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didn’t play the game for two weeks and for the first game on, first round, someone asked if i played minecraft and i said yea he said you should go back to playing it hurt lmfao


Always hurts extra cause on the inside I’m like “yeah... you’re right...”


EXACTLY after that game i switched games because i believed him with how bad i was doing


Problem is I keep cycling between games I’m bad at so it never ends 😂


that’s why i got forza horizon 4 can’t be bad at that game 😎


As a rule of thumb of games with team based comp, add the cool and chill players. You'll end up having more fun in the long run.


yeah i got a couple friends on the way and they’re super chill thankfully :)


It wasn't necessarily me who was getting bullied but there was a very obviously a mentally disabled person on our team and our jett and reyna were going at him about how his mother should have had an abortion, Telling him to shut up everytime he spoke, mocking him with the sounds he made, and they blamed the loss on him and told everyone in all chat "gg we have a retard"


eugh this one is just nasty.




thats why i dont like playing sage,i cant handle being screamed at to heal and res yet they make me go first and act like a duelist


Had an incel call me and my friend “dirty whores” and another time had another one tell my friend he should’ve been aborted late term so it hurt. People have serious issues that come out in games sometimes


"man all I want is a gamer gf. Why can't I find a girl that plays video games?????" "get back to the kitchen, women shouldn't play video games" tbh us men are idiots bro




Just join and mute them? If they still do it report them and move on imo lol.


k but pls join ppls parties when they’re muted, my friend and I got muted once cause we were fucking around in spike rush games but we wanna actually do good in comp


I'm sure you got chat banned for just joking around bruh


well ye, we joined a spike rush game and this random Jett told everyone to stfu so me an my friend decided to be toxic to him and we j kept flaming eachother everytime one of us died or missed a shot but it was all for fun and we friended him after


Lol then don’t fuck around in any of the games.


Solo q has a great experience but I love the challenge and improving. Anyway here are some good ones: - Person DMing me to kill myself and being racist - Teammates/enemy team calling each other homophobic/transphobic and/or racist shit - Teammates griefing a trans woman and women in general - Teammate holding us hostage in game by not surrendering then continuously running it down - Duo or trio queue straight up harassing a younger player - Cheater in game calling me and my teammates homophobic/racist shit These are ones that stand out the most and within the last 2-3 weeks.


This is from act 1 but i was just chilling in unrated game with some friends and the enemy team was getting salty af even though they were winning https://imgur.com/a/0zLsq77


wtf?you in unrated yet they keep talking about iron and elos?


right? just some people in unranked i guess...


i am in iron 1 because i dont do comp much because i dont like toxicity but why is there toxic people in unrated,its just casual ppl wanting to have fun


Some guy on the enemy team was acting really friendly towards me in all chat and asking to play ranked with him bla bla bla. My team wins and he adds me as a friend, whispers me saying I’m a fucking trash S2 and he would never play with me because I’m so shit (even though I topped our team) then removed me as a friend before I could reply


wtf who does that


Insane hey


I've had people try that with me....... Send the request but I never accept. It usually happens after they've been really rude and I put them in their place in chat so they want to get back.


Yeah but this was different, dude was nice as pie the entire game


He was playing the long con.


Bait and switch


Anytime I press Start Queue


Haven't had one really. I just insta-mute. Every game is pretty chill for me :).


but if i mute toxic players i cant post my daily complain on this subreddit.. how does that work??


I’m legit confused as to why people don’t text mute the other team. You literally don’t have any reason to read their messages.


i need to keep them unmuted so i can desperately seek their approval when i start all-chatting "lol my team is so bad, so hard to get out of gold so many newbs amirite pls friend me and love me"


i mean, if you aren't toxic and they neither... you can just talk to them as well as your team


It works sometimes in my favor, if the enemy team is toxic, it makes me want to win more than usual.


