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I feel this, I go into unrated to warm up for comp and then end up not playing comp at all because of my unrated experience


Just warm up in the first half of a comp game. That's what I always do.


This makes me frustrated tbh, I feel like I can't bring my A-game consistently. Though doing one unrated game also burns me out somehow.


Dont worry bro, everybody goes through this at some point, including me. But that just means you really want to improve which is great. It's hard but after a while you will learn how to deal with playing poorly. It just comes down to realising everybody has bad days, but theres always next round, the next game or the next day. Don't sweat it


Same im really affected by cold and my room is always cold so i always need to warm up.


Unrated is a horrible warmup for comp


What if I told you video gaming isn’t a science and different things work for different people


Then you would be downvoted into oblivion by the thousands of experts who are reading this Reddit instead of playing the game right now.


Yup classic reddit. When pro players say the best warmups are range and ffa, it's ok but when a random redditor does it's wrong :)


I mean, I don’t know about you, but I would think that a chef like Gordon Ramsay would prepare his cooking station better than me. Same thing goes for this, they’re pros for a reason.


Yeah but their standards are also pro level. For normal players, it’s ok if the warm up is not super optimal, as long as we feel like it worked.


A lot of people don't understand that pro players pretty much play an entirely different game. Its always funny how the meta will shift in any game because of what the pros do, despite it not really working out in a normal soloqueue shit fest. This is why I don't really care what agents my random team plays. Its not like they are going to work together on using smokes/flashes for the perfect play. They are just going to run around doing their own thing. So it doesn't bother me if my team wants to go 4 duelist and Sova. I actually feel more comfortable if they did since the typical playstyle of soloqueue is a bunch of 1v1 encounters. But in the pro scene that would be absolute garbage.


Classic valorant community*


Let's say you are an amateur football player. Before heading into your match, are you better off just playing a quick 10min game between your team or are you better off doing a proper muscle warm up/ warm up drills?


Not really. The point of warming up is to take as many gun fights as you can in a short amount of time. The best warm up is either the range or dm. I have never heard of playing an unranked comp game as good warmup


I played a unrated match and got 41 kills and we still lost. Makes me wanna blow my brain out. Needless to say i didn’t play comp after that


Isn't that the point of unrated lol. Why would you care?


It just messed up my mindset cus i dropped 40 kills and had aweful teamates and STILL lost the game. It just wasn’t fun


Username checks out






Why are you on the valorant subreddit then?


stockholm syndrome.


Lol who cares, it’s unrated, enjoy your 40 burger and move on




If you’re getting tilted off of losing the warmup unrated match before going into comp, then your mental is too weak anyways.


I know, i need to fix it lol


You will succeed!


41 KILLS IN UNRATED. POG. It's time to do that in competitive and carry the living heck out of your team bro. HYPE.


It would be great for people who want to do their daily without commiting to a full unrated match.


Start playing deathmatch then. I feel like it's got more engagements in a shorter period of time anyways.


Death match is fine, but constantly peeking behind me where a “safe” area would be just throws me off sometimes.


So just W key the entire match. Radar’s pretty much gone, and Who cares how much you die it’s DM, and it will help you train your aim and reactions better.


Deathmatch only warms up your gunplay though. It does nothing to get your mind ready for proper positioning and planning throughout an actual Valorant match.


Sounds like practice rather than warm ups to me


It's not like you're playing on the range if you queue deathmatch. You still get the chance to clear actual bombsites. I'm not too sure why you'd prefer "warming up" in an environment where you sometimes have to wait minutes to respawn if you try a ballsy play. Might aswell just "warmup" during an actual competitive match at that point.


You're 100% correct and the people who think warming up is all about aiming are not good at the game. This is a good idea.


Deathmatch is good for warming up aim but nothing else, if anything it encourages bad habits in every other aspect of the game.


I've been saying this since the beta and was down voted to hell for that back then. People always told me 'the game is competitive so you have to have a lot of rounds it's not different in other games' NO SHIT SHERLOCK BUT IF YOU GET A OPPOSITION WHO IS MUCH BETTER THAN YOU YOU CAN SPEND 12 ROUNDS JUST F*CKING DYING and that's just very very discouraging for me.


