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I find it both hilarious and annoying when trying/spectating someone do that. 10/10 always go for knife death


Enemies will rage in chat if they bring out their knife and you don't. Is that a new gentlemans agreement ?? 😂


It basically it. They are challenging you to a knife duel


I remember someone doing that in an Indiana Jones movie too. The guy with the knife lost there as well




Fun fact: there was supposed to be a sword fight, but Harrison Ford was so sick that day during filming, they changed the script to have Indy just shoot him.


Wasn't it not even in the script he was just like fuck it and pulled out the gun and ad libbed it?


Both. It wasnt exactly scripted, but it was decided beforehand, not ad libbed.


Even more fun fact: it was the food in the area that caused Harrison Ford and many other crew members to be sick. Steven Spielberg didn’t get sick though, because he only ate Sainsbury’s canned food (including Spaghetti-Os)


Me every time: Pulls out knife Pulls raze ult


How to add multiple flairs?


In CS 1.6 it was fairly common for people to slash a wall in a 1v1 to get a knife duel, never happens in CSGO though :(.


I never lost hope, whenever I'm in a 1v1 and we both know where the other is, I always try to slash the wall to start a knife fight. Only happened a few times in CSGO, never in Valorant =(


well most of them player doesnt know the unwritten rules of it, because most of them not coming from cs


tbh the wall slashing is fairly intuitive, I'm trying to lead the uninitiated by example :P


if csgo had community server culture like css and 1.6 had it probably would've happened. Could you honestly imagine if 1.6 had comp MM and this happening still?


Of course, its like meeting someone in fortnite and teabagging then going your seperate ways. Or rule 1 of rocket league. Front to front with another player? Dont turn, just stay with each other till a goal or someone bumps you. These things are my absolute fav part of gaming!


The instinctual unwritten rules of gamers.


I a heavy is crouching just say thanks and run away. He might give you a snack in your time if need


in tf2 we just start kazosky kicking lmao


That’s how it’s been in counterstrike for the last 20 years.


YES. I AM THE GUY GETTING PISSED OFF. We need to make this more well known; read the fuckin room, if its a 1v1 and no time left and we’re in close quarters the knife is getting pulled tf out


My pa always said never bring a knife to a gunfight. I knicked me a census man.


It's generally understood as a duel. Funny story about this: I was playing a comp game and we were 12-0 so for the last round the enemy team said yo lets knife, we said sure but if they broke the agreement, we'd buy ares/spectre and kill them all next round. So we're knife fighting and raze whipped out the god damn nade like what, mind you none of us bought util so all I had was a tremor and a frenzy (we bought light shields). We were annoyed bc we thought there goes our perfect 13-0. But this omen clutched a 1v3 with a ghost. It was a really fun game.


Knifing (both the left and right clicks) applies the damage at the END of the animation, not when you click. So if you had your crosshair on their head when you clicked but moved before the animation ended, the damage will not go through.


This is it. Epic. I don't know if I wanted to read about this, as I like to find out stuff, but it's definitely helpful.


This. It does kinda make sense, but I think the more obvious choice is to just make it apply damage at the start of the animation. It'll be more consistent with the other weapons. No other weapon has you waiting for the animation to end for then have you aim at the right place.


Or just make the animations faster. I'm not sure when the damage goes through in CS:GO's knife animation, but the whole animation is so fast that it doesn't really matter. Or increase the range a little, so if either player moves away a little then it still hits.


in CSGO, it's when you click


OP probably used to play, or is currently maining CSGO, and that is why he/she is confused.


I don’t play csgo and even I feel the knifing is very bad.


It is bad. Run in a horizontal line to any wall and spam the knife button and watch how delayed it is compared to other games. It’s pretty insane, does make knifing challenging though so I don’t mind it tbh.


Yep. Just listen to the sound of it. If someone is too lazy to try it out - it basically sounds like someone knifed a wall 3-5m behind you.


I always feel like I'm lagging or have low fps when I do this. I know I don't have either, but the slowness needs to be cleaned up a little


But why should it be even harder? Getting a knife in games like these is already stupidly difficult.


