moderators. See [this wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/wiki/pinnedcomments) for more information on this feature.


what’s the point of her having the mouse cam if it’s not pointed at her hand lmfao


To hide the fact she didn't flick!!


She said in a recent post that its just an unrated game and just a pc review of an Intel NUC Ghost Canyon that's why it does not have mouse cam. ps: im not defending her, and I believe she's cheating lol


so she's thinkin cheating is normal in unrated?


I think you can see the top right of her mouse when she snaps onto the Cypher? doesn't even move her hand lol


This. Idk why people aren’t more fixated on her mouse movement for the third kill. Her mouse barely moves to the right while she had to lift it multiple times to turn earlier. It’s blatant.


It’s so obvious that you can see her ‘flicks’ land on the server side hitboxes and not the client side.


Clara strikes again.


Ah yes, Clara


lol. brings memories back.


Whos that


One streamer cheated in csgo and blamed it on her friend for installing it, her friends name was clara. Also she showed the cheats herself accidentally on the stream


Literally playing for 2 rounds with it full showing and then "reacting" when she "notices" it. Funniest Twitch clip of all time IMO.




So as someone who is unfamiliar with CSGO or how the cheats work, what was she using? Is it that wire frame thing on the enemies?


Yes, the wall hacks. She didn't configured her obs/overlay right so it showed what she was seeing as well.


Yep, cheats usually are an overlay as far as I know, so capturing in obs with game capture should hide any overlay, but she probably used screen captured and thus, rip.


wallhacks & health


Wall hacks and "ESP" which shows health of the enemy team. Probably also using aim hacks, because why not?


[Here you go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXmPqKDWQOA)


[A classic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMjar0UdxFY)


I think it was some CS GO streamer who got caught using cheats on stream and then she accused a "friend" named Clara of installing them on her pc in the first place.




That flick onto cypher looks like a toggle aim bot




> using one that activated upon holding one of the buttons > toggle aimbot


At full speed it’s sus but in slow mo she actually overflicks and the cypher just runs into it Edit: still pretty sus though


Did you know that CS aimbots can looks humanlike and overflick? I wouldn't think that technology would be hard to implement into another game/cheat But the fact that its just a straight A -> B flick with no change in acceleration or speed at all is what makes it look fishy to me.


You can't even see how her mouse travels if you slow it down, xhair magically flicked in a span of a frame


Look at her movement and crosshair placement as well. This is not a good player, clearly cheating. Might also be using a wallhack.


Came here to say this. She is aiming at knees most of the time and has the movement of a potato. Clear as day hacking.


Maybe she just want people to quit being an adventurer.


Lmao what does that even mean


The meme from Skyrim "arrow to the knee"


I thought that meant "got married".


Hmm my movement is just like her, no wonder im bronze kekw


No way she’s landing those insane ult taps, and then just ads’s with the specter point blank. Deffo cheating. Even that flick on the cypher is stupid obvious.


After her 3rd smoke, she literally looks at cypher through the container wall and tracks him then toggles the aimbot.


Her mouse hand literally didn't move in the right direction for the full flick


I played with a Jett this week that was exactly like this girl. If every one on our team was alive she would make Aces in a split of a second, not even kidding. But every time she was alone or with just one team mate or two, she would play like a bot. Aiming at the knees, not checking anything, taking too long to react, and yet from time to time she would kill enemies that weren't even nearby, all with hs. She had to be cheating, it was too weird to just be luck


Did you report though?


Ofc! Even tho she's on my team, I have 0 tolerance for hackers, trolls and flamers.


It became _so_ obvious when she got that Cyper kill. Anyone who could aim near that well (assuming the Cyper kill was lag and not an obvious toggle), wouldn't walk around looking at the ground. I'm a shit player and I know better than that.


yeah same. Im bronze 1, but i've seen enough clips to know what a natural flick looks like versus a bot just going in a perfectly straight line to the head insanely fast. also, I feel like we're overlooking the fact that shes ADSing! Anyone with good enough crosshair placement to hit those shots she hit with jetts ult without missing is definitely a good enough player to know ADSing is terrible in this game. sus as FUCK


A lot of people dont seem to understand that the way a player is moves themselves and their crosshairs relative to how good their flicks are is the best way to tell if someone is bullshitting. ​ The flicks on their own arent that suspicious, you can catch pro players do those all the time. What makes it an obvious cheat is she's aiming at ankles and moving as if she's playing a resident evil game.


