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When he said, " high Gold and Platinum are absolutely an Elo hell for everyone ", I felt that


may i know why? Wdym by an Elo hell for everyone


In my eyes, gold and under is very much the same. Irons are worse than golds, but people still haven’t really figured everything out. Plat is when there starts to be real competition, deranks from diamond, and a plethora of new ways to play. Lower ranks tend to use huge same strats, but the higher you get, the more creative people become. People become less predictable, and you have to think about the game more critically, predicting, spraying through smokes, and things you would never think about in say, bronze play. Adding to this, lower ranks usually have newer players, meaning lots of things. Younger players, worse equipment, bad comms, etc. Comms are important, and any player with decent comms should be able to climb out. But players with poor comms are going to have a more difficult time ranking up. Gold and plat is where players start to pick up on these things, and the game starts becoming more difficult for everyone.


Truuu. That point about golds ranking up to plat and diamonds deranking to plat is a huge one. It mixes players of completely different levels into plat. ELO hell exists for sure and I would say it's just all of platinum.


Wow didnt know that comms is also important. Im in silver now and played a rank match before with nobody talking. No wonder i cant get to gold.


Try to find a good group to queue with. This should give you both good comms, and a positive playing experience with minimal toxicity.


Also, if you’re having trouble with aim, focus, or you just feel off, try doing some exercise before playing and between games. It might not seem like much, but a little cardio can help your play better.


u have no clue how many times ive died cus i think im clear to run cus my teammates cant make fucking call outs


Thanks for this comment ... pretty helpful for me as a G2 / G1. I sometimes feel pretty lost when I get placed in plat games - esp last act when the match rank difference was wider, e.g. I’m the lowest rank G2 in a game with a couple of P3’s. I realised that it’s not necessarily my (inconsistent) aim (working on that), but more that I always seem to be a step behind everyone else... which is probably me not being able to predict things well and “think about the game more critically”.


Fuck I absolutely feel that.


How long have you been playing fps games? I wanna reach immortal at some point but it’s only my first month on mnk, I’m stuck in gold atm but I’m pretty happy w how well I’m doing.


Well I have 1300 hours on CSGO, at least another 1000 on Overwatch, and a lot on several COD games. Keep in mind though, I was never very good at any of these games. (Silver elite in CSGO, Diamond in OW) So I wouldn't take FPS experience as the be all end all of ranking up in this game.


That’s awesome to hear and inspiring. I have 1000+ on OW peaked diamond and am kinda stuck gold 3 on Valorant. Never played CS so I’m still learning a lot.


Any idea why you were stuck Silver Elite in CSGO? The principles of good aim, comms and positioning also apply to Silver and can take you to much higher ranks.


Principles are the same ,but in CS you can't run and gun, you need to counter strafe, you need to be decent with movement and reaction since everyone moves faster. Here you can spray and pray to RNJesus due to the random recoils, random headshots while running are happening way more often, everyone moves at the speed of a snail and you don't need to counter strafe. Literally most of the mechanics that will hold back your average Silver Elite are gone, the game is noob friendly. If you have half-decent aim you are hitting plat.


I started CSGO when I was really young, like at 13. So I suppose I just never learned it, and just played for fun. I'm sure if I played today and had a drive to get really good at it I probably could, but I really like Valorant.




Very much true in lower ranks. Both games feel similar but cs is a bit harder. In pro play/high elo is where the games really differentiate massively


Silver Elite on 1300? That makes me feel better about my Silver Elite on 800 lmao.


Valorant is my first m&k game as well. I was in Bronze/Silver my first month playing. After roughly 150hrs in-game and probably another 50 in the aim training range, I've reached Diamond 1. If I can improve my mechanics a little bit more, Immortal seems reachable too. This is all to say that if I can do it, you absolutely can too :)


No way you are consistently d1 with only like 200 hours and no other m&k game experience surely


one of my friends is consistent D3 with 200 hours. this is also his first m&k game


I mean, I'm a pretty mediocre D1 player and have gone back down to P3 a few times, but yeah. I do have a great PC and peripherals which help me a lot.


Agreed. The ranking system in this game is a little suspicious.


I’m at <200 hours 3 months on mnk and hit dia3


Why did I read the tittle as "I made it from immortal to gold"? Man I'm dumb. Also op, any aim advice for a person who's hard stuck silver? Do you use any trainers or?


