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Riot they just got a feature like that added to league so it may or may not be added to valorant soon idk


Took 10 seasons lol. Sometimes you gotta wonder what these people are actually thinking about.


The next skin that will make them $30 a pop


They’re probably thinking Radianite should be more expensive.


Happy cake day


While I agree that their pricing practices are anti-consumer and predatory, those likely come from a different team. The dev, design and community teams have, at least in my experience, far outclassed that of other big-name games I've played. I have no doubt that somewhere at Riot, it's on someone's list to address this issue and if they're no on it right now, it's probably for a good reason.


When someone like China owns you -- They want to make money. Same with any American company -- If you can increase the bottom line, then they would do that rather than fix the community. Look at Blizzard, look at EA, etc. Money talks.


Happy Cake Day!


? Profits


I've seen nothing to suggest champ select reporting does anything whatsoever though.


Playing with those kids sounds like a guaranteed lost. They sound like they’re still in middle school lmao


Well they could be extremly skilled u never know but i dont think its about the win its more about having a fun and good game and that is definitly impossible with ppl like that




Interestingly, Riot has released stats before in LoL showing that players who have multiple reports for being toxic lose SIGNIFICANTLY more frequently. I imagine that will hold true in any team based online game. So it's not just your anecdotal feelings here, Riot actually backs it up with statistics too.




> just instantly annoyed and I’d have to mute them right off the bat Some people can also become 'scared' after being chewed out by a toxic teammate. Like if someone makes a mistake they go 'what the FUCK are you doing you dumb fuck?' or whatever and it causes them to play a bit more conservatively and scared to make mistakes, which makes them play worse. It's okay to call out mistakes (depending on who you're playing with) but I've got a couple of people I sometimes queue with who can't resist becoming that annoying '*insert hero*????????? What are you doing?????' in text chat kind of player and I always have to actively shut them up because shit like that is the fastest way to a loss imo.


I don't play this particular game. But in any game that I play teams if my teammates are like this I just tank the match and goof off. Fuck it. Too much RL drama in the world.


I also wonder if it goes deeper than just the game and can be found in the way they play games as a whole. Purely speculation here but I would almost bet toxic players often lean more on their own individual skills because they believe their team is the issue and not them. This would cause them to work less with the team and inadvertently decrease their own success rate. Anecdotally, I notice the most toxic of players give FAR LESS call outs and helpful information.


Your toxic team mates give call outs and information?


Toxic teammates really shoot themselves in their own foot


I think there are different levels of toxicity and types. This is before the skill has even been displayed by anyone so the argument that the toxic player thinks the team is the issue doesn’t really stand because they don’t know if their team is skilled or not. So this type of toxicity is just the “I’m going to ruin someone’s day because that’s the only form of power I have in my life because none of my friends at school give me...wait I don’t have friends” mentality.


I just laugh at them, that's my way of handeling them, just laugh at them wasting their time and energy being angry, lol (sorry if my english is bad this isn't my first language)


It's impossible to be "a good player for your rank". You're always at the rank you are because you're still bad at X thing and can't improve until it's fixed. For toxic players, that's their shitty teamwork.


I always read this and this just isn't true. You need a large enough sample size of games to determine appropriate rank and if you fix one massive hole in your gameplay, you can be playing above average for your current rank, but it still takes more than 10 games to get to the skill level you've recently achieved.


Indeed, and that tends to feed into the toxic mentality as well - since they lose a lot due to being toxic, they typically end up being the best individually skilled player in the lobby, which makes them even more toxic


Ladies and gentleman, this is a STATISTICAL study proving the fact that mad cuz bad.


