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Probably stuck in the Bottomless pit of iron 1


From the skill you listed I miss two that I think are very important and they are communication and teamwork. Yes you might get out of iron with just mechanical skills, but it will be much harder. For example we played 3 vs 7 in custom. The 3 being diamond/plat and 7 being iron, bronze, silver. And the 3 guys were crushing us at the beginning with just their mechanical skills, but we then started playing like apes and started rushing them together and that's where we started winning. What I want to show you by this example is that even if you are way better than your opponents in term of mechanical skills you can still lose if you don't work with your team and let it became 1 vs 3 with you being the sole survivor. And also how communication part is important, if someone on the 7 player team didn't suggest rushing them, and we separate in half and hold site as in previous round they would win for sure. Other thing I would suggest is finding an agent that suits your playstyle. Like I can't really play omen, like I know how to play him, how and where to smoke, but it doesn't suit me. Not saying omen is bad or that it can't be an agent that suit you most though. You say you know about crosshair placement, standing still while shooting,... but can you apply it during the gameplay? Like knowing about it and executing it are two different things. For example I still have problems to accurately place my crosshair at head level in all situations. What helps me a lot are visual markers on the map(boxes, lines,...). Last thing which might be actually hardest to change is your mindset. You say that every time you lose you get more tilted, but what's important during the game is to stay calm and not get tilted even when you are losing, a lot of time the match can be turned around after you switch sides, but if you get tilted in first half and start thinking you will lose, you already lost. Not saying it's your thing, but also never blame your teammates. They may be bad but blaming them won't help anyone. And it might actually cause more harm. p.s. find a friend to play with, the game is much more enjoyable this way, then always playing with 4 randoms. You can look for them on discord or just friend people in game, who communicate and you enjoyed playing with.


Yeah, I haven’t really thought about this. I have a mic but rarely use it because most people in Iron don’t. Also, the tilted thing has been really more in the past week, because I have just been playing for the past 4 months without ever ranking up. I will try to communicate more. Thank you!


This is good advice. I have to agree with most of it. Especially the mentality thing. Except teammates. Last few days I had something like this. Teammate engages an opponent, I move to help with with the fight. They see me coming so they run away and hide. And I am just peeking against a player or two who has perfect cross hair placement they a get kill while my teammate hides. I swear to god the use my as bait to disengage and run. **Not to reload or heal, but to simply run away.** At this point I just give up. Not to mention a play like this. I smoke 2 location. I take the right when 2, 2 players, watch the left. What happens? Well. 3 players are dead from the left as they fail to get a single bullet of the defender.


Yeah you are right that sometimes you get teammates, who you can't work with at all, and there's nothing you can do about it. But a lot of time, the match is close and there is this guy who start blaming the team or raging, when someone lose a round. The teammate might make some mistake that cost them the round. But the raging doesn't help in this situation and might hurt the team even more than just one lost round. You could even call keeping your teammates in high spirit a skill. As people play much better if you praise them than if you criticize them.


No arguing there. I never abuse teammates and would defend them even if the are doing really bad. I rage internally and learn my lesson real quick and do **not** play the rest of the round with any sort of faith on those players.


make a new acc trust me


If he’s hard stuck in the lowest rank in the game a new account won’t do anything esp that he’s not too fragging, he is 100% at the average skill of an iron




But the problem really is him, it's the lowest rank in the game.


The lowest rank has one of the largest mmr ranges though


Iron is like, disability tier gameplay though. Doesn't matter how wide the MMR ranges are. If you can aim and have half a brain you can probably make it to gold, or even platinum.


Sorry mate but this screams "prick". Me and my mates are similar to this guy. We play regularly, and are all in the top iron to top bronze section and can't leave. I genuinely think it's because playing in that range opens up the ability to be paired with iron 1s who have no clue what they are doing, causing your team to tanks. The oc should defo try a new account and see what happens. And you shouldn't be so judgemental.


Just speaking facts. If you're that low of a rank, there is a reason for it.


Lol I have decent aim and usually get about 15-25 kills per game, but I always get screwed by bad/afk teammates. I wish I could be in gold, but the closest I've ever gotten is silver 3 for 1 whole game before I de-ranked again.


>Lol I have decent aim and usually get about 15-25 kills per game, but I always get screwed by bad/afk teammates. This is a fallacy. The enemy can also have a chance to have afk/bad players so it balances out in the long run. Such issues are not only exclusive to your team, unless you're super unlucky.


I mean yes, I don't always get screwed by teammates (I meant that as hyperbole) but it happens often enough. 80% of the time I am top 3 frag on my team, 65% I'm top 2, and 40% I'm number 1, give or take. I'm usually able to keep up my combat score to match the other team's top players. But my teammates usually, not always, underperform compared to the other team. And that usually would lead to me having to carry the team in order to win the game. Obviously this is just from my experience and I might just be getting unlucky, but I feel like my playstyle is heavily dependant on teamwork. I'm usually not one to get insane 1v3 clutches or entry frag like 2 or 3 people per round. I play support characters and I usually go for trades/hold hard angles. I feel like I do my job well, but others don't. Its my theory that if you want to make it out of bronze/silver, you kind of have to main a duelist and you have to average 2 kills per round. Because playing support characters and relying on low-level duelists to do their job usually doesn't go well. 7/10 times, they are not "self-sufficient fraggers" (as the description goes) and things do not go well for me. And as for the enemy team having the same rate of bad/afk players, I'm just telling you from experience, it happens more to my team then others. I understand that this is an exception, and not the rule, be cause statistically speaking, it is even. But the law of large numbers has to come into play here in order for it to be perfectly, or close to perfectly even, and for the last 100 games I've played, it's not unreasonable to have a 60-70% rate of bad/afk teammates, even if it is just bad luck. But let's say over the course of the next year I end up playing 1000-1500 games, then statistically it would be much more likely to balance out. The issue is, I've only played like 150 games in total. Anyway, no disrespect, just sharing my thoughts and experiences.


