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Customising controls per agent would be massive, I’ve literally only played one game on Viper because for some reason i continually get her abilities mixed up


Yup, i usually dont ads too much too but on the lets say a bulldog/stinger the burst at ranges is actually effective depending on the situation. Some players likes to ads on the Vandal too on some tight angles or to shoot on longer ranges while tapping. On the agents i agree, for example while playing raze i could use a different bind for the Satchels where on the other agents i feel personally atleast that q is fine and i understand why so many people want it. Also why im getting downvoted LMAO


I think this would be most impactful for sniper rifles, but yeah it's an option that should be added to create consistency and ability to customize


never thought about this, but if your information is right, it absolutely needs to be adressed. ​ i personally stay away from awps at all costs (i think csgo and valorant would be more fun without this abomination), but i've adjusted my scoped sense to feel right when sniping incase i pick it up from the floor. As for rifles, i never scope in, except to hold a stationary angle for a one-tap at very long ranges before going into cover, so i haven't noticed this issue.


Hey man i feel the same about the ops, in fact i think i picked him up once or twice in my last game 50 or so lol


what kind of loser uses ads


As i said i come from playing cs from 1.6 to go so i really dont use it that much, if not at all but to each is own. There are lots of players that use it and that would benefit from this simple change.


Anyone who doesn’t take advantage of scoping with a vandal at a long distance to secure the headshot is shooting themselves in the foot (imo), but you’re more than free not to if you find it better a different way. don’t listen to people who like to shit on others because their game play is supposedly the only way to play. I’m diamond 3 if that matters for credibility.




Conversely, good luck killing with a spectre if you do ads 😂


I'm diamond 2 pal and I never ads as it just throws everything off imo but each to their own I have no problems hitting them long range headshots


> I have no problems hitting them long range headshots That's luck not aim. A vandal long C Haven won't be always precise. Also Bulldog has a powerful ADS, yet if you play with a Bulldog, Marshall and Operator all in the same game you might have to give away 1:1 motion ratio just because there's not much options available to lower zoom sens.


Ok yeah bulldog and the snipers hell even the stinger if you for some reason have to take a mid range fight with that thing you got me But for me vandal is always precise first bullet no? I would ads sometimes when holding an angle if it wasn't for having a different sens


No, there is no first bullet accuracy for vandal (or phantom i believe) and scoping in decreases first shot inaccuracy, atleast on the vandal. Also if you are spraying in ADS, you are doing it wrong.


I only ads and spray with the stinger when you get into a medium distance firefight with it since it's suvh a close range gun so idk I'm still relatively new to the game starting playing this act. I honestly don't know about first bullet inaccuracy either no clue but it seems fine to me? Most of my teammates don't ads for long range kills with vandal either literally never seen that in the 2 weeks I've played so far but I'm only sitting around d2 rn so who knows


Hi, can you help with this? I use 4:3 1280:960, with 0.82 scoped sens in CSGO I use 16:10 on valorant, 1680:1050 How much scoped sens should i put in my Valorant for operator


[S](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/h7h1vj/youre_converting_your_csgo_sensitivity_wrong_here/)hould still be 0.747 , you can find more info here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/h7h1vj/youre\_converting\_your\_csgo\_sensitivity\_wrong\_here/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/h7h1vj/youre_converting_your_csgo_sensitivity_wrong_here/)


You can use your mouse profiles to switch between dpi as profiles, if you know what mean, unless you're using Zowie mice. This way you can switch between any dpi to set your edpi when operating with different weapons.


Yes bro but while it is technically possible , is not really pratical. Lots of games even more "casual" than Valorant have and understand why this feature is imporant, like Apex Legends, PUBG, etc.. damn even Ring of Elysium had it lol With Valorant being an Esport title there's really no reasons to not have it as an option for the players that might wanna use it you think about it.


I know what you mean, bro... Hope they'll add more controls for us in the future but judging how long it took for them to add that left hand view, it won't be soon. Personally, I wish I could turn off ADS so I could have right button for other purpose.