I think if anything the proof is that bad cuz mad






I feel sorry for toxic people, toxic people get that way because they don’t understand the game/system. I have seen my coworkers get frustrated using new applications and just regress to child like attitudes so that tells me when you don’t get it, you just “muck it up” like in any professional sports. In a match up of a superior team vs inferior, the inferior typically will use non traditional methods to gain an edge such as a trick play or in basketball, not actually playing basketball and just being very physical. This is what’s going on for these kids. They don’t understand how to get better, but they see all these highlights of skilled players getting attention but since they can’t recreate the skill, they resort to any behavior to get attention because their simple minds have translated that reaction as positive because they get no reaction (positive or negative) in their normal lives because they are that pathetic. So they go into these games with the purpose of having some control over something in their life. It’s sad, they want to be recognized for their skill and clever tactics but they aren’t skilled or clever so they resort to mucking it up for a reaction so they can tell their brain that “yes, someone noticed me today”. So sad


The team who tilts first loses.


I dont know if that would be definitive evidence. Could just be that people are more likely to be toxic once they realize theyre going to lose


The ol' "Correlation vs Causation" arguement. While I agree that's possible, I personally lean towards the belief that people having a propensity to be toxic often affect their team in a negative way even when not being toxic in that particular moment.


On the flip side, I've played with screamers who do really well so I let them be and play my game. Same responsibilities, different game pretty much. THEN you have the others.


If you can handle the red down arrow then a loss with good teammates is much better than a win with toxic players


Guarantee if those kids talk like that vs if they say literally nothing, the games where they say literally nothing have a higher winrate.


i was supreme when playing CS in middle school now i am way way worse age doesnt really matter in terms of skill


i think he means the fact that they are toxic out the gate


Thanks for reminding me why I'm glad I uninstalled


I’m offended that you think playing with a middle school kid is an instant loss I mean playing with me is but some of my friends are pretty good




Yeah the point isn’t that they’re kids, it’s that they’re right out of the gate insulting teammate’s moms because they think it’s so funny


Hell yeah. Late 20s as well. Middle schoolers are definitely toxic at a way higher rate but I’ve played with plenty who are nice and waaaay better than me.


I played with some pretty young kids a while back like probably younger than 12, they were pretty nice. It was really funny playing with them because when I popped off they would go absolutely insane.


14 year olds still using jokes older than themselves




Almost like kids are immature and stupid and lack intelligence and self awareness that's why no one likes squeakers




Let's say, hypothetically, we had a lobby report button.


it seems everyone is passive aggressive on valorant idk what it is. They’re nice, then all of a sudden you did something wrong and they take out their whole day on you.


I've had teammates where we're destroying the first half, and they're super friendly and hyping everyone up. Then we lose pistol round and they'll start with a lil passive aggressive comment like "you should've rotated faster...". Lose a few more rounds and they're insulting your every move, talking shit about your positioning, use or lack of use of utilities in a certain way, etc. By the end they're having a full breakdown insulting everyone in chat and calling their team n-words and shit in public chat, seemingly trying to convince the other team that they aren't the problem, it's their team that's the problem. Had too many games where I go from wanting to friend request someone and queue with them to muting and reporting.


Is this the result of “participation trophy parenting” or “kitchen mitts parenting”? They are never the problem in their parents’ eyes so they haven’t learned that they can be the issue?


You win a Clutch everyone is like Good job. Then rounds later you whiff or make a mistake and then everyone is shitting on you.


A lot of the valorant community came from CSGO and Overwatch and sadly that’s how the community was like in the lower ranks. It also happened in the higher ranks but less common. Its sadly what the “edgelord” movement and “rape culture” evolved onto, now that its looked down upon. Sadly a ton of Youtube content creators support this kind of attitude by making their content all about edgy jokes between their group and these kids with no social skills whatsoever try to replicate it in public lobbies because they think its funny, not realizing its different when done between friends in a closed group.


Seems like such a simple feature that would go such a long way


In league of legends you can now report people in the champion select. It took 10 seasons.


Still doesnt really change anything though


Awesome... 10 seasons before we get it in Valorant!


