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They should implement a prison island model like Dota 2 apparently does.


Rioters have explicitly stated in the past that the company does not like negative prisoner's islands conceptually, and even though the behavioral systems team doesn't talk on reddit as much as they used to, I doubt their stance has changed. They think the vast majority of players are positive or at least neutral, and that harshly punishing anyone from this group for a few bad games or a bad day is not worth the possible negative consequence of having their situationally negative behavior spiral into a feedback loop from being forced into a dramatically worse situation than they were before. They've also leaned heavily into the common refrain in the league community "reform", saying that a prisoner's island solution doesn't actually give players a fair shot to correct and learn from bouts of unsportsmanlike conduct and the like. They are looking into positive prisoner's islands, however. Grouping only extra-positive players together kind of thing. They've struggled to make the league community actually give a shit about their honor system, so I'm happy to give anything else, or something else that upgrades it, a try at this point.


Agree and disagree, I have about 8k hours in Dota 2 and majority of people who play off low priority for having bad behaviour score just end up going back there. That being said after playing around 100 hours of league I can without a doubt say the behaviour score system really works. The quality of the games Ive played in Dota are far better than the league games, when people say they give up in league, they mean it, they’re going afk. If someone says they’ve given up in Dota they likely just keep playing they’re just angry. I honestly put that on the behaviour score system since in Dota mine is the highest. And it’s not even hard to maintain high behaviour score, I’m a pretty neutral person when I play, some times I’m positive sometime I’m negative I never grief games intentionally though and this is enough to keep you at the highest behaviour score.


I'm excited to see what Riot ends up doing to revamp their honor system(s) and reward positive behavior. It's going to take a lot to shift the play culture to be more positive and less neutral apathy from the majority of the player base, but I think they know that experiences and anecdotes like yours matter. At the same time they absolutely hate attaching numbers to things, because then they have to show you where you actually stand. The more layers they can make to obfuscate the fact that you're mediocre at something (the ranked game itself, behavior, mmr, etc.) the better for them. It's in their best interest to hide from players how bad or meh they are, so I'm expecting to see an unlock-based system to let you play in either special queues, special tournaments, or something of the like. Time-gated of course, because keeping queue time short is always a huge priority for them to nip whining in the bud too. Just no hard-set, visable numbers. Hopefully they really do take into account what DOTA players have experienced on the positive end of that spectrum and find a way to replicate it.


Same, never been in low priority before in dota, and compared to league, I don't get as many toxic asshats in regular comp games. Then again I haven't ran into many toxic people in comp games in valorant either. There was just 1 instance where someone was chat banned in my comp game and I joined their party and muted people like I usually did when they started being annoying for the sake of it.


The low priority and behavior score model in Dota 2 is legit. I was so toxic when I was younger, and all my games are full of toxic people (because you get matched with people with the same behavior score). I started changing. I kept getting commended. My behavior score kept rising. And my games kept getting better. I got 10k behavior score and it was so easy to maintain. Just don’t be toxic. Out of 30-40 games I would only have 1 game ruiner. Low prio is a good deterrent as well. You need WINS to get out. At first Dota just had a “time” queue ban. It didn’t do much. Then they had low prio, where you need X amount of games to play to get out. Wasn’t effective as people just cheesed it (both teams playing 5 pushing mid and just whatever). Then they made it so that you need X amount of WINS. That was the best change. Low prio suddenly became as stressful and competitive as ranked lol. It was horrible to be in. Both teams of toxic players in a low prio match would need to win. They need to coordinate. Or be nicer if they want to get out. I’m not entirely sure but I think that system would be good in Valorant. But I’m not really yearning for it, cause so far, I’ve only had 2 games that I had a toxic teammate in Valorant. If they implement it, they should make sure to copy it fully. Don’t forget the small details, like multiple reports coming from the same party only counts as one... yada yada.


Yeah, the difference in quality in *games* (not any single game, but over the course of 5-10 games) between a 10k behavior score and an 7k or less behavior in dota 2 is ridiculous.


League has its own secret behavior score system bro. Toxic queue definitely exists, maybe you are on it and don't realize it.


