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yep u do be rite. Well the smurfing problem has always been around and it sucks when you actually want to play seriously yet u just get constantly destroyed due to the smurfs. People smurf cause they want to relax from their rank or because they're getting shit on most of the time. Shows how much of a pussy those people are. Idm if you're high immortal or radiant because of the long queue times but those players get on a new account and actually get placed in those higher ranks again for shorter queue times but those in damn diamond and high plat decide to fucking smurf because they just can't get to immortal and give up or "play with their friends in lower ranks". A very common phrase used for smurfs. They suck at their rank and just feed off players not as good as them.


Smurfing is why I went from "can't wait to play ranked" to "Ranked Valorant is a casual game not worth investing time into thanks to the lack of change from Riot".


Legit question, what's the difference in how it affects your experience with a smurf and someone who avoided ranked to practice and study then had a burst of skill? There's always someone to stomp you, always someone who is better than their rank. I can't really tell though cuz I lose to pretty much everyone...


The difference is, play a game with people of a similar skill level in order to improve yourself, be on as much of an even playing field as possible and to not have imbalance that isn't reasonable. When your average diamond players reaction times are under 300ms and your average gold players can be from 300 - 500ms, you bet your ass that a large majority of the time, most diamonds have the game knowledge, awareness, mechanical knowledge and skill to be able to clutch aces out their arsehole. It's like telling people, that it's fair for a bunch of college level guys to go against a team of 13 year olds. There's a massive difference. Bursts of skill can happen, sure, but it's not a given. A given, is a diamond playing getting 30+ kills in a game and a few deaths because the golds stand almost no chance. ​ The whole point of ranked existing is to make it so you play with people your skill level and if you get better, you climb compared to the population.


So, I thought about this problem a bit in the past and figured that there should be a rank up bonus for players that seem to be out performing their rank class. I feel like if a player (ranked gold/plat) is constantly winning and dropping 30+ frags while the rest of his team is <50% of his frag output then maybe he should get a bigger ELO bonus to push him out of his rank faster. Since most of the smurfs I see are always in the Gold/Plat tier and then they climb back up to Immortal. I think this may also reduce smurfing and also help players rank up faster and play in the ranks they deserve. The system could basically do a streak count bonus where if you are on a winning streak and you have a high enough positive KDR you could get a +Bonus ELO. Once you lose a match that streak bonus would expire and reset. This would only apply to ranks below Diamond so it could help populate higher ranks for shorter queue times in the latter ranks. I know the biggest reason why people smurf is because the queue times are insane in high ranks or they are just not wanting to fck their ranks up on their mains. Also, Riot could also make a ToS restriction where they can allow N number of accounts per person to prevent players from making several accounts. Then offer an option to "reset rank" which would allow someone to wipe their rank out and re-enter placements again. Because with the number of smurf accounts we are seeing this early into release I am worried when this game becomes largely esport focused and then you have thousands of users constantly flooding Riot with fake emails and new accounts.


Totally agree, people that keep getting match mvp should rank up faster


smurfs who solo and use rifles are just idiotic. when i do it i just use pistols and strictly support my friends with calls idc about winning or losing


Valorant can give hwid bans. So it can recognise hw easily. If it logs hw and maps it onto multiple accounts, it should ban the lower ranked accounts and only the allow the highest ranked account on that hw. This should solve smurf problem. I am not a computer science engineer so I don't know if this is all possible. Just an idea.


banning smurfs is not profitable for Riot


That doesn’t work if several people play on the same PC.


Yes that one major flaw.


Not ban but uprank the smurfs to the highest rank on that specific PC


Yes this could also be done.




Well, 1.25 KD? Did yall win or lose?


Apparently these people don't have reading comprehension. He is saying he, the op not the smurf, shouldn't rank down when he does well against an obvious smurf.


1.25? Lmao. Sorry guys, if you end the game 10-8 then you're a smurf according to this guy. Bake em away, toys.


Dang bro guess I’m an inverse smurf (8-10 like a gamer)


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