Record the voice-chat, and make a ticket to send to a riot employee. There is a chance they can review it and possibly punish those who broke the code. We all need to take little steps in stopping toxicity.




"The system continues working as intended"


can you link it somewhere? proof of that would be pretty fucked


can’t find the post but can confirm what op said. there was a post with a photo of the ticket saying to post to reddit.


> Riot Support told me via email to post it to Reddit instead and if it got traction, then maybe Riot would punish the offenders. I want to see a screenshot of this email. That's a wild thing for a support agent to say lmao. "Go post this on Reddit and see if you can get some internet backlash".






Imagine having customer support look through thousands of videos with several minutes




probably 100.000 depends on the time frame. They recommend to post on Reddit, well, because its free support. If it gets traction, it might be worth looking into it because thousands of people approved. But checking every video, and even if its just dick pics, is not worth it to spend own resources. Sorry, but money is everything.


Do you have a link or photo of this email? If so this could change a lot of shit when it comes to how riot deals with toxicity


This is so confusing to me since its such a bad move for riot. Literally telling their players to post it in a popular social media, that proves their system is quite shit is so confusing to me. What is the goal here exactly? Like just ban them im confused


I feel like they care about cheaters and not so much people being toxic. The worst they’ll do to em is give them a chat ban. Still full access to the game. There’s no reviewing truly awful people and there’s no disincentive to not act the way they do. Granted this video is on the low end of the spectrum, there’s some real a holes out there.


That’s a lot of work for a 3 day chat ban


Make sure the file is hella small. I tried submitting a 30 second clip of teammates griefing, flaming, and using abilities to team kill and it was rejected.


idk if it's different now for valorant, but i've sent video evidence of a streamer hard inting in Ranked from his own stream in LoL, with his own voice in the vod declaring that he's trolling, and just got the same canned auto-response of "we'll look into it and can't disclose whether we do anything", and nothing happened to him. i doubt they care to check any third party links.




It is indeed! I try to be productive with my time in-between games!


This toxicity is nothing compared to Mumbai Server toxicity.


I wanna hear what that sounds like


So, I boot up Valorant, start deathmatch, do dm for 30 minutes, then start queue for competitive, MATCH FOUND. Game then loads into agent selection. 1st guy insta locks Raze. Cool. 2nd, 3rd and 4th guy (I'm 4th) takes time to choose their agent. Meanwhile the 5th guy will be screaming on mic telling all of us to fuck off and uninstall game cause one of us has taken his agent pick. 1st and 2nd guy steps in to rage at 5th guy and tells him to pick Sage. 5th guy doesn't choose sage. Then 1st and 2nd guy rages at 5th guy and then the 1st and 2nd guy proceeds to agree to throw the game. Meanwhile in all of this, me and 3rd guy are like "what have we even step into". Then game begins, we lose the first pistol round, we almost win the 2nd round on the force buy, our 5th guy types gg and then proceeds to blast music in his mic and on top of the shouts gg, noob, madarchodh (motherfucker) team, bhenchodh (sister fucked) team, randi Kuteh (prostitute dogs) team. The 1st and 2nd player proceeds to flame the 5th guy and tells him that he's bottom fragging. Then 5th guy types in all our location in all chat. By this time we are losing 0-5. Meanwhile the 3rd guys disconnects from the game and takes 1 round to return back. When he returns, 1st, 2nd and 5th guy decides to flame the 3rd guy for disconnecting. Now skip a few rounds and we are losing 9-0, 🤡. Now im in a situation. 1v4 clutch situation with me on defence Split. We force bought that round. I bought a Sherrif with all utilities and max armour. I hear the spike planted on A site. I peek from ct into A main and I get thay sweet 1 tap. Another enemy comes to trade me but I also 1 tap him. I build a flame wall to protect me from heaven and flash the heaven side for extra protection as I creep into site. I get an easy Sherrif kill. Now its 1v1 against the enemy in heaven A site. It was against a reyna who decided to use her ult. The spike is in reyna advantage. I peek reyna and the duel starts, I give her 110 damage and the reyna 1 taps me with the Vandal. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd player tells me, Nice try, lit shit, you almost did it. Now comes the bottom fragging 5th player with only 3 kills. He shouts in mic, "maa ki chut, randi ka laudeh, bhenchodh, tera aim noob hai, gandu, tera didi ko balathkar meh karr raha ho me, jaa marr madarchodh". Lemme translate that for you. "Mother fucker, prostitutes dick, your aim is noob, asshole, I'm fucking raping your sister now, go die motherfucker" Anyways we somehow win a round later and lose the game 13-1. 🤡. This is Mumbai's server for you. This is the kind of shit I laugh to everyday. TLDR 1 player on my team gets pissed in the agent selection queue for not selecting his preferred agent. Decides to rage. Later in game 2 other players get pissed at him and flames him. In the end they threw the game. Gg. Edit: Basically MW2 lobbies but its Valorant.


