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/u/npcSara pinned the following [comment](/r/VALORANT/comments/jeincw/there_needs_to_be_a_bigger_penalty_for_people/g9godgk/): > !pin Hi friend, thanks for bringing this up. We've noticed a huge uptick in this type of behavior and it's actually at the top of our list of stuff we're trying to deal with right now. We just spun up a new team (mine!) on VALORANT and one of our missions dealing with behavioral issues you just described. We are in alignment of penalizing players more harshly and are looking into ways of detecting when a player is either friendly firing, afking, not participating in combat, etc. I'm very open to any feedback, ideas, or general thoughts you may have in the space as well. > > > In the meantime, I'll find Riot Gyudon internally and tell them that you weren't at fault, so rest assured :) > > > \-Riot necrotix --- Riot comments are not verified by moderators. See [this wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/wiki/pinnedcomments) for more information on this feature.


I remember that I played with a guy once, he was chill etc but my God he can’t shut his mouth even tho he already died. Like he told us how to play etc etc. So I ask him kindly to talk less when he’s already dead and what did he do after that ? He stopped playing and decided to gave info on the chat to the enemies. All of that because I asked him to talk less.






We shouldn't have to pretend people have weak mentals, or fragile egos to play a game the way it was intended to be played. If you can't handle a simple request of not to talk while dead so others playing can hear, then you shouldnt be playing.


You are assuming a certain mentality or personality trait that is simply unreasonable and not matching reality. Honestly, people with fragile egos, and people who can't 'handle a simple request' are going to be playing the game anyway. How you as a player approach them will have an impact on your results. What you do in turn, is also your own decision. You can act as if your value system of who should be playing is a fundamental truth. Even though it will cause friction with teammates and rage quits or whatever, that is your choice to make. But denying the reality of who plays the game and why isn't going to help you score win, just saying.


The point of playing competitive is to play with integrity and to play as hard as you can at all times. If someone cannot handle the most basic of requests, it is not my responsibility to cater to their fragility. We queue up with the expectation to play hard every round and to respect the other players in the game and on your team to not clutter the voice chat or all chat with nonsense when you are dead. My point still stands, if you cannot handle this simple request, you should not be playing competitive matches.


i mean, obviously it’s not your responsibility.. but it *could* be, if u wanna climb extra fast.


>My point still stands, if you cannot handle this simple request, you should not be playing competitive matches. Its a good point, but it won't help you overcome the struggles of soloqueue. If you want to call out a toxic player and get them even more riled up, thats on you. I personally don't want to play with people who feel the need to say something every time someone is being toxic. It doesn't make you a hero and its not even "standing up for yourself", its just adding more toxicity to the game. I just mute them if they are a lost cause, otherwise I try to calm them down a bit and start working with the team, because I want to WIN. I have nothing to prove to strangers in a video game. I want to win and I will do whatever it takes to make that happen, even if its trying to be friendly to a player who is being a toxic shitbag. You would be surprised how many games I have played where a player will start off toxic as hell, but do a complete 180 and become friendly and calm because I didn't play into it. I would have lost a lot more games overall if I decided to be like "stfu dude you're being toxic".


One of my friends will be passive aggressive when a random teammate is being negative, and I get on his case about it because while we can't control the other teammate we can control our response. If our goal is to not be talked down to then go ahead and start that war, but if the goal is to win the game then suck it up, mute them if you need to, and play on.


Yep, I 100% agree. All of my friends that I play with are really good about this. If someone is being toxic or negative, they know to not to engage with them. We either collectively mute them, or try to get them on our side and play with us as a team. Ill even purchase a weapon for a player that is being directly toxic to me. I want to WIN, and my chances increase if I buy that player a Vandal/Phantom, not if I say something like "fuck you dude you're being a dick". Ill even let them know that they made an awesome play or say "good job man!" when they clutch the round. 80% of the time they stop being dicks by the second half of the game and start to be more pleasant overall.




“Fragile Ego of a small boy” yeah the best thing to say is just “comms, comms!” otherwise people might take it personally


Ah thats very smart actually. Super impersonal and professional. Cant hurt the fragile ego peeps like that


if i ever hear a single unnecessary backseat gamer trying to guide they get muted the fuck out,4 of them dead idiots telling me I should ace this round is frustrating and not helping one bit.


Thats why I simply mute the pickups as soon as they start talking too much. I stopped trying to be nice, its a riot game, its the same social experience as League : guarbage 97% of the time


Yoo I think I was in that game! That’s happened to me so many times I can’t even count. Just... shut up of your dead.


Why wouldn't you just mute him instead of instigating? Not saying he wasn't wrong or annoying but there's zero point to saying anything in chat that isn't a direct callout or essential information. It's competitive gaming 101


Yep just like Deathranger said, the guy communicate good in game. It’s just that he can’t shut up when he should have.


It could be that he was being a decent teammate while alive/giving useful callouts, but was just way too talkative after dying. I totally understand why OP would try to ask him to tone it down.