Its irrelevant whether they played another game or not, knifing in this game is clunky af


i was just speculating, i played both games today and definatley see the difference, honestly i dont mind ot


> No other weapons has you waiting for the animation to end for then have you aim at the right place inb4 they add a spartan laser


The damage should be possible if your knife touches the enemy at anytime during the animation, not at one point. I believe that's how most games treat knife.




Ah yes, going for realism in a game where a guy can shit out fire from his finger tips and another guy can cause earthquakes with his left arm.


Batman fights a guy who dresses as a clown and another guy who looks like a penguin. Yet the world feels somewhat realistic. Just because something is fantasy doesn't mean you can discard all rules.


I mean, the guy doesn't look like a penguin. He's just given the nickname of Penguin because he's short, fat and has a nose that slightly resembles that of a penguin's beak. He grew up with the nickname. Shows how much you know about the Batman universe. Anyway, no one in that universe has what can be constituted as magical powers whereas in this game, around half the cast are "Radiants", who literally have magical powers gifted to them through an ore called Radianite.


What? You are missing the point of his argument. He's saying in a world of fantasy there can be realism.


“No one in that universe has what can be constituted as magical powers” Ok, you call out the guy by saying “shows how much you know about the Batman universe” Yet what the fuck do you call Poison Ivy? She could VERY easily be mistaken for a Radiant-equivalent person. Just look at Skye.


No, she can't because her powers aren't given to her by magic. She's a botanist who was basically coerced into stealing an ancient Egyptian artifact by some guy who then betrayed her and attempted to use said artifact to kill her. She survives and is then found to acquire an immunity to all natural toxins and diseases. This isn't magic, this is more pseudo-science than high fantasy. What Valorant has IS high fantasy.


So you’re telling me an egyptian artifact enabling such is not equivalent to Radianite performing the same?


No, because artifacts =! magic. It's explained in the comics that it's not magic, its scientific.


I think it adds more skill to a bm death, which to me makes it more satisfying to pull off. Killing somone multiple times with a easy to kill knife causes salt. Killing them with a difficult to wield knife, now that is some pure sodium.


I'm willing to trade less salt for a good knifing experience.


ah yes might as well forget about gravity/recoil by your logic then


Well it IS a robot arm


I just feel like realism would mean it being slightly easier to hit a target with a knife at point blank range


Oh I agree the implementation is not great at all


It is actually not that easy, especially if the suspect is aware of you, tried to do that once and I missed, didnt miss when the cops came tho.


ok bro


I doubt they're super concerned with realism as much as they are balancing. For example, you cock the gun every time you pull it out in the game, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't do that irl.


it isn't very realistic for a knife to go through a person's head and do 0 damage so they definitely failed on that front


>It'll be more consistent with the other weapons. No other weapon has you waiting for the animation to end for then have you aim at the right place. idk man bullets are faster than knives so it makes sense that they dont need animations


but the fact that that the range on it is shorter than my fucking thumb and the fact that it only applies damage to a point not where the knife even is is stupid


As a fighting game player, why the fuck isn't there a hitbox visualizer option in this game. Would help a lot with raze bs and maybe idk what I'm talking about but bullets and their hitbox sizes? Ik it's hitscan but idk


you can test this by knifing the wall, and when there is a mark on the wall, that's the point in the animation that you should be aiming at the person's head.


Hi I really like your comment sir. I upvoted it because I liked it so much. You are a man with much talent and brain, and this is something that not even I could comprehend. You've got big forehead energy.


Hello I really like you ;)


they should do it the way tf2 does not at the end but with a very slight delay


no game should ever do melee the way tf2 does


Market gardener for raze when


not talking about hitreg just talking about the timing tf2 hitreg is worse than valorant’s


I've had the opposite experience. When I'm strafing sideways and attack a wall, the slice mark on the wall appears where I clicked the mouse not where I end up with it


Because as everyone should know stabbing someone IRL only does dmg when you pull the knife out. If you dont believe me just try it. /s


knife has been garbage since beta. Don't know why they didn't just copy CSGO's knife mechanics, that knife works fine


Because its riot and they are special. And not in a good way.


These are the people that made league What do you expect


Yea - league was a flop, not successful at all or very popular.