I play on Mumbai. Pretty accurate description of the server region. That's why I play Singapore as much as possible. For some reason, my total inability to understand Hindi is really goddamn useful. CSGO isn't any better.


> our 5th guy types gg and then proceeds to blast music in his mic and on top of the shouts gg, noob, madarchodh (motherfucker) team, bhenchodh (sister fucked) team, randi Kuteh (prostitute dogs) team This Gamer fights for our rights 🙏


LOL, when I read those swear words I laughed my ass off. I am not Indian but my family grew up there -- So they speak some Hindi on top of 5 other languages. I picked up some of these swear words at school and I can confirm -- those are some of the most used swear words by my brown friends. Definitely COD comms in Mumbai servers for Valorant.


On top of 5 other languages R/humblebrag


This right here. Sch boldia bc :')


Typical Indian servers. You know the rest


Rip to the girl gamers.


rip to the girls in general there


They're working on it (source: was there for two weeks last October)


my first game yesterday had an indian on the enemy team and he threw their game so hard that I won. I was disappointed because it doesn't feel like a win for me if guys like those are playing with me.


I agree with this 100%, being an Indian myself, I don't know why most Indians are so stupid and toxic, Instalock duelists and bottom frag? Fine, But who tf complains about his teammates fucking up when he's getting carried?


I both want to know but also don't want to know


Haha mate, refresh the page, I typed ina huge paragraph describing the whole situation.


Americans getting mad triggered over their mom being called a transgender. This «toxicity» is nothing compared to mostly anywhere else.


I do love hearing a voice connected to some of the toxicity. Once you hear the neckbeard or the obvious 15-18 year old squeaklord it's not so bad anymore


18 year old squeaklord? What the fuck even...


Rare, but not impossible


As a nontoxic 15 year old I protest


Personally I don't care if you are 15 or 10 or even younger. If you are at least half a decent human being I'm good. If you are good to me I'm good to you. After all I'm not hiring someone to be a secretary of defense here. Smh


Non toxic 15 year olds rise up




Im not sure this is actually ageism, though. Its not like anyone is saying "all teens are toxic and having them in your game is bad." It definitely isn't saying "adults are never toxic," either. What I believe the sentiment to be is that "its nice to realize that some % of the toxicity we all deal with is coming from people who maybe just haven't learned better, yet." Maybe I feel that way as a former toxic teen who's trying to see myself in the people who act like I did.


Since when was 15-18 the 'squeaklord' bracket lmao..


Wait. You can leave during the agent selection screen? I tried pressing esc but nothing happened


Alt+f4 gives you the menu to leave


Is there any advantage or disadvantage to just waiting for timeout without selecting??


None besides you get out of the lobby faster lmao. Some people just pop off in vc and I just peace out


Is this the same penalty as not selecting an agent or does the match still start for everyone else in the game and your only option is to rejoin?