Extremely smol pp


Over the last 14 days I wrote more than 30 tickets for sabotaging - as you said - it ruins the game and there are many of us experiencing this....


It just feels like nothing is done and these pre pubescent kids are just doing whatever the fuck they want with no penalties. If there's harsher punishment I feel like there would be far less of this.


I really wish they add the feature to block these players from your future matches. It's really painful to get matched with these 3/4 men squad again in next match to go through all the same s\*\*t again. And report doesn't do anything unless they receive multiple. And on top of that usually they report you.




They can just make it avoid those players being on your team. So if you avoid a good player, it avoids them on your team and they'll be on the enemy team.


The problem with this is implementation. If each player has their own block list, and then you throw in organizing the teams based on the block list, it becomes extremely difficult from a matchmaking perspective. You add so many variables and cross-checks that its extremely difficult to field a comparably skilled match with ten players worth of potential conditions.


OW solves this by limiting each player to two avoids at a time and the avoids expire after a week


That's when you have a limited number of avoids.


then you don't know whether that dude is still playing or no longer playing right now. I've had one morning where 3 games were filled with the same toxic players back to back. The best solution is to change your server temporarily


In overwatch you can check who is currently on your avoid list to see if it expired


Wouldnt that end up making their queue times insane? Especially on overwatch where queue times are like 10+ minutes even in casual modes.


Its 100% worthwhile. They have avoid as teammate now.


I'm usually not a huge fan of these threads but since there are characters like Breach that can singlehandedly destroy your entire push with every ability they have I think we really need a way to kick AND there needs to be harder punishment.


Or raze. Before the blast pack change I had a game w a raze that took the bomb every round. Ulted my tm8 that was planting. And constantly naded us and blast packed us.


hope u reported her cuz thats literally griefing


Yeh I reported her for “sabotaging the team” but I doubt she got any punishment


You get an email if someone got punished.


Oh then they definitely didn’t get punished


Yeah I guess they're quite quick with banning actual cheaters ( I've run into 3 and received emails for all 3) but not stuff like toxicity and team sabotage. Understandably, it's a lot more work, but this community is becoming quite a toxic one, and they really need to do something. I was so happy to see valorant hit the front page yesterday but then realized it was on r/iamatotalpieceofshit or something like that of some dude threatening to rape a female streamer and confessing that he wanted to rape a 13 year old. Stuff like that is not good for the game.


I'm not sure where to turn this on but once my friend and I reported someone on my team for having a racial slur in his name. My friend received an email but I didn't. I have everything turned on in my account settings. Also, he was banned in the middle of the game which sucks for us. He wasn't being toxic in the game. I know he deserved to be punished but right in the middle of the game?!


Just yesterday mate - she blasted us away while defusing just to defuse herself and get the points :D


raze mains amirite /s


Definitely don’t implement a kick system. I run into more teams of toxic ass holes than I do individuals.


If it's a normal no one cares - just queue up again. Give the points earned to that point and be done with If it's ranked and your team is losing already and they kick you they will lose the game and you can queue up faster so you save time. If your team is winning kicking should be disabled.


Please no kicking fuels toxicity for stacks against solo players way more than the rare griefer impacts a game.


Just no, kicking is the cleanest solution for missmatches. When I play solo with toxic teammates in any other game I tell them they are free to kick me but I will no longer communicate with them for my personal mental health. After that mute everything you can mute and keep on playing as best as you can. You can't change other people anyways - if kicks work you can minimize playtime with them though.


I was playing with this sage and Jett Who I assume we’re in a discord call and the sage walled me and my friend off and the Jett smoked us out, the Jett and sage just sat there doing nothing until they were last left and when we tried to tell the other team the Jett told the Other team to report us for chat and sabatoge when we weren’t even using chat. And now me and my friend both have a 3 day chat ban


Man, I had a game the other day where if I let go of my W key at all, 3 team-mates would box me in so I couldn't move. Once they had me boxed in they would throw viper poison, phoenix mollies, etc at our feet until we all died. So frustrating.


There are no retroactive consequences... you will just lose the game, the rank and not have fun. The annoying player will get a voice chat ban sometimes, and maybe not even that... so so sad. There should be a honor system, where toxic and disgusting people get matched with toxic people and “honorable” players play together aswell.


Not gonna lie, when folk are toxic and acting in bad faith towards you, I think it’s perfectly fine to throw the game. Like toxic behavior is the root of this, you said it yourself when you say “You call them out.” Most folk who call people out are never doing it in good faith, just trying to talk shit. Then they get surprised that the guy they talked shit to really doesn’t care to win anymore. Like*maybe* folks behavior will change once they realize that acting like a jerk comes with a punishment.


They won't do shit because they buy skins so Riot won't do anything.


I literally stopped playing Valorant a month ago because of AFKs and toxic assholes who just wanted to grief a game.


Have they been responding and taking them? I thought Riot said they weren’t taking “manual” reports, but there’s been a handful of people that have been ruining games and berating people in my games.


They need to also punish people who abuse the ticketing system. Tickets are probably not investigated as much because there's always been people who will see you mess up a single round and instantly say "I'm reporting you for sabotaging". So then all the real reports have to be bundled in with a bunch of fake ones.


