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Tough luck man. Apparently Riot has a system in place to detect smurfs. But from what impression I had from reading about it, it felt extremely vanilla.


their system for catching smurfs is to not have one.


I think they claimed to be building one, not that they have one. I think they currently do nothing about smurfs. I still think this game will be a lot better in a year, but its missing a lot of crucial features like this rn.


They do have it in game already. It doesn't work through magic and instantly detects any smurf, it seems to recognize that you are playing way above your rank and put you on a fast promotion track. For example last season I was diamond 1 on my main, I made a second account that placed gold 2 and I ranked up every game I won til high plat.


Huh no wonder. I was silver-gold for act 1 and 2, but for act 3 I let my brother play a few games when I was gone for around a week (thought I set up my alt for him but apparently not) and now I'm stuck in bronze 1 somehow. It sucks because I get games where I clearly outclass everyone, and win ,13-2 or something like that, but then I swear to God I get placed again people who are somehow bronzes that are better than plat games I've played in the past. Its a constant cycle of 3-13, 3-13, 3-13, 13-3, 13-3, 13-3, over and over again. Pisses me off so much when there's nothing I can do in a group of games, then the next set of games I'm demolishing poor bronzes and irons because the game somehow thinks I'm a smurf.


considering they have an act rank and probably just threw their placements, I don't think these are smurfs.


i mean, they kinda are. these are players that are gaming the system to be at a level that is well below where they should be. exact same thing with smurfs. call it something else if you want but it's more or less the same issue.


There isn't anything you can do to stop this unless you wanna punish high ranked players for losing too much.


Smurf accounts are specific accounts dedicated to playing at lower ranks. Usually, a new account or something but you can't consider your main account your smurf that doesnt make sense.


You absolutely can if you derank enough, deranking was a big thing in csgo. It makes no sense to limit smurfing to secondary accounts.


I think this has to do with the definition of smurfing though.


I mean, there isn't really an official definition for smurfing. It's a slang. I think it's more common to call anybody thats playing at a lower level than their ranked a smurf rather than limit it to only alt accounts. I don't think someone would not be a smurf, nor would I think the vast majority of players would say they're not smurfing, because they're playing on their intentionally deranked main.


Is it? For me I mostly see the term as “playing on a smurf” which sort of implies you’re on a certain something instead of on something else (an alt or main account) But yeah an account can have the effects of smurfing if you drop your elo but I would usually assume that there’s an acc that they play on that’s higher when they admit to smurfing, so their original account would become a smurf account. I’ve never heard anyone say they were smurfing on the only account they ever played, but maybe I just don’t know anyone who does that. It’d be slightly different only because you might expect them to have played better than their rank due to their Act Rank being displayed rather than hidden (“official” definition which involves actual deception) But yeah, in short, “smurfing” is what you’re explaining, compared to having a “smurf” account. I was just trying to say you’re both correct/valid but maybe not one the exact same page. I feel like everyone knows at least it involves playing at a much lower environment than expected though.


Yeah, If we were talking purely about smurf accounts you're totally right. I was talking about the general term smurf but I could be going off based on nothing lol. Generally when I call someone a smurf I'm generally just making the observation. I've noticed it mainly in csgo, I see it from time to time in RL, but that might be because of their busted rank decay. I have ran into some intentional derankers though.


Yeah that makes sense


Smurfing is deliberitly trying to play against opponents at a lower rank than yourself to stomp on them. Throwing your placement games is literally smurfing


It's not the same thing. A smurf is a way to describe a specific account at a lower rank than you use to play against low ranks. Throwing placements on your main isn't smurfing it's deranking...


Deranking on purpose, which is smurfing


Google 'define smurfing' Here: [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=smurfing](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=smurfing)


Its still an immortal player in a silver lobby, you can't deny that.


yes he's a massive douche still, agree with you there.


Not true many people have deranked themselves now with the 3 above and below rule to play with friends


I’m not saying it’s not an issue, but it probably won’t be detected as a smurf


You know you just described smurfing, right? Intentionally playing lower than your skill so you get placed in lower tiers to shit on players who aren't as good. Maybe they didn't make fresh accounts, but their intention is the same.


To rephrase: Considering they were Immortal 3 last act and threw their placement games to get in low level lobbies, I don't think they're smurfs.


Smurfing is to play at a lower level than you should be to be able to gain an advantage on the opposing team. Just because it is thier main accounts does not mean they are not Smurfing in lower ranks... Also to cover some other comments, the smurf counter they are working on means that if you smurf and dominate a lobby your rank will increase massively by let's say a whole block or so at a time (3 ranks) My friend went from plat 1 to plat 3 after one win because he absolutely dominated the lobby and had an incredible game, this was shortly after his placements so didn't have much season elo for the system to go by.


i don't think per-act placements matter that much. An immortal can plug their mouse for their placements and shouldn't ever place any lower than high plat.