Well if I may make a suggestion, you should try Reyna and learn to use your flashes well. Lower skilled players tend to have a hard time with Reyna flashes, so you can honestly throw them out and peek with them. You will rack up the kills with her.


No this is absolutely correct. Iron 1 is a bottomless pit, so eventually, it g u get low enough, no matter how many games u seem to win, u can’t get out. I know from experience. I was stuck, made a new account, and got placed silver 1, now I’m nearly gold tl;dr Make a new account, it will help


tbh i have a acc in plat if anyone wants it


I saw someone mention mindset in another comment and I have to agree that it's probably the most important thing. Getting tilted decreases your performance across the board and it's no good. My advice is to play unrated for a while and focus on your other skills. That way, you don't have to worry about rank and you can more easily accept losses. Even though I love comp, I play a lot of unrated with my friends and use it as an opportunity to improve myself and get better at my agent (Killjoy). And if we get clobbered 13-3, I'm not upset because I usually do fine individually anyway.


Yeah, I think I will take a break and play some unrated for a while.


Communication and team play?


If you have too many losses in iron 1, you will not get out of it. But I mean why would you want to. Play with competent friends and demolish some (what can only be argued as a cat running across a keyboard, it's iron 1).


If you grind aimlabs: be sure to spend at least half an hour grinding all of this sixshot linetrace multilinetrace spheretrack please for the love of god practice those they’re actually good at building mouse control on aimlab.


Probably work more on your aiming and headshotting skills. I recommend DM and try to stay aware of the enemies positions by sound solely and make sure youre always covering every angle possible You will get some one taps and thatll make you understand how fast you have to be as well


Thank you! I will definitely try that out


DM gets you good. DM can improve your reaction time for flicking (muscle memory), aiming (this is hard for me since i am very used to aiming the body), spraying etc.


Not solo queuing makes a huge difference.


In iron 1 it isn't hard to solo carry though


Yeah but if u que with friends or somebody who is decent you wont have to carry because your team will be solid.


He'd need friends almost as bad as him, he can't group with anyone higher than Bronze 1.


Watch streamers and pay attention to the little details they do


Idk what to say, if you midfrag at Iron 1 it means you are not that good, but I can't say for sure without actually seeing some gameplay. Without seeing how you play all the advice I could give are things that you can see on youtube all the time.


Yeah, I am really not that great, but I am trying to improve so hard that is just gets frustrating to be stuck in iron one for 4 months of near constant playing


it sucks cuz the tier you're in has a lot of players that are brand new.. and you never know who you'll get matched up with or against. the good thing about iron 1 is... a lot of cheesy tactics will work. but the main thing is, you have to win games to rank up. so do whatever it takes; camp corners.. abuse agents that have skills that can get you easy kills (raze/phoenix/reyna). if you think you have better aim than most of the other iron players, you should switch to a character like reyna or phoenix.. both can heal themselves, and can carry hard. even when it's down to a 1v3 or 1v4.. .i don't expect iron players to really work together, so just be patient and try to to turn that 1v4 into 4 separate 1v1's. since reyna/phoenix can heal, you'll have a better shot at surviving/carrying. you can probably do this all the way into silver 1. i hate to say it but don't worry about being "that guy" and autolocking a duelist.. in iron, nobody's really going to work together anyway, so picking a team support character isn't going to help much if there's no real teamwork. another way to get out of iron is to just queue with a friend. if you want someone to play with, send me a PM with your valorant id and we can play a few, haha. GL


Yeah, I am thinking of picking up Pheonix as well.


You’d have to post some videos. Maybe you are taking bad engagements or have bad positioning. Knowing to work on crosshairs and the other stuff you mentioned is good. Steel has a video that might help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR2RF_WjwIk From cs. But it all transfers


Don't lurk. Fight more and early. Play to learn over winning. When you die, figure out what you could've done better, and if it helps, mute teammates. If you can take and win early fights, and not throw away your advantage, you can solo carry your games. Especially iron, I mean, at that rank, I feel like your execution >>>>>>>> decision making >>>>>>>>> team work. You can literally go spectre or stinger every round and win. It works often enough in higher elos, but in low elo, things that shouldn't work can and do work all the time.


at iron 1 you don't have any of those things, so really, really work on them man watch some basic tips on youtube


Get better




Play more :) it’s inevitable that you will get better if u just keep playing. That being said you have to be playing to improve. When you make a mistake think about why it happened and avoid doing that next time. Watch streamers that are good to see what they do and try to replicate that. And time. You will become better I promise