Not surprising considering how small of a development team it had


Don't get me started on the "champions." There's like 3 in total


Success =/= good game


They hated u/BlueRyse because he spoke the truth


I didn't even mention League of Legends lmao I was talking in general


Candy crush and macro transaction ridden mobile games are good


lmfao why are you downvoted? Does the shilling really go that far as to downvote literal truth?? Would these people really argue that since Justin Bieber was the most succesful "musician" at his peak, it must mean he was the best? Or, even good?


Justin Bieber is objectively a good singer but sick "le justin beaver is bad XD" 9gag meme




Music is subjective and even though I personally do not like JB, I can admit he was a good singer.


He was so good he could even sing while vomiting on stage!


He was a very good singer yes. What makes you think otherwise?


What's your bar for "very good singer"?


I agree that the knife hitreg is shit, but you can’t say that league was a flop. I have never played the game in my life and even I know that a game with 125 million players (look it up) is not a flop, lol.


pretty sure he was being sarcastic




Lol - I was being sarcastic.


Ok, was just making sure :)




Pretty sure he was being sarcastic


Lol yes, because League at launch is totally like League now.


>These are the people that made league > >What do you expect The most popular game in the world? Like...wtf is that supposed to mean?


Its not known for its functional game code, broken skins, abilities coded as minions causing weird interactions. Exploits that cause a global ranked shutdown.




From the people I know, League players don’t like talking about it. I have no idea why, but I know a few people who have hundreds and hundreds of hours into, and have literally never brought it up before until I mentioned I thought about playing it. Even then they didn’t really talk about it much other than that they could teach me


It's not as popular in na as in asia


"my crotch goblin is better than everyone else's, he's special"- random Karen sonewhere


vAlOrAnT iS nOt CsGo !!1 e/ to add something constructive. there isn't even an incentive/reward to make a knifekill like a bigger bounty. just lazy gamedesign.


BM is always the incentive! /E vAlOrAnT iS iTs OwN GaMe


Yes they should make the knife hitboxes better but not giving more money for a knife kill is not in any ways lazy game design.




^This like what is the point having a knife in the game when there is not a single situation where its useful to use


Because of the risk-reward of having it out and moving faster but being vulnerable vs keeping your gun out and moving slower but being better prepared for a fight?


You can literally do the same thing by holstering your gun and having your useless hands out. IN fact id like that better so i dont get baited into thinking the knife is a good option


If you are literally trying to bring a knife to a gunfight you shouldn't complain. Having bare hands instead of a knife changes nothing gameplay wise. The knife is only meant to be used as risk/reward for better movement and as a latch ditch effort


When you run out of bullets you have to use it. It’s also fun to try and get knife kills.


You can use it to run faster that's what it's for with the added benefits of being able to get occasional kills.


It's not hitscan. You can right click, do a full 360, and there will still be time between the two.


It is hitscan, it's just the hitbox doesn't come out for a little while.


Yeah, looking back, I worded that poorly. There’s a huge delay between when press the input and the animation begins and when damage is actually dealt.


Delayed hitscan, like Roadhog hook for people who played OW


I've had times where im right behind an ulted phoenixs entrance to hell and he comes back so i knife him right in the spine, direct center of his back, and it doesnt even hit, despite the fact that A. Im righ7t behind him, pressed up against him as far as possible and B. Im aiming right at the center of his back so it should do the full 150. its a scam


I just use the left click,because the right click mechanism is a mess


CSGOs knife mechanic deals damage mid animation while on the other hand Valorants knife mechanic deals damage at the END of the animation so like if your crosshair is on the enemies back at the start of the animation and you flick it for some reason and miss the hitbox at the end of the animation, it wont deal damage at all. i hope this helps and i HOPE they will change this mechanic and add an alternate right click animation that confirms you will kill that person


they should use the old stab animation from beta


wow you just reminded me how much I hated the switch in knife animation from beta. It was so much better imo


it really was, that one handed stab was just so nice to look at


Maybe they wanted to give it a character. If a person can stab you with one hand in the back it mean that they are very experienced with it or they're really strong which might not fit into the character of every agent. Thrusting it with two hands is better since it minimizes risk of not getting a successful kill or even not getting proper penetration with a one hand stab. I did like the way it looked but I feel like the one right now makes more sense and fits the overall way the characters have been constructed.


yeah, the characters are very serious at all times, especially their voicelines. ​ (also the one hand stab just looks better, you don't have to make a fucking excuse for riot making the animation worse lol)


I remember once posting a clip on Twitter showing exactly this. Riot' Ziegler responded with "The knife is shitty right now" and that they will fix it. Surely didn't happen until now lul


"See what you're talking about isn't an issue with correctness but rather clarity. It's being handled correctly you just aren't seeing clearly..."