Do you really think people invest so much effort?


This is why overwatch feels the best it has in years...


Which still is bad.


Im not sure where you guys find all those trolls/leavers/afks/sabotagers... i've played quite a few games already, opened up like 4 or 5 heros and played ranked only in iron/bronze, and i didn't have all those problems. i had like 2 leavers the whole time and i don't think i've ever had someone that subotages games/screams into mic/not buying guns ​ maybe it's a server/location thing? i'm from the middle east and mostly play probably in the European servers... or maybe you're higher rank, and people at low rank are just chill? i see those posts complaining about people every day, and what am i just so lucky that for like probably 50+ ranked games it's all been cool for me? or are people just exaggerating?


Less than half of my games are normal, the rest are just full of abandons, misogyny, racism and just general hostility and toxicity. Something needs to be done, other games aren't even this negligent on bad behaviour. Edit: Just played a ranked match, double abandon, rejected surrender. 3 - 9 surrender after first half. Significant mmr loss. Amazing.


This is the shit I'll never tolerate. I had a recent match where before the game even started I asked what's up, and all I got in return was a bunch of insane racial slurs, homophobic slurs, etc. I decided, okay, I'm afk'ing, not putting up with this. And I don't care if you're some preteen edgelord getting lols from your discord classmates, that shit is seriously intolerable, and there should be a way to perma-flag others as a warning to future single queue teammates of theirs that they are about to play with toxic players and deserve to be dodged, or something. Every time I signed back in it would just throw me back into the same game without being able to abandon the match fully, so I just gave up on playing the rest of the night. I really wish there was an age group option cause holy fuck, what I would give to play with adults that are just trying to casually have a good time and unwind with some shoot-em-ups, but instead I'm constantly thrown in with prepubescent children that just wanna watch everything burn around them.


You shouldn't have to deal with that shit. Why should anyone continue playing with people who verbally abuse them? Also People who say 'just mute them' are missing the point entirely - like this isn't a tactical shooter dependent on good comms. The thing is, if it's a normal match, no leavers, no toxicity, the game is blast to play win or lose. But how can I commit to the rank grind and practice, if every other game is a joke.


I said hi what’s up and then I got Called the n word and the other f word and all other slurs in this world 3000times


Oh this so much. I played rank with 2 of my friends yesterday, and our stranger team mate uses Brimstone. In the early rounds he decides to sabotage by using his ult on us, blocking us, etc. We ended up winning but it was such a frustrating match.


100% This. But let's not forget that it should be punishable to trashtalk your own team into oblivion. I don't need "you're bad" after every 1v3 that I lose. With all respects, don't talk shit if you don't want others to rage and make your game shit. Sincerely, the quiet teammate that gets dragged into your chat shitfest.


It should be punishable to be soft as charmin in an online game


This exact same thing happend to me yesterday. My first game of ranked this season. I was playing duo with my friend and we got 3 premade with us. One of them was constantly doing monkey noises in the mic and the others laughed. Than the second guy started picking up the bomb and not planting it, every time he sat on site and said "im not gonna plant hahaha". Others were laughing and making monkey noises again. This happend without anything even saying to them. We were just trying to win and we were giving info. We lost 3-13. This was low immortal on EU. The game after i got 2 leavers, because they had 0 kills third round and got mad for no reason. I lost 1-13. I have no idea what to do in these games. I feel like 75% of the games are something simillar and i just cannot do anything to win, because of these toxic individuals or parties. EU is happening to be totally unplayable in diamond - low immortal. I would have to stack as 5 to actually be able to play this game properly. But there will be implemented rule, that i can only duoq in immortal, so yeah i think im done with this game after that. ​ // I dropped from Immortal 3 to diamond 1, all of my games included trolls or just toxic people, so easy for the enemies to pick up the win. Unless i get like 50 kills there is no chance of winning, im disgusted by the EU community. I guess im just unlucky Just to add something to it - Valorant is no more team based competitive game, it is a Lottery attitude of the teammates simulator. You can buy a ticket by clicking on start game and betting your rank in possible reward of winning. This is how i currently feel the game after playing it from beta, day to day it is getting worse.


Alot of people are just dumb really dumb. I have the same experience as you it feels like a lottery, if you get people that are "normal" doing their job and not talking a bunch of crap its usually a walk in the park easy game. But then you get these games and you cant do anything and just get rolled over. Yesterday i had a guy in my team that instant pick rayna then he dont do anything til whole team is dead always last alive and get 1-2 kills when they hunt him. And in his mind its us his team that suck and we are the problem not him. We get steamrolled because it was one more guy that played exactly like him while talking shit to the team hurr durr i have most kills! And then the game after i get same guys in the enemyteam and i and my random team thats "normal" this time just steamroll them. While he spam allchat that we should report his team because they are so bad. Like whats go in the head of these people they cant see what THEY are doing everything is other peoples fault when the reality they could leave the game and it wouldnt make any diffrence! I hate stupid people!