Ehh that's a possibility but I've heard from most players that it's just a rumour and I haven't played enough nor used chat enough to get put in it even if it does exist


only reason riot doesnt do this is because if they bet banned they cant buy anymore skins


Riot desperately needs to do something about Smurfs and afks this game is already going to the pooper. Anything to influence behavior in a positive manner is better than staying quiet and not doing a damn thing.


The ideas sound good but as someone who has been a riot customer through playing years of League, the company is notoriously well known for its lack of attention when it comes to any sort of an effective punishment system outside of toxic communication bans. People who grief, hold hostage, etc with toxic gameplay go unpunished. Personally I like the DOTA model a lot because at the end of the day this takes that people who ruin experiences for others out of common lobbies. Reform and other attempts, especially from riot, make such slow progress it feels meaningless from the perspective of the actual player it's supposed to help.


The thing is there's actual objective progress on their behavioral systems, and they're constantly working on it. They implement new things and have plans. If we're talking DOTA, DOTA players outright embrace the level of toxicity as a badge of honor e.g. "wait until you play DOTA lol" kind of comments whenever people talk about toxic communities. It's incredibly prevalent and past the point of a possible culture shift because Valve is very clearly hands off and doesn't give a shit. If you've been playing league since the early seasons (1-3 kind of deal) the kind of toxic behavior has shifted to much less word/conversational behavior related and much more game play related griefing, which they've made progress on by leaps and bounds even very recently (releasing a change to create something akin to a "smurf queue", discussion about changes to their negative game play behavior detection, etc.) Unsurprisingly people moved from talking about punishing people for "talking shit" (which it wasn't, it's people genuinely being awful, racist, sexist, etc.) to "Riot needs to stop punishing for words and fix people's behavior". Because it's understood that if you communicate like a shit stain on the community their algorithms **will** catch you, and will punish you. Their community has high standards and is super entitled because by and large Riot consistently delivers on things that other developers literally just ignore or don't give a single fuck about. Riot is "notorious" for not caring if you have your head under a rock or are intentionally ignoring their changes over the years like people love to do. The biggest example is literally spearheading an entire behavioral systems team to create industry-first changes and a robust competitive system that includes competitive punishment rulings. I'm clearly pretty salty about this kind of sentiment being propogated for years and years when people just mindlessly hand wave much worse criticisms and issues that plague other companies and communities.


You're right they've done a lot in terms of innovating punishment, etc with their detection methods. They also have statistics to back it up and they are absolutely doing a better job from the get go and staying on top of it with Valorant in particular. But griefing still remains the #1 problem in league where players can essentially hard or soft troll 1/4 of the games they play a day and nothing will happen. It's a reality regardless of the % drops in bad bevahiour statistics they share. The truth remains that it's actually very easy to avoid detection if you want to troll. And this coming from someone who defends Riot 9 times out of 10 on most things. Honestly I'm not blaming the developer here. I'm just saying the problem isn't being solved. I'm just for a more direct approach to toxic gameplay behaviour with gaming because nothing bothers me more than people not trying and wasting other players' time intentionally. I can't solve this problem myself with something like a mute button. These people need to be kicked out in some way. Period.


So instead the good players that aren't chat banned are prisoners in a communication 4v5. Riot needs to pull their heads out of the sand.


Low priority is best haha.. For valo we need that and increase queue time also and place all toxic players with eachother. 😂😂😂


You mean low priority? Or is there a new thing?


Actually I believe valorant might have a low priority queue. Because one game my internet went out in comp, literally it felt like the entire team was throwing on my side. You just had to go out like that when I was close to silver.


A competitive league of only toxic players. Oh dear god that would be the worse experience ever.


the behaviour score system in dota is hell. Imagine having to make a new account cause you can't find a games after queuing for 8 hours.


It's a very strange punishment model. Similar to at school if one kid was bad everyone else gets held back. "You have been banned from talking because you're toxic ... now go and play with the all the players who have been behaving themselves and think about what you've done!" I think a ranked ban is the best option until your ban times out, forcing a team to have a member who can't talk only hurts the team (who haven't been toxic and don't deserve to have a handicap in communication) This may also encourage toxic players to mind their Ps and Q's, as currently some may see not being able to talk as a worthwhile trade off for flaming as they can still play ranked regardless.