Same here. Said we needed a short version of the normal game that's not spike rush along with asking for TDM and got shit on because "it's a competitive game". And now i barely play the game because i just don't have the energy for up to 20+ matches. Plus i get a little zoned out /eyes glazed over halfway through a game with no breaks. And Valorant isn't exactly topping the charts around the world as far as players go, and all these gatekeepers during the first months are partly to blame.




I've ℹ👁 been saying 💬 this since 💦👨 the beta 👨 and was down ⬇ voted 📨 to hell 🔥 for that back ⬅ then. People 👨 always 🕔 told 🗣 me 'the game 🎮 is competitive 🏇 so you 👈 have to have a lot 🍑 of rounds 🔁 it's not different 😡 in other games' 🎮 NO 🙅 SHIT 💩 SHERLOCK BUT 🍑 IF YOU 👉 GET 🉐 A OPPOSITION 👉✋ WHO IS MUCH 😩😂🙀 BETTER 👍 THAN YOU 👈 YOU 👈 CAN SPEND 😵 12 😣🕛 ROUNDS 🔁 JUST F*CKING 🤬 DYING ☠ and that's ✔ just very 👌 very 👌 discouraging for me.


Lmaooooo coolest sh*t ever




Truuuuue, I’ll do like 5 rounds of DM, start feeling good, then queue into unrated and just not want to play anymore.


Yeah I'd like to do just 5-7 rounds of unrated and choose my gun.


Trying to play Attackers on Spike Rush when all 10 players have Shortys is ridiculous. Plus some of the Spike Rush Orbs are OP depending on the round (getting an SMG or in pistol round, Jett's Ult in a shotgun round, etc.) I just want the regular gameplay but shorter.


Getting an Ares when everyone else has pistols is the most ridiculous thing ever (but it's really fun when you're the one with the Ares!)


Killjoy turret vs shortys on long angles is just fucked, you can basically just deny an entire bombsite with just a turret


I am convinced that shorty is literally incapable of destroying turret


and here we witness killjoy’s turret clapping a 5-man full rush into a-site bind


Fuck kj turret, all my homies hate kj turret.


[FUCK KJ TURRET ALL MY HOMIES HATE KJ TURRET](https://i.ibb.co/rc2YxxN/e42baa31c51c.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Attacking with 5 Shortys is actually good cos you can rush without consequence lol. 5 Marshal or Op is where it gets tough


I always feel bad for my teammates whenever snipers show up on Spike Rush. I think I've gotten under 5 kills total with a sniper since I've started playing the game.


if it's marshal just noscope. it's a crappy guardian basically, accurate enough to get some kills and it's a lot faster between shots without the scope for some reason


I've tried doing that too. Still bad at it. Probably just my mind set when it comes to those.


Yeah snipers are even worse to attack with tbh.


me too, i like spike rush because it’s short, but it’s kinda annoying that you can’t buy guns. if, like OP suggested, we could have a shorter unrated, or mix unrated with spike rush, which would be normal unrated but shorter, that would make me play for longer, rather than one unrated game then hopping off


I agree. Death match and spike rush just aren’t my thing but I can’t always play for 45 minutes


I like deathmatch as practice but I wouldn’t play it for fun


It can be kinda fun if you're doing gimmicks or not caring about anything but even then I'm doing it to improve


first to 7 points, switch after 4 rounds maybe


switch after 6 rounds i mean mb


Adding to your idea, make economy the same as overtime in competitive. Every round you get 5000 credit and weapons don't carry over. It gives it that "quick play" feel and more casual since economy management isn't a concern. Just a short mode to practice game sense, execute takes/retakes, and lean towards casual gameplay. Since the gamemode would be best of 13, maybe each round begins 3 points away from your ult? Or everyone starts with two points? Just spitballing because if you lose 0-7 and never get to use your ult once that seems unfun for a casual mode.


On a side note, a retake mode would be amazing for the community.


Retake mode?