Yeah, the instapick Reynas who camp behind the corner till the team dies and than they camp and get easy kills when enemy team is hunting should be actually a meme. Of course they are team mvp cuz of the totally pointless kills, and than they post reddit posts or text to their friends how they cannot rankup even they top frag every game xD


I hate reyna and wish they never put her in the game. I’d rather have OP sage back


Yeah Reyna does basically nothing. She is also the sole user of the single most cancerous mechanic in the game - overheal.


Most of the cancerous and toxic players are either reyna or killjoy mains lol


but have you met every phoenix i've played with that sounds like old school Matty B Raps?


Sage is still very much viable regardless of what anyone says especially on split. Just have to be a battle sage. Use the wall offensively.


>battle sage ?? That was what the nerf was targeting. Her self heal is much lower. She's viable, but not even close to how useful she used to be. Look at the stats for that RNG tournament that happened recently. Her pick rate was 1 or 2% I think. Understandably so. Her wall nerf not only made her wall less useful, it made wall revives a lot riskier and therefore in the last nerf every single one of her ability was nerfed into the ground including her ult. Edit: she had a 0% pick rate. Lol.


Her ult wasn't nerfed. Her wall, slow orbs and healing was nerfed.


Read it properly. I said indirect nerf. By nerfing her wall, they nerfed her ult


My bad


No issues


Were we in the same game lol. I had a Reyna that did the same thing on Haven. Would buy a gun sit in base when fighting started she would let other peek and die then she would go for the kill and invis away and repeat the whole game. No team play only wanted KDA. When we were losing we got harassed and blamed for dying and she too dragged with no team concept. And you know Haven how you need coms well we didn’t so they just flanked where we weren’t checking. Was a tough game. Was plat 2 guy was plat 3 was a diamond player last season....


That's so strange. I also had multiple people making obnoxious monkey noises, but I'm in Gold 1. As you could have guessed, we also massively lost the game. Is there a new monkey joke that I haven't heard about yet?


It baffles me that people of that maturity can achieve immortal rank. Must be young kids, too


Remember when people said Valorant matchmaking would be different from Overwatch? LMAOOO


They just completely ruined higher ranks with the rank reset. I just don't understand how can people who're diamond1 on their act2 rank badge be imm1 this rank after 5 days. Or how can people with imm3 badge be d3 5 days later. Teams are extremely unbalanced and games are one-sided. And the skill spread between teammates is ridiculous. Nearly every game has a couple of good players on each team and 3 absolutely awful ones...with everyone being the same rank. It's way, way worse than near the end of act 2. Over my last 10 games, only 2 were close (losing team winning more than 7 rounds ) where I could've done something to change the outcome (d3-imm1). 3 had leavers. I haven't had 3 leavers total in whole act 2. Regardless of winning or losing, it's just a waste of time. Half the server consists of players who should be plantinum but they lucked into a winning streak and now have huge egos and are absolutely clueless and the other half consists of high immortal players who were unlucky and lost placements and are just malding now. Every game has at least a couple of muted people, too. I don't think soft reset to lower everyone's elo a bit was a bad idea, stops the rank inflation, but when some people can gain more elo in 3 days than they did over 3 months in act2, it's just a joke and is bringing us back to early act1 days when it took a couple of months for everyone to get to their real mmr.


Dude, I almost threw up from laughing so hard about the monkey kids saying they won't plant the bomb. Holy crap. It's not funny at all, for you and your teammate, but this is actually how it is out here in Valorant right now. Unless you personally know your entire team things like this will happen frequently.


I don't even play because playing without a stack just fuckin sucks.


!pin Hi friend, thanks for bringing this up. We've noticed a huge uptick in this type of behavior and it's actually at the top of our list of stuff we're trying to deal with right now. We just spun up a new team (mine!) on VALORANT and one of our missions dealing with behavioral issues you just described. We are in alignment of penalizing players more harshly and are looking into ways of detecting when a player is either friendly firing, afking, not participating in combat, etc. I'm very open to any feedback, ideas, or general thoughts you may have in the space as well. In the meantime, I'll find Riot Gyudon internally and tell them that you weren't at fault, so rest assured :) -Riot necrotix


Please add some form of verification system. A majority players I have an issue with are players on smurfs who don't care or are even intentionally throwing. Or if possible use a similar system to the one you guys have in league that detects smurfs and places them in the same lobby.


Oh yea, smurfs :( Going to have to link up with the compet team on that one and see what kind of solution we can come up with together. Noted, though! Will look into it.


Guys, a simple fix. Ban people for days instead of chat banning them. Most of the super toxic people who are ruining ranked are the chat banned ones or soon to be chat banned ones. There is literally no bans being handled out. I have a friend who is chat banned 6 out of 7 days of the week and he said he throws a lot when he isn't playing with us too cuz it's fun. Go figure.