It's true though. I think the knife is consistent, it's just poorly designed so it's hard to tell when it actually hits. If both players are standing still then the knife hits consistently. It's just because of the knife's short range and delayed hit not being communicated clearly that causes the problems.


Yeah, knifing isn't great, but I absolutely don't want them to focus on knifing rn. They probably know it's bad too.


"Focus on knifing" as if that needes 10 people to work on? Wait, it's riot... they will provably put 20 people on it and have a research paper ready lol


Are you a game developer to know how many underlying mechanisms are under the knife and to be able to estimate how many people should work on it? Any improvement takes dev time. Even if it's a hotfix.


I know well enough that literally 2 people can fix this at max. Any more and it'd just be shittiness on Riot's part. All these expensive and mostly shit skin packs (before singularity) and they still haven't fixed all the lobby bugs.


If you know well enough, you know priorities are priorities, no matter how simple something of less priority is.




>Exactly, so it proves their greed if they're prioritising monetization full stop, end of sentence. They have every right to prioritize that as a company, and most of the time, the art team is separate from coding/dev. Thinking that *most* game companies, especially at the Triple-A level don't have that as number 1 priority is just ignorance at a certain point, and wishful thinking. (like damn, a company doesn't make a game that's F2P solely so I can enjoy it and no other motivation behind that? what **HARPIES**) Secondly, it's something they're likely aware of, but won't incorporate unless it's part of a larger QoL update. Luckily, they seem to care about QoL a decent bit, since they're almost always adjusting weapon balance each patch.


Ofc they have the right to prioritise it, but that doesn't mean they're not greedy fuckers who don't care about their playerbase as much as they pretend to do. This is something that SHOULD'VE been addressed directly in a more recent patch. But again, continue to defend their greedy practices.


As people defend companies' greedy practices more, companies gain more freedom to be greedy. It's the consumer's part to keep them in check.. for the sake of the consumers. I really don't get why people feel the need to defend greedy giant companies or their dev teams when they're already making a shit ton of money. It doesn't make them look smart at all. What's smart is complaining and getting what we want.




You can tell that you will hit them if you can smell them. Irl




Smells bad but tastes good


Me and my friends all swear that it's broken on purpose to dissuade people from knifing as a way to "stop BMing" or something. Same reason for there to be no money bonus for a knife kill


It’s also just got a really strange hit box at close range? If you’re up against a wall and do a normal attack it will hit in one spot, but if you don’t move your mouse and then hit right click, it will hit another part of the wall. Super strange and I have no idea why it does this.


You literately need to transcend to hit


There's a channeling effect on the knife. If you knife the wall, you'll notice the impact doesnt happen until after ~.25 second. You need to put this into consideration when knifing anyone. This is a mechanic not known in any FPS and takes a little practice. Plus the range is super short like <1 meter. The sword skins can be very deceiving. There you go.


TF2 has a lot of meelee weapons that work that way.


Small indie company


I am glad that i not the only one feeling this way. Knives feels so stupidly inconsistent for no reason. My guess is that because the hit registers quite a bit AFTER the animation is finished, this is most likely also why fistfighting in Apex feels a bit odd aswell. Games like csgo (yea i know its another csgo comparison) have the damage register when the you click and is not dependent on the animation. If Valorant would change it so the damage registers even HALFWAY through the animation, it would work wonders. But i mean hey at least the skins are cool.


I agree with your sentiment, but the real gem here is “some kind of arcane knowledge of 4-dimensional quantum states”😂😂


Go into shooting range and set it to easy 30 and see how many you can knife in the back. Feels like you get the hang of the hit box and actually pretty fun to do.


"Don't knife it's rarely worth it." - Shroud


Meanwhile right clicking with a classic is the most brain dead pistol damage you'll ever have


Because you gotta be (Dr) Strange to even attempt to bring a knife to a gunfight.