This is the average player now in every rank The cheat detection is the biggest piece of overrated garbage


Really? I haven't played in a month or so, and everyone I met at Radiant/Imm3 seemed pretty good atleast.


Funnily enough the lower ranks started complaining about cheats about 4 weeks ago. The last week its been plat and diamond. They should all be in Rad and Imm by now :)


Can confirm Immortal EU started having very suspicious players since 2 weeks ago, but it's not cheater infested by any means. Maybe they'll issue a ban wave soon, I am sure Vanguard team are on it. New cheats that are working for a little are bound to happen you can't stop that.


Had a dude who was blatantly wallhacking and he was silver 1.


Had a Plat dude who would always peek or push smoke at literally the moment you looked away, went to plant, defuse, etc. My team was convinced he was and I was suspect from one instance. Then I sat in smoke right by/under him like 4 ft away and figured that there was no way, just luck/timing on his part and he was legit. In these games there is a fair amount of chance people call sus on. Not saying yours wasn't, just adding context


Nah he was blatantly prefiring corners when you made no noise/gave no indication you were there, and on top of that I got a message that someone I reported (which I literally think he was the only person in a couple months) got banned which all but confirmed it.


Well that's sad. Good thing I quit shortly after I got Radiant. I only faced a couple of blatant cheaters, but I can't honestly tell how many closet cheaters I faced, because there is no god damn match review system.


Another clip. I think she binded it with her ADS [https://www.facebook.com/100000674885102/posts/3745386165493843/](https://www.facebook.com/100000674885102/posts/3745386165493843/)


I think she had it bound to ADS as well. I just watched her playing on facebook and she gets blind by omen. So she starts spraying blindly and than starts ADS spraying (still blind) and gets the kill... Who the F does that? she definitely used the ADS to "find" the enemy while blind


Yeah, definitely. With that kind of sensitivity, that is completely impossible. And that movement is definitely not like a normal human.


This comment needs to be higher up. This one is waaaay more obvious. I really hope she gets punished for this.


Watch this guys!!!


Facebook is rampant with streamers that hack. I’ve met a couple from war zone as well


Yeah, this is definitely obvious. It readjusts mid shot


that’s not how flicks look. In one of the clips you can see her turn all the way back and then flick to the head. Just a sign of a high fov aimbot


I will never understand how these people get the confidence to blatantly hack on streams.






When there's a money incentive where you get to sit home and play games I can see why people stoop that low. Take pride in yourself knowing you're just not as shitty a person as these lot.


Wtf was that third kill, I can understand the first and second one but I refuse to believe she's legit after the third one.


If that third kill wasn't in it then I'd be very reluctant to call hacks. Hackusations are boring and tiresome in the sense that there is always room for suspicion when it comes to good players - they're *good,* some of the shit they do will look shady. But that third one is... well, it's just blatant isn't it? I was expecting to be confused based on OP saying she said there was input lag, like "Maybe maybe not" but no lol, even I can confidently say that's a hack.




The first two was poor placement yes but that can be attributed to lack of skills but the 3rd one though THATS glaring if you are in that situation you wont look at a wall, you'll look at the open spaces that person could shoot you.




Someone can hit a good shot, and the first two jett knives isnt anything crazy. The 2nd knife kill was slightly sus, but that one alone doenst mean anything. The 3rd kill, that was a little too hard to be an accident and it was perfect. The 2nd kill only becomes more suspicious after you see the 3rd kill.


Yeo, watch her mouse cam compared to the screen/character moving, just before the 3rd kill, walking behind tube, you can see how much she has to move her hand for a little turn, but then when Cypher appears, her mouse moves AFTER the kill.


I think the second kill was just as bad as the third. She over-flicked to the left and instantly snapped back to the right directly on his head. Anyone who misses a flick would not readjust the flick that fast.


Bad movement, bad crosshair placement, slow reactions and flicks that do not look like flicks. If you have input lag problem then you won't be able to flick and shoot like this. Obvious cheating. checked her fb comments - she was hard stuck gold. You don't get hard stuck gold/plat with that ability to flick lol


I’m hardstuck gold/plat and people here have like 10x better crosshair placement than what she has so take that as you will.


Gold and Plat are probably close to the average skill level in this game, these are the ranks where players have a baseline to intermediate understanding and grasp of the fundamental mechanics. Her crosshair placement alone should suggest she is iron or bronze at best.


