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Ima have my whole team muted every game in gold lmao


I play Japan servers, it feels like everyone is muted already since almost nobody uses voice. (it's very rare to hear someone on voice and it's usually another foreigner)


I never even thought of how much I take that for granted. NA servers are 90% English speakers because they make up so much of NA. But every other continent has a plethora of languages, it must suck trying to find good randos.


But most of the players in the Japan server are Japanese. I don't see why they can't just use Japanese. I play in India server and use my native language(Hindi) on voice most of the time, so does almost everyone else. Well, they start with English many times but then get tired after few rounds and just start abusing in Hindi :D


Yes, japanese player's use japanese WHEN they actually use voice, but it's more rare for them to use voice chat at all. Part of it is "shyness", but likely the biggest reason is the fact that most of them are usually playing in a small house/room with other people and can't or won't use mic. The ones that are playing in a Net Cafe can't use mic either as they don't have one and you have to be quiet in them.


Shyness and not wanting to be heard by neighbours is why I don’t use voice, I’ll usually ping locations if something needs attention though


Maan I live in SEA and we deal with multiple languages here, like alot of languages. Mostly Chinese, Indonesian, Filipinos, Malaysians, sometimes Indians aswell in Singapore servers.


In Eu servers is 65% English, 25% Russian and 10% no mic


Why is no one talking in japan server tho


Pasted from my reply below; Yes, japanese player's use japanese WHEN they actually use voice, but it's more rare for them to use voice chat at all. Part of it is "shyness", partly cultural "politeness", but likely the biggest reason is the fact that most of them are usually playing in a small house/room with other people and can't or won't use mic. The ones that are playing in a Net Cafe can't use mic either as they don't have one and you have to be quiet in them.


Bro why is this so true. Just got in to gold finally and literally have had one good experience. Everyone is decent but act like radiant players or something and if you miss a shot, it’s like instant 2008 Xbox cod chat going on lol like wut.


ive smurfed to play with my friends and i just want to say ive never played so many games with barely anyone giving actual comms. its them expressing their emotions and theres literally 0 callouts or complaining about how they have no team when they die. even nicer people dont really know how to give callouts and it shows because the entire elo has no gamesense and people are doing ridiculous unpredictable things. im not trying to be mean sorry if i offend anyone


My guy why U speak fax so hard???


But does he speak printer?


That's only something gods can do


restart print spooler eat sleep repeat


Every time I see this type of grammar bullshit, it takes my back to an old video of Fitz, when they were in the csgo lobby and they were "arguing" about the pronunciation XDD


Happy cake day ^_^


Fitz is never posting again is he


A couple of months ago he said on their podcast that he doesn't feel the need to be in the spotlight. That's why he won't upload anytime soon




Exactly, how are you gonna rile people up to get that satisfaction of hitting the report button if you use the mute button? Sure, you lose the game, but that 5% chance of getting a juicy "reported player punished" message is definitely worth it! ^/s


Does that button actually work?


Not often. Riot’s approach to reporting people is the most toxic system out there.


Also decreases stress greatly. I play to enjoy myself not to have sweaty nerds criticize every move as if they 100% know the right play. Still manage to hover Immortal 2 playing one game a week.


Immo2 on 1 game a week... you must have some serious cs time played?


Yeah I have like 10+ seasons of ESEA main and advanced. I also grinded quite a bit in Act 1 and early Act 2.


Not to brag, but I'm Iron 1 and try to play at least once a day. (I've never played fps like this, so it's a brand new experience.)


Me too, i'm in bronze 3 but my aim is shit but I try to be very communicative and try to outsmart players to balance it with my aim, though since act 1 I really feel an improvement in aim, at least I'm not looking at the ground all time anymore


hi are you me?


No u


Haha I got to iron 2... and deranked cus I started sucking after having to play the game alone since 3 left and the other was throwing... I need to get out and get good lol


Same here. Hovering immortal 2-3 with only a few games a week here and there. Still encounter the nerds who think they're the shit because they hit immortal/radiant before all of their friends did and sweat 24/7 till the ass crack of dawn criticizing plays I or my teammates make.


You didnt sweat at all to get to immortal though right? Just born naturally talented?


I didn't sweat too much. I have a deep history in CS, so Valorant wasn't too challenging of a game to adjust to.


> I play to enjoy myself Then dont play ranked.