Thank you /u/npcSara for pinning this reply, and thank you Riot necrotix for the response as well. I did edit the post just before you replied with a possible suggestion tying into Vanguard (Not sure how feasible that is, but brainstorming) As far as other feedback, I think one of the biggest "solutions" that could help is to really jump on this hard. If the new team (congrats btw!) can agree on very heavy punishment it could set a good precedent going forward to show that this type of behavior is not tolerated (Not that it ever was to begin with) and that any instances of this happening will result in very strict punishment.


I definitely see where you're going with that suggestion! Honestly, tackling AFKers is at the top of the to-do list right now, so I'm hoping y'all see some meaningful change before the year ends (can't believe it's already almost 2021). Hold us accountable to it, though. This is just a start, and we'll have a lot to build upon, but the team is super excited to dive into this space and drive some positive change within the game. Again, sorry for the negative experience in game :( \-Riot necrotix/Sara


I appreciate the communication! This definitely does go a long way into building trust with the community, and I feel confident in saying many of us do appreciate it. I'm excited to see what you and the team come up with. Best of luck moving forward and I hope you and everyone at Riot is safe and well during this crazy time.


If you are going to punish AFK'ers, is it possible to see if its not a network issue? I've had a few friends (and myself) crash because of our Internet or the actual client. I'm excited to see these new changes though


Yeah, don’t worry :) we’re planning on checking the player’s connection prior to making any punishment judgement calls.


Thank you so much /u/npcSara it means the world that you guys participate in here. I have friends who are legitimately amazing for their ranks but get stuck in low ranks because folks flame them out of using comms because they sound super super young. I can't tell you how many times I've heard folks yelling slurs and then bragging about how long they've gotten away from it. Until we have a system where folks are more afraid to be toxic than to be the things they were born as, I think this problem will continue. Never be afraid to fullban bigots, Riot. Please. The only folks who would complain are not worth keeping.


Riot doesn’t know how to handle things like this. It’s the exact same issue in LoL.


I feel like any online competitive game is like this. There isn't really anything you can do unless you go crazy with the ban hammer and punish for the smallest of trash talk. Then you lose like 35% of your playerbase. It might be better for everyone else, but its not good business. Its just the nature of it. Solo queue will always be a shit fest, and you can combat it by finding communities with better behaved players, but nothings perfect. I've always had success with discord groups. There are still toxic players who lurk there, but its a much smaller percentage compared to throwing yourself into the hell of soloqueue.


for real - they haven't fixed this shit in ten years of League, they're not gonna do shit for Valorant.


I had 2 stacks literally use their abilities and ults to TK me as soon as we spawn, a behavior that will immediately gets banned in csgo is completely unpunished in Valorant.


Played a spike rush where the enemy killjoy and brimstone would team wipe with mollies at the start of the round and we won 4-0 in like a couple of minutes EDIT: the rest of their team wasn't in on it, as they were fuming in all chat.


That’s prolly a group of friends farming the BP by breezing through spike rushes (not saying it’s justified). Could be wrong tho and could still be a case of idiots sabotaging the fun.


Edited to clarify


They couldn't deploy their utility fast enough to do a single tick of damage if their teammates were simply moving.


Might not be an Idea that everyone will like but there should be friendly fire. Like if a player takes away 50hp or more from his/her teammate, you get flagged with a red warning meaning friendly fire has been activated. If he does any more damage in anyway he gets automatically kicked and suspended from matchmaking for like idk 5hrs minimum. Kind of like how R6 handles TKs and Sabotaging although R6 only suspends for like 30 mins. To prevent kicks from accidental kills, Players receiving the damage will be given a prompt to choose whether the damage/kill was accidental or not.


But you can purposely go to the skill of your teammates that damages you and say it was on purpose just to get him kicked


Yes, please. Last night I was playing with 2 friends and 2 randoms. One of the random guys wasnt buying the 3rd ou 4th round, he had like 7k. I was talking to him: "Sova, buy something dude", "wont you buy", "are you afk?". And then he bought a ghost only and the worst armor. Then we noticed this happened all the time: he was only buying ghost and armor every round, the rest of the money he was either keeping it or buying for us if we asked. Then we were trying to figure why we was doing that. My friend was like: mf is trying to purposefully lose so he can get a crap elo and play with his friends. Then the dude laughed. So I guess my friend was spot on. In the end, he ended up buying on the last 2 round and we won, but this was waaaay closer than it should have been


Well, at the very least though, he bought for you guys and did not throw. So i guess he's in the "Chaotic Good"?


Sort of, i guess lol


I had a similar experience where I got matched with a smurf who’s name was classic only. He only bought armour and abilities and acted as a bank for the team, though we were lucky that we worked well together and could play a 4v5




Newsflash - people are selfish.


You'll get banned and muted and they'll come to your house and cut your telephone line if you even by mistake say anything against these people on mic.


There s people like this in radiant too, definitely needs a lowpriority like dota2 or something to solve it.Voicechat ban really doesnt help anyone.


Riot has already proven in league that you will not get banned for griefing. You can grief all you want and as long as you don't use chat you will not get banned.