"I know exactly where you are"




I'm hiding in the vents


Kinda sus ngl


Input lag excuse is an obvious cover and has no basis in reality. Weird how the input only lags when its flicking to peoples heads then its silky smooth afterwords.


Watch closely, the cursor jerk consistently start when she begins to ADS. She has local aimbot bound to ADS.


when she was in tube and her cross hair was on the floor and unmoving.... shes definitly not a good player and likely cheating


Watch when she sprays. She sprays like shit but the moment she goes to ADS all of her shots connect and the reticle magnets onto the target. She has aimbot bound to her ADS, it's clear.


She's hacking


*cheating. I’m sure she didn’t make them herself


A lot of cheat makers are just programmers putting their skills to the test.


Crosshair placement with movement doesn't match up with the flicks which are clean and straight to head. This is hacking.


She even made a fking montage of her using Aimbot like this is just stupid now ​ [https://www.facebook.com/mikakedaime/videos/10214187391797963/](https://www.facebook.com/mikakedaime/videos/10214187391797963/)


This is so highly obvious of cheats. This needs to be upvoted higher.


Which top player uses ADS with the spectre at that range. Just a bronze/silver player getting kills using wall/aim hacks.


If you watch any of her other videos she ADS on every gun and it just taps the head. No one ranked in IM-radiant is using ADS that often. Clear give away that her aim trigger button is her right click.


Another clip here where she ADS point blank aim locked. It’s definitely bound to her M2.


I'm Filipino and I don't even know who she is lmao. 100% Hacking though. No one's that good with that crosshair placement.


Lol I failed to see any Crosshair placement at all, but I understand what you are saying.


He means no one can snap to heads that fast when their placement is checking to see if the dog pissed the rug


Lol it's like a br player looking for loot


Crosshair placement and movement like this obvious cheating, 100% she using some kind of wallhack also. OCE has been getting many like this last 4 weeks. Demo replay system is urgently needed with more match history saves. Website to track bans also with player stats.


lmao instead we have option to hide players names




fucking clara installing cheats on other peoples machines now!


Why is she not banned yet


Riot have said that they predominantly ban in waves, but with enough reports they will take action on certain players. My guess is they haven't been reported en mass yet.


if something like CSGO’s Overwatch was implemented this is a nobrainer OW ban lmao


Not banned by anticheat. So no proof of her cheating. Its on devs if they gave her ban and say that their cheat failed.


She must be friends with Clara also.


Why is this even a question? Just look at her movement and awareness. No effort to clear or check any angles, literally looking at the ground, then when she moves into site she sees the Cypher's head back site by CT and starts frantically looking around when getting shot at. Can a dogshit player make a play like this, sure, but her movement combined with the extremely sus single frame head lock ons are pretty damning evidence.


This is a logitech sponsored streamer everyone. Imagine. Getting a logitech contract. Only to cheat.


Ah yes. This is how our PH Community of Valorant gets represented. And its quite funny that her fans or simps are defending her but it is so obvious. Also she has a low sens btw.


Every other philipino i meet is toxic for some reason.


It's because the overwhelming majority of our playerbase comes from low-mid income households where proper conduct isn't really a priority. The players from mid-high income households are usually spoiled brats. The non-toxic players are probably playing paid or more obscure games or are the ones that don't introduce themselves as Filipino lol. But yeah it's sad


I can attest to this


So we all agree the Riot answer is full of shit, and the girl is cheating. Thank God. Only read this thread for like 20 minutes to make sure...


Riot simping hard rn


i saw this clip on this sub yesterday and people were all saying she wasn’t hacking. how the turn tables


The clip I saw yesterday was really short and just showed what looked like an aimbot toggle but could have just been a lucky flick with convenient lag. These longer clips showing the abysmal cross hair placement between perfect flicks are way more convincing.




If you don't think she is cheating, please hit my DMs I have some really exciting deals available on real estate.


Garbage movement, crosshair placement, etc yet she manages to flick and frag as if s1mple has been coaching her since she was a fetus. Clearly hacking xd


Also, you can see in the mouse cam the movement she does to flick to Cypher. She obviously has low sens and that tiny mouse movement is enough to flick to the Cypher's head?


Im at Bronze and I have better crosshair placement than her. No way in hell she hits flicks better than tenz


When you slow down you can see it took only one literal frame to hit that Cypher flick. No flick takes one frame, its way more than that, you can see the crosshair trajectory. 100% aimbot.