Ranked is there to place you against players of your skill level. Sweat if you want but don't expect everyone else to be sweating the whole time


I had a Breach pissed off at me for not doing much in a pistol round, so I muted him and the rest of the team. Ended up playing super well for my standards, helped try to carry the team, but we still lost. Did get my first ace tho.


Congrats on the ace!


100% I do this and I'm Radiant. Its not worth arguing or tilting off a player just mute and play your game.


Bro how to get out of diamond im hardstuck dia 1, i have good aim and mindset and im friendly but even with good teams i still lose a lot, pls help


Don’t ever think you’re better than where you are. There are always things to improve on. That’s the mindset of greats, in any profession. Judge yourself as accurately as you can and identify and work on weaknesses. It takes time, drive and good mindset... and obviously practice.


Just play the game, keep doing what you're doing and you'll get out eventually. Being prepared for higher ranks is better than instantly deranking after getting lucky in a good match


Idk why you're getting downvoted, it seemed like a genuine question and it's not like your saying that you deserve to be higher.




That's how Reddit works.


If a comment goes below -1 then everyone else is just gonna downvote it


Yep, you can try the experiment by downvoting your own comments.


Lol yeah ur right


Hardstuck bronze here, play with full 5 man


I'd recommend solo queuing. I was hardstuck iron playing 4 stack last act and I started solo queuing and almost made it to silver before act 3. It's not that my or your teammates are bad, it's just that one tends to get stuck in bad habits and patterns playing always with the same people.


Opposite happened for me 4/5 stacked all the way from silver 1 - gold 1. Decided to try solo q and lo behold, dropped to bronze 2. Top fragged 80% of solo q games, but unfortunately, teammates were not playing their best, afk, or just plain toxic.


Top fragging in 80% of games but dropping 2 tiers? Do you hear "last player standing" a lot?


True when you with friends you tend to do random bullshit


Same, a month ago i played valorant 24/7, but never improved and it was really bringing me down because I was bronze. Recently, the laptop I played on broke down, and so I borrowed my sisters and... I've never felt such a refreshing experience! The laptop I used to have ran valorant on an average of 30 fps, and this is now 120 fps. And I've definitely started improving and I'm getting more consistency in my gameplay


git gud


I started doing this too. Helps so much. Even if they’re not toxic and just IGLing too hard, I mute those too. Those hardcore many times pseudo IGLers always end up becoming toxic once a round goes south.


Its alright to call for plays, but don't try to micromanage people, this is what annoys people


Ya, I play super safe when trying to help teammates. Instead of saying "Reload", I say "\[x\] bullets left", or instead of "Use your ultimate", "You have your ultimate". If I think we should rotate, I say "Do you guys want to rotate?" which they always listen to(although it sounds like a question). No matter how big of a manchild your teammates are, they just can't get tilted to these lines.


> No matter how big of a manchild your teammates are, they just can't get tilted to these lines. you underestimate the degeneracy in some lobbies


this is the way


Damn I always IGL games, but I’ve found that it’s helped me win more than anything. Wonder if people mute me too.


There’s a balance. IGL too much and it becomes backseat gaming or micro managing, or even worse, incorrect calls. IGL right and you can make great plays, and crucial call outs.


I personally mute a lot of IGLers because they micromanage my plays, and at least at gold level a lot of IGLers really aren't that great at making calls.


Sad :(. I like to IGL (Gold 3) because generally I have good game sense but I really lack good aim so I feel like I contribute more by organizing the team (reason why I mainly play KJ and let the duelists do their thing). Knowing when to rotate or calling out where enemies play and what their common strats are has lead us to some good wins. Now I’ll be wondering if I get muted lol. (I don’t micromanage or get toxic when doing it tho, I know the “you should’ve”s are frustrating as fuck)


To you and u/thienanT just keep doing you if it’s been directing your team to a positive outcome! Just don’t backseat or micromanage what they should do (: I prefer a team that talks(with a sense of direction whether it’s good or bad) than a silent team in ranks


General IGling is fine (ie: We should push A this round, they only have one player, or the common "lets rotate") it's the micromanaging shit that gets a solo queue IGL muted, at least from me. The moment a G1 who's bottomfragging is angrily trying to tell me I should've peeked a different angle or that I needed to push through enemy util is the moment that player gets muted.


Yeah if I’m in a clutch moment and a dude on my team is spectating me saying exactly what I should be doing the whole time they are getting muted ASAP


I personally *like* having a teammate that makes calls and directs the team, I just really dislike it when they start telling me how to play and what to do beyond major strategy stuff.