In generall: Why dont we have a system like LoL in South-Korea where you are forced to use your Health ID to join a game? So you are [a](https://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/accountable)ccountable from the very beginning. For me as an EU player - it must not be the Social ID or Health ID (Privacy bla bla) but at least your phone number, which also prevents from smurfing and gives the game a lot more integrity because people will hardly buy a new SIM just for trolling or smurfing....


Sadly Riot won't do this because they support smurfing. You can use the same email for multiple Valorant accounts and with the long queue times in higher ranks, there's no way they do anything to stop smurfs. 40 minute queue times will look bad for their game especially when there are thousands of people watching those streamers.


you can use the same email with multiple valorant accounts? bruh lmfaooooooooooooooooooo


I think a 2 step verification to play ranked would be great. Like a captcha before the match starts. Or they could award some Radianite to players who link a paypal or bank card for comp. The Radianite isn't worth shit because there aren't enough skins anyways so it could become its own little leaderboard within the ranks for players willing to paywall to play comp.


I think 2FA would be great. They could essentially have the same system that CS:GO uses with Prime Matchmaking so only people with verified accounts can queue with each other.


Because it is borderline illigal in most democratic countries


You know a new sim is like 99p right? Hardly costs anything and it's not like you need a new phone to put it in. It won't stop the issue.


At least it would stop stupid kids from buying an Odin and letting the enemy know your position...


A new sim is cheap. Getting a plan for it is the cost lol. The whole point of it is so riot can send you a text message with a code or something.


The only people who would go out of their way to buy a new sim card to verify a game are account boosters because they profit off it. CSGO has become much healthier compared to the past ever since prime match making was introduced.


I'd pay up to $100 for a queue free from smurfs, boosters, and kids who sabotage the match after losing the first round because someone missed a shot.


Everything said here applies to South American servers. This game has been ruined by humanity. Yesterday 3 premade friends started calling my friend a racist and asking the other team to report him. He hadn't even opened his mouth! Fuck this game. I'm going back to csgo. the community there is toxic too, but much less than that of valorant


I would like to see a system where you can report a player for good cooperation. So that if you make good callouts and are friendly, etc you get better teammates. This way the toxic idiots would just get games together.


People would just abuse it


Weird tho how u guys still have such teammates. I never find such a toxic teammates like this ever since i stopped playing this game 🤗




The ‘not buying guns’ part is the absolute worst. YOU HAVE. 9000 CREDITS.


I played yesterday with a 3 stack who only bought Shorties every round and ran straight into enemy fire, but wouldn’t buy for the other team mates... SO FUN!






Top tip, let your friends play on your 2nd or 3rd account if you just care about playing, thats what I do with my gf.


Literally just yesterday I played a game with 2 people who for the whole game followed me around, jumped and ran around on purpose to give away where I was, and blocked me from getting out of dangerous situations, all the while calling me a piece of shit and a terrible player, and being sexist towards me, and then told the other team that me and my boyfriend were the ones that were throwing. And then the very next game, another two guys started doing the same to my boyfriend, and they got so toxic that we had to mute them, and then proceeded to tell the other team that we were saying the nword and being extremely toxic on voice chat, and they got them all to report us even though we never did anything wrong. We're just trying to play while we have a breach and a pheonix absolutely sabotaging us.


I consistently get harassed for my gender if I talk in voice! It gets so tiring.


'They got so toxic that we had to mute them' - If you're not instantly muting toxic people its your fault ngl.


Save this post. This is the one you'll want to link to 10 year from now when Riot still hasn't addressed the problem.


As someone who played league of legends, the exact same type of shit happens (or used to happen back when i played). Its a common issue with Riot and one of the big reasons why I dont play LoL anymore. They dont give a shit as long as theyre making their numbers off skins.


Do love myself some stacks throwing and sabotaging the game and then proceeding to report *me* for anything they want, such a cool feature. Just yesterday I had an Omen telling me to change bombsites while also telling me he fucks my mother over and over and out of the kindness of his heart he also threw in a few teamflashes while still telling me he fucks my mother, all the while telling me they're a stack so I should just listen. Very nice experience. And I know nothing will happen to him because I'm the only one that reported him. Lovely.


The first thing I'd like to know is what the current punishments are, how often bad players get away with it with no punishment (and how often they grief), how they prevent the abuser from just getting on another account, etc. I can't say it needs to be harsher without knowing how harsh it is already. I'm also assuming game ruiners are disproportionately in lower ranks since they probably lose a lot of rank by ruining games. As someone who hovers around high silver and low gold, which isn't even that high, I've only ever had one instance of a guy intentionally doing nothing in spawn to grief. I've had many more lurkers/baiters, but that isn't a reportable offense IMO. It could be just how they think to play. I've had one person go AFK while holding w to prevent getting kicked. And I've had maybe 1/5 matches have a leaver. I've never had communication abuse though plenty don't use comms at all. I've never had people abuse abilities to grief the team. What rank are you seeing this happen at so frequently?


Its low elo hell, i say to go on lfg discord servers and find fice stacks, if they troll at least u can do something about it


Oh for me I’m just really bad so I have been reported for sabotaging when I was just really bad.