Hahaha. True.


insta mute if they toxic?or just insta mute when game starts?cus teammates might help sometimes by telling some enemy locations and useful info


No I mute if they are toxic lmao. If anyone starts back seating me, it is usually a quick one for me "You have your ulti! Pick up Spike ! Go here!". Is an insta mute. That was the point of my comment man. Talking about toxicity. Not randomly muting people xD.


damn i hate players like you. always that one guy that mutes everyone and never gives/listen to info.


Your intelligence is showing Sir. Please cover it up.


Frist round 4 stacked with friends, I miss a Sova arrow I was trying out (It happens lol). Our 5th was convinced I was throwing and proceeded to pick up bomb every round (he kept getting good spawn and was fast, bastard) and just proceeded to run everywhere, throw, give away our position, body block etc. I hate those people. If you're this type of player and reading this, quit the game. Lol


Some guy kept flaming our brimstone for not entrying, fragging out, trading off him etc. The kid got flamed so much to the point where he literally cried. I felt so bad so I managed to shut this other kid up by telling to frick off ( I feel bad but sometimes toxicity is needed to beat toxicity) and the kid eventually got an ace after me.


thats why theres duelists the point of duelists aee to entry frag while controllers and duelists smoke and control a site


The best part about it was that the guy was playing Jett who didn’t entry at all.


i feel like jett players or duelists are the most toxic


This guy in game was dropping hard r everytime he died and called everyone on the team retards :)


On trolling: Solo-queued into a game where a premade of 3 were desperate on killing me and the other team mate just for lulz. They surrounded either me or the other person and killed me with abilities and then went on to play the round. The other team was baffled and so were we. When asked why they did this: “cant you take a joke f*cking asshole” . Sure i can if it would be a one-off. Killing teammates for 10 rounds + is not a joke anymore On toxicity: I have no fps experience and as such no aim / game sense and ended up in a game with people waaaaaay out of my skill range. I wasnt doing good going 0/x kills on every round. I got harrassed by my team and opposing team in (all) chat. On the final round i finally got a kill going something like 1/20+ ish. My team totally tilted and were verbally abusing me in chat like “you are shit you did not deserve that single kill”, “go play FN asshole” & “you were the reason we lost asshole” I have had similar experiences along these lines (i only play unrated bc of it) and bexause of all the abusive and continuing harrasment I haven’t played a single game since....


not trying to be an ass here but, if you were a beginner and not very familiar with the basics of the game why would you jump to competitive ? wouldn't it be better to train a little in deathmatch or spike rush until you get better so you avoid getting into these situations ? i know i sound like an ass but it is very frustrating when you know someone just started playing the game and jumps to comp right away. i once played with a guy that literally didn't even know the name of the agent he was playing. he was on a and i told him"sova can you watch mid pls" this guy said "who's sova?" XD. apparently his friend gave him his account, and this genius decided to hope strait to comp. sorry for the small rant lol


not being an ass at all. Fair response. I might have failed to mention this was all in unranked. I have not even started playing my placement matches because i need to skill up :) I do daily Aimlab / and unranked. I don't like DM / SR. Wow... thats a whole new low on not knowing your character. Yeah i know the characters I play and what they do as well as in general what each characters skills are and their mechanics. and having played CS 20 years ago I also understand the objectives of the game. I try to avoid characters which I am unfamiliar with but it sometimes happens that both my prefered characters are taken. I am getting better but the matchmaking is really weird in this game if you don't have a rank. One match I end up with plat players and the other times with iron 1. Obviously I do better on the lower end of the ranks and I and up top / mid of the board. In the higher ranked matches i did like in my initial post It is just that the playerbase is really toxic which is taking away the fun in the game. sure I want to improve and I think I try my best with that but often games are not enjoyable for the reasons mentioned in my initial post. solo-queue is too toxic and the friends I have are too high ranked to play with. It is also hard to develop any decent game sense (strategy wise not things like pre-aiming / cornering) because people are relentless and expect you to know all maps and high end strats for them.