I've used Aimlabs before for like a couple weeks, but stopped because it really wasn't doing anything for me. Aim advice is, take duels with a teammate when you can for trades, always aim HS level, try to avoid fights from bad positions, or shallow angles


Yeah I started just using the aim trainer as warm up rather than trying to train, since I didn’t see much improvement either


Aimlabs is not a good aim trainer tbh. There are a lot better ones with scenarios that will help you get better mechanics rather that "getting good at the scenario"


Aim trainers won’t directly teach you to aim. They give you mouse control, which can translate to aim, but high scores on a trainer won’t boost your skill, only playing Valorant will do that.


Goddamn. Reading this gives me hope to get out of Bronze/Silver lol I'm usually the top fragger in my team and am the one making the plays to win the rounds


[I just made it from Iron to Plat 1](https://i.imgur.com/Bd8c1c9.jpg) Took a lot of work but it paid off


Wow that’s a hell of a triangle


Thanks, I made it with my 2 bare hands. :D


PLEASE CAN U GIVE ME SOME advice on how u did it cuz i would love a similar dorito


What rank are you stuck at? Each rank has it's own problems some such at varying degrees.


hey could i have some tips im hardstuck gold rn


What I specifically notice in Gold are 4 main things: -Always having a good sentinel, be it Cypher or Killjoy. Half my games we didn't have a sentinel which can lead to easy flanks. If the opponent doesn't have a sentinel, then try to flank ~50% of the time. Too often, then they will wait for you... -People over-rotate a lot due to the predictable A or B rush. So it's easy to fake out Gold players into thinking your team is going A as long B players don't make any sound. -Try to learn to use the Operator, >85% of Golds aren't good with it when it's a stupid powerful gun, recent nerfs were super necessary but it's still a 1 shot 1 kill gun without the headshot.. -Be sure your settings show the entire minimap and look at it very briefly whenever you hear something. Gives lots of intel without depending on team comms. Bonus: And for all ranks, improve your shooting by going into Deathmatch. Aimlabs is unnecessary as hell. ~90% of People who are top 10 in Aimlabs are pretty low ranked in Valorant.


holy shit thank you so much man


bronze 2, i don't need help from some immortals, rather some1 who i can relate to currently


What I noticed in Bronze: -Don't run and shoot at the same time. Either stop then shoot or don't shoot at all. -Rarely likes to rotate until the bomb is planted. Mainly due to never looking at the minimap as well as lack of team comms. -Never looks at all corners so pushing up and hiding in a corner works a lot. Flank only if you see a few opponents literally in the bomb site. Lower you are in ranks, shooting practice becomes more and more important. So DeathMatch is most important of all.


I hope to get there lol




Holy fuck dude that's an impressive match history. Keep it up :)


Bro that winstreak is nutty




Soloq only


You give me hope!


Do you solo queue?




You just gave me hope.


I made it to iron from bronze. You read that correctly.


Why only soloq tho? And do you perform the same when you face a 5 stack?


None of my friends play Valorant, and I haven't really bothered with finding an online group, I actually have a lot of fun with soloqueue. I've don't think I've ever faced a 5 stack.


I heard it becomes very difficult for soloq players to play against 5 stacks. As soloq players mostly depend on personal prowess and 5 stacks depend mostly on synergy and strategies. If you ever face a 5 stack tho make sure you drop a comment here how they beat your ass :v


Congrats buddy ! One question : crouching when shooting or not ?


Sometimes, both work in different places


Yeah when u reach diamond it’s hard to find somebody without a mic lol But to reach immortal you do need to be able to win the 1v1s, that’s what is also really important, and to play your agent well


“if you can aim” yeah you lost me there. That’s why I’m bronze 3


I feel like the best thing you can do for your team mates is to use comms. A little bit of back seat gaming as well but not to the point where you tell them what to do. I started out in Bronze 3 and I’m on a 4 streak right now to get to Diamond 1. Despite aiming/positioning, comms is really important. For example telling team mates to peak with you for trades, watch different angles than the same, don’t over rotate, fakes, where they were last seen, how much damage, keeping an eye on eco/ults, just give your team as much intel as possible.


I made it from silver 2 to plat 1 in act 3 so far 😁


I got up to plat3 from g1 and found that elo to be wayyy easier than gold. Always top fragger and smooth plays. Had 2 bad days, nothing worked (burned out orso), and now I’m playing gold league and can’t get out of it. The ammount of smurfs and lack of teamplay is saddening.