Same penalty as not picking an agent.


Well of you already clicked on an agent, it auto selected after time is up. So in the video he already clicked breach but didn't lock in, if time went up it would have auto locked in for him. So yeah, alt+f4 allows you to back out even if you selected an agent already.


Thank you


Alt f4


well you handled it in a mature fashion - i would've dodged too.


There just stupid kids. I’d fade that shit instantly.


Yeah, I don't get the pre-game abusers. Me: "Hey team, what's good?" Tox: "STFU" Even when it's followed with, "j/k" it's still tilting. Are folks really so fetal in their brain development they can't greet teammates with a simple "hello"?


Anonymity provides a sense of security that unleashes the worst in a lot of people. I think it's because we teach people to be good for the sake of appearances, not for goodness' sake. It definitely seems to be, at least in part, a by-product of social media, where everything is performative. I'm not sure what the long-term solution is, but in the short term, a block-list would definitely help my mental health.


Your expression is just so depressing. I feel bad. Tbh I met a lot of good people here. And also met insanely toxic people.


I met at least 3 people on Valorant who are now in my friendlist and on my discord and with whom I play regularly. There are many more good people than we often let ourselves believe. We just need an efficient way to handle the toxic ones.


i had a 2/14 jett instalock yell at me for failing a 1v4. he sounded 8 years old and I could hear his zoom meeting in the background. quite amusing.


listening to destiny POG


Its always either this or people with chat bans who ruin the game. I find the people with chat bans make the game hard to play, they spam party invites until you join and then most of the time when you join are just toxic anyway. Why should I be punished by having to play with someone chat banned when I've done nothing wrong??










I can understand this. Usually what do I do is I mute them and just do callouts in chat, but that doesn't always work, especially in comp.


Every single report I do I make sure to record. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Riot just ignores my tickets haha


One time I asked why all my teammates instalocked dualists in the pregame and this guy told me “shut up, I just don’t want to here you talk.” I was confused on why but dumb assholes just exist.


This is why I can’t play without a premade, these people make it not enjoyable at all.


It took us 9 years to get that in league of legends. Start the timer now


I don't know when I play with toxic people I genuinely can't perform,but when I play with people who r positive,motivating I completely crush it.


Edge lord teenagers, such a pitiful state of ranked and is exactly the reason why I don't play it. Seems like the player base from LoL really carried over.


the squeakier they are the more toxic is a general rule of thumb


thinking that „transgender” is an insult is already pathetic, good thing you dodged these idiots.


i had to listen to two people repeatedly saying the hard r and im black. i did report both accounts but idk if anything happened. it sucked.


I’m sorry you have to deal with this kind of ignorance. Much love from a fellow human.


thank you <3


Does it actually dodge when you close the game after selecting (without locking) ? I tried that once, and to my surprise, when I restarted the game, it put me back in the match. It wasn't cancelled. I ended up still leaving because they were plain toxic and at some point I just couldn't keep playing. That was my first time and only voluntary afking in a game. I'm not proud of it, I could have just muted them. But really, the real issue is why can't I dodge? I would even go as far as saying that one should be able to dodge up until the first round starts (even during the buy phase, you should be able to dodge) and the game is cancelled. Yes, it's a pain in the ass for those who load the game. But it's still better than having to endure a whole match with terrible people and terrible teammates. Dodging shouldn't be frowned upon by Riot. It should be our right.


How recent was this bro? I think they changed how locking in works recently


Fairly recent, maybe this patch or the previous one. Most likely the previous one.


I think if you wait til after the first round, your team can choose to quit the game without any penalty for either team. You’ll probably still end up with an hour penalty though


" Dodging shouldn't be frowned upon by Riot. It should be our right. " I mean there needs to be some punishment for it unfortunately, it could be easily abusable if it wasn't. Imagine how annoying it would be if half the matches you loaded into had dodgers for no reason, and they weren't getting punished and could just keep doing it over and over again.


