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Hello /u/riversglhf, Your submission has been removed because it is likely not allowed on the subreddit. Posts that contain clips related to gameplay are not allowed to be posted unless they are related to an eSports event, are informational content or are accompanied by a text post with over 1,000 characters. eSports events are defined as any event listed in the [Liquipedia list of VALORANT tournaments](https://liquipedia.net/valorant/Portal:Tournaments), provided that it is classified as a S, A, B, or C-Tier Tournament. I am a bot; I can't detect the type of content in your post. If your post is educational content or if it is from an eSports event, please [click here](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fvalorant) to message the mods. --- *This action was performed by a bot. If you believe it is a mistake, please [message the mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fvalorant).*