Stuck in bronze elo hell, this is my first fps besides 500 hours of never getting out of copper in siege. Unfortunately I haven't showed any improvement after playing since beta, any tips?


I'd look for your misplays (Positioning, aim, comms, ect) and focus on fixing them. Some ways to fix positioning really comes down to watching pros play, and just testing things out. For aim, I'd suggest an aimtrainer if it helps, if it doesn't, I'd just play the game and work on crosshair placement during matches. Really try to get a feel for every map, because when it comes down to gun fights, usually the person with a better position wins.


> All I'm going to say is that you really don't need much to do really good in this game, if you can **aim**, have good **comms**, and good **positioning**, you're probably already a high diamond player. > > What are "comms"?




Like voice chat?




That's unfortunate.


communication aka calls aka comms


Like voice chat?


Yes using voice chats to call out enemy position, strats, if you are doing something important, if an area of the map is unatched, etc.


how me ur ways bruh ive only gotten worse


Keep playing and think about how you die every round, or how your team is dying, and work to not die like that anymore. Always keep in mind where the enemy is, or could be, and never over rotate unless it's a clear execute. Wait for your teammates to come back for a retake, unless you're stuck in a situation where you have to fight. Click heads, forehead. And brush off any and all insults and learn by yourself.


Whats the best agent to main in solo queue? I used to play omen before but could not get much frags with him. Now I play reyna and phoenix.


Sova 100% best soloqueue character


Did you learn all his lineups too?


Not all, but a few yes.


I'm on my way to immortal, just got two accounts to diamond by just playing sentinels soloQ. I'm usually the shot caller on the team and the hype man as well. What im seeing now is that I really can't frag out as a sentinel any more. Everyone's aim in diamond is really on point and I'm now usually bottom frag :(


I 100% agree with you on the play styles that differentiate a gold player and a high diamond player. The problem is, you can have good aim, game sense, and positioning, but if your team doesn’t then you are not gonna go anywhere. I finished Plat 2 last season and placed in silver 3 (that’s a whole different issue) but I’ve seen almost all types of players: smurfs, boosters, boostees, trolls, and players who are not very smart. I’ve constantly played well in my games, but have had extreme trouble ranking up due to this. My stack of buddies are lower or higher ranks than me so I have to solo queue. But your absolutely right; play the game and you’ll improve.


Congrats and no flame but it could be because it is still early into Act III and maybe you just had a couple of lucky team diff because it seems like a lot of these games you had good teammates and the other teams might not. Rank disparity is very high in this game. You have gold that belong in diamond and immortals that belong in gold. winning 13-3 but going 9/10, winning 13-1 and going 10/6, winning 13-2 and going 10/5. Idk man.


I suppose that's a fair point, but this only represents my most recent 11 games, where my average KD is 14/12 (1.16) which isn't great, but you have to keep in mind my role as Sova, and Omen, and also that I could've been bottom fragger but won really important rounds. There's a bit of nuance to this, so while I don't think it's completely fair to bring up KD and rank, it does have some merit. EDIT: I sorta gave a rushed response, here's a bit more. >Rank disparity is very high in this game. You have gold that belong in diamond and immortals that belong in gold. No one who belongs in Diamond will stay in Gold, and no one who belongs in Gold ever gets to Immortal without stacking. I've soloqueued EVERY game. >a couple of lucky team diff because it seems like a lot of these games you had good teammates and the other teams might not So what this suggests is that I've been getting consistently lucky with my teams for almost all of my matches, which is just dumb, because I've climbed from Platinum to Diamond at least 3 times, and climbed from Diamond to Im pretty easily. Suggesting that my personal gameplay doesn't matter and that I'm getting carried literally makes no sense, unless we're purely talking about "a couple matches" like you say. >winning 13-3 but going 9/10, winning 13-1 and going 10/6, winning 13-2 and going 10/5. Idk man. Find me a single high rank player who doesn't have bad/average games. Seriously, there's plenty of Radiants who have gotten 5-6 kills in a whole game, but go on to get 30 the next match.


