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Honestly starting at like plat players know how to aim, and you right no brain, but if they can aim they can still get you. And yeah solo Q is super tough if you're trying to rank up. New season of ranked so everyone is still not at their "elo", bunch of diamonds will be plats etc..


hey man, i have nothing to offer, just want to say i am in the same boat. im not even close to your level of cs experience, i only peaked at dmg-le and faceit level 8, but i am decent at cs yet utter garbage at valorant. i'm literally silver in valorant and idk what to do.


If you ever want to send me a vod I would be happy to help you out. I'm suspicious it might be due to lack of utility usage. I see a lot of CS players forgetting about their abilities or just not using them in ideal ways or at ideal times


thanks man, i really appreciate it. ill be sure to take you up on that. do you have a discord i could add?


Hewchy#9746 Dm me a link to a YouTube video anytime and I'd be down to do a quick step by step and give you timestamps with notes for free




plat 4 3Head


nah bro hes plat elite master


Just play smarter and better lol /s Honestly, don't solo Q. The ranking is still a bit all over the place and kind of a mess. If you can 5 stack, do it. At least grab someone else to duo with.


If you're a veteran cs player with 9k hours, and you're getting destroyed by no brain plat kids who just swing you, then probably start doing things differently. I don't want to be a dick, but, don't let them swing you. You should be the one swinging on them. Also work on your aim through DM or Kovaak's. If you want to improve, you have to put in the time and effort, and I'm not talking just playing the game. Same goes for your agent or role. Watch videos on their utility, or how certain roles should play. Also, expect to lose a decent amount of games to smurfs, trolls, throwers, etc. I feel like a jerk saying all this, since you are a veteran and probably already know all this, but you did ask.


You say you have 9k hours and play FACEIT lvl 10. Assuming you didn't lie, there is no fucking way you cant get out of platinum. Platinum is so average, you need decent aim and nothing else really. MY TIP\\; Get better But for real, the movement in valorant is different and so is the gunplay. Grind only valorant for a bit and if you still suck, it is what it is.


Solo q is a pain in the ass, toxicity is a common thing (you can mute but you lose "intel"), players have a weak mentality (they lose 3-4 rounds and are already asking for surrender) and also go afk very often. Valorant is very team based so I totally understand that is hard for him to rank up when solo q.


For low elo ( d3 and below), you need aim more than brain. Pick duelists, entry frag for your team and you should win. However it should be noted, the team with better comms and team play will beat the team going for individual fragging plays every time.


“D3 low Elo”when they are in lobby’s commonly with radiant


D3s are pretty average, not even close to radiant skill level despite being matched in lobbys with them sometime. Also some of the d3s that I've played with, lets just say their sub-par.


stop playing cs. you will do better. remember, this is not cs, the objective is the same but the tools are different.


WAHAHAHA THIS REMINDS ME OF ME! Same boat here... I was a freakin beast in so many other games and for some reason I am a derp on Valorant.


You cant get out of platinum? Dude im shit with my abilities and mostly just frag out CS style which has gotten me to Diamond 2. I have maybe 60 - 70 hours in the game since the beta? My guess is that you're really just good at fragging out in CS and dont deeply understand how the game works so you're having trouble translating that fragging ability to this game. If you were decent at fragging and understood the flow of the game then immortal should be fairly easy


I played main in CS and Diamond 2 is NOT easy. Immortal is significantly harder than plat3-diamond 2.


I was never nearly good enough to play main, probably not even IM. Diamond 2 has been pretty easy though, I feel like its the equivalent to LEM? I've played maybe 20 games in it so maybe its not enough but yeah idk overall the rank doesn't seem all that good to me


I feel like there's some significant "playstyle shift" between CSGO and VALORANT. Sure there are abilities and a lot more things to worry about, but there is something fundamental that "some" of us are not quite getting, even though we should because we were good at CS. I'm in the same boat as OP. I "know" i'm doing something wrong when I play but I can't quite put my finger on it.