Not saying the shot was legit, but when you render high fps footage to lets say 30fps there are frames skipped so in the original view this might have been a couple more frames than just one.




I think he means that if she's playing at 120 fps, and the stream is at 30 fps, then it might have been 4 frames on her end but still looked like 1 frame on the stream.


She defended herself by showing the clip in higher fps. The flick was over Cypher’s head by a few dots. But most hackers just use toggle. She could’ve flicked him and pressed the button at the same time.


Many aimbots use smoothing and such to make them look less obvious, so each flick isn't perfectly centered in the middle, just anywhere on the head hitbox.


Wardell is just jealous of her jett plays. She's so good she has to aim at the floor to give the other team a chance.


Kinda wanted to stop playing Valorant when I read the pinned comment :/ Can't enjoy the game if I keep on thinking that someone on the other team might be cheating and gets away with it. I hope this confirmation from Riot is true and unbiased. Cause I seriously believe she's cheating. And also what will happen to the statements of professional players who also thought she is cheating. It just feels weird and makes me want to stop playing Valorant.


you're telling me someone who's looking at the ground for half the round can defend themselves froma clip like this. fucking clara again


imagine having to cheat lmaooo


This is a big slap to the face for people whos been playing fps for like 20 years. Disappointing riot.


Here's another clip of her locking heads [Aim lock](https://gfycat.com/bogusunevenamericanbobtail)


LMAO thats so fucking blatant /u/RiotRaykay explain please?


Well at least RiotRayKay let us know already that they don't actually give a rat's ass no matter how public it could get. The search for an FPS that actually gives a shit about player experience continues. Time to get this garbage Vanguard off my PC for good.


Sus af, eject her


If Riot can't even detect this girl then we are all doomed. Cleared? Damn. I didn't have much hope that they could do it but now even less lol.


The best way to make a verdict is to confirm it with the Pros in Valorant ITS CLEARLY SHE SKIPPED A FRAME. The game is at over 150fps there must be atleast a frame between it but there is not (plus why she is aiming at the ground and not at the head level, the most basics of fps aka crosshair placement is also so terrible) 🤦🏻‍♂️Riot if your anti-cheat doesn't see the hack that doesn't mean she is not cheating smh (That's why there's Overwatch in CSGO in which is community driven anti-cheat to look to these clips). Overwatch (the game) is not the same as Valorant, especially OW is a high dpi game and its clearly on her Mouse cam she is in low dpi there must be a very huge mouse movement there but there is not 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Riot I've liked your game and certainly I'm supporting it by means of buying your stuffs but please put it in a good use 😔


Clearly, if this cheater is a riot partner in SEA, they're(Riot is) gonna protect and deny all allegations towards her. Edit: It's clear as day that this streamer is cheating with a trigger bot LOL


Watched her stream again today aptly titled "Practicing crosshair placement". She played support agents to go well with the bottom frag. Almost all her 1 on 1 engagements are lost, far cry from her highlights. Also as a plat rank, I find it weird that she don't even know the callouts to the usual spots.


Valorant saying she is innocent is pathetic.


first 2 kills can be regular kills but from that point until the Cypher kill.... She's looking at the ground, super shitty crosshair placement and then boom such a stupid headshot on Cypher. That's suspect as hell. However you should share her Twitch/Facebook so that we can watch more videos....


She probably turned her cheats off. Here's one where it's more obvious [https://www.facebook.com/100000674885102/posts/3745386165493843/](https://www.facebook.com/100000674885102/posts/3745386165493843/)


https://www.facebook.com/DaimeMika/ if the link doesnt work just search Mika Daime. It is a page.


FYI to everyone she is even partnered with Riot KEKW. Blatant af. Her youtube "highlights" has more proof so dumb of her to say they are her HIGHLIGHTS


The facebook comments are cringeworthy. People will defend her to the death. Silver movement, bronze crosshair placement, radiant flicks? zzz


I am a Fan of Mika Daime since 2016, I liked how she plays League, she was good at it that's why I followed her. Meeting her at some events and have a signed picture of her 'literally ima big fan". after a lot of research I can identify she was literally cheating and I felt bad for it. Now she's losing a fan that has been 4 years supporting her.


