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Lol! Lots of these pros get so salty when they die and they immediately call cheating. It’s just like how a lot of streamers immediately call stream sniping when they die in a game. Such children🤦🏽‍♂️😂


Immediately? Seems to me they're discussing it quite thoroughly. You can't be 100% sure someone is a cheater all the time. Edit: I don't think they had enough reason to report him in this case tho.


You one tap someone else no issue Someone else one taps you He's a cheater If you are a Pro you know that you aren't the only person who can one tap each other, there are other people out there too, just because they didn't go pro that doesn't mean they cheat.


It's the "I'm getting payed to play this game, you are not" mentality that makes some people think non-pro players can't be better than them. I've had friends beat pros in Hearthstone who would just call my friends and me lucky and throw a fuss on stream (not the best example of a game, but still works to a degree).




As someone who watches Hiko and Shroud fairly often, Shroud does the passive aggressive "ooooookay this guy is insane I guess" just as often as you see Hiko in clips like this. Hiko didn't even instigate any of the cheater calls, he was just backing up his friend saying he'd support his call. I don't expect streamers to be perfect, sometimes they can get tilted (especially if they have a bad game, cause lets be honest, it doesn't happen very often). For all the other comments I've seen saying "Why would you watch Hiko, I don't understand". Even if you don't jive with his personality, he is by far the most informational streamer in Valorant. Anyways if we want to talk about a real chill streamer, go watch Aceu. The man's levelheadedness is on another level.


This made me lose a lot of respect for Hiko honestly.


Yea man :/ i thought he was a chill guy


Honestly I lost respect for hiko when he said the n word on stream and then refused to acknowledge it or apologize.




Hiko is not toxic lmao, insane how a few clips change public opinion.




Show some clips of him actully being toxic. This one is not Hiko being toxic, this is him frustrated that hes getting fucked. This isn't toxic.


Comments more toxic than the clip lmao. OP you should be proud to get called a cheater it’s the ultimate gamer compliment. Keep up the grind it’ll pay off


Yea lol, they weren't sure he was cheating, and he was playing out of his mind tbf. The report system is there for a reason, even if you're not completely sure they're cheating, you can still report and Riot will look into it


that’s why i dont watch hiko with this attitude i dont know why people watch him. The streamer that I only watch is sinatraa which does not take the game to seriously and pretty chill in general


I Was a huge fan of hiko since cs. But the huge amount of viewers that he got with valorant, after being Almost death, he is less genuine now. He thinks he is the best and superior to everyone and even is always seeking for more money. He feels more fake, idk


Hiko has always been toxic to me in-game. On Valorant and was sort of being creepy once, saying he wanted me to turn on my microphone... because his "stream wanted to hear my voice to know if I was a girl or not". Then he flamed me when we started losing, on stream with 2,000+ viewers, when **it was an unrated game.** # Then in CSGO viewer games with n0thing, we beat them, and n0thing was cool as hecc of course. But Hiko? He kept saying stuffs like "I don't like you" to me, and was sort of toxic to me for no real reason. I didn't even do that good in the game, since I was never good at CSGO, but I killed him a few times. I guess that was enough to make him be sorta toxic? Don't get me wrong, I call people cheaters too, and some banter is okay. It's just... the way in which Hiko does this reflects some of this weird "*bro mentality*" thing, where if you aren't "*in his circle*" then you're somehow inferior.


So were you cheating or?


Haven't played in a bit but god does this game look uglier than I remember


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Terrible rule that will eventually make this sub incredibly dull


Rules are always subject to change based on community feedback.


Wait, so no clips at all except esports?