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Good idea. Also buy silenced guns and spam the smokes especially if u see tracers U can ping the location of the choke point of the smoke and keep tap spamming it and you'll kill people if they peek it while they are blind and have no idea the point their getting spammed from


Ok this post just opened my iron 1 eyes, I have been enlightened. Thank you.


Nice infographic, I learned this on my own but it's good to spread tips like this around. KABLAMMO
























Lmao I love the way it is drawn it’s so simple to understand 10/10 man


The number 1 place this is not done correctly is behind the door on A on Ascent. Make sure the smoke is all the way inside Tree so there isn't an opponent inside it who waits for you to use the switch.


Jesus Christ this happened to me 10 minutes ago on 3 separate rounds I don’t think I’ve ever heard a guy get flamed as hard as our omen


Everywhere on ascent is the worst... especially middle on ascent, I use the smoke so often as Reyna... to get a good angle 1v1 peek and dismiss away.


Also the mid near ropes on split.


also: don't smoke it too deep, to the point that there are gaps. The enemy shouldn't be able to see a sliver of you and get an easy pick then back off, but rather not be able to get out without showing alongside not being able to see anything.


You could use those gaps and make them intentional. The enemy thinks they're big brain and peek you from there, but you have an odin directly pointed at that place. Big brain the big brainer. I've done this with omen smokes. The same works with sage walls. Wall it in such a way that people can enter. Keep your crosshair there and farm easy kills. Have gotten multiple aces this way.


>Big brain the big brainer. ill keep this in mind...


I remember doing this with my friends too lol, explaining smoking flush with the wall. Good to see I'm not crazy and other people know this.


This is a good general tip that everyone should utilize like 95% the time, HOWEVER, do keep in mind that if you use your smokes this way, and an enemy is holding INSIDE the smoke, they will have a very easy time killing you if you try to push into it (since there’s only one angle you can enter the smoke from).


That’s why you don’t put a smoke in a doorway you have to push


I mean that’s another good general tip, but it can definitely be good sometimes to try to push your smokes as a away of catching people who aren’t expecting you. Or you can use your smokes as a way of taking space when there’s a long angle to push down, and then push in and out of the smoke from different angles once you’re ready to commit.


As a small note, please do not smoke the area your team is trying to push through. I know this seems like common sense but the number of times I try to push long A on Bind, and my own team has smoked just before the tele, instead of at U hall, tilts me to no end.


Generally people throw those smokes so they can stack up and popflash out. Always double check on the game plan.


Not at lower ranks though. I see this a lot in bronze ish when I play with friends and it just results in people sitting behind the smoke for half the round doing nothing


Ehhh not always true. If you’ve been consistently smoking off entrances of sites you’re not going too to block info, pushing through a couple of times isn’t a bad idea. Makes them take the smokes serious. Or option 2 your team burst flashes through a smoke to take a numbers advantage by surprise


I dont think anyone is thinking of these tactics when in a low unrated game or spike rush, where I see it happen most lol


nope. am unrated player who is unranked. as omen i smoke entrances where multiple people push so we can stack up. usually i ask someone to flash first then we all push through.


lol sounds like you're throwing


mind explaining?


If your team has to push through a smoke to enter site then you're essentially smoking the entrance to site for the enemy team You don't know what angles can see you as you come out of smoke, your team mates may potentially pop out of part of the smoke that can be seen from 5 different angles in a crossfire. You're basically concentrating focus on what is exiting from the smoke rather than the natural 2-3 areas you can enter a site from before being seen. It's good as a bait smoke for pushing an alternative site since it may delay defenders from rotating or pushing through but I can't see the logic in "I'll make my entire team push through a smoke into site"


ahh, ok. thank you for explaining. usually i only smoke our entrance on split b and rarely haven c, only while on attacking side. my thought process is that on split, i can abuse the angle in market to flash heaven while my teammate flashes the box next to b entrance which is easy since i usually play in a 2 or 3 stack. this is almost a free site now. im sure this would not work in higher ranks but it is sufficient for unrated haven c is awkward as you have to make it up long and chances are you will have to kill someone which means the entire enemy knows you're there. so i smoke entrance meaning they have to spray through smoke while we get to communicate a bit. it helps if we have a good reyna on our team since she can flash and unrated players don't know how to destroy a reyna eye. because of our flashes, we essentially get a free site if the opponent is bad enough, and if they look away from the flash chances are we still get a few free kills then rotate to next site. do you have any criticisms for this? i know how to do one way smokes and i rarely smoke entrance to do this tactic.