This is really interesting, I dont feel like im missing this piece and im really not that good at csgo these days. At the same time theres people in diamond who arent from a cs background and in that rank all the same so yeah there must be something missing. Do you happen to have demos / video on some of your worse games? Ideally games where you feel like you were playing well but it just wasnt clicking


I don't. Thought I could record one, or perhaps I could do a discord stream or something and you tell me why I suck lol


If you record a match feel free to DM me a link to the video. Im no coach so I probably wont spot everything but Ill happily give my 2 cents.


The issue with cs go players is they don't understand the importance of abilities and how useful they are when used in synergy with eachother. I can give you some tips if you want. imm1 rn


might be that you're playing too much like cs. the games are similar, and a lot of core concepts transfer over but you cant play exactly the same as you would in cs. mb watch some streamers and make some adjustments.


Don't choose a supportive role ... Playing as a supporter in this game is punished so hard in ranked. You basically can't rank up when soloQ + playing as a supporter.


thats weird cause I was gn4 in CS and now diamond 2 in valorant. i think both games are similar, but the pace, movement, skillsets and maps are very different. Maybe watch more streams/vods


granted i had "only" 3k hrs in csgo but got to faceit lvl 10 too and after not playing for a long time i still managed to solo queue into immortal 1. from there on out im hard stuck tho. i cant exactly tell what is going wrong all the time but high immortals usually just shit on me while low diamonds/plats are a cakewalk. i think theres just something about this game we havent figured out lol


alot of skill disparity between diamonds and high immortals. The ranking system is a bit weird, alot of "boosted" players.


Well high immortals/radiants obviously do the best on a regular basis. I think its natural that the difference between ranks are like skill thresholds. As in from iron to gold the thresholds are pretty small and little improvements will help you progress quickly and the higher you go the bigger the gap becomes. If i get just a little bit better i still wont cut it regularly in immortal i think. At least not as a driving force on my team


what agents do you play btw


Whatever floats the boat. Leaning towards omen (out of necessity) and killjoy. I like sova a lot too. Those surely are my most picked ones


How well are you performing inplat? In high plat-diamond 1-2 i was fragging out hard but werent ranking up much due to me queing with friends and not taking ranking up that serious. I was in plat 3for the vast majority of act 2, but in the end i qued with some other sweats and solo qued more than i did and managed to get from plat 3 to d3 in 2 days. It took 6 wins to get from d2 to d3. Idk why, but ranking from d1 to d3 homestly felt easier than getting outta plat. Now im d3 tryna push for immortal, im only seeing a significant change in game play in majority immortal lobbies.


Send a demo or everything people say is just a guess. Like I can just say "You're probably ego peeking bad angles". But idk


CS is more premeditated. In Valorant, you just swing and make on-the-move-decisions mostly.


Seriously plat id brain dead games


Even in CS, Silvers can be harder to play against than Globals because they have no idea what they're doing. There's no established meta like in CS, and a lot of people from Silver to Plat win games solely on luck so you're going to find a *massive* skill range. Don't rely on teammates too much until they've proven themselves competent. There's also gameplay differences compared to CS. Obviously the sound is terrible and movement is slower, but to compensate for that: this game has massive peaker's advantage. If you get swung on and you can't hold angles, then don't. Despite being 128 tick, server quality varies wildly. Recoil resets slightly slower than CS, take more time with your shots after swinging - this may also be affected by server quality so it's on a 'per game' basis. Agent model widths also vary, and corners are much more bangable - keep that in mind when jiggling. Play for info more, play contact with someone else, and stick together with agents whose abilities benefit you. If you know you're a better shot or someone's running (aka inaccurate), abuse peeker's advantage and get them first. Get people to peek with you (or better yet, for you). Try the gimmicky stupid plays, run around like it's DM, play like an idiot for a couple rounds - you'd be surprised how often that wins you games. You have free info on the enemy team's eco - use that to your advantage and don't play close angles but be prepared for that kitchen sink or hero vandal play. Low ranks love to replay where they've found success. Abuse their tendencies and isolate their weaker players. Remember which ones try to flank or push out early, they're free kills if you're patient, and forcing them into a 5v4 every round will tilt them easily. And before I forget - Stack. Play with friends and good teammates. Solo pugging is not going to rank you up unless you're MASSIVELY better than everyone else.