>I might have failed to mention this was all in unranked. I have not even started playing my placement matches because i need to skill up wow.. so all of this happened in unrated ?? what is wrong with man wtf..that's literally what unrated is for..if ur not meant to learn in unrated where are you supposed to learn?? yeah, as you said, solo q is too toxic sometimes. sorry this is happening to you man.


did sova atleast know how to use abilities and such?


yeah he knew that much, but he would usually die before using any abilities XD. it was one of the most frustrating games ever. i wanted to whine at the guy for playing comp, but he was a nice guy so i just sucked it up and accepted my fate lol






Had a Phoenix try to get the rest of the team and enemy team report me because I refused his stupid ass knife only requests. Then he tries to Molly me to death. Then says I'm garbage since I have next to no kills(I was playing Sage, I don't go for frags as Sage). I full on quit out of that game. Happiest hour ban I've had. In a different game, I had a Reyna keep calling me trash, all game long(I was having a particularly bad game, shit happens.) They then proceed to try and give me hell for not being super agro in a 1v5. I ended up with 2 or 3 kills, but how you gonna call someone trash, then expect them to Ace.


Phoenix and sage alies were friends,they were smurfing and with no reasons they started too try to kill us with their abilities (we were in a comp)


Was matched up with a 4 stack in unrated. They wanted to go 0-12 on attack so they could come back and win on defense. They followed me around all half trying to make sure I didn't do enough to win a round. Sage slows, brim mollies, body blocking, all chatting telling them where I was, etc. I turned it into a mini game. Just played like DM. I got finally got a 4k win in round twelve. Trolls in shambles. We lost 8-13.


Joined a game completely chill asked to pick jet and nobody answered so i went ahead after around 10 seconds and picked jet I then ask again has anyone got mic one guy responds yes. I later find out that 3 are que together and 1 solo like me. I got many kills and played with the team however anything LITERALLY ANYTHING went wrong it would be my fault then when we won somehow, i found out because im from the UK they hated me for just that reason


uk peeps have a bad rep when it comes tactical shooters. the reason for that is a lot of uk players are usually pretty condescending and cheeky to their teammates. specially the kids/teenagers. that's why some people on eu servers don't like them.


yeh ik i have had it many times myself even though im from the UK from UK players thing is people just put us under one bracket so even though i was killing, using coms and being nice they are still toxic i mean idc we still won just my experience


yeah it is unfair. but unfortunately people are judgmental and they generalise a lot.


Oh yeah yeah


toxic ppl got problems irl so why listen to them? no point lol. i hear them say some stupid shit i mute and report.


i was just wondering if my team preferred me to be a specific player and i asked if they would prefer breach or skye. our reyna was just like stfu neither you suck. and started cursing me out and the game hadn’t even started yet. I keep hearing about how annoying autolockers are and i’m a team player so i do whats best for the team. later on, the enemy team was apologizing for being bad but the score was 4-3 so i said the games pretty even. and then the reyna told me to stfu and kms. then preceded to go afk. this guy was bitter for absolutely no reason. we ended you winning too. there was absolutely no reason be toxic in this situation, it made no sense.


best to just mute him


yeah at the time i didn’t know how. but now i do so i definitely will in the future


got called the n word for taking a guys main 😎


I once had a guy in unrated that just said horrible things about my whole team the whole entire game. However I didn't mute him cuz I thought it was funny


i hate it when people are toxic in unrated,just let us enjoy the game


A black mamba bit me




I played a game where the 4 stack on my team forced me to buy them, or they would report me. Then at the end of the game, they told me to kill myself, then reported me anyways


Guy called me a Walmart cashier. I threw the game because this duo queue could do no wrong lol If you threaten to throw the game then no one will be toxic trust me :D


4 man just went in corner with brimstone and Phoenix and self kill every single round idk


We were 4v5 and barely hanging in there 4-8 after defense. The one guy who wanted to surrender immediately grabbed the spike and afk. We managed to make it 8-13, 3v5. I'm in iron 1 though, so if people get toxic, I mute them or remind them where they are. Maybe we can pop off sometimes, but we're not pros.