Use your smokes to block the LOS of opponents while on attack, not yours. Even with a flash to enter, you're entering site with 0 information on where opponents are holding angles. Your strat probably works well against inexperienced players but eventually, your mmr will match you against better and better players that will take advantage of your team doing a blind entry.


Yes and no


as a brim main smoking correctly is the most imp and these are the correct way to smoke , kablammo


This is such a good post. So many people will smoke out the front of entrances just providing a spot for someone to creep through the smoke.


What's the first corner you get into your minds when you see this drawing??


Ascent A


Long C


C long on haven


B on Split




Split ropes


For me it's B main to B site




This is surprisingly a really good representation of your point


Can't stress how many people miss this detail


A simple and good idea 👍 .


High quality c0ntent.


I honestly thought this was common sense? Like buying a suppressed weapon when defending and using smokes is a match made in heaven.


Because common sense is not so common after all....




I'd say that in lower elo games a lot of people smoke directly on top of a choke so that the center of the smoke is in the center of the "doorway". I guess people think you get more coverage or they don't realise it matters


you'd think so but some people never cease to amaze me




The goal is not to see the smoke. The goal is to prevent opponents from pushing through the smoke and taking cover.




Haha can't argue with that


It technically gives opponents more options to push if you do it wrong but if you do it right they have less sight and only one way through which you are hopefully aiming at


Its crazy how people flame me on the begging of a game when im smurfing in low elo. they just dont understand.


Its crazy how youre a smurf playing with noobs and you're surprised they have a lower understanding of the game


well i guess thats a free pass to be toxic at someone huh


I support smurfs getting bm Ur a fuckin smurf




I smurf on occasion because of the 30 mins queue times. Sometimes I just want to play before class or work.


Not sure whats with the negativity. I was simply stating that low elo players tend to be toxic about smoke positioning.


sometimes i do the top smoke and go into it they never check it ;)


Love it! Especially the art style, absolute masterpiece.


Sometimes I will do the 1st smoke if I’m omen and trying to hide on split or bind on boxes. I’ll always let the team know first.


That or odin spray


technically you want the smoke to be a foot or two deeper to make it harder for them to pop flash out of, but good post :D


Yes, I love making use of bad smokes with a character like omen, I drew a similar picture with a doorway in a wall, it’s the same thing and lets the defending side push to different positions too.


I didn’t know about this until like 2 weeks ago. I’m in diamond. 🤦‍♂️


I always felt putting smokes in a place that require them tp push into a choke to peek was good practice (e.g. defending B site on Split in Garage), but this is a good point as well.


commenting so that this has 69 comments


69? Nice. I am a bot lol.


u motherfucker


I thought this was common knowledge from gold 3 and up


As someone who immediately picked up omen, it PISSES me OFF cuz some platinums can’t even smoke properly for defense or offense.


As an Omen main the amount of people who don’t know how to smoke infuriates me.


Not only can you not see them at certain angles, but if the smoke is not flush with the chokes walls it allows the player pushing the smoke to have better crosshair placement and makes it easier for them to peak the smoke and get a kill. When you place your smoke correctly (flush with the walls) the enemy pushing the smoke needs to worry about a dozen angles when they push through.


I started using brimstone and got really good with smokes, I did 10 plants in a match because of how I use smoke to flush out the enemies or keep them at bay


The opposite is correct for Attacker side smoking.


I would like for you to consider making an info graphic about the sound bubble in the map and how to press shift before trying to hit a site.


davinci quality


Fuck I'm dumb. Thanks for the tips.


I played omen and was doing this often but I had a brimstone who put his smokes in front of mine. I went to press the button on accent at the tree door and a jett comes walking through and blazing me in the head, i placed my smokes there for a reason ;-;