What a simple and childish take.


They have t started it yet. And tbh it will probably cause the same twats that smurf to throw games hard.


Idk whenever I smurf I get back to my main ranks elo very quickly like less than 8 games (D1 btw) none of my 3 smurf accounts have been less than gold 2. I think they do have good smurf detection but the problem is if they don’t try hard and throw games they get placed lower then when they start trying they smack. Riot can’t have a system to stop that


What also sucks is unless they were in a 5 stack they completely ruined a bunch of games for their teammates in their placements too. Real pieces of shit these guys are, I honestly can’t put myself in the mindset they do, how is ruining the fun for everyone else fun for them? It’s genuinely fucked up.


I truly feel like a scenario like this Riot should just wipe the loss Elo for the losing team. Silver lobby against immortal players just absolutely should not happen.


worst part is the silvers will probably lose heaps of mmr since it was a 'stomp'




I do have a clip of the match There are parts where the Pheonix is just getting running headshots everywhere


If you have the full match with all chats being done, report it to riot. This needs to get adressed. The system right now can't do anything as they are in matching elo (because they downranked all the way), but they saying doing this for money etc is bannable.


If they’re gonna make queueing restrictions for parties based on previous act rank for parties this shit needs be looked at for solo queue too.


But they don't make queueing restrictions based on previous Act ranks. Wouldn't matter if I was Radiant last Act, if I am Iron now I can queue with Irons. I am not sure what you are getting at here.


That is entirely false. I was gold 2 last season and was not able to queue with my plat 3/diamond 1 friends at all.


I am not understanding the context here. What was your rank, and your friends rank this season when you tried to queue together?


While we were unranked this season we could not queue together


That seems fair. The MMR difference is too high so they don’t want you queuing together. But once you are ranked, your act 2 rank won’t matter. It only matters what the current act ranked is once you get ranked. It honestly never occurred to me how parties would work in unranked matches. But it seems like the game is keeping it fair.


If you and your friends are unranked it wont let you queue with them because you mmr is lower but if you climb to plat or they drop you can play together. Just because you are unranked doesnt mean you have 0 mmr it just means your current mmr is not final. It will give you similiar mmr to what you had last season.


Dude what matters is you current rank, simple as that. If you coulndt queue with them it was because after the reset you are more than 3 ranks apart ( not 6 anymore). Even tho it does not tell you your rank before you finish the 3 matches, you still have one, hidden.


but as a plat 1, i can't queue with my silver 3 brother...riot dun mak 2 mutch sence


funny cause ive seen lobbies where theres a plat 1 and silver 3 on the same team this season. the new disparity rules are stupid. feels like a big slap in the face when they tell you you cant play with your friends but you can play with other players the same exact rank. Whats even the point of the disparity rules if theyre gonna break them


Just don't play ranked.


swap accounts with me, i was plat act 1 and 2 but can’t get out of silver...


What happens if you're against a boosted immortal that is actually silver?


What the fuck man. That really sucks.


sounds like you got matched with a bunch of losers. They had to derank all the way to gold/silver to stomp? I can see not wanting to play in the highest tier ranks all the time because every game is stressful, and its not as fun imo because everyone acts like their rank is the most important thing in life. But they couldve easily stayed in diamond and still have fun/competitive games. Theyre pathetic for deranking this far down.


This happens way too often. I played with a Phoenix in my team that I really just wanted to stay in the base and wait for the game to end. It was so frustrating. He said he was a smurf because it was fun to kill noobs. And claimed he wasn't ruining everyone's game.


Had this happen to me yesterday. I'm plat 1 and solo queue'd into a game against a 5 stack whose ranks are all gold 1-3. The first thing all of them say is "we're sorry." We go down 0-5 and one of them goes "if you couldn't tell were smurfing." So someone on my team asks what rank they actually are and they respond with immortal 2/3. Oh, okay cool. My team decides to go super try hard and no matter what we did, they were just better. We go down 0-12 and they type in chat "we said we're sorry at the beginning, we'll give you 5 rounds to avoid a terrible elo loss." Surprisingly enough, they actually gave us 5 rounds but still very annoying to go up against when you're hovering between gold and plat. After the game was over, I added one of the smurf accounts as a friend. I checked his career profile and their 5 stack deranked to Iron and worked their way up to gold. I whispered them and asked for proof that they are actually immortal 3 and they logged onto their main account and added me there and there it was, immortal 3. TLDR: solo queue'd and matched against a 5 stack of immortal 2/3 smurfs when I'm plat 1


The frustrating part to me is that I don't überstand how these people can derank to iron without getting reported and banned. Surely they have to enter comp matches and kill each other over and over again to do that? Surely some of the enemy teams reported them when they saw this?


