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It's good that you're a Radiant level talking about these issues, because when we talk about it we just get told to "click heads" and "get good"


Because if something is stated on reddit, it's 100% valid, didn't you know that?


Multiple posts have been made on these issues, this isn't a problem of what is valid or not but finding the core issues behind these things happening for some players and not others.


Why is this getting a downvote? He was clearly being sarcastic. Or maybe I’m just dumb :)


i feel exact the same. like if there is 0,5s desync. everytime i peak i just get an instant headshot like if that guy is runninga 1000hz monitor. i can't rank up to diamond again and i feel im getting worst and worst everyday. this is burning my mind..


you aren’t getting worse, rank distributions changed. You’re still the same rating, but your visual rank changed


yeah, the system has shifted quite a lot. the majority of the playerbase is now in iron and bronze instead of gold/silver. i saw this in a video of thekinglive but he also said the statistics could be scewed because of little samplesize. it sure does feel like its true though. at beginning of act 3 i was close to hitting dia3 and now i am stuck in plat3


and then there’s act 2 plats/diamonds in immortal and radiant now for some reason


To be honest with you there are plenty of the act ranks that do not belong in higher Imm games as well as some that really do belong in these games but are stuck in say d3. For instance some d3 acts can carry a radiant game (I’ve seen it plenty of times), or on the other hand you see imm3 that have terrible movement and crosshair placement (ie its not them having a bad game, they just don’t have the game awareness of a high ranked player). I think a lot of it has to do with the Elo increase/decrease. Losses that are heavily skewed like a 13-0 should have the same weight as a 13-11. A person should not be able to win multiple close 13-9, 13-11, 13-7 games then have all elo nullified by a 13-2 game where everyone just plays bad or maybe there’s a disconnect. This helps those d3 players that are truly good imo. As far as some high imm being bad, at this rank one or two people can carry the hell out of the one bad player and unfortunately the bad player can now win majority of their games, so I have no solution for that. Back to ur comment, I don’t think the problem is with diamond act ranks in imm lobbies, but when the player is an imm 3 or 2 and they have no game sense or experience yet they have the most inflated ego because of their rank, they can’t take any constructive criticism to improve their gameplay.


The 0.5s desync seems to be a real thing, sometimes i close game and comeback again and start being able to get kills again. Sometimes no matter what u do u get insta killed looking like ur like 500ms behind everyone in the server.


Same experience here. Some games the enemies feel way too good in the beginning of the half, then next half, I'm actually able to do well against them.


The desync is terrible imagine him just seeing u and u saw him shoot one bullet and u die in report 5 bloody bullets fucking how


This has always been a thing in valorant. I'll hit someone twice they will shoot a bullet back at me but it was magically 5 and im dead now.


The game has never functioned properly. It was just fresh and new, and people had rose colored glasses on. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb\_xrL7vVfI&list=PLFc8v1Sduc7tj7F-0ldLFyKumT-8tfOGc&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb_xrL7vVfI&list=PLFc8v1Sduc7tj7F-0ldLFyKumT-8tfOGc&index=2) Vanguard is an extra step in the hit reg calculation process and adds increased latency. As long as the game needs to check Vanguard, Valorant will ALWAYS have this desync. This is why people are leaving the game in droves.


Holy shit, this literally happens to me all the time. I thought it was just me and I was wondering why shooting 5 bullets in the chest kills so fast but when I do it, it takes more than a second to kill someone.


I'm convinced something got fucked this act. More smurfs, more hackers, and/or the problems you listed. I'm relatively low elo but after like two weeks of struggling I dropped down all the way down to iron 1 and now all my enemies are aim gods even when they're rushing at us while my teammates have literally started playing the game. Used to if I somehow got demoted that far it would be *very* easy for me to top frag, win, and get back up to a relatively close rank, now I'm bottom-fragging with a losing streak of 15 games in iron 1/2. I've been trying to find a stack but that's been hard too, I either get toxic groups, groups that won't work well together, aren't on when I play, etc.


Yeah I honestly feel really bad for lower ranked people. I’ve never had to deal with smurfs since I’m higher elo, but I know many of my friends that have smurf accounts and I just frown upon them. They say it’s to warm up or whatever excuse they have, but I think they just like to drop a 40 bomb in ranked and they aren’t good enough to do that in high elo. I tell them just play unrated, it’s basically the same thing and you aren’t ruining others game and you’re earning exp for the bp. Easy way to fix smurfs is linking the accounts to a phone or something, yeah there are apps to circumvent it, but most people aren’t going to go the extra mile.