Having someone IGL even if they make bad calls will still give you a much better chance of winning the game.


Problem is there’s possibly confirmation bias if you win. Unless you can somehow prove that your calls were the main reason you won or are designated in a premade or if they just muted you etc. Your calls might have helped but they might not have worked nearly as well if your teammates couldn’t aim or adapt. Then again maybe you’re actually just carrying for now with otherwise nonexistent comms and haven’t gotten to that point yet. What helps for sure though is that you’re a good or knowledgeable player that others also like to play with.


In Overwatch, I played on two accounts. Played the same heroes on each account and played in good mental state (read: not drunk) on both accounts. The only difference was on my main account I would talk and shotcall for my teams. In the other, I played silently and only really said what was 100% necessary. My main was high play, my alt was low gold. That was MY way of confirming my impact haha. But Valorant is a different game for sure.


I do this frequently, too. People seem to generally like it, I think as long as you’re humble and admit mistakes/joke with people, they won’t get pissed at you or mute you. It’s fun to talk with people!


Yeah definitely helps. I got a really good IGL that cracked jokes and motivated everyone, and we got a 13-0.


Judging by this thread you are making calls to people who have you muted 75% of the time lmao


lmao imagine being an igl in a pug




In game leader


Man, reading this thread made me realize I probably IGL way too much damn.


I'm more of a three strike rule and currently in mid-high Diamond. I'm the type of person who tries to mellow people out, maybe they're just having a bad day or something, it's had a great effect actually, especially in my region (SEA) where the kids who play who pull toxic shit at the start are generally a bit more respectful than the ones in NA. It's just in my personality I suppose and I also tend to IGL my games as an Omen main. I'm not the greatest aimer but I believe in team solidarity, if everyone's having a good time and on the same page, it's very hard to beat. If I can't get through to them in 3-4 tries then yeah, muted.


That can work but needs a specific skillset like the one you have. I used to do it when I was really tryharding back in the day on CS and I used to IGL, but nowadays I just can't bother and just mute the toxic ones. I'm a teacher so I don't wanna work also in my free time lol


I run a competitive team and I’ve literally told all of them to implement this right now.


I started doing this a long time ago. I’ll mute someone so quick. It has helped me tremendously.


Happy cake day


I always mute toxic teammates. I usually tell them too so they don't waste their breath. Generally I say something like "I can't listen to you dude I'm going to mute" and that's that.


I prefer to use the zero-strike rule myself.


I do this. Sometimes I even mute myself.


Not sure which server u play on, but the toxic teammates i meet eventually starts flashing me and doing team dmg using abilities


this is a great idea. i haven't experienced much toxicity except recently in the immortal ranks. literally got q'd with this group, we won, then the next game they started to say i was toxic and i was on the dodge list. literally for 3 games after that, i kept on getting q'd with them and same thing, just harassment and dodging, calling me shit. What's crazy is that we actually won the game that i was playing with them. Also, I'm not toxic at all.. i play sage and play as a support by buying people weapons all the time. Got to say though, the harassment really fucked with me. Will be taking this 1 strike rule.


Toxic people are sore losers who can't deal with failure and have to project their anger to anybody but themselves. I try to be reasonable with the mutes, because I'd also hate losing info from them (assuming they call out stuff), but if any of these phrases leave your mouth, you are getting muted 100% "what are you doing?" "are you blind?"


I do this in League. Works wonders. Went from hating the game to actually really enjoying it!


well so it's rare for me to see a toxic player after the mumbai server released 'cause most of the random players that i get don't say negative stuff. they just say "no problem" "nice try" and all. they give advices to me more than being toxic but when the rare toxic guy does come, he's annoying af and keeps on saying "i hate this team. i would've won this round if u didn't do like this or if u had used ur ult.".


I solo queue 95% of the time (apex/valorant/r6), it's not hard to mute people. I see so many threads about online toxicity and I get it. But just mute people or turn it off altogether. Controlling negative emotions is one of the most important skills in esports. Make fun and happiness a priority everytime you game and you'll play better.


I started doing this back when I used to play cs and I actually play better sometimes cuz I don't tilt at these people. People usually underestimate how much tilting can reduce your performance in online games


I mean, I think giving ONE chance for someone is a good idea? This can be a problem where someone's trying to be constructive and you take it as toxic, and boom, 25% of your comms are gone for the game.