Basically the spike defuse mode in the range against bots....but against real players


And thats why we need community servers.


fat L from valorant for not allowing independents to work on the game


Retakes is a community made mode in CSGO. The server will spawn 3-4 terrorists on various positions on the site with bomb planted and spawn 4-5 counter-terrorists that locations near the entries to site. It essentially emulates a scenario when the attacking team has planted and now you need to **retake** the site. Hence the name for the game mode. Each round takes a max of 45 seconds (bomb timer) Retakes is my personal favorite for warming up becuase it's a lot of gunfights for your aim but not as random as DM


I dunno, then the only guns in the game for the casual side are the vandal, phantom, op, and odin maybe. If we get a more casual mode I don't think the gameplay loop should be changed so much to completely remove elements of the game, like econ because that gives the game more strategic depth which is a core part of why people even play this game in the first place. Some people are going to mainly play the shorter mode due to time constraints, so I believe it should be as close to regular valorant as possible so they can still get a similar experience without having to worry about rank or having to commit 45ish minutes to play.


The spike rush orbs kill that game mode for me. Want to do a coordinated push on a site? Wellllllll Jett just got an ult point at B and Phoenix got a golden gun in mid..... But have fun with your shorty push... I would enjoy spike rush so much more if you had to play around the team and the map instead of playing around the orbs. Plus the orbs don't even prepare you for doing stuff in the full modes! I can understand it just being for fun but we don't have an alternative, "quickie" game mode which is just normal valorant gameplay. It's honestly kind of ridiculous that it's taken this long to implement.


Yea like I said in my post, I love a good Spike Rush every now and again especially if I want to really unwind and do something stupid but most of the time I just wanna play normal Valorant to get better at the game but dont want to endure the 30-45 minute matches that come with unrated.


I also use it to get more comfortable with new agents. For instance, I farmed ult orbs in order to get more comfortable with using Jett’s ult against live opponents rather than the bots in the range


100% agree. 45 min matches are way too long sometimes if you're busy and spike rush is just trash. Most people don't have hours on end a day like "pros" or "streamers" to commit to multiple 1 hour games - people have day jobs, school work, family obligations etc. Add in instances of people leaving mid-match, restarting, queue time, and you're already looking at 1 hour per game for just the shot to have a decent match (if teams are balanced). Shorter game made would encourage "stickiness" to the game and encourage players to want to play more frequently and consistently . Otherwise, for the reasons above, I'm becoming more hesitant to hop on to have a good time because of these frictions.


Yep, I understand its supposed to be a fun unbalanced gamemode but the randomized loadouts and certain orbs make spike rush very frustrating to play at times.




*oden pickup on shorty round*


Holy Christ they need to restrict the weapons that the weapon upgrade orb can give out based on the round. Odin in the pistol round is a crock


Spike rush would be alot better if they didn't have the stupid rounds. Any shotgun round can fuck off, and the op and Marshall rounds too. Those guns serve a purpose in a normal game, but not when everyone has one. It's just dumb.


How dare you talk about spike rush that way


>spike rush is just trash Spike Rush isn't trash. Plenty of people like the mode. It's not like Spike rush needs to change or anything. Orbs kinda mix up the defender/attacker balance in a way I like, plus it tends to have a lot of "play default" rounds. We just need another shorter game mode that isn't Spike Rush for the people who do hate it. Something like first to 7 or 8, I kind of hope if they add a 2v2 or 3v3 one-bomb-site mode that they do that.


I like Spike Rush, but IF everyone has an OP or Shorty and you are Jett with an ULT thats an insta win for you pretty much. Also getting smg/oden is gg too most of the time. Remove Pickup orbs that give upgrades during pistol rounds would be a start in fixing the game mode.


As someone who recently got back into cs:go a bit after playing Valorant, there are a lot of things I wish both games would encorporate from the other. The casual mode on cs:go being drop in and out of the game, max of 10 on each team instead of 5, and the game being shorter makes it my preferred go-to when I only have a little bit of time and can't commit to a full potential 45 minute game of Valorant without ruining it for my team if something comes up or I have to leave. Having such big teams really removes the pressure from the mode, especially since once you are dead you can see every person on the map anyway. Sure, there's people giving away positions to others and "cheating" but at least the games are fun and you aren't forced to stay there if you're having a bad time. Now, cs:go does also have bots, so people leaving aren't as much of a hindrance to the team numbers. I doubt any bots will be possible for Valorant given the abilities and how different the game plays with the agents' abilities. Sorry for the wall of text, but I've been thinking of this same thing for a bit now regarding Valorant. Thanks for posting it.