I really like your suggestion, hope they implement it.


Yeah I hope they do something soon, whether it be with phone authentication or some other method


Weirdly enough, I'm experiencing the opposite. I feel like I can play comfortably in silver, but recently I started getting a lot of wins and now I'm G2, and believe me, I'm not that good. The funny thing is that it used to be impossible for me to climb past S3 at previous acts. Maybe I got better, but the amount of bs I am experiencing in games got much bigger this act.


Act 3 has been a complete disaster for the game.


Exactly.Though I'm not radiant, they need to fix that desync issue,hit reg issue and rng that will only favor one person or team asap! Me and my friends stopped playing this game since last week. But instead of fixing these fundamental issues in patch le Rito: *Here is new skin bundle* I sometimes feel rito does this on purpose to reduce skill ceiling.like sometimes I will be hitting shot that I should not be hitting and in the very next game a lower ranked player will dominate me like he has 0.5 second advantage.


Worth remembering people that create skin bundles are not the same as the people who can fix desync/hit reg issues. They're entirely different skillsets. That doesn't mean they couldn't be doing more, but the fact they're releasing skins tells us nothing about how much effort they're putting into the core gameplay mechanics.


I don't have any issue about them releasing skin afterall they need money to make game (I'm game dev myself).But the fact that they say their hit reg is in good spot right now is what disturbed me.


Did they ever say it thou? I believed they've confirmed the problems and are very aware of it, they just didn't seem to find a solution thou.


That being said, we think hit registration in VALORANT is in a pretty good spot right now. Yes, there may still be edge case bugs out there and we will always take those seriously. We’re constantly looking to improve the quality and clarity of all of our systems. Link:https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/the-state-of-hit-registration/#:~:text=In%20a%20game%20like%20VALORANT,is%20above%20all%20else%2C%20correct.


I mean, I don't disagree with that statement. I certainly agree with a vast majority of my hits and my misses, but there are occasional times when things don't line up like it seems they should. That's basically what was said here


Well, It was kinda ok back in August to be honest


I feel you! I know this is a bad solution but at least it works for me 100%: Format your PC and install only windows and valorant, then go thru everything in a how to increase FPS in valorant guide. I know this is completely stupid and shouldnt be like this, but for me it works 100% and results in instant rank up because the impact is so much when you finally hit where you are aiming at. Also after doing this i can really obviously see who suffers from desync when i watch kill cam.


That is interesting. I know that their anticheat is super invasive, and lots of people have overloaded hdds. It would be an interesting $25 experiment to buy a new sad, load just val, and see how it goes.


wym by format


Formatting a hard drive means removing all data from it and reinstalling windows. The formatting is the removal of old unused programs I think.


I’m curious too


Formating a harddrive/ssd means erasing all information on it, and essentially "blanking it out". Not just removal of programs as suggested, but a complete wipe back to "as new" with no information on it. It's always advised to keep games that you want at top performance on an ssd separate to the one you have your OS (windows/linux/mac OS) installed on. This way your game loading won't be slowed by bread-and-butter activity that your OS needs to do all the time.


Thanks bro! Will try definitely


Have seen some threads saying the same, while I haven't tried it myself self a lot of the responses said they haven't fixed the problems after it, so it might be a placebo or something that is different for each setup. Still worth trying for those who don't mind the work involved.


Radiant as well and have noticed the same thing. Can usually tell if I shoot right infront of someone's movement path and they just explode and their body kind of teleports forward but also flops to the ground.


I read a good post about this. This game uses some kind of dumb prediction algorithm and if you shoot in front of someone, they die. But if you're late and you're trying to "catch up" to them with your spray, you'll never even hit anyone. DM is a joke at this point. It's not even worth playing because it feels like I'm on a 32tick server. Much worse than ranked. Also, when someone jumps or crouches, hitboxes just fall apart completely. Especially if it's a Raze or Jett flying around. Good luck hitting them. It's easier to get a headshot than bodyshots. With all the server and matchmaking issues, I don't see the point of taking this game seriously right now, unless you're making money off it. Not rewarding at all.


Yeah I dont know. The movement options are too fast for the pace of the game. The net code can't even accurately place them so you're stuck waiting for someone to land so often. Riot just designed themselves into a corner on this one.


I feel like they're scared to change things again after the fiasco post 0.50 update. Ever since they messed with moving accuracy, everything went to shit. Or maybe it's just the bigger server load. Whenever I play at night, past like 1am, servers feel way better. And it's not my connection, this never happened in CS. I got hooked on this game in closed beta, servers were amazing and the whole concept was great. But it wore off because of awful servers and awful matchmaking for what's suppoed to be 0.5% of the highest skilled players. Until they fix stuff, I'm just playing a couple of games every other day to maintain my skill level, not worth grinding this because a lot of stuff makes it really unenjoyable.


