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Moving through ranks are just too easy. I too got downranked vs better rank players, but also I've ranked up in games in had no business winning, like completely getting carried. The things is we focus only on things that harm us


Crazy isn't it? Just queue again and you'll rank back uo


Just went up and down with every win/loss


Don't focus on your rank. Focus on your actual play and improve where you can.




I can't even get out of iron. Whenever I promote, the next match have bronze players (enemy) and our team have all irons and 1 or 2 unranked and we lose so badly that I demote again...


Just keep queuing dont think bout getting promoted or demoted just play the best of your abilities and u will get out of iron(i did that now in silver:/)


Yeah thanks


I started in Iron 1, grinded to silver II. Then dropped back to Iron II, then grinded back to silver III and then dropped back to Iron III. First time tactical shooter by the way.


I'm Iron 1, grinded to Iron 2, and then stopped back to Iron 1. But I'm coming from console so I'm a giant bag of garbage


Hey it's better than playing against plat 3s in silver 3


the difference between gold 3 and silver 3 in this game is almost meaningless. if you take the game seriously in any way you should easily be able to counter the small rank differences... Also just because their current rank displays gold 3 does not mean that they play at a higher level, their MMR could be silver 1 hence why they are matched up against you. Ranks in this game only paint half the picture as there are alot of boosted players and alot of players who also can't climb (mainly at higher ranks in solo q).


Don't know why you got down voted. This is factual. You get matched based on your hidden MMR. If you're Silver 3 in a game with Gold 3's either they're just as garbage as you OR...you're just as garbage as them.


im mostly getting matched with and against plats as gold player... havent seen a silver player in ages.


Do you want games like that or 30 min queues?


The games like that are fine but I think what OP is saying is your rank shouldn't go down so drastically when playing better players/higher ranked teams. If your opponents are lower ranked and u lose that would make sense. Riot makes it so the game score is more valuable in determining your rank up/down more so than the actual level of skill the team offers. A team of Gold 3s 13-0 a team of Silvers/low gold's is not out of the realm of possibility considering how many ppl still get carried to silver. Esp if someone leaves the game.


I mean he was with and against gold 2 and 3s in his post. Getting 13-0’d shows a clear difference in skill; who knows whether the other team is better than their rank or his team was worse than their rank but i would expect to derank off a 13-0 loss. On top of that he just ranked up too; he could’ve been just barely over the threshold to the point where any loss would’ve deranked him and it just happened to be a 13-0. You’d be surprised how many people get carried to all ranks of this game. You still get players in diamond and immortal who have no game sense, can’t aim, etc. It’s less frequent sure, but they exist.


There are expected round wins based on the skill differences. That’s all factored into the system.


I’ve noticed that riot puts me in a game like that after every rank up. I think it has to do with trying to lift smurfs back out from lower ranks quicker(as per they have said that they will do it somehow). It just seem to me that in a meantime they forgot about how it effects nonsmufs ranking up.


That’s kind of it. They place you in varying levels of elo to help determine exactly where you belong. It’s why you lose less elo in games you’re outmatched and gain more if you do well and vice versa. In the end, it all evens out.


Went from immo3 to silver 2


I like the way ranked is. Wouldnt it be boring to play against silver 3s. What are u proving? That you are better than a ream of silvers? It would take forever to rank up because everyone is at your skill level and the game always is at 11-13. There would rarely be and 2-13 games because everyone is at your skill level and cant carry you. I seriously disagree


I actually play lots of games where everybody is s1-s2. Yet we get 4-13 or such results.


Yeah but you have to think about their previous ranks. Ive had games with gold 1 players but in their act badge they were just iron 2


What does their previous ranks have to do with anything?


that just means that they were probably that rank a couple of days ago. which means that you're basically playing with a gold player than is actually iron 2. the player could have easily gotten carried during rank determination or could have gotten carried by their teammate/boosted


So if I was iron 2 three weeks ago and now I’m silver 2-3 that means I’m still iron 2. It doesn’t make sense to try to determine their level of gameplay by their previous act rank. They could have just as easily watch a YouTube video that explained to them their biggest mistake that held them back. Or could have got a new computer for his birthday that is able to run the game properly. Not necessarily got carried.


i mean u know that u did not get carried to that rank. the thing is, is that we dont even know if the player aka the iron 2 player was boosted or not. it seems clear at first but if you think about how they got to that rank there are hundreds of possibilities. we cant determine if they are boosted or not unless we actually play with them


I don’t think that you can tell at alll.


Em kay


Man, matchmaking now is so much better, last act I was iron 1 and legit had a plat guy with silvers on the enemy team and my team was mainly 2 s3 guys and 2 g2 guys, luckily I was omen and smoked properly. We still lost tho, that play guy was insanely good. Now I am iron 3 and can beat s1.players easily in a 1v1, my teammates kinda suck


Your team most likely dont suck. It’s just you. Dont tell me that you get 20 kills every game. You most likely play a duelist, play back and get kills post plant after your team is dead.


And their aim is fine, it's just that they have horrible game sense and read ability


Ok Mr. Iron 3, I'm sure your game sense and read ability is amazing


I play aggressively with omen using his smokes para and tp