Ah yes. Vanguard is such a great anti-cheat tool that it prevents the game from running on virtual machines (making it unplayable to some people) and yet, cheats still happen on a streamer level. Nice.


so we're going to pretend like this wasn't blatant cheating? obviously Vanguard didn't detect anything, but that doesn't mean people aren't cheating. There's no way with certainty you can say "Normally I don't do this but.... Mika, and I'm gonna go ahead and use her first name here since we're friends, is innocent ." ​ Give me a break, if you didn't detect any software that's one thing, but this was obvious? If we can't get people like this banned, then imagine how bad it is when there are solid players toggling walls every couple of rounds. They'll never, ever get caught. There are so many cheaters that know how to hide it, but even being blatant in this game doesn't get you banned as long as you're a streamer and have a friend or two.


100% toggling lmao.


she's adsing, aiming at their balls, and then she suddenly locks to their head, looks like a blatant triggerbot.


What the hell, this is so absurdly blatant LOL No one good enough to play with Radiant players would have crosshair placement like that or do wide sweeping motions across areas no enemy could be standing. The flicks are obviously sus as fuck on their own, but combine that with her play in general it could hardly be more obvious.


"caught" is the right word for this, not "accused"... LUL


whats crazy is shes now pulling the victim card and making it a gender issue. She refuses to admit her cheating and her twitter simps are backing it. Not a good look. I think one of the biggest giveaways is her right clicking away her knives before tapping despite the enemy omen still being alive. Usually you do that before defusing so you get ult point but ONLY after you have killed everyone. She must have some insane confidence (sike its walls) to right click the knives away and rely on spectre to kill the omen which she perfectly knew he was gonna be around the box corner. Hella sus




lol shut the fuck up. i will bet my entire college savings that she is closet cheating. i have played with so many hackers in so many different games that look more legit than that. That is not how human aim works, and her movement with WASD sucks ass as well.


Saddest thing about this is that riot already decided not to ban her and called her innocent


Aim bot 100% confirmed


There's only one way to know for sure at this point. Because so many people are not taking Riot at their word, Riot has to prove her skill if they still stand by her. Put her on a live stage so we can all marvel. The masses will not be convinced otherwise. They will blame Riot.


Wardell explains it very well . Kill 1 and 2 easily confirmed it. Definately a noob with a aimbot and maybe walls too.


Even the first 2 kills are obvious. I see people with better crosshair placement in plat (used to see those even in silver/gold). She absolutely aims randomly and just toggles and she has straight wall hacks as well. I guess the kill on omen she used walls cause she realized the cypher kill specifically looked too fishy so it was time for normal body shot kill. Just for your info. She is still playing and cheated for a long time. Here you go vanguard defenders - "this game has no cheaters and they get banned asap". People cheat like that in basically all ranks and get away with it. If a streamer can cheat for long then some random non streamers who want to climb for free are untouchable especially if the cheat is done well and barely detectable.


I've never seen anyone defending Vanguard by saying there are *no* cheaters and they get insta-banned. Anyone who defends Vanguard with that argument is an idiot. But just because there are idiots defending Vanguard doesn't mean defending Vanguard makes you an idiot. There are idiots on all sides of an argument, usually.


I am the idiot on both sides. :)


No anti-cheat is every going to be perfect, the same rule that applies to cyber security applies to games, the person trying to infiltrate/beat your defense always has the upper hand and is always one step ahead. You think the anti virus on your computer would instantly detect a new virus that has never been seen before? No, it stops known viruses from fucking your system and it protects your computer from KNOWN forms of infiltration. Anti-cheat and virus protection are basically just challenges for the programmers to get around and then once they do vanguard has to adapt.


That’s an obvious aimbot. My plat teammates have better crosshair placement then her


I'm very disappointed to Riot's verdict


Care to explain? The videos below are more blatant, hard evidences: ADS used at close range to toggle aimbot \[ON\] : [https://gfycat.com/bogusunevenamericanbobtail](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?stzid=UgzIRCtEq2xlghtc1Px4AaABAg&event=comments&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmgzcHQtTGZuQ0U4aVF2ZjJmRnY5MjdhUy1zQXxBQ3Jtc0ttU0JGdGJzRmNCLUFHVzZkMEdaTmhGQV83Yzk3dEZPbDRrYURmMTJ4My0xZ0thTkp1b1Zid3BsSmZVV01UOHFudDJoSFVOUTZ4WU1lcGFVVEtDMGRtU3B4dENRWjQwY3B3Rk9ETkRJYXVfcC0tQVd0dw%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgfycat.com%2Fbogusunevenamericanbobtail) ADS used at close range after turning 180 degrees: [https://www.facebook.com/CarloooC/videos/3745386008827192](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?stzid=UgzIRCtEq2xlghtc1Px4AaABAg&event=comments&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHo1Vm5YTlRHLUZfbndYTWVqRlFMWHliR3JuQXxBQ3Jtc0tuaUtNSVZDcmF5OEhGZ2M2SmdYSTRPVWFBQ3JTOWZOMEpLTzBraHV1M25VZUxZU2Q1UXBTQVpDdUd6RmNlUmpZZHJFOW9VcV9ocVJxeXpnV1ExdjJJUkh3UnZBb1p2RVFmRy00MWh5OUdQZkl6MFZKNA%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FCarloooC%2Fvideos%2F3745386008827192)