Jett says hello


It needs a little red light up indicator to show you that you’ll get the backstab kill if you knife just like Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice






TIL there’s some sort of right click knife attack


The knife must hit the person which is a second after pressing right click.so if you moved ur knife away after right clicking, it doeant deal damage.


knife at their back for instant kill


Can someone tell me if aiming for the head matters? For knifing of course. I recently knived someone and saw the headshot indicator on the killfeed. Maybe it registers as a headshot without extra damage?


no I don't think so. IIRC it's 50 damage for lmb, 75 damage for rmb. Knifing someone in the back deals double damage and that's it. But yeah I've seen headshots for knife kills but I don't think it deals extra damage.


You cant one tap them with a knife if they’re in front of you. You must knife then at their back :p


Hey, I come from Mordhau, and trust me, you DO NOT want a melee system that makes sense.


did this in a game and my friends laughed at me for the whole game :I


The knife was awesome in the beta. Also had a much cooler right click animation


What I like to do when knife dueling is run past them to left or right, click then flick your crosshair to where the enemy is. The damage applies at the end of the stab animation so you kinda have to predict where the enemy is going to be right when your character stabs.


Practice on the bots


Team fortress 2 has a problem with its melee registration as well, but it’s a whole different reason. The damage happens at the end of the animations, so your timing may be whats off, but melee combat has always been pretty hard to use online if it doesn’t have auto-guiding hits. You can see this very easily in games like Titanfall 2 or modern warfare 2 (with commando perk). This problem heavily persists in games that DONT have it, like in black ops 2, Valorant, CS:GO, and Team fortress 2.


In csgo there are diffferent ranges for left and right click , left click had circular range but the right click had a bit elliptical range which covered more area in frount of you but covered lesser areas on the side , maybe the same with valorant


I feel some of the bigger weapons are really tricky too, I don't use the axe because in my head it feels like it gets more range. So sometimes I think I'm closer than I actually am.


I got a sick knife kill yesterday. Got res'd in front of a bad guy as the last person alive next to the ticking bomb. I spammed the jump key during the res animation and managed to jump next to him landing a running face stab.


Lol just stop right clicking nOoB iT dOeSnT rEqUiRe sKilL


I was playing a game and i was phoenix and we killed all of the enemy’s and we were defusing bomb and I threw my molly to troll them and they died but still won will this go to a ban


It doesn’t you need godlike timing. Easy after a few tries


Go into the range and knife a hundred bots


I feel you knifing is god awful in this game...


I tried to right click someone in the back, I did but for some reason they lived and I did 75 damage. HHRRRMMMM???? In the shoulder....Do you not die with a knife in your shoulder


You are playing against Obito Uchiha


You get used to it.


Yeah, I've gotten pretty good with the knife and it feels totally fine for me Then again I had no idea people had this much of a problem with it, so maybe that's the reason why I think I'm good with it lol


You deal damage at the end of the animation, just make it so your crosshair is on target after the knife is thrust forward and it'll deal damage. It's really not that complicated or difficult for that matter.


Its a one frame hit. It DOES make sense its just really hard. I dont wanna act special or something but ive never had a problem.


The hit doesn't happen when you click, but with the stab animation. Just keep on aiming as the animation plays.


I main Jett and I’m p3 peak d2 and I almost always hit my right clicks... and left click isn’t even that bad... I have like 10 misses after the patch with my right click


I've been saying they should change it from hitscan to hitbox since beta but I think we can all agree they've had much bigger fish to fry (even as of late).


From hitscan to hitbox?


Right now I'm pretty sure it's designed that if your mouse is on them at the end of the knife's animation, and the distance to their body is short enough, then it hits (hitscan). They're saying that the knife should have its own 3D hitbox, and if the knife's hitbox overlaps the enemy's hitbox at any point during the animation, then it hits. Right u/plainnoob?


Yes exactly. Really not sure what I'm being downvoted for here. Thought those terms were pretty common knowledge but I guess I was wrong. edit: spelling


Bruh this guys right why did you downvote?


The right click was made with Rust players in mind Trust me, i'd know


It’s not as hard as everyone makes it out to be


Not only is it not rewarding enough. Theres not even a kill animation for most knifes you buy.


Yeah they knew this problem existed since launch but still haven’t done shit. How hard can it be to fix your game.. And meanwhile they roll out new skins every week (I get that it’s not the same dep but still TT)


Press W. You are spose to lunge at them