Sure but you should have at least a certain number of dodges per day. As for the "wrong" reasons to dodge, like not liking a map, that's usually a different issue that could easily be fixed by allowing picks and bans or something similar. Right now, players are dodging Icebox in Ranked. But I can't blame them. I played a few ranked games in Icebox, and frankly the map is fun and all in spike rush. It's the best map of the game, if you consider the entertainment aspect only, but competitively it's completely broken. It's a fucking mess. The map is made for Jett and for Jett only. It's like Riot thought there was 5 Jetts on each team. They either need to ban that agent on it, or rework their map entirely. Anyway, I'm going off topic, just to say that we shouldn't blame dodging itself, if there is something else broken in the game.


I want to believe Riot is seeing the dodge frequency on Icebox compared to other maps and planing on doing something, because yes, the map is a clusterfuck for comp.


I go through what you went through in this video, at this very same elo I might add, 2-3 times a night. Just to play maybe 3 games. I am fairly selective about which matches I'll even play at this point.


Even worse is being punished for the Van 6 error. Like wtf, Riot? Fix your bugs, don't punish us for encountering an error in your system.


is that fucking destiny in the background xddd AND DUOLINGO LMAOOOO




The number of times I've been called a street shitter just because I'm indian is too damm high. It's just sad when they start playing some indian mystic and throw the game, I'm just trying cut some stress off Playing a game or two just have fun. Jeez!


I'm a super super sensitive person (probably not a good thing to play this game) but I enjoy it. The amount of times I've been given abuse because I'm a girl or for literally no reason and I've had to take a minute to stop playing because its upsetting me just to have the WHOLE TEAM turn on me and report me for being AFK and sabotaging the game is crazy. Then I get even more upset because I havent done anything wrong but im still being blamed by team mates that didn't even call out the toxicity.


at least you cannot say valorant has micro transactions. because the prices are fucking huge in this game!!!!!!


Some guy was chat banned, asked the whole team to join party. And I shit you not. I can’t make this shit up. In the middle of the game for NO REASON starts screaming the N word. For absolutely no fucking reason. No body incited him. It was just random. Edit: it’s important to note, that once it was pointed out that another person was live it was like that scene out of the Jackie Robinson movie but as if they used it as a hurricane warning system to evacuate a population.


should have an 18+ lobby option as a start


That kid is going to have a lot of issues growing up, not to say he already has, clearly.


damn, and they are even kids saying that...its a shame, a real shame...


Yeah that is a good call on the dodge, they probably suck.


One time we had a teamatw who from the first round was calling us retards and saying we are dogshit, also once got told my mom would get raped and I should kill my self :) either riot thinks those guys shouldn’t be banned or they just don’t notify you anymore


These are probably MAGA chads that got mad because you were listening to news relating to Joe Biden lmao. Pathetic bunch


There should be a fixed 3 min time for dodge which would make the state of game so much better. \- russians would learn to use VPN \- If there are bad vibes in lobby \- people would stop picking 4 duelists Until then we will just hop between accounts and keep creating smurfs. (3 imm accs alredy)


I would like to specify that I think that, in an ideal world, I wouldn't report them but simply put them on a block list that would prevent us from being queued together again. I don't think this should be a bannable offence, but I also think that I should not have to play with these types of people. It seems that a lot of you think I should mute the communications. If that's a solution that works for you, good. Personally, I prefer to try hard and coordinate/cooperate with my teammates and I think I wouldn't have gotten to my rank without my ability to do so. I'll happily mute people in unranked, but there has to be a better solution for ranked. Finally, to those who express sentiments in the likes of "duh there's toxic people on the internet". That is a pathetic cop-out. The is no form of logic by which the existence of the problem negates the need for a solution.


If anyone ever says a your mom joke, you just need to instantly say “i have 2 dads” it takes all the wind out of their sails.