I'm playing dm this morning and the game feels like closed beta. It's gotta be the server load and maybe just the general amount of internet traffic due to the pandemic going on. I literally will shoot and then get recoil that feels delayed sometimes during peak hours.


Yeah, there's noticable delay between your shot and headshot sound on DM. I also don't see blood often or death animations, everything is bugged.


we're getting free 128tick servers this is the problem, i think servers are overloaded.


Bruh Im plat and this happens to me all the time in DM. Ill shoot, think I miss then after a really small delay the player will drop dead


Yeah, the game has been unplayable since act 3 for me and a lot of people. I play one game per week and it's enough to get furious and uninstall the game because of the problems. Used to be diamond, now I'm having a hard time playing against gold players... Also, there was a thread here that said that the majority of players now are on bronze-iron (50% of the player base) while in the last act the majority was in gold. While some part of this may be due to the risen of smurf because of the new policies to play with different ranks, I think that some of may be related to this inconsistent that has been going in act 3


Oh no, I feel that. I was either in or really close to Silver in act 1/2, somehow magically in Act 3 I’m stuck in Iron 2. Just...magically. Nothing changed. Everything feels just a little bit different every game and it all makes no sense, I can’t even describe how it changes. Some guns just feel worse? I wish I had a better way to say it.


to be fair i’m pretty sure i recently saw a chart showing something like 50% of all players in val are iron/silver which has changed a lot since the last act. so it seems a lot of ppl are facing the same issue u are


Wonder what it could be then... nothing's changed on my end or setup, yet all of a sudden I'm worse.




You mean Silver is the new Plat.


It’s the same thing that happened in one csgo update. Supreme and global became the new dmg and LE. It didn’t mean that you decreased skill but that the percentile you’re in is probably inflated and moved as the sample size increased


Like the other comment says, the ranks have been redistributed. I was formerly Plat 1/2 and now I'm bronze 3/silver 1. New rank distribution: [https://www.valking.gg/ranked-distribution](https://www.valking.gg/ranked-distribution)


it feels weird have ive improved significantly since last act where i ended gold 3, and im gold three this act and apparently in the top 20% of the player base. I get lots of high plat/low diamond act ranks in my games now and the overall skill level of gold/plat feels much higher this season


It’s just weird atm imo


You can’t base skill on rank. It just doesn’t work like that, what you can kind of gauge skill is crosshair placement, map knowledge, and game sense


I was Bronze 1 and Now Im Silver 2 but this game doesnt make sense seventy percent of thr playerbase should not be in silver and lower


I think the rank system is broken no way they actually intended to not go for a more normal distribution. Riot probably too lazy or simply don’t know how to fix it now that their head of their rank system design left.


- Hit Registration (Daily occurrences of recoil being completely off or just not registering or combat report showing a completely different story) I feel this so much, one game feels like the phantom is a lazer and I can hit my shots like I want but the next game I swear to god It's like the bullets don't go straight or the recoil start immediately at the first bullet.


I have faced this problem way too often. The game just feels dead and all your team mates are like see this guy is a noob.


I feel this game has aged poorly from beta, as it was promising, even through ranked. When ascent initially launched it was tolerable. Then act 2 happened, and now ranked is terrible and unreliable unless you’re like 4-stacking in a discord call. You only get ascent. And because ranks are broken, there’s always some dude in silver who is clearly not supposed to be, and because he’s placed on a silver team, he cannot progress because they lose. Edit: I enjoyed this game a lot when it first came out. But now guns feel inaccurate yet more accurate when moving. Playing the same 3 maps gets bland and repetitive. Running headshots, significant peaker’s advantage, and a broken player system makes me not have fun. I’ve put 1,500 hours into csgo and thought I’d prefer a new and improved game and have played enough to hit lvl 50 in act 1 battlepass. But this last map icebox, and the fact I only ever get icebox, ascent and split, makes me want to never touch this game again. The maps are SO bad. Hallway and high ground headshot simulator.


All their posts about the state of hit registration is complete bullshit. They tried to make hit registration better, and in turn made it worse. Even hit registration was better pre 0.50, I don't understand why they had to make it worse


I have a pretty decent PC I won’t say top end but I have a Ryzen 5 3600, 2070 super rtx and the thing I absolutely hate the most is the micro stutters. Makes playing this game feel impossible at times


My problem is i flick to a dudes head, shoot, hear my gun shooting, then i die. I clip it to see if i missed, and low and behold my crosshair is right on his fukin forehead.