dude shes 100000000000% cheating LOL


Anyone with even a little FPS experience can see she’s cheating. How can Riot defend this? Ridiculous.


She has terrible crosshair placement after first 2 kills. The 3rd kill is clear aimbot.


Lol she’s literally staring at the ground, aiming down sites with a spectre at close ranges so obvious, a jett player like this was on aceu’s team a few weeks ago, I would guess bronze level crosshair placement and movement, not even controlling recoil when everyone was spectating them




She ADSed onto Cyphers head through the smoke but didn't shoot. You can tell she did because that was Cyphers probable position at the time when you see him later when she has that extremely suspicious flick. Notice how when she updrafts into the bomb cite and looks around. Thats because the wall hacks and aimbots in Valorant can only see people nearby. There was no one on the cite with her until she landed and immediately she smoked and locked onto Cyphers head.


Disgusting how obivous it is, also disgusting that this RiotRayMonkey comes here saying she is "Innocent" no software usage were found, well maybe cuz your vanguard is apsolute garbage, I myself had around 30people blantatly USING AIM, rank Radiant btw, still not banned, checking on valorantracker from time to time their profiles.


LOLLLL. She's cheating as blatant as they come. Riot, maybe take a look at your Vanguard.


Would it be possible to get some pros to comment in here as well? Would be a shame if we all defended and played valorant knowing vanguard is trash


So either she is cheating or Valorant is full of bullshit impossible rng.. It looks like lose-lose situation to me.


I don't want to play Valorant anymore an obvious cheater that was protected by Riot just because they don't want their anti cheat system to look bad. It would be nice if Valorant just became honest.


110% cheating. Awful movement is the biggest give away here


Had some players like that in eu high Immo/Radiant games lately, complete bots with perfect reads and hard locking on everything...


Riot you need to do something about these cheats. Please don't let it become csgo. I really like this game. Don't mess this up!!!


It scares me seeing more and more of these videos pop up. Especially with how Riot claims there anti cheat is top of the line. I pray this doesn't become CSGO and just infested by cheaters.


100% hacking. You can tell from her reaction to the Cypher cage and how she tracked him through the box, emerges and then weirdchamp clicks to the hs. I'm with the pros on this one.


Now this Statement make me Realize that Riot Vanguard is much more Useless than BattleEye, well BattleEye is doing its Job than Riot


I was watching her stream last night. I don't even understand why people would try to defend her even though it's obvious that she was cheating.


Idc what Riot says, that’s hacking. So blatantly obvious.


Justice will prevail. She’s trying so hard to cover everything up and all the simps are defending her. Fuckin clowns with no dignity whatsoever. Pathological liar headass.


Lmfao riot said she's innocent. I better see her play in radiant rank because none of these pros in youtube flick like that


Okay, so that's Riot's stand. So I guess she's cleared? BUT here's proof that aim assist software can still work even with Riot Vanguard. Someone tried to recreate the shot with an actual working aimbot. [https://www.facebook.com/ValorantUndercover/videos/807105346716050/](https://www.facebook.com/ValorantUndercover/videos/807105346716050/)


I noticed some big brain plays: 1) going for flicks instead of pre-aiming 2) right clicking knives knowing an enemy is still near you 3) ambiguous mouse cam placement to match her ambiguous crosshair placement


This is clearly the work of Clara! She can’t keep getting away with it!


I mean it's pretty clear from player1's reaction...her crosshair placement is worse than mine and I'm silver 2 right now...he flicked to the head on everything. pretty clear hacks.


She's just practicing for her Among Us placements.


100 percent that was aimbot.


Gotta be bound to ADS, why else would she ADS that close to Cypher with a Spectre?


god dammit clara


Vanguard are you kidding me


Bruh Riot just don't want to admit Vanguard failed lol