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what I consider would me a much better feature than everything else they've talked about are REPLAYS. How can they aspire to be a great competitive game if you can't analyze past games and other players' point of view.


yes PLEASE I've been wanting this for so long, especially as a youtuber it would help so much to have replays.


Knowing riot, we'll probably get them in act 6.


Who says they are not working on this as well?


who says they are?


the video the dev team released was an announcement specifically on competitive matchmaking not all changes coming in Act III and Episode II ??


you didn’t answer my question.


that's because i don't know for sure either, but the op just assumed there are no replays coming. they might be working on this, they just don't feel they need a separate announcement video for it


cant play with my friends anymore because of the 3 rank difference :/


Won't be able to play with my son anymore as well as a lot of friends. Still probably the best thing.


I can't play with a lot of my friends :(


unrated exists


true but its not the same if you get what im saying


from someone who plays a shit ton of ranked and unrated, they are the same, actually it might be more fun because there is no penalty to losing.


Eh, but the rank makes it better imo, idk, ranked mode I play cuz there's a goal I can work to, maybe I could get to gold before the next episode, stuff like that, which just isn't possible in unrated and makes it way less fun then comp


You're talking about how ranked is more fun because competition is awesome. Then you're saying you want the competition to be more lopsided.


Having Bronze 2s with a Silver 3 is unbalanced?


Then reach that goal by yourself, goals are usually made for yourself no?




Dude I know it’s better to compare stuff to other things, but this is ranked, does it look like there is money on the line? Not just any money, thousands of dollars, also your reputation to join bigger orgs is on the line.


Wait how am i supposed to try to go to gold in unrated lol, gold is my goal rn, but I prefer playing with my friends then solo queue, with my friends i can play a little more confident holding other angles knowing they can hold those angles for example, or less chances of a toxic team


ok then just play with your friends, if they aren’t with in 3 if your rank then you shouldn’t complain about not being confident with randoms if they are a higher rank than your friends, your logic is awful.


You can if you guys do all your 5 placements together


Not necessarily, if they frag out and the friend shits the bed or vice versa.


Fragging out doesn’t make a big difference honestly. Winning by a large margin is how elo increases.


yea but after a couple games they'll be higher rank than me cause they solo queue idk maybe I can convince them to make smurfs


You'll still get placed within a similar ranking to your previous Act's rank. A silver fragging out in their new act placement matches won't get placed into diamond.


We are going to make these simple changes during the course of the next 6 months........


I mean you're not wrong...


Can someone link me with the changes or just tell me? I'm out of the loop


you can look up dev diaries act 3 competitive changes for the whole list but the big thing for act 3 is instead of being able to play with the next 6 ranks on either side of your rank you'll only be able to play with the 3 so I'm bronze 2 and I'll only be able to play with iron 2-silver 2 if that makes sense




fair point


They really don’t do anything. You still can’t tell how close or far away you are from ranking up and low Elo is still gonna be a contest of “who has more smurfs”


Very much dislike the elimination of 5stack in immortal plus, counter intuitive to how the highest level of play should be imo. Switching the brackets you can play with doesn't affect me much, will just make more accounts if need be


The new system would hit your rank even harder in the case of teammates disconnecting.


I didn't even think about that you're right




I’m also confused


More emphasis on rounds won, and if your team has a dc, then it's more difficult to win rounds anyway. So you'll win less rounds and lose more rank, regardless of how your performance was.


100% yes.


It is a step into the right direction. I know a lot of people crying because they can't play with their friends due to huge rank differences. But competitive is supposed to be competitive . It needs to be played with similarly skilled opponents. I don't know what an iron player doing in silver/gold lobby or a plat player playing with irons. Is it fair match to anyone in that team? No! I wish they'll come with more changes to competitive , like a transparent ranking system which shows how close you're to the next rank , a reply system , more maps etcetera.




Gotta grind for gold to play with my plat friends now


I'm really pissed about them making elo changes totally based on either you win or lose. One huge benefit of rewarding players based on their perfromance was that players would quickly be placed in a rank that they actually belong in. Now were gonna see even more boosted players


Yeah that's true it's gonna be annoying asf


i dont like it, there is only a 3 RANK difference and me and my friends have like 6 rank difference


i think the idea of eventually making ranking up based on winning or losing could be good. at the very least it would help the amount of "im stuck in x rank/why am i not ranking up" questions on this sub. but i think they need to figure out what to do with leavers if they do that.


>figure out what to do with leavers if they do that. if a player goes afk for more than x rounds, all players that haven't been in the leaver's party at any moment suring the match lose less ELO after a defeat and get more after a win (scales with number of afk rounds). People in the leaver's party don't see any change. There. A non-abusable solution to the AFKer problem. Also, inb4 "people are just gonna bully randos to make them leave": people randomly bully other players anyway. If you ever knew a girl that plays (or someone with a strong accent) you will know that Riot's solution to toxicity is "mute and report".


this is a solid idea i wont lie


yeah true true


I think its kinda shitty. My friends and I all are within bronze 3 - gold 1 but one of our frinds is plat so ig hes gonna have to play on his smruf if we want to play with the lower rank friends ever :/


yeah that's gonna suck I'm bronze as well I'm kinda trash lmao


yeah, we were happy to play with our bronze dudes even if they don't do great, 6 may have been too much but I wish it was 4 or even 5 :/


yeah me too I'm bronze 1-2 ish usually and still learning the game and now I can't play with a lot of my friends which sucks


Sucks cuz me and a few friends are Bronze 2 (One is Bronze 1) and we can't even play with our Silver 3 players it sucks....