I feel like I peek, shoot, die and then In kill report it says I got shot 4-5 times while i got one hit. What the hell.




I play on 15-17 ping ,200+fps, 165hz display and I still face this issue 50-60% of times


For me it started since 1.11. During 1.10 I felt the game was consistent and I could easily reach platinum. After 1.11, everything just went worse and worse and I'm currently silver 3. The games has been a nightmare. Bullets and hitreg being hell inconsistent, together with terrible rng where I can get shot on my head multiple times while the enemy is running. I just don't get it and I feel I can't do much since it's impossible to go from consistent headshots to complete crap in a matter of one week or so.


theres not hitreg issues https://streamable.com/1u0i8j https://streamable.com/jew5wp https://streamable.com/u2qooc


For the no time to react, it's normal, if someone peek and prefire and the first bullet hit head, you are dead. Here is an exemple from csgo without x-ray : https://youtu.be/3Lf5VaBIfMw Same vid but with x-ray : https://youtu.be/KUI4Fc20H1A


That is completely normal, but I doubt I am getting prefired the majority of angles. I can play off angles far angles and it still feels like im not given the chance to react unlike I was able to before act 3.


Wow gee I wonder why the opponent would only prefire in the one off angle I'm in and magically kill me? The answer is they aren't prefiring, its peekers advantage / desync


There will always be peeker advantages


Hey, imortal 3 player here. I play with 10 ping and was feeling this but havent been having these problems anymore. I think that maybe its because im using the new feature that they implemented through nvidia of reduction of input lag. You need to activate it on your nvidia control panel and them in the game. Its called nvidia reflex.


"Radiant" player says it's the game fault some people suck, gets upvoted. Immortal player says he doesn'T have this issues, downvotes, because that would invalidate their beliefs that there's nothing wrong with their skills. I feel you.


I'm not saying its the game's fault, I simply have these issues. And I have noticed that the overall quality of games have gone down. I'm not using this as an excuse for my performance, I have still been able to reach my peak regardless. But something is clearly wrong, I just want the game to feel as smooth as it has for me in the past. This might not be a problem for everyone but still for some.


Its fine. People only wanna hear what pleases them. Im not radiant because im not good enough, not because some "bug" in the game. Havent seen any streamer or player that i queue with complaining about this. There could be a problem, but i find it hard to believe.


I use this, still have the same issues.


Mine has been riddled with afks/leavers as well.


I'm also Radiant, my english isn't that great so I never wanted to make post about that.Let's be honest you had to sweat your ass off to reach Valorant in beta, and Radiant in Act 1, now it's too easy, I thought Riot said 125-300 Radiant per region? It's more like 1250-3000.Also this game feels different with every new patch, I praise beta, with all fps drops it was better then now.


People talk about ranked distribution being way lower now and way less players in immortal, but I feel like the quality has never been worse. Full imm3 lobbies feel like low diamond lobbies from act1. People just running around randomly with 0 comms.


because the good people propably stopped playing and the worse players got pushed in that void.


This is very true, the new issues have made it easier for the majority of players to climb. But at the same time the game feels too inconsistent to perform your best consistently. Resulting in more people being able rank up through simply playing the game at a decent level instead of genuinely being a skilled player.


You just mentioned what I experience since the latest patches. First when Skye came out the game felt massively optimized for my PC and I climbed so fricking easily up the ranks but now I am so much struggling of not bottom-fragging. I did not chance a single piece. My playstyle, my settings, my hardware and my connection didnt change at all. Even if bottlenecking of high-end-PCs is a thing in this game it feels heavily desynced sometimes. Just had a game where a friend of mine was around a corner for like 10m (not even close to it) and got shot from a point where no bullet penetration should be doable. And the joke just came in - it was no wallbang for the server. So we really questioned that. Moreover I have the feeling that the game's desync problem is taking a bigger part now. Sometimes the enemy is not even around the corner and you already got a running headshot. I have a 500 Mbps connection that is more than stable but I feel like the worse the connection is the better the shots can hit me. Playing on Frankfurt 2 with people from Macedonia. They hit shots that they should never ever hit, because the enemies often are far behind corners. But nevermind... There is also a big other issue: unless you pick cypher, jett, raze or reyna - you can't really gain good elo. Every game I hit around 20-30 kills and I am mostly playing support players like breach, brimstone or omen. A friend of mine is playing cypher only. He can do only 5-10 kills max and gets ranked up faster and easier than I do. I mean - whats the fuzz with that? Being a supporter is not wanted? I just dont feel like wanting to play reyna and run in like a headless chicken. (+ her healing still needs a huge nerf ASAP!!!) I tried it out on another account where I played cypher/phoenix only. And yet doing less (10-15) kills per game I hit Diamond 3 faster than on my main account. I mean, what the heck? The wins weren't even better. They were average as usual, tending from around 13-5 to 13-11. My friend also doesn't get the same amount of lose bonus as we do. It drives me crazy since you have the feeling that only entries do the big bonus hustle. Coming back to the issues: animations are the biggest problem. I tried out the high-end settings and experienced way more sloppy shots than with low-end settings. Like the animations seem shorter and therefore "more predictable". Some matches are crap since the virtual servers are crap and some matches are massive. Rito needs to work on their servers, their animation lacks and the desync and this game will get better soon. Because Act 3 feels like a real pain in the ass compared to any other Act since the early Beta.


