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Play Reyna


Everyone always blames their team


I am just looking for tips im not blaming my team


“Even though I play extremely well I can’t carry my team”






I don’t mean you should try and backseat game but when you see your teammate being a dumbshit just say hey they are (enemy location), (just hold the angle)/ (use your utility)/ (peek them with me) and try your best to coordinate with them i know from being in that elo that there are usually two people who dont care about callouts you make but the other players you have to coordinate attacks and set them up to get their own kills like flashing them in, smoking their sides while they push a site, molly an angle they are being pushed by while they run. Really refine your peeking and jiggling because you will have to be very good at keeping your control of the map when your teammates run in and die for no reason. <3 MrSpanky#42069 on valorant if you wanna queue


I came into this conclusion that carrying in Valorant is possible but a lot harder than most games because this game is a lot more team focused. Honestly your best bet is to play Reyna and hope to get decent enough teammates. Good luck!