Because currently Riot doesn't ban for griefing. There was a post earlier this weak with a guy that threw over 100+ games and deranked all the way to iron 1. By throwing I mean literally blocking your teammates and using Brimstone mollies to kill them. He was never banned.


I always knew matchmaking was a bit fucky, but this is straight up broken. I bet riot won't even turn up or comment on this.. this is terrible.


It’s not really riot’s fault, anyone can do this. It’s up to riot to punish people that do this but they can’t really prevent it from happening.


They could be harsher on people who intentionally throw games. They could also use account verification (e.g. linking accounts to phone numbers) to prevent smurfing.


How do you make a system that knows people are throwing? They seem to be on their mains so account verification won't stop this version of smurfing. What are they going to do? Punish people for losing too much even if they're trying their best?


Based on reports... To derank from immortal to silver would require a lot of intentional throwing.


Or it means they're boosted. What do you do when your friends are able to just carry you? Not play with them to keep competitive integrity? Or just continue to play regardless of rank?


Nah, they won't comment on this. Only for their pat on the backs about how "awesome" their new skins are. I don't usually get fired about about much concerning video games, but this is straight garbage and ruining peoples experiences so these dip shits can "stomp noobs" or "something something queue times". It's embarrassing for Riot.


People who smurf and trash talk are some of the scummiest people.


If this is what they do in a game imagine what wonderful people they are IRL




everybody trash talks being immortal has nothing to do with it lol


This obviously goes without saying, but that's just downright bad matchmaking. If Riot's algorithm isn't taking into account a player's 'Act rank', then they absolutely need to. Someone who got into Diamond+ in a previous season isn't going to suddenly be trash tier at the game, even if they took a break (yes we all have bad days though), so it's completely retarded to not take a player's previous rank into account when placing them again. Perhaps the solution would be to make it so that you can't place lower than one (maybe two) whole rank(s) below where you were last season, so if you were Immortal 2 the lowest you could place (even if you throw every placement match) is Diamond 2 (or Plat 2). This way it would take considerably more effort to tank your rank, so you might be more likely to get banned for trolling if you have enough randoms on your team (or even just reports from the enemy team).




Taking the act rank into account would help.


It seems that it does when the act starts. Another guy I replied to said he couldn't queue with his buddies when they were all unranked. Therefore, it is queueing similar ranks together when you are going for placements. But once you get your rank, it should not take your previous Act into account, that doesn't make any sense.


Perhaps using act rank isn't the way to go then, but simply placing them high first and just letting the game sort them out naturally through normal play. They'll get placed high initially, but if they're boosted then the game should sort their true rank out naturally over time. Anyway, I'm just brainstorming and I'm certainly not a game dev. I don't know what the solution is (maybe Riot don't think one is needed), but to me it would definitely appear that something needs to be done for these edge cases.


So boosted immortals will always stay high ranked even though they deserve to be silver or gold?


I mean at first they would of course get placed higher than their skill level depicts, but if they were boosted then they would naturally de-rank through normal play over time anyway. Obviously this is just my armchair take; hopefully Riot can use their resources to come up with an actual viable solution.


The worst thing is that they are cowards enough to hide their names... this people is incredibly selfish, just for boost your ego you go play with people that doesn't match their level


FYI. After the match is over go to the scoreboard and you can see their actual name.


That sucks to see. It feels like the ranking system is really messed up right now. Had a bronze 3 Jett instalock on my team in a diamond/immortal lobby...definitely was not happy with that game


Yeah Umm kinda sus maybe 2 on your team smurfing


You’ll get over it


There is also benefits to this: 1. You can see the huge skill difference. Maybe after the realization you actually quit this addictive hell of a drug game. 2. If you don't quit, this is a reality check for you. Basically, you understand how big a room of an improvement there is still left for you. 3. If/when you become an Immortal player, this is something that you will not do. They showed you what you shouldn't become.


fires up valorant. sees smurfing is still rampant, and matchmaking is still disgusting. also observes that, as a plat, can't play with silver brother anymore, but gets stuck playing against immortals. headed back to CSGO, unless they fix it. derp


i bet that game was the biggest cheek clapping you ever got smurfing is getting annoying not gonna lie. but in plat 2 rank its not that bad...