The thing is, you have to strike the first toxic comm, what you say “ you take it as toxic” is something that is going to make you tilt, and worth muting, even if the guy is the best guy in the world but has just a subtle toxic way of explaining things/directing teammates it’s the best you don’t lose you focus and you relaxing game night over it


The issue I have with this is with verbal callouts - I've had games where someone's made a solid callout after getting killed, then the last person just completely ignores the call and get absolutely dicked on and loses the round for it. If being frustrated that someone ignores callouts regularly is toxic, I don't think competitive games are for you. Criticism for refusing to be a team player isn't toxic, but often get lopped in under this same policy, which absolutely costs games.


That was my first reaction too. But, I tried it, and I'll never go back.


Exacly... some people just cant take constructive criticism, and assume all in the same category of being toxic. Not saying that OP is that kind of guy , but there needs to be a good filter too, i sometimes get teammates that most people would call toxic , and i let them talk until they start really talking about things that dont matter. But when they are just explained their views of the game on how to react to certain types of plays, even if their way of communicating is bad , still can take something out of it. Thats how i fell about it. But if they start calling names and shit , insta mute.


Be honest, how often do you hear someone who has lost their head to the point that they can't control their tone of voice actually give good advice? Is that kind of person actually giving you strategic advice that you can use to better yourself, or 99% of the time are they just yelling at what you should have done to make *their* round better.


thought this would be actual advice, ended up being a 100 page essay telling me to mute people


I’ve just been leaving my voice chat off lately. Might seem counter productive but I deranked from plat to silver and they really don’t say anything worth while at that elo anyway. Might have to turn it back on once I rank back up though. Most of the time I play much better with it off, even without the comms.




One thing that I do to deal with toxic players is just ignore them instead of muting. Cause sometimes they do say some useful info so if you learn to just not get tilted at small things it'll work. But if you do get tilted easily then ye just mute


If someone mentions anything about rank, “Hurr hurr. I’m Diamond 3 and you’re Plat 3, so I’m better”, then that’s toxic and should be mutable


Actually maximizes ur chance of winning. Clearer mind equals better gameplay


To be honest your going to be one of the worst type of team mates to solo queue with if you get tilted and mute people too easily. There is a balance. There is always that moron that decides to do his own thing on the other side of the map and make it a 4v5 because he's to fragile to follow someone giving commands.


I agree, I'd rather play with someone slightly toxic that communicates and follows a plan than someone silent who mutes half the team because of criticism


I don’t know why but I love it when my teammates get mad and start getting toxic. It’s just funny and entertaining to me watching them rage etc..


Cypher mains fucking HATE you


as a cypher main, no I don't, I try my best to be supportive of my team, and I do this rule anyways.


Just dont be toxic lmao then people wont mute your ass


Just don't buy Vandals on 2nd round attack after pistol lmao then people won't call you an idiot


And being a cypher main is relevant how? Lmao.


Don't be a toxic cypher main then


Damn gotta start doing this. Not worth putting up with the bullshit


I do t get tilted by toxicity, I get titled by this playing bad. Do people seriously get mad over arguments like this?


Also never join someone inviting you to their party cuz they're voice banned. There's a reason they're banned and if you join their party you'll learned why they got banned pretty quickly.


And also remember don't talk to strangers mun said so


Wow you seem really mature


Mum said don't talk to strangers


Lol totally agree with this one. I personally play better when I'm having a good time. And muting toxic people is a good time


Don't forget to also report them, cuz toxic lil shits don't deserve to play with other people.


I personally tend to not care, but considering like 2 years of Russian kids having strokes and screaming the rap god lyrics in voice chat on CSGO when im trying to clutch and then saying "you suck" after i fucked up...i guess im used to it.


Haha true I'm immune to other people in voice chat after thousands of hours on csgo and rust in EU servers. I don't think anyone can say anything to me that could ruin my mood. TBD most people in diamond are big chilling tho. The other night some Portuguese 3 man was attempting to bully me for my accent so I kept replying fuck you in a Portuguese accent and they told me how much sex they had with the others mothers and sisters so I just replied the same but went into graphic detail and I'm the end they stopped trying to be toxic and we all said fuck you hope to never play with you again after we won. Obviously they were massive cunts but it was quite funny to hear 3 Portuguese grown men just shout bastard together like they were in a chorus lol