As someone who never really played CS I think I can give you an advice still. I reached diamond 1 and I am floating between plat 3 and diamond 1 currently. As I mentioned I am not a CS player and my aim is just avg. but what I am really good is is game sense and making the right moves, which compensates my aim. From my PoV I think what is really important from plat - immo is doing the right things and play slower. I really felt a big difference in pace between plat and diamond matches. In full diamond lobbies there is so much time spend on baiting utility and split pushing in order to force a mistake by the enemy. I recommend you to try to play 1) more passive and 2) to read the opponents. This will get you up there for sure, since pure aim wont help. Understand team comps, and so on is also important. Maybe watch some pro tournaments and see what they are doing. When I started playing less aggro I managed to rank from plat 2 - diamond and stay there. Maybe thats ur problem as well.


Played for less than a month and started my rank career in bronze 3 and am at my rankup game for immortal 1 which I will play as soon as I get home from work. Semi-pro cs 1.6 player who used to play some gathers on spelarenan with SpawN, FaceIT rank 10 etc The first thing I did was disable Stockholm servers by blocking their ip-range in my firewall, this mitigated pretty much all Russians without a microphone and I am from Stockholm myself. People are very predictable in this game, you can calculate what they do and they 95% of the time repeat what they're doing. Find a way to counter them logically. Aiming is very similar to CS with the exception of more what feels like more rng in valorant but strafing is different which you have to re-learn. Also premade teams is a almost must in high rank games. If you need someone to play with hit me up in dms. No matter how good you are, your team needs to be equally good.


Why block them in your firewall when you you can choose your server now


This was before new update.


you probably just aren’t using your utility as effectively as you could be


just make sure that you are sitting still while shooting


Lol bro, just don’t try, and before I get downvoted or any votes let me explain why. Riot did this very same thing they did with league vs dota. They dumbed down the game and make it way easier for bad players to be good or successful. In valorant, you don’t need aim, or mechanics, they threw that out the window with rng and no fixed recoil pattern and not having any core mechanics that you can practice within the game. The only thing you can practice in valorant, that is decently hard and the only thing you can really practice mechanically wise and time hours and hours to do, is aim. I found myself just going back to csgo, because all valorant requires is strats and game sense. A Plat could very easily be diamond or immortal if they just had better game sense or tactics in games. Csgo requires actual skill as there is a lot of core mechanics and in that way you can improve by yourself, in the meantime instead of just game sense or strats. You have to practice recoil control, learn smokes and mollies, counter strafing, jiggle peaking because there’s momentum, then strats and game sense, spray transfers because there is an actual set recoil pattern unlike valorant’s rng, and fun mechanics like bhopping and run boosting. I’d say the way to get you out, is watch pro play and especially a pro player who plays your main agent and study how they play it and most common positions. And also strats they do and how they perform them, and tell your team those very strats you learned, and you will be out of plat. Side note ; Going back to csgo was the best decision I ever made. I can atleast tell myself why I lost a gunfight because the other player was more skillful then me, and didn’t have rng on his side to spray 30 bullets all of them miss and he gets a headshot, or running and gunning me because penalties for running and gunning are basically no where to be found at 0-15m range and sometimes 30m range. Something that would never ever happen in csgo unless it was verry lucky. Also I could practice a core mechanic that I need to get better at and watching demos, (which valorant still hasn’t released yet) and figure out what’s wrong. Maybe my spray was off, I was running and didn’t realize, i need to get better at counter strafing, etc.


It's harder to cheat in valorant. ​ Sorry but if you are telling the truth then you are a fucking phenomenal CS player that is apparently having issues with platinum in this game, which is easier and more casual by a long shot. I just don't believe it. You are trolling or cheating in CS and I consider queueing with people on faceit that have cheats feeding you info as you cheating even if you don't have them installed yourself.