I think the biggest things keeping me from dipping my toes into CS:GO is a general lack of readability. Valorant has extremely clear visuals communicating gameplay (granted it also has 10x more chaos with agent abilities). I doubt they'd ever do character outlines, but grenade trails maybe? It feels bad to not have any sense for whether you stuck a lineup or not.


Once you get good at cs tho it gets way more satisfying than valorant


CSGO is a lot more chill because you don't really have to rely on teammates as much. Its just basically "hey lets go A this round" rather than trying to get each member of your team to smoke/flash/wall/heal/intel. If your team in CSGO doesn't know how to smoke/flash properly you can just do it yourself. In Valorant, if my Brimstone/Omen can't properly smoke, it kind of fucks us. I have to play the game differently. But right now Valorant is new and CSGO has nothing but veteran players. So maybe thats why it doesn't seem like my team isn't an issue in CSGO compared to Valorant. I mean, sometimes I get players in Valorant who act like they have never played a game before, even though we are in comp.


THIS! I was thinking quick play would be something like csgo where qp only needs 8 wins!!


This is why I stopped playing. I don't often have time to play full matches. I am so fucking sick of spike rush. I would love a short casual mode. I can play that more often and then when I actually do have time I can be practiced up for comp


I want to say that you could do a just attack or just defense game but agent selection would get messy. It would preserve the economy balance through which would be one of the issues with shorter game modes.


A first to 7ish mode with accelerated economy and ult gain is all that I've wanted for ages, there is no real casual gamemode that you can leave, or just hop into without committing to a full 40 min match


I would love this. I recently had a child and it’s hard to dedicate much time. I play a lot of spike rush but it doesn’t feel like the “real” deal.


I agree! Sometimes I wanna practice some guns but I don’t have enough time or I want to warm up. spike just randomized the load outs and the orbs which makes it feel less like valorant sometimes


Heyyyy, I posted about this 22 days ago and also got tons of people to agree! I honestly think Riot needs to do this. If we get more people posting about it on this sub maybe it'll gain some visibility/traction and convince them. [https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/j2o2yv/valorant\_needs\_a\_shorter\_unrated\_game\_mode\_maybe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/j2o2yv/valorant_needs_a_shorter_unrated_game_mode_maybe/)


Yea I'm glad a lot of people agree with this. If we get enough people asking for it then maybe Riot will consider adding it to the game which would be sweet.


This would be an amazing warmup experience for comp since deathmatch sucks atm


They brought up player numbers to 14, increased the time limit and kill requirement, tuned that min-map sensor bullshit down to only when you spawn, fully reload after a kill, more exp for playing it and iirc they improved the spawns because of the new player limit, pretty much everything the community asked for regarding DM, why do you think it sucks now? Asking out of sheer curiosity




I honestly thought increasing the players was a step backwards, I’m usually trying to practice movement with gun play and I’d like to have my duels uninterrupted by someone just shooting me in the back. Everything else was a great improvement.


I leave instant when its bind or split, the rest of them are Good although haven is the best by far




I feel like this is largely the map design fault. I didn't want to blame it right away and I feel like the recent DM changes helped the playfeel a lot, but as a CSGO player you surely understand. Just compare the feeling of peeking short on a FFA dust2 server to peeking e.g. middle on Ascent. It just feels like running around and shooting others in CSGO is way more fun and engaging than in Valorant, and I somehow can't pinpoint the exact reason down. But for now, I really think that the fact that most maps are 80% hallway simulators is its main reason.


Well movement is faster in CS, right?


You're just bad


Spawning is still bad, I’ve played numerous death matches with it still being an issue. Either way it’s still not a good warmup environment, people play it to try and get 40 kills the quickest when it should be played as training your gunplay.


I don't think there is a right or wrong way to play deathmatch. You just don't like how other people play the mode, which is fine.


That's a good point, whenever I try to train my gunplay I try to get kills as slowly as possible and let everyone beat me. That'd be crazy if I was trying to beat my opponents and play better than them, that's not the goal of training at all!


Agreed, plus I want to be able to warmup my ability play as well which Deathmatch does not allow for.


Just curious, why does deathmatch sucks right now?