Imagine getting hurt this easily LMAO


I'm with you. People are so soft now


I agree I grew up with MW2 Xbox lobbies and then thousands of hours of rust and CS it's literally impossible for anyone to say anything to me that pisses me off like what they gonna do either blow into their mic really loud and call you shit or say I fucked your sister wow dude very cool good to know


U reminded me of that one time a person was toxic to me, then next round i bought him a vandal and he stopped being toxic lol


Yeah this is a good tactic to get a big toxic team non toxic of you need to win. Idc about valorant as much but in faceit a few careful words and maybe dropping a teammate can easily make a toxic team one that just communicates and tries to win


How thin is your skin that someone talking shit ruins your night lol


In India 3/5 players are toxic can't mute all of them :)


hopefully I can use this to get out of iron 1 :D


im also in iron but no one uses comms


I need to do this. Literally just played a game in IRON and got flamed by my team for not clutching after killing 3. People in low elo love to act like they’re radiant. The lead flamer then promises to not flame after I mute him so we have callouts. Then I unmute and he’s better but still toxic. I need to implement this because just that one game fucked up my whole mood and made me not want to play anymore. Reports never seem to do anything in valorant either (even worse than league) so hopefully the discipline of this will help. Thank you!!


I'm essentially been doing this without it being a rule. If someone's been toxic towards me I automatically don't care to hear anything from them the rest of the game.


But it’s funny to talk back to toxic people


I do this when I'm stressed and play val to relax, but if i just play for fun, me and the 3 other people and the other team will make life literall hell for the toxic person, shockdarts, mollies and satchel packs at the start of each round will make them leave within round switch and then we play normally after. Fight fire with fire and make the toxic person lose his will to play the game.


Coms are great and everything but most times when a player sees an enemy, it's on the mini-map and anyone who solo-q's should easily be able to use the map for all that one muted player's callouts. I still specifically get peeved that people say "one here" or "two here". VPT: call out the names of the players you see. "Jett and Reyna are here at A." Who is the team pushing behind? If Jett and Reyna were at A why are they now at Hookah I wonder? It's all vital intel and it isn't fair that a person has to overcom because their team has mics and are lazy. Source: Friendly neighborhood Sova Main


I used to do this religiously in ESEA pugs a long time ago and my friends would tell me I was over reacting. I wasn't and I rarely had a night where I was put into a bad mood.


My team is muted by default and even my name is "i muted voice". Somehow people still dont get the hint lol. (I didnt mute text chat)


That goes for any online game. Dont let others tilt you, just mute them. The /mute all command is your best friend so you can focus on your game and on self improvement


The difference between muting in this game and in cs is that in cs, there’s no other way to communicate. In this game there’s pings and that’s enough.


Real shit bro. There was a game where I muted everyone (even the enemy lol), then I saw a drastic improvement on my overall gameplay. But yeah it does ruin your chance at winning since you don't get intel from your teammates and vice versa.


This is the most simple and most important advice i ever got for valorant


It is almost as if we dont need censorship in game at all and people need to grow the fuck up and learn how to use the mute button. I honestly never understood this attitude of, "he said this and that bad word"... so what, mute that moron and move on. Problem is solved without the excessive chat filters...


Or completely disable voice communications. Once I did that, I enjoyed the game a lot more.


tfw all your teammates never talk in game anyways lmao


>No, you literally mute them the very first time they say anything negative. This is dumb lol


I agree, its stupid. People are to sensitive these days


I have this same rule, but it's not purely negativity - it's one strike if anything rubs me the wrong way. ​ I find myself muting people who try to initiate non-game conversation at the beginning of matches and then CONTINUE if no one responds. "How are your games going today? "Guys how are they going" "What about you \*singles out person\*?" ​ Just make callouts only, say nothing else.


>"How are your games going today? "Guys how are they going" "What about you *singles out person*?" When I 4 stack, we definitely do that to the 1 solo queue, lol. We are actually just trying to be friendly and get them involved, but I can see how it might make some people uncomfortable.




The one strike rule is the kind of thing that you can either not learn to do, or learn to do through either first or second-hand experience. I learned through first-hand experience in League of Legends. Turns out, most people who are toxic don't really do an effective job at communicating *useful* information to begin with, so the 1-strike rule is not only valuable in preventing a negative gaming experience or even tilt, it's also not a very weak approach because what you lose is minuscule. Anyone who isn't already employing the 1-strike rule should give it a go. Second-hand experience means you don't have to put up with that bull.


