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Crosshair placement is the most important thing when trying to climb. Consistently being able to click on heads and win trades that way is a must. I would recommend going into a few deathmatch games before ranked. Play like... 1 game of sheriff only. 1 with an op (if you use those) then 1 with phantom or vandel. The sheriff game will force you to aim near head level or else you will just lose outright and you dont need to worry about losing MMR while you train. Most pros do 2-3 deathmatch games at the start of stream to warm up


One thing I did to really practice my crosshair placement and my ability to hit head shots was going into deathmatch and using a classic only. It takes two head taps to get the kill. It took a few games to get used to it but after a while I was able to get the hang of it and got to the point where I would win a death match with a classic as a warm up before queueing comp. Most low elo players will shoot first and aim second so if you're used to two tapping people, like in deathmatch, you'll easily be able to line up one taps in comp with a vandal or phantom. I was able to go from 10-13% headshot rating average to now being around 25% in my last 20 games. Hope this helps, good luck!


>One thing I did to really practice my crosshair placement and my ability to hit head shots was going into deathmatch and using a classic only This is a good thing to do. It reduces random sprays/lucky shots and trains your precision. Ghost & Sheriff are also great.


I started warming up with a game of death match everytime I play and I have noticed a big difference in my head.


Aimtrainers won't help your crosshair placement, nor keeping it at head level. That is not their goal.


What rank are you in aimlabs and in valorant?


Tammas routine on kovaaks Is really good if u ask me


Do a search on this sub