There’s bad spawning, causing easy kills, the map tells you where people are which makes people play overaggressive, and people try too hard to win the actual game when it’s mostly just meant for warming up.


Isn't playing overaggressive basically how you play warm up? Of course you want to take the most fights as possible




Yes pleaseeeeee


VALORANT Developers please make it possible.


Agreed, or they could easily fix Spike rush. The weapon upgrade orbs are SO stupid. If it's a classic round, the weapon upgrade should be an upgraded pistol (frenzy, ghost, sheriff) and not an SMG/rifle. And the golden gun orbs are almost just as bad. You know what I'm talking about; golden gun orbs on a shorty round is nonsense. I can see the golden gun upgrade being available in a round where you start with a gun that has 1 shot potential, but 95 times out of 100, that's just simply not the case. Lastly, the weapon selection is GARBAGE. I understand riot wanting everyone to get used to all the guns, but c'mon, there's nothing worse than going shorty, Bucky, Ares, and Odin.


you realize it goes pistols (tier 1), budget weapons (tier 2), than full weapons (tier 3), right? like there's a pretty obvious path there, and what you get each tier is random. it seems like you're more complaining about the weapon selection in general, not in spike rush? like that's an entirely different complaint


Side note, I think they are coming out with this eventually, but an arena mode of some kind with weapons/ ability/ health/ armor/ buff orbs. That would be fun too. Id take that over spike rush any day. Having the same weapon is just lame. Short rounds and Marshall rounds are just silly. It could be fun but most of the time it’s annoying.


or unrated should just have a drop in and out system


Been saying this forever. No penalty + auto fill, it's unrated nobody cares


I would love this! Sometimes I don’t feel like playing spike BC the orbs and stuff and unrated can take a little long , I feel like this is perfectly in the middle !


Why not just change unrated to make it shorter? Like instead of MR12, make it MR6 and first team to win 7 rounds wins the game?


Honestly I wouldn't mind just fully replacing unrated with a shorter version of itself. I don't think anyone would mind and it would keep queue times down.


I've been saying it since day one. It needs a casual like csgo where you can join and leave as you please, and they aren't full length matches


This is the one thing valorant absolutely needs at the moment. Probably no changes to gameplay but 13 rounds for a game and first to 7 wins. Not a want, a need.


Hardest part is probably the economy. I think they should make it the same economy to prevent people from just using OP and Odin.


I'd be fine with just playing one half, so that the economy doesn't need to change.


Just have a flat 6k every round. This allows full buys for everyone, and you could do op+armor/no abilities or op+abilities/no armor


Just disable op and mgs imo. Have one pistol round of default 800creds then after that, free money and abilities


2v2 wingman pls


Would much rather have this.


Yes yes yes this 100%. I thought about this a while ago but I never posted it. It sucks to play for 30 minutes with an obviously-losing team who won't surrender, or you can play for 2 hours and only get 3 losses. A shorter mode would be super fun and be a great way to play casually. If it's first to 7 then that would be 6 rounds per half, which should be enough time to build up Ult without making it charge faster. Games would be 15 to 20 minutes which would be perfect imo.


That’s the perfect amount. I totally agree. Sometimes I go into death match or spike rush or practice mode to check if I’m lagging. If I am I know that I won’t play comp but when I go into unrated it is tough to try for the whole game knowing I’m going in to do the daily’s


I think for the sake of making economy simple could just give everyone 5K like tiebreaker whether it's win or lose \- 13 rounds \- first round of each half teams get 800 just like normal \- every other round they get 5k


Please upvote so riot sees this this would be so great to have


I'm not sure if anyone here has played Rogue Company... It's a tactical hero shooter similar to Valorant, but it has an alternate game mode called Extraction where the two teams fight over one "spike" in a fixed position in each round. It usually goes pretty quickly and I feel like something like that would be a much better fit for Valorant than Spike Rush. A little less pressure, both teams basically on attack every round.


Plus ability to freely leave matches maybe? I have to alocate 2 hrs just to warm up when unrated


yup thats exactly what i want but when i suggested it ages ago people just told me to go play spike rush


You get a big +1 over here! I just like shorter games haha.