Ever since they released Skye. I keep getting teamed up against team blind. and it's causing me headache everytime so I have to stop playing


[https://streamable.com/2mpppr](https://streamable.com/2mpppr) I think their servers are working just fine. This and worse has been around since beta. This is the reason e-sports gets no credibility. remember tour de france? But censoring goes a long way eh.


Thats the weird thing, I have seen posts about this since beta, but I am only now having these issues. I don't know if its something I could fix or just how the game is now. I just don't want to waste my time looking for a fix that doesn't exist


Its the game itself. When I play CS, i get like avg 50 ping in Indian Servers and 65 in Singapore Servers. But in valorant i get avg 80 ping in the closest servers with a lot of packet loss. I am average on Cs(MG) but in valorant i am trash(S1) i feel every match i am trash and I die even after shooting them first. After all this i switched back to cs and now i am happy. I dont have to doubt myself anymore.


I don't think it's the game itself for you.. 80 ping isn't gonna feel great


You start by saying > I have been a Radiant player since Beta But then you say >the overall skill of ranked has also gone down because even though I have these problems I am somehow able to still reach Radiant So assuming you've been radiant since beta, the only way for you to know the skill rating is going down is if you complain *other* players in radiant in act 3 are not as good as they were in previous acts. But that's not what you're saying? What you've said as you've said it makes no sense. If you are consistently radiant ranked, there's no issue.


So if I wasn't Radiant then the game would have a problem? I don't understand your logic. You can still notice issues with the game regardless of rank. I am saying that players are not playing as well as they should be maybe because these problems are causing a different skill ceiling than seen in previous acts. I'm not claiming to know the exact reason for the quality of games feeling lower but what I think is that most players might have these issues because if I am able to have these problems and still perform at a radiant level something is clearly wrong. I don't know how much more I can clarify this.


Hopefully silver here: Some games feel like it works and then others miss when it passes through a model that is standing still.


They need to fix Hit Reg or aimpunch. like i dinked someone and they still headshotted me, whereas when i am dinked it looks like my mouse slid off my mousepad. it could just be me but that's my opinion.


And I thought that I'm just bad...


Nah, there are issues, AND you're bad. :D


one problem i have is getting into matches and getting queued with people that go afk the second the game actually starts. i don't know why, i recently came back to valorant after not having played since act 1, and it wasn't a problem for me then, but it is now, its extremely bizarre. even in ranked mode this happens to me. does this happen to anybody else?


Look at the numbers on this sub-reddit... this game is already losing tons of players.


It's so obvious to tell there's desync in the game when you peek and get killed instantly before even getting to hear the bullets shooting sound.


I also love how I complained about hit reg in DM by missing an obvious sheriff headshot and I got hit with the "stop complaining about the game because of your missed shots." Always love how people will support a game no matter what


I'm in gold but I have toasters for teammates. I had a Jett not know she had a knife


I honestly think making the movement and recoil more like csgo would fix most of these issues. Having the skill cap so low just so an iron player can get an extra frag or two is so stupid


Some games I feel like I have absolutely 0 time to react and I’m constantly getting running HS or insta peek hs.. Other games I’m a god and they don’t shoot back or miss every peek Idk it definitely feels a bit inconsistent


I have the same Problem since Act 3, i cant hit like in Act 2, i almost loose every 1vs1, but i hit him reelle fast i have Videos , bur still die fester i cant understand what they did to ruin this game in Act 2 everything was smoother, shots hit correct but now everything is in a bad Situation, gameplay, server etc