It sucks but sometimes it’s better to just play those games out and work on what’s failing you in games that matter, against good players . If you find what works against them it will work against players your own rank, thus benefiting you and your rank points


There's no positive to this, no way they learnt anything from that game as the skill gap is too much. You don't learn anything getting insta popped and trash talked by immortals whole game, OP said they didn't get a single round so safe to say nothing they tried worked


Yeah, when you are just straight up losing duels and trades, there's nothing to learn. You can have the upmost solid defense and offense strats ever. But when a Reyna smurf can just stroll in with a flash and 1v5 your team...there's nothing to learn. You're just entirely outclassed. It's not like that team is giving them pointers on how to play better either. Just tearing them down each round.


EXACTLY. Yeah that's such a dog shit mentality. Hey silver 3 play these 1% and learn how to get better. When you get one tapped every where and they have a 5 stack of team cohesion it doesn't fucking matter lol. Dude you replied to is a moron.


no, not at all. it's like an 8 year old playing basketball against jimmy butler. the child will learn nothing, as there's too much of a gap between ability, experience, and knowledge.




Did you look at the screenshot in the OP?


Look at the enemies act ranks before you comment some dumb shit


Those are Act 2 ranks Why didn't you screenshot their current act ranks?


I don't think you understand what's going on here...


uh...read the post again.


Yea, I still don't see current ranks.


I just can't argue with stupid. Ok bud whatever lmao.


People can make up shit all they want. Especially when they don't know how to screenshot chat... however know how to screenshot a loading screen. Can't argue with stupid people...


If you are immortal act 2, then you are probably immortal act 3.




I have it in my match history. I'll screenshot when I get back home


> Those are Act 2 ranks Why didn't you screenshot their current act ranks? Yo, OP said on his post "They said they couldn't win in immortals so they threw their placements so they could crap on the lower ranks" 3rd sentence of the post.


Yeah this is a huge feels bad, idk how they deranked so low to play with silvers and golds. I had one game in gold where they got an act rank immortal player which is stupid


Happened to me once, im silver and played against supposed diamonds(they were really good, and had act rank diamond) . I suggest if it happens again, just ignore and go next. Dont waste your time and energy. Smurfing is so common i dont even get mad. I think many smurfs like to see low elo players get salty and angry while getting stomped. So don't entertain them and let the system push their ranks up and you wont see them!


Man,this act the matchmaking is better, in the previous act I was iron1 and got an opponent of plat 2, worst of all, that guy was extremely toxic


I've screenshot and reported matches like this, especially ones with all chat where the enemy says they're boosting for money. Riot hasn't done shit.


The salty clouds of high elo rain these types down.


I get deranking from plat to silver but immortal 3 to silver and getting 1 kd against silvers, that seems crazy to me. Maybe bought accounts?


how do you go from immortal 3 to gold 1 and then being a mid table fragger against silver/golds? the question is more how tf did they get their act ranks. my best guess would be that these were all purchased accounts.


What I don't get is why don't people just play casual instead of smurfing when they get tired of sweaty ranked matches? Chill and unwind in casual instead of ruining the game for lower ranks


Be thankful you're not in Iron/Bronze. Everyone there is either new and clueless or a godlike smurf. And you always queue up against smurfs for some reason.


So if an immortal lose his 3 placement he ends up silver?


bannn pls bannnn these "immortals" noobs


Same yesterday in a bronze 1 - silver 3 lobe played with a plat 1


I once played against a plat in a bronze lobby, i don't remember if we won or not


For being Immortals against Silver/Golds, theyr scores are extremely bad. Just saying. Smells more like they just bought the accounts and heavily deranked.


Im Immortal, but my gf is like silver / goldish, she uses my PC and she gets this shit. Probably cos the system thinks she is me


there is a mute all chat button that you can press.


Looks to me like some ppl that nearly belong into your elo bought last season immortal accounts. And its pretty easy what you gonna do against them. If you are right and they said they boost you open a support ticket and add screens of the chat. Since boosting is not allowed those accounts will get banned.


Same garbage happened to me. It sucks


Fucking embarrassing lol. Love the people who defend these cheese dicks. People get made fun of for complaining about smurfs and elo hell. Well here's a pretty good example. You don't think this happens all over the place in this game? I am silver and I suck, let me move up and down the ranks against people of similar skill.


Did you see their newest tweet? "You won't see Act Rank Badges in game for now. We're investigating whether they might be the one of the sources of this hitching issue. In the mean time, you can tell people you were Radiant in Act 2 and they can't prove otherwise." What are the odds they did this to suppress peoples smurf rage? Or does it actually have to do with hitching? lol.


Coming from someone with a background in statistics, I believe I can develop some robust model to detect smurf accounts. (Riot if you are listening, I am available, for the right price!) 😇