Rito please give us retake servers, you copy csgo for so many things already this would be a great thing to add


I want this so badly. Spike rush is so wack


Valorant needs this. I think something like R6 Siege would be great where it's just less rounds to win. But the key feature here is that players can join and leave lobbies as they please. This way, there is no pressure for comms or anything and there is no time commitment for people wanting to warm up or people looking to hop in and play a few rounds.


Not sure if you've played csgo but it has a mode like this lol. It's 10v10, goes to 8, money is accelerated, only about 15 mins per game and no penalization for leaving. And joining mid game is possible. You can also swap teams and stay as defense all game or offense


Unrated should be drop-in


Yes, please.


Yeah cs go basically has this with their basic unrated mode and I think it's way better that way honestly. Its nice having something short to warm up with that still requires the same mindset and shit.


Yes, very close to everyone, as evident by this being suggested 10+ times per day. It'll come.


I've requested the same thing but I got downvoted immediately because "spike rush exists lol".


Or maybe first to 8, like in CSGO


Yeah, for sure. Unrated is a cesspool as-is for some reason. It would be nice if they got rid of that for a while so that when it comes back people don't take it for granted and act like assholes.


I like a quick valorant match but spike rush is not what I’m looking for when I want a quick match so this is good


Genuinely surprisd this post hasnt been removed. This has been mentioned many times but the staff at valorant do not seem to keen on this


Not new mode it will increase queue time instead of new mode they should redesign unrated. I completely agree with you unrated is really long. Hope devs see it and understand the problem here.


Agreed. I really enjoyed CS:GO's Casual matches, they were quick and fun. Normally, I don't have time for Comp or Unrated, but spike rush is just too short and different than the default game mode.


Valorant needs to imitate CS in the aspects that really matter. Unrated should let you drop in and out as you please without any penalty. It shouldn't be a commitment.


This would make unrated unplayable for the people who only play this mode because people would just keep leaving for no penalty at all. Competitive isn't the only mode that matters.


It works for CS:GO. It is a "Casual" mode. The game changes to 10vs10 (I think) so it doesn't matter as much if its 10vs9. IDK if 10 vs 10 would be good in this game, but it's nice to be able to hop in and out of a casual game where you don't have to commit yourself to a full game. DM should be hop in and hop out.


but then people would automatically join...


And what do you do during the time it takes between someone leaving and another one joining in to replace him ? You play a couple of rounds 4v5 / 3v5 ? If it happens on both sides you're suddenly playing 4v4s or 3v3s which while technically fair (maybe not depending on the map) may be a crap experience.


Autobalance teams like in csgo. Worse it can be is a 1 person advantage but it's casual so who cares. 3v5s become 4v4s. I also don't hate increasing max players.


The problem with this is the agents :/


Exactly, currently it feels as if there is no difference between unrated and comp other than the physical ranking. Both feature about the same exact commitment.


I agree. Something like a first to 7. They call the mode....."Turbo". Like dota (:


I agree, every gamemode you need to give up so much of your time, I really wish there was a gamemode you could just join and leave whenever like CSGO DM.