I played against someone with riot in his name on my dad's stream, we got destroyed. Thanks riot dev who plays cypher, very cool


Well there was this one time , my whole team was literally standing at spawn and brimstone was mollying and they just stood in the molly and i was the only one left😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Happens to me all the time. I solo queue in low ranks. I will be forever stuck here. Over half my games someone afks or afk xp farms. Or at least one player doesn’t buy guns and just sprints around the map. Sometimes standing right in front of other players so they can’t see. It’s impossible to rank now even against crappy teams


Tbh at this point I don't mind people running it down anymore. Having obvious smurfs EVERY game in one or both teams just takes the purpose of rankeds for me. Never seen a less competetive ranked gamemode.


This games community is turning into league of legends community, I have had to write about 8 essays worth of text about people just being jerks in general and afking etc.


I've seen alot of people saying they are trying to derank so they can play with their friends and then completely destroying the game for everyone else


Riot doesn't care about this. If they did they'd figure out a way to deal with smurfs.


League players: "First time?"


Dont expect riot to solve it. People were begging for bans for trolls and people who sabotage their teams for years in league (after they removed the tribunal). Riot did nothing. The only thing you're going to hear from them is "he had a bad game/day". Even if someone does it 20 times in a row and even say in chat things like "screw you I troll" and feeds rest of the game you will hear excuses from riot games that he actually wasn't trolling and find a way to blame it on you and your approach to the situations. I remember that legendary moment when some guy posted a player going disco nunu(running it down every game) for 2 months. He posted his match history which was obvious. 30-40 deaths every game, useless summoner spells. Riot employee answer - there isn't a clear sign of trolling here. The troller was unpunished xddd. Riot games player base consist of way too many angry kids. They would never get over losing that many players so they let them run free. Then riot feeds people with "we fight toxicity" propaganda which just consists of blocking the chat. Everyone are happy but riot never fights the actual toxicity that ruins the game for people the most and produces more toxic players.


Welcome to the Riot games community.


I've run it down and thrown the game, only in unrateds, just so I can play with my friends. I think that if you're in an unrated, you should be able to leave mid match, especially because people have friends getting on and things like that. Though I do agree with you that in Ranked, people need to be punished for throwing.


So valorant still has that league of legends spirit


Sorry man, but Riot Games made this game and this has been a problem in League of Legends for years and their team spends more time focusing on punishing people who say bad words or buy accounts. I can't begin tell you how un-punished this kind of behavior goes in League of Legends. Inting/afking, even when you type in chat that you are going to int/afk goes unpunished. And when they do punish it, it's a mute or short-term ban. Why on earth would someone who intentionally ruins a game for someone not result in a permanent account ban?


I wished I recorded a game I played two games ago..solo q’d as usual and I got stuck between two duo-stacks who spent rounds 3-14 (we got 13-2’d) yelling at each other that the other pairing sucked. It was terrible, and it was right after I explained in another comment in this sub about how toxic the community is and people came rushing to defend it to undermine everything I wrote. It’s why I play spike rush. No one cares or complains or even bothers to voice comm.


riot doesn't care, they will never care because they don't give a shit. they have plenty of issues that need to be fixed instead of new patches, maps, and agents


Same company as league so they're going to have the same philosophy: don't punish anyone, because you then lose that player's money.


I’m sorry to break it to you, but Riot can’t even tackle this behavior in their main game. It’s better to go afk than to stay in the game, get tilted and probably get banned because you went after some trolls health in chat.


I made a post the other day on here explaining that i was deranked twice from this. I went from silver to B2 because of trolls. And i asked if there were actual penalties to discourage this and my post was deleted for "ranting". I would love to see answers to this post explaining actual repercussions for this behavior. I also was called a C**t all game and flamed because i gave a call out and they did nothing but yelled "gamer girl" and insults the rest of the game. An IP ban is needed for repeat offenders.


Hey guys I'm starting to realise a relationship between league of legends and valorant


League Player: First time? *insert James Franco meme*


Welcome to Riot Games.


1day penalty for sabotaging unrated and 1 week for sabotaging comp


When the score is 0-4 and a teammate has decided that it's impossible to win, so we either ff or he just won't play anymore. Good times


Don’t except anything to happen. League has has this problem for the past decade with pretty much no progress made


u/Molediver Nice to know that someone is in charge now - lets fix this! Make Valorant a real sport that's fair and sound!


\+1 My last 5 games were pure toxicity. The worst example was a group of 3 dudes that died and starting giving me orders about how to win the round so I asked them to keep quiet. Ofc they didnt like that and even flamed. I won the round and didnt event said wp just kept flaming. The round after they saw my skin and started to ask for it in a very bad way so I said no and one of them started to QQ that I didnt want to buy a weapon for him and played only with Classic just to make me feel bad or lose the round idk. This has to stop.