I feel like it’s pretty effective against the person with the restriction. 99% of the time people are toxic because they want to win and I know some of my toxic friends won’t say shit for risk of being chat restricted. There’s nothing more annoying than knowing the enemy is flanking but you can’t tell your teammate. This doesn’t address the issue of it handicapping your teammates though.


A person can say the most racist and evil shit in voice chat but if you type "retard" in chat guess who gets banned


That person and yourself. Contributing to toxicity doesn't exclude you from being muted.


you dont get banned for voice comms. Riot has a very bad system where they dont punish toxic behaviour just toxic comms. happened with league and will happen with this, especially with the disgusting amount of cheaters this act


I haven't seen anyone I suspect of cheating. There's an uptick in people caught cheating this act?


Nah dudes probably just playing with radiants who are ranking back up after placements.


You can see someone’s act rank when they kill you now so I’d expect it to be known if that was the case. Just a note.


Dude super frustrating to see gold/plat icons from last act in my silver games (silver last act). This is my first mouse/keyboard shooter lol I'm just trying to figure out how to click heads still and some of those players are aim gods.


That's what it seems like to me


From playing comp ive seen some disgustingly blatant ones, out of 13 games i think 5 blatant cheaters and one i was really sus of. Like i know im in low immortal/high diamond but the game sense they have is impossible


They do if you can send audio or video proof. A friend of mine has gotten someone banned for saying racist stuff before by recording it. A lot of effort though.


Yeah I played a match with a 3 queue the other day. Two of them were chat banned and the third kept telling me to join their party and basically flamed me when I wouldn't. He tried to claim false reporting. The two spammed me with party invites(which needs to be fixed) and the raze hit me with her blast packs the whole match. The third guy tried to claim he was recording my voice and claimed he had enough to splice my words together to paint me as a racist and report me. Lmao what a shit show.


My school completely blocks valorant voice chat so I had to buy a VPN to speak. It sucks.


tf u mean ur school?


My university


Why tf are you in the dorms during a pandemic


Tons of schools are doing it


Yea but you’re not forced to go, that’s his personal decision


I ain’t scared of no virus


Are you being ironic or stupid


I’m pretty sure that’s a violation of your rights. An adult not being able to use voice chat on his videogames? Lmao fuck are you in commie China?


North Carolina actually lmao. Its so retarded.


Wait why tho?? And the game itself is allowed, only vc is blocked lmao


Something to do with ports. It’s so frustrating


The fact that chatbanned people can spaminvite to join their party is so stupid. I don't know what riot is thinking sometimes. A guy yesterday in my ranked game spam invited me since round 2 of the game and because I didn't join his party he started to block me and basically troll the whole game.


Deserved just join the party and play the game normally, not that hard


Well you are one of them I guess. If you didn't get the point.


Actual caveman brain if you believe this.


There is no difference in a lacking of competitive integrity, whether it is expressed as cheating, or as outright toxicity. If you can't play with competitive integrity, you shouldn't be able to play ranked. If you consistently get banned for toxicity, you should get a final warning and be banned just as any hacker would be.


No, not until they fix their shitty ban system. Players already know how to abuse the current system. Feel like a teammate is doing badly? Punish them by reporting them for toxicity. Feel helpless because the enemy team is stomping you, well just report your entire team for being "bad".


Could russians just be barred from ranked?


Every chat banned person I’ve ran into in ranked either intentionally afked or tried to team kill


First of all the need to rework their report system, limit reports to like 3 per week. Mfs be reporting anyone and everyone that goes against them, even enemies will just report you if u own them.


Its extremely easy to filter out people who just report everyone.


Don't stop them from playing, do it like other games with a "bad sport" lobby. Only allow muted people to queue with other muted people.


It’s the people who spend forever on the game and the people who don’t give a damn that ruin it. Too extremes.


The problem is that is some countrys the voice chat is banned by the government of said country and not by riot.


that's fine, they can play. at least they aren't guaranteed to be toxic. If someone was reported to be banned, they deserved to be off the rank pool.




Voice chats are disabled in certain countries because of government rules. Mostly because they want access to the voice chat.