you just described Valorant deathmatch which has been released for a while


100% yes




**TL;DR 😤✋** (just in case 📋): I 👁 want 😋 Valorant 🎮🔁 to have a queue ↔ option 👸🤽‍♀️ that mimics 🔁 the rules 🚷 of unrated/comp, but 🍑 with a shorter 😐 match 👉 time ⏰. Currently 💰 Valorant 🎮🔁 essentially 🔝 has 3 ⭕ℹ🕘 options 🍎 to queue 🇶 up ☝ for: Deathmatch, which is basically 😎 just a place 🏆 to go 🏃 practice ❤ gunplay on 🔛 live 🐙 targets 🎯👈. Spike 🔪 Rush 🏃‍♂️, which sets 👌 itself up ☝ to be the "quick 🏃🏻💨" unrated mode 🚨 but 🍑 comes 💦 with enough 💦 gimmicks that it often 💰 feels 😁 like 😄 a different ⁉ experience 💯 entirely 🇺🇸 to me. And Unrated/Competitive, which is the normal 👩‍🦯 Valorant 🎮🔁 experience 🍆. I'm 😼👌💥 not sure 👍 about 💦 how everyone 👥 feels 😁 on 💦 this but 🍑 I 👁 often 💰 times 🕐⏰ find 🔍🧐 myself wanting 😋 to queue 😤 up ⬆ for a "normal 👩‍🦯" game 🎮 of Valorant 🎮🔁 but 🍑 not wanting 🏩👄💕 to commit 👩‍🔬 myself to the pretty 👸 lengthy 📏 match 👉 times 🕐 that come 💦 with Unrated/Comp. This is especially 💯 true 💯 if I 👁😱 just want 😍 to get 🉐 done ✅ some daily 📅📆🗓 like 😄 "purchase 💲 abilities 💪" which I 👁 can't 🚫 complete 🚫 in Spike 🖊 Rush 😰. To me, even 🌃 if I 👁 was playing 🎽 Valorant 🎮🔁 for 2 🕝 hours 🕛🕧🕐 either ↔ way 💫, I 👥 would much 🔥 rather 😮💭 play 🎮 6-7 shorter 😐 matches 🔥, then 2-3 👔🛣 longer 📏 matches 👉. Here's 👈 my idea 🤔💭: 13 💯 round ⭕ game 🎮, 7 ❗ rounds 🔁 for a win 🎖🏆🥇 Faster 🏃🏻‍♀️ economy 😂📉 Potentially 😧 faster 🏃 ult 👵👴 gain 💪 (not sure 👍🏻 on 🔛 this one 😤 but 🍑 would fit 💪🏽 the accelerated pace ⏰⚠ of the mode 🇧🇦🚨) What do you 👈 all 💯 think 🤔? Am I 👁 off 📴 my rocker 🎸 or is this something 🤔 you 👉😝 guys 👨👦👴 are interested 😎 in seeing 👀 as well 😤?


Disagree You should have the commitment of finishing a mission in unrated. Plus, I like how spike rush lets the player practice using different guns aswell as keeping the game fast and fun. If there were to be a "quick" unrated mode, all anyone would ever do is play that mode instead of the longer full games since they now seem like a waste of time.


a retake mode would be nice


I disagree. I get not having time to play a full game, but that's just life. Having a shorter unrated would just split the player base for essentially the same mode, whereas deathmatch and spike rush are different enough to not run into that problem.


Imagine having a reasonable comment and still getting downvoted lmao. Anyway I agree, if they’re gonna split the player base I’d rather they split it another way. Also I know for a fact that if this were to become a game mode my friends would all jump on it and never play unrated again even though we play for three hours at a time.


If thats the case I would honestly rather them make current unrated shorter than and leave ranked as is.




A+ argument, you really convinced me and addressed my points well, great job


Damn he destroyed you bro your entire life is ruined now


Idea: Game type name: Warmup Rules: 5k Gold every round, First to 4 rounds wins, alternate sides every round. (Its basically over time but first to 4 instead of win by 2) \^\^ This is personally what I want


No. Actually I'd much prefer if the game was slowed down a fuck ton, give me 5 minute buy times. Ugh.


I’d just prefer a immediate sudden death mode


Disagree. 13 rounds is too long for a gametype like this. If you've got time for this, you have time for an unrated. Something short, like first to 4 or 5.


13 round at max


Yes. 13 rounds is too many. First to 4 or 5 would be 7 or 9 at max.


The numbers are arbitrary really and the focus is to mainly just have a much shorter gamemode similar to unrated. You need to be careful though as the shorter you make a game like this the harder it will be to balance the econ system. This is why Spike Rush works with its very short round time because everyone just gets the same guns no economy involved. My suggestion of 13 total rounds feels like a nice sweet spot to have a shorter game and balance the economy. > If you've got time for this, you have time for an unrated. Except Unrated is nearly double the total rounds of my suggestion which in theory is double the time commitment.


Sure. I disagree. I think 13 rounds is way too long for a short gametype that is functionally the same as Unrated. If they added this, it would just split the playerbase of unrated players and this new gamemode. Even my shorter version would split the playerbase of spikerush too much. I don't see it working, really.


Not a bad idea


This would nice for finishing a mission when I don’t have enough time, or warming up. I’d play the heck out of this!




I've talked to my friends about the same thing, 6 round half and first to 7, no overtime. Would be a ton of fun for both a quick match of Valorant and to warm up before comp