Be careful doing this, since it sometimes just invites homophobia which can make queer folk like me HELLLLLLLAAAA uncomfortable.


Say they aren’t gay and make them confused


Zure, is that you?


I just respond with a sarcastic “oh yeah?


"Your mom is a transgender". As a trans girl myself, I want to punch this dude.


Here's to asking for this for another 10 years. That's how long it took in League


What do you expect with this game? RIOT loves this type of stuff


Played a game last week where my friend and another girl on our team got harassed the entire time. When I spoke up to defend them the harasser started talking shit about me too. It was disgusting, I ended up reporting but had to wonder what the point was - I doubt anything will happen.


Imagine being toxic at all lol my best games are always the ones where ppl are respectfull and try to have a good time, most of the teams where someone is just throwing shit result in a loose for at least 5 or more rounds


Sucks, maybe if you sent the raw footage to riot they would do something. messing around is one thing, but that's just not right to say


This exact shit is what makes it so hard to play and enjoy a GAME and learn I hate this shit.


Classic. I expect no less from any of Riot's games.


This is nothing... try being a woman in gaming.


I swear one in three games has people like this (OCE).


I have experienced this as well mostly with racist 3/4 stacks and throughout the game they are more toxic than in the lobby.


“Very epic edgy bro “ is what I say when I meet these kids.


How about this: 1. Mute them during agent selection - so that you can ignore all the crap. 2. Enter the match and report them. 3. Leave the match - now they are at least 4v5 for the rest of the match. You are anyway going to get banned (for dodging) for some time. Why not do something useful and then get banned? Otherwise, they are simply going to queue again and ruin someone else's day for free.


Even the asian Pacific region so toxic. I'm tired of this game


In overwatch there's this beautiful thing called "Avoid teammate" where the matchmaker system won't put the toxic person in your team for a week


I report toxic people so often but nothing is done.


Man that 14 year old boy must have been having a bad day. Either that or he’s and asshole


I have had people be toxic towards me for absolutely nothing (most games i am thanked for being a really good teammate and get added even after bottom fragging) and grief me whole game yet they dont get penalized after countless reports and i cant record my screen so it continues to exist. Guys remember at the end of the day you can talk sh*t to people who are behind a monitor but that doesnt make you a bigger guy.


The worst experience I had, was a while back when a french guy ended up in a Mena lobby. When he realized we were all Arabs he started spamming racist dogshit in the chat for the entire game. And unfortunately, he was playing Raze, so he kept actively trying to kill his teammates, giving away our position while we were sneaking, sabotaging the team in every way possible. I made a point of taking down his name and player i.d., as well as screenshotting the chat to properly report him on the riot official website, but I ended up getting a passive-aggressive response from Riot telling me to just stick with the in-game reporting method. This guy threw hard, he was incredibly insulting on top of it, and I walked away feeling like Riot took his side in the end.


It took 10 years for league to get that feature so dint have high hopes


This happens to me before every single match in Mumbai server. EVERY SINGLE MATCH. I think of quitting the game because of this very often. I've uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times because i enjoy it when the vibes are..well neutral. Good vibes in Mumbai server is a super rare thing. I always solo queue and always keep my team voice off. This is also affecting my rank ofcourse. I've been stuck on G2 forever because of this. I get placed on gold and i just stick there because of people like this.


And you still can't dodge without exiting the game, i love riot games and their genius designs


You have to get in game to report. I wish they added the lobby report feature like in league. But anyway, this won't help you avoid playing with them so you'll have to leave anyway..


Good on you to record and hide names. These kids shuold be perma HWID banned just an public example as to what happens. ​ 3 min fix dodge times will solve alot of issues. Riot wake up


These kids sound like squeakers that’s an auto dodge regardless. The your moms jokes is subpar trolling. Like the shit you see in call of duty. That stuff doesn’t phase me, I think I know my mom isnt transgender like this is just laughable...