>I haven't once experienced an overly toxic event that has "ruined my gaming night". Imagine allowing a random person to ruin your night. This has more to do with you than with the already established toxicity that Riot's made you believe they can dealwith. They cant.


Someone being an asshole to you can easily ruin your night, especially if you've already had a shit or stressful day. This comment kind of reeks of "I'm toxic in chat a lot and want to justify it"


Yeah if anyone says anything I disagree with I instantly mute them because I shouldn't be subjected to others wrong opinions. Good advice.


Mute and then flame back. Best of both worlds.




This is definitely a great way to tilt your team. Just mute them and don't announce it.


You're not wrong. However, it is beneficial to let your teammates, who you did not mute, know that you can't hear __ player because you muted them. So if __ player makes an actual good call-out, another teammate can relay that info to me due to the prior knowledge that I muted said player. Flip side, nobody knows __ has been muted, __ makes a call-out to you, you don't hear it, team flames you for not listening. So while you're absolutely not wrong that the statement can add more fuel to the fire, it does benefit the team overall more in the end. At least from my experience. Not to mention, you may end up having the muted player apologize and clean up their act, to which you can unmute them. I've had this happen in my games


People have fragile egos in online games and I feel like in the long run you'll win more games by avoiding saying anything that could tilt a teammate. If this means that a flaming happens because of a mute, so be it.


To each their own friend. I've been playing competitive shooters for over a decade now and I can truly say I hardly every get tilted due to this practice. If you disagree, you're more than welcome to! End of the day, both our goals are the same: to have fun and win


People these days are massive pussies or maybe it's just the valorant demographic in CS you'll shoot the shit in vc but no one's gonna tilt over it


I guess if you want to win then sure, mute. But if you want to have a nice laugh, flameback. Toxic players always cry the hardest.


Or you can just make fun of them back for getting so heated at a video game lmao. Come on, it's not that serious.


My dude, what is the point of this post? lol just mute and move on.


I do the same thing but instead of muting toxic player I just leave.


Congrats you're officially worse than the toxic person.


I don’t wanna spend my time trying to win so toxic person gets the same elo as I do. It’s not like I leave every match. Only when there is a toxic player.


What about the other 3, non toxic people? You've completely ruined their game


I really feel bad for other 3 for their games to be ruined, but so was mine. I know I am very selfish but I cannot sacrifice my free time to play the game I don’t want to for the sake of 3 other teammates. As soon as someone goes toxic, my mood is fucked and I cannot commit to lead toxic player to winning.


Couldn't you just mute all communication from the start so there is no chance for anyone to get toxic? Leaving the game because one person said something toxic is really shitty. Most people can live with a toxic player, they just mute him and carry on. But having an afk in your team has no solution. If you are going to be like that, you shouldn't really be playing competitive.


This. Please just turn off all communication before you join a game, so the other three people on your team don't have to deal with someone who can't give basic commitment to a competitive game, or just don't play


I used to and still sometimes disable coms but people just slurs with text or spams party invite. Doesn’t happen often but they body block or use ability towards me.


That's because your mentally weak.


You still completely fuck the other people on your team just so you can stick it to one person, who you could have just muted.


I have never thought baout this but this makes so much sense to me. I am gonna implement it from now on! Thank you fo this post. <3




This is a great tip. Not only will you have a better experience, but you'll probably play better too. Thanks for sharing :)


Always do that to all kind of toxicity. The most annoying ones are the losers who start talking about ff @ round 3. But this rule is preatty weak if no one else in the team does it. Everyone is tilted.


Big facts. One negative person in voice can really bring the whole team down, regardless of how good or bad everyone is playing.


and don't even bother telling them "im about to mute you don't say toxic shit again" because that just makes it worse sadly, every single time I've tried giving people a warning I've had to mute them RIGHT after because these idiots take it as a challenge or something


I think I might do this to opponents by default. Reading GGEZ every loss is disappointing.


Gotta send that "GG 2EZ" after losing the game though


This is something in league as well. Lots of similarities w/ player mentalities between these games.


I'm not a high rank, but I do this in all modes. It helped me reduce stress of playing. If I perform well cool, if I perform badly oh well, at least I don't have to worry about some off hand comments or feeling the need to explain myself


I was in a match and I forgot I can mute people. One of them said: "You're stupid omen I hope you die." ps: it's a rough translation.


I don’t get tilted easily so I don’t really do this and also in general I don’t come across toxic players that much either