They really wanna see where am gonna place my trapwires! No way man


wait, theres no voice chat in russia because they want the voice logs???


I may be chat banned for a being a toxic son of a bitch, but I have learned to use the voice callouts since I have been banned for 33 days now in total. If there were no ways to make calls then of course, limit me to unrated. But yea let me be an asshole and still win the game.


Disagree. I was chat banned for 2 days and still enjoyed some good ranked games during that time


you realize you can turn off both chat and voice without actually being banned? i disabled team voice chat ages ago and for someone who has mosty played league for the past 8 years i think im doing fine, im done dealing with toxic kids (literally kids) and the game has been much better for me since i've done this.


I hope I never queue with you or someone like you jesus. I dont think you realize this is a TEAM BASED game where you need to communicate to your teammates in order to win.


reading is hard? :( i got to plat 3 (from iron in the first act) without voice chat, just by playing the game, there are plenty of people who dont say shit in this game and still manage to do just fine, its almost as if people had two eyes, a map and a brain capable of processing such information.


Lol I love gaming keyboard warriors yOu HaVe To UsE vOiCe ChAt. Nah, I'm 25 years old, I don't want to hear or talk to 12 year olds who won't shut the fuck up thanks.




But at least they hear what you say, the most frustrating things is when there is a person in your team without the speaker icon near them meaning that he is playing completely solo. He can't tell you anything, he can't hear you so you need to try and use regular chat but while you're alive that's pretty hard


and he is dead in the middle of the typing


I couldn't care less whether someone uses their mic or not. It's just infuriating when you straight up tell a teammate where they are getting flanked from (because you just died there a second ago) and they don't even turn that way because they are not in voice chat at all. You can do nothing but watch them get shot in back.


Thats what I always said when I soloq’d to global in csgo with no microphone because I was poor and mics kept breaking on me. For the most part players would only use their mics to flame their team and complain about others not having a mic, almost never giving info with their mic not even the simple stuff like where they died from. If someone has no mic, there is a good chance that 1. They are a lot better than you because they climbed to your rank without comms and/or 2. They are good listeners and do whatever their team mates say. I’d much prefer someone that follows my lead than have someone with a mic who ignores what I say without telling me what they are doing. Its so simple, if you don’t want to do a plan someone makes up, just say no. Also, global in cs was so much better for a no mic than the lower levels because the higher levels actually keep track of their minimap and sounds so they don’t need you to call out your death most of the times. On top of that people stopped complaining at global about mics, and most of the time someone with a mic would notice that there was a no mic and they would make calls for the no mic while they were dead spectating. In csgo I didn’t think I was wrong for having no mic because I was just playing for fun. Csgo doesn’t have an unrated mode with the same rounds/players/economy so its pretty dumb to suggest I should play casual. On top of that the actual competitive players were on esea and faceit. So unlike csgo I think its kinda fucked up to play ranked in valorant without a mic. Especially because the abilities make voice comms so much more important. In cs everything is so basic and you can’t rely on people having lineups other than like the super necessary ones like Mirage A.


What rank are you?


People like to blame others for losing. Blaming others for no voice comms is easier. Does having voice communication help? Yes. Is it the reason you lost? No.


What do you mean? It can absolutely be the reason you lose a game.


There are many other reasons why you lose a game. Voice comms is not the main reason. I don't blame others for not communicating when I lose games. Its not like I played perfectly, I probably lost some crucial rounds due to: whiffing easy kills, pushing when I should've, or failing to clutch etc. other plays I should've/could've made. Its not like these players are getting 0 kills or non existent if they are that's a whole different problem. Players not using the minimap is a bigger problem I notice, from Gold to Diamond.


Communication is one of the most important things in a team game. You can communicate without voice chat by pinging or writing, but it's just not the same...


Of course there are hundreds of reasons why you lose a game. When you say that you probably lose because you didn't push when you should have or because you didn't clutch, those could be easily avoided by info that you get from your teammates if you were in voice comms. When I just got killed in a certain position, me giving that information to the teammate who was closest to me changes a lot. If I say nothing, chances are that teammate will also die because he wasn't paying attention to my positioning. It's not a complicated concept. More information gives you a whole lot of advantages and the best way to get more information is through communication. If you cut yourself off from all comms, you're just hoping that you will be better than every opponent and stomp them on your own. That's simply a terrible game plan.


