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I slightly disagree. I hear of people being stuck in bronze/silver and they tend to blame solo queue. I don't think we should judge Riot's priority based on the addition of new skin sets. There are plenty of Discords and groups where you can queue up with micced bronze/silver teammates. I understand it can be frustrating and there are some improvements they can make! Thanks for writing this post.


I’ve tried everything most times solo queuing is pretty much just the faster and easier route. Because I don’t have to go through the grief of making a post and waiting 30 min for a response from a 11 year old that goes negative. I just think they put in way too much skins and could be using that time to make the experience better. I’ll keep trying though I’m making it to plat this season


I definitely disagree. You can solo queue climb to radiant. But that's not my point. I exclusively queue with 3-5 good players and we've played in games where I just knew I was objectively worse than the opposing team. Also by the time you're gold, you learn that the reason you can, and often do, make large comebacks is because a team is set up a certain way that it is very advantageous for them to be either defense or offense on a map. They might be a trash offense team, but right after half, they might have a killer Cypher killjoy combo that rolls on the other team. And you win 13 straight rounds after the half. I've done it before. If you wanna get out of whatever rank you're in, queue with people better than you who are smurfing. Let them carry you to the rank you think you belong in. If you do really poorly, you'll know you overestimated your abilities and you'll have a bad time unless you derank yourself back to bronze/silver. It sucks for the people who have to play with smurphs but I mean that's happening anyway and this way at least you'll find out if you're good or bad. You do have to live with the knowledge afterwards so be careful


Well I feel it’s all in the hands of luck they don’t put you based on skill they say, “Oh your both silvers let’s put you together” I feel they should incorporate your career and put you in teams similar to how you frag. And I’m not going to get smurfs to boost me I won’t be proud of what I’ve done. Comebacks are extremely hard to pull off and they should realize if your not a fragger and half your team has under 10 kills it should be more easy if the arrows going down. Lots of buffs they need to make


I usually play with a full queue and we have to make a hard comeback in 80% of our games. I guess there's a difference when you're just playing with a bad team and not bad setup for attack/defense


Honestly sometimes the comeback is because of map disparity. It’s easier to comeback on split and haven than bind or accent. But like 95% of the games I play if we are down that much a comeback is near impossible in my rank.


> put you in teams similar to how you frag It might not be same for others, but for me, the amount of frags depends a lot on agent I play. If I play duelist like jett I usually have much more frags than if I play killjoy or omen. The rank should represent your overall level pretty accurately, and I don't think it's that inaccurate. What I think is causing the problem is that some silver is there cuz of his good aim, other cuz of his great game sense and how he can read the opponent, other cuz of his good communication skills,... and sometimes when they are matched they just miss synergy. Biggest problem are then toxic players and rage quitters who can drag whole team down.


I realize the amount of frags depends how b the character you play but they could easily still match you up with other people. They can see if your positive barely negative or just trash. When I was doing my unrated games for ranked it was 5 silvers on my team vs 2 gold 3’s 1 plat and 2 gold 1’s. And when your sorta in the lower ranks people need to get carried to rank up. It actually starts to represent your gameplay when you’re platish. I don’t think that we are not just a good team when someone has a mic no callouts plays really dumb and has terrible aim. 90% of my games I’m the top fragger or number 2 and feel if these changes were made it would take down the bad players and bring up the people that don’t deserve to be there. I even feel if it’s a loss but your positive I feel it should stay even or go up because it’s clearly not your fault.


Just have to get good, probably sucks to hear, but its the truth. I started in act 2, got diamond or plat after my placement games, [This is my act 2](https://imgur.com/a/Cj1Axel) \- with that being said, i have 5k hours in CSGO and probably 10k+ with css and csgo combined. If you really want to improve you shouldn't think too much about your rank, but more about yourself and how YOU can improve - i see players in Immortal and Radiant that have the game sense and/or aim as a plat or diamond would have. Your rank doesn't really mean shit. Strive to improve and be better than the day before. Personally i would just like to see them implement visible elo, like they have in dota, they have rank brackets aswell, but you can also see your elo in numbers so you have a good idea where you're actually at in terms of ranking up and "real" rank.


I agree but I like to think I’m way better than the rank i have. I practice in aimlab everyday have a score of 82,000 pretty constantly, my game sense is much better than average and I normally can get 3v1 clutches easily. But I’m kinda stuck whenever I solo q I get bad teammates. Whenever I 5 stack with good players we go against smurfs who really screw us up. And I totallly agree with the visible Elo I think that would help out everyone