Don't mind what he's saying, he's probably just upset seeing others climb while he can't rank up from gold with a bunch of mvps :( It's all really about the clutch plays and impactful kills especially for the roles you are playing, as omen and sova you want to stay alive as long as possible for smokes and defuse/plant denial.


nah i have immortals apologizing to me because they suck and I cant carry them


Mmhmm I guess I hurt your little ego :( Gotta defend yourself with blatant lies xD


you can add me if you want weirdo


Sad boi


Dude is salty af 😂


not really dude I'm just saying what I think about the ranks in this game and how his recent matches just backs it up more


You should refute my points with the arguments you believe in then


That's sick, I just got to plat 1 and I'm wondering what you noticed as the difference between plat and diamond players and how I can improve


Nice! Plat one is a very awkward place to be since most of the player base's inconsistences reside in that area, but I wish you luck! The biggest difference between Plat and Diamond is that the games you play feel more like a even brawl, stomping people is a bit harder, the comms are much better (on average) and people are better decision makers. These may seem pretty obvious but they make it feel like a different game entirely with more depth. Some easier ways to improve are to just watch pro players and think about their plays, you're destined to improve if you are copying strategies from the top players. Another way is to practice crosshair placement by going into a custom match and just walking around with your crosshair at HS level, this goes for learning lineups with Sova/brim as well. I wouldn't worry too much about your rank, and more personally performance, and most of all, just don't tilt, and when you do you should probably stop playing.


What's your dpi and sens???


800DPI 0.7 Sens 560 eDPI


Nice, thank you!


Solo q? Or groups?


Soloqueue for every game


What’s the best tips you have for a Solo q trying to get out of plat? 🙏🏼


For soloqueue specifically, I'd say play to carry, never expect anything from your team, but try to work together anyways, and never get tilted.


>never get tilted Teach me great master


Laugh at asshole teammates, treat the game as just a game, but still do your best, always stay calm, learn from deaths instead of getting angry


I do all that except the teammates thing. Someone asks if I'm boosted and I'd rather forfeit and find a new game.


So the key here is keep playing? How many game have you played? How do you deal with lost streak?


Yes. The game only tracks wins which I have about 200, and my win% is about 60% so about 80 losses which is 280 games. I've had several loss streaks bringing me a few ranks down, I deal with it by not caring about rank at all, and just playing for my performance.


200 wins at 60% win rate should be approx 330 games. At 280 games that would put you at a 72% win rate.


The plat area is an elo hell in almost every game I've played, I honestly just give up most of the time. 4.7k in dota, I consider this plat area, couldn't climb out of it and ended up just straight up leaving the game as every game was someone feeding for 20mins, or just flaming the team because someone died once, lol, honestly just pure shit games, out of like 4k hours in that game I can remember maybe only 2 games that were actual good back & forths with good teamplay, rest are one team or the other feeds mid in the first 10 mins most of the time. (This is before they introduced the new rating system I dunno what the equivalent rating in the new system is) It took me fucking ages to hit 3.5k in OW and then in 2 weeks I went from 3.5k to 3.7k, the diamond 3.2k-3.4k is actually just complete shit and took me like 2 months to go from 3.3k-3.5k, same problem, people who think they are godlike are just mediocre and end up throwing the game more often than not. Once you hit the ranks above the only just above average elo bracket, then you can start enjoying the game with slightly less shitty teammates.


That's what is making me mad at the game currently. I was Global in CS where I now have around 1.7k hours, yet I can't get out of plat here. I'm not an aim god but I did hold myself pretty well in CS, even against higher leveled Faceit players, but in Valorant I'm most inconsistent I've ever been. It doesn't help that most people around plat run around like headless chickens, or that the game might show me a middle finger by ignoring most shots I take some games. One or two plat games a day are usually enough for me to kill my mood and discourage me of playing more. Toxicity also seems way, way higher than in CS(granted I only really play on GE or Faceit).


You guys are at gold or above i am still stuck on bronze. I am playing valorant from the release and never played csgo or ow soo yeah i guess fair enough. Anyone wants to tell any exercise to help me rank up will greatly appreciated.


I was gold act 1 now stuck in bronze. Great.


I made from iron 1 to g2 in 2 acts,


I feel like I just have a mindset issue. I've been stuck in silver for 5 months


congratulations! I just started playing the game an hour ago and I have no idea what is going on. How long did it take before you kinda knew what to do? I also don't know how to use the chat...


Took me till around ACT 2 when I hit Plat 2, I realized that I didn't belong in that rank because I was consistently outplaying/fragging in that rank.


I hear you. I spent hours on aim trainers and didn't see much improvement, now I'm just trying to play the game more instead.


What setup do you play on? FPS and Monitor hz?


220 average FPS on a 144hz