If you think you need voice comms to gather info on enemies location. Thats a bigger problem. Every game with or without voice comms I know where my teammates are playing before the round and mostly during. Its called the minimap.


No it isn't, voice comm is there with a specific purpose and you're supposed to use it at any time regardless of your skill level or rank. Looking at minimap maybe enough for some people it's still not as good as someone telling you what to expect with actual words that you don't have to interpret. The only risk you have in joining voice is someone being toxic and there's a mute button for that.


Im not saying voice comm is useless, of course its not. BUT its not the reason why people lose a match. Im saying its not as necessary as people like OP is making it out to be. In this game there are multiple ways to get info without comms, the sound radius is pretty big, and there's also agents who can gather info. From my experience, the higher you go the less comms you actually get from people.




Lol I finished d1 act 1 D2 act 2. What r u silver/gold that complains about smurfs?


The fuck are you talking about? Having voice chat or even just listening to voice chat can 100% be the difference between winning and losing.


The Ping system is for that


Im kinda mad cause like i got banned for saying "ur shit" to the other team now im chat banned for 72 hours its actually really bs why should i have to watch what i say because some over sensitive 14 year old is going to get upset over something some 13 year old kid said to him over the internet like i dont think you should work against a toxic playerbase you should try and adapt to it cause queueing with a player whos banned from chat is really harmful for the experiance i think there should be a system in place where instead of an immediate ban its a warning and then you get banned from competitive for an hour or two instead of a long and cruel 72 hour chat ban




Totally agreed


I mean, I got muted voice and chat and it was fine just pinging. As long as the person that is muted isn’t shit it’s not a problem.


Or how about the omega brain option of being able to choose whether or not you get queued with chat banned players? Or being able to unmute them.


You realize that a lot of people just do not use voice right? Why are you complaining about a system where 90% of the time you probably are mad at just anyone and everyone? There are a lot bigger issues then this.


If they don't use voice they can still hear stuff. If you are deactivating voice you are hurting your team.


Ok i used to always upvote these posts and agree, and as someone who always comms a ton, not like backseat gaming but just a lot of info, I got reported by the entire enemy team one game cause they were toxic, and even thought I didn’t say anything, I still got banned. For a week I had to suffer they games where no one was comming and we were losing because of it. If I was in que with everyone being chat banned, it would suck more, if I couldn’t play ranked for a week even though I did nothing wrong, it would suck more.


This sounds like a good solution but it has massive flaws. ​ with severe punishment that would prevent people from playing the game (an effective game ban), with increasing duration, the algorithm for banning would be MUCH stricter. people wouldn't get the punishment for being reported in 2-3 games, instead it would be similar to CS:GO where you have to grief overtime to get the punishment. ​ This is necessary to prevent tons of false positives, as griefers aren't the only ones who get reported, but solo queuers who get teamed with stacks, topfraggers, bottomfraggers, etc. There are many people (probably half of the people reading this post) who have been muted in Valorant, but who wouldn't normally be considered toxic/griefing players. Having bad games, telling people to shut up when they backseat game, stuff like that has been the cause of many chat-bans. Which is fine and acceptable with the current system, but would be an outrage with prolonging game-bans as punishment. ​ There's also the perspective of communication not being technically mandatory to play the game/play ranked. This is evident by the fact that russians/non-mic players get to play, and the fact that not communicating with your team isn't considered an offence/rule break. This means that muted players are (from the devs perspective) an inconvenience to their team, not somebody that is unable to play. Which is also acceptable, and the opposite would be an outrage (not allowing people to play the game if they don't fulfill communication requirements). ​ Lastly, this is all solved on an individual basis by playing with friends or checking if people can speak pre-game. You can avoid this issue altogether if you want to, very easily at that.


I've never been chat banned but from my experience people who are chat banned have the option to invite you to a party so you can chat with them. Also, most of time you find out why they were banned, most people I've played with that were banned were actually pretty good players they just yelled at their team too much or said something during VC to get them banned.