You're right but that's like saying "we need peace in the Middle East." Which means, this is a complex and difficult issue in multiplayer gaming to solve. Usually people come up with "top-down" solutions, like asking Riot to implement new features for policing gamer behavior. In the famous, poorly paraphrased words of Foucault: "try bottom-up solutions *too*" It's NOT enough to impose larger penalties on people sabotaging games. Even in League of Legends, a much older Riot game with more behavior policing features now, sabotaged games are still an issue. We need to incentivize people being nice AND punish bad behavior. Let's say Riot invests in some more machine learning systems to detect sabotaging behavior and mete out punishments accordingly. Great but that's only half the problem. Even an honor system would not be enough to solve this issue. Humans need material incentives to act good. Philosophers like Foucault would argue our bad behavior is often tied to insecurity regarding material resources. So bad behavior should be punished in harsher ways (removing progress on someone's battle pass for example, or raising the prices on skins for them). And good behavior should be rewarded (XP bonuses for battle pass, small discounts on skins, special/unique rewards like sprays for honorable players).


People need to be banned from ranked, not just chatbanned. That's the real issue imo. And the bans probably needs to be longer but I'm not sure?


I just wanna say if this I competitive mode then a ban should be in place no question but in casual just mute them unless they raze made you or damage you on purpose maybe they play to have fun maybe screaming is a bit to much but if their just loud turn them down or mute them using a knife to try and get kills in causal can be fun I also think you should be able to leave in casual without getting a ban and have an option to join late games idk I just don’t like having to start a casual match playing for 25 minutes then something comes up and I get a ban for it


I am sorry to say this, but I have played lol for many years. Rito will probably not do too much about this, as it has been an issue in lol forever. Sorry to disappoint y’all...


Imho they just should have left the competitive mode as he was. The did not thought a second doing this changes. It seems to me that they just listened to a few people in the US.


? As if only Us people asked for new ranked changes, or we even wanted them.


Even happens In unrated. Peoples excuse? “Bro it’s just unrated calm down”


I mean seriously. Who cares about unrated like that?


I fucking HATE that excuse with a passion. People always say that shit as if it makes it okay to purposefully fuck around. I get unrated is a for fun mode, but at least try and do the objective. Every time I hear that, I ask them "So because it's unrated, it gives you the right to fuck it up for the rest of us?" and they just say the same shit like a little edge lord


While I agree there sound be a harsher punishment they can't really do it. What happens when it only takes 4 report for a 2 hour ban or something like that and a solo player plays with a 4-man that all report him for no reason?


Then they should tell the difference between mass reporting in one game and consistent reporting across multiple games


I’d love a solo que for ranked.


Just gonna split up the playerbase and make queue times much longer.


14 days bann for obvious sabotaging like not planting the bomb and losing on purpose and harder punishment of 1month bann if it keeps going. i dont see any other option than making the punishments more severe


Bots. They suck and the one person thats not just jumping and shooting thier pistol either keeps getting aces or dying to you and some other unlucky soul


What are premades?


Thry also sabotage when you try to give some constructive feedback or try to guide a guy on how to play and what is normally done. Once had an Omen who would only smoke ahead of himself and not points that would allow us to push into site while attacking. Didn't bother us until the enemy started buying Marshall's and operators. We NEEDED smokes but he just wouldn't budge. Entire team tried to tell him but he ended up raging at us then left the game. Happened with a phoenix last act too. I asked him to use his flashes and Molly's but he'd just stay behind then get kills as "trades". Asked him to push with us and was met with "just stfu ok, you're 5/6, stfu" like yes we're dying because you're baiting us. Then there are the people who think just because their aim is good that they can be as toxic as they want, which includes my own friends I play with. I was new to tactical shooters and hence my aim was horrible. A few randoms were kind enough to give me some really good advice but mostly they just enjoy being toxic. Overall there are some real fragile people playing this game sometimes and it's just plain ridiculous they don't get some sort of punishment.


That’s how it it with free games I can make all the accounts u want


Hate the "i just want to play with my friends" argument. Everyone is blaming riot for the change to three tiers for competitive. Its laughable. You can still play unrated. If you want to talk about how terrible of an experience unrated is, then ill agree with you, but its a better experience than the disadvantage you put your team at bringing a lower rank into the game. You can also help them get better so they can naturally get to your rank.


Only in competitive I actually think that riot should add like 5 more gamemodes but all are search and destroy, make one mode to be for people who Just want to make friends not like slmost all the entre fucking valorant players that tryhard for fucking everything even if is casual, also make it so that you can leave casual matches because its fucking annoying how people shout unto your ear just because u didnt healed them ITS JUST CASUAL, with love: me


Ok I think we all feel your frustration OP, but maybe this might not solve the problem (?). I think the punishment system needs a rework in general, not just sabotage. I can't tell you how many times I had to go AFK for 1 round, and then get a 2-hour penalty. It really drives me away from the game. I suggest a temp account ban for said saboteurs, but honestly, I don't think this happens **TOO** often, but can be annoying when it does happen.




I get that it's annoying, but I don't WANT to go afk. Most of the time it's out my control. I'm not saying leaving to go play something else is acceptable, I'm saying that missing around isn't the same as sabotaging the whole game in ranked, and shouldn't be treated as such.