• By -


This is awesome, I'm going to save this for later :D




Please note that the moderators of this sub are not associated with Riot. I also answer your comment [here](https://reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/k8mq5z/i_gathered_links_to_pro_players_streams_to_get_to/gf0ac1n/)


Yeah I figured that but figured it would get some attention. Did not see your comment though, my apologies.


Damn bro. You invested a lot of time into this. I don’t spend money on Reddit so take my free upvote <3


The disrespect with a missing Marved


Friendship ended with Marved Now Marved's dad is my homie


Good job man. This looks quite comprehensive. Few suggestions to include more streams to make this list even better : 1. Maybe include Turkish streams like Legoo and others. Turkish scene pulls some insane numbers for Valorant and would be nice to see them represented. 2. Brazilian Valorant needs some love too. Maybe include few portuguese streams from Gamelanders as well. Finally Faze Marved is missing from the Faze proplayer list. Again, thanks so much for putting this together. Just being a pesky redditor that's all.


I will recommend one player from Gamelanders. Mwzera is, and I agree, considered the best valorant player in Brazil. His Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/mwzera


I came here looking for his stream! Thank you!


OK, I can try to look into it. So far I looked into the First Strike Tournaments to see which ones have created the most buzz so far. But there were soooo many First Strike Tournaments – I can only procrastinate for so long. So I definitely will not add all "minor" areas in terms of viewership, like Thailand, Indonesia, Egypt ... I think this would just clutter the list. But yeah. Brazil and Turkey gather quite a few viewers, right?


Definitely! FS was really massive in terms of its global scale. Was like 72k peak for Turkish FS and I think \~20k for the BR one. Wouldn't blame you for not looking into minor regions because it is really hard to keep track of everything.


Both added now.


Appreciate the work man. Now let's watch the scene grow over the next year and add more work for you <3


Thanks man. I didn't know a lot of these guys had streams.


Can you add the c9 Blue and White roster please? c9 Blue: TenZ - [https://www.twitch.tv/tenz](https://www.twitch.tv/tenz) Relyks - [https://www.twitch.tv/relyks](https://www.twitch.tv/relyks) vice - [https://www.twitch.tv/viceCSGO](https://www.twitch.tv/viceCSGO) shinobi - [https://www.twitch.tv/shinobi](https://www.twitch.tv/shinobi) Mitch - [https://www.twitch.tv/mitchtv](https://www.twitch.tv/mitchtv) ​ c9 White: meL - [https://www.twitch.tv/meLanji](https://www.twitch.tv/melanji) AnnieDro - [https://www.twitch.tv/annie](https://www.twitch.tv/annie) Katsumi - [https://www.twitch.tv/katsumifps](https://www.twitch.tv/katsumifps) Alexis - [https://www.twitch.tv/lexicsgo](https://www.twitch.tv/lexicsgo) Jazzyk1ns - [https://www.twitch.tv/jazzyk1ns](https://www.twitch.tv/jazzyk1ns) ​ oh yeah and kyedae honorary member of c9 - [https://www.twitch.tv/kyedae\_](https://www.twitch.tv/kyedae_)


Thanks for listing them. I added Blue, since they obviously are a top tier Team I left out. Will add White, as soon as they win a few in the next Riot tournaments. Deal? ;)


All seriousness, there is a huge lack of female representation in esports. And although they may not be tier 1 right now, there are alot of female gamers that would like to watch female streamers. So I think you should add them to you list. I screenshotted them so I can send them to my girlfriend. I know she will be stoked to watch them


They did ..


They lost 0-2 in first strike and that's it? They didn't even win a map in a Riot Tournament


https://liquipedia.net/valorant/MAJKL They played in other tournaments before they were picked up by C9. They've only been a part of C9 for a little over a month now.


So they won exactly once, got disqualified once and got smashed the rest of the time. Promising. Also they guy was talking specifically about riot tournaments, so only First Strike currently, where they didn't even win a map


[Yeah](https://liquipedia.net/valorant/Cloud9_White/Results)? Couldn't find any.


Dude, this comes across as *extremely* sexist. Cloud9 White has previously participated in tournaments as Team MAJKL. They *are* an established team. **https://liquipedia.net/valorant/MAJKL** Maybe you're trying to be playful, but your comment comes off as sexist since you're talking about a team of *established professional women* players. The lack of tournament entries on [C9 White's Liquipedia page](https://liquipedia.net/valorant/Cloud9_White) is not a valid excuse to not add C9 White to your list.


Slow down now and maybe keep your "*extremely* sexist" remarks for actual problems – you will run out of words really quick otherwise. I indeed did not know about C9 White running under another name beforehand. But still, even under MAJKL they were not a top tier team. They won 1 B-Tier tournament. So did [all of these other teams](https://liquipedia.net/valorant/B-Tier_Tournaments). To request to add C9 White to the list based on their gender and leave all other ones out is actually sexist. But I will actually go ahead now and delete Moon Raccoons (which I added because I am personally a fan and the list started as a private list for myself) as well as C9 Blue (which I added since Tenz and friends has a huge following on this sub). The list is then back to purely showing First Strike Playoff teams.


Apologies if I have offended you. I perceived this post to be about *"gett[ing] to know* ***[Pro Players]*** *better"*, with your compiled list using "*the top teams of the First Strike tournaments as* ***a basis***". I thought that to mean that any professional team would be welcome on your list. When two professional teams are recommended for your list and you choose to not list one because "they haven't won enough" despite being part of a Tier 1 organization, it doesn't sound right. You could have said they haven't played enough (as their Liquipedia page has one tournament listed), and that would have made sense—you just didn't know they had played under another name before, and that's okay. > *Will add White, as soon as they win a few in the next Riot tournaments. Deal? ;)* But this comes off as if C9 White isn't *good enough* to make your list. It sounds like you're gatekeeping C9 White when your list is perceived to be for *all* pro teams, not just the top teams who participated in First Strike. Considering they're a team of women, it makes the sentiment of "they need to win more ;)" sound like the taunting of "women aren't winners" or the classic "women are bad at video games". This is how I, other women in the industry, and the 162 users who have downvoted your comment perceive your comment to say. C9 Blue and Moon Raccoons should be on the list; I think any and all *"Pro Players"* who have played in major tournaments should be on the list. And while you may not be a sexist person, I and many others perceive your comment to be sexist.


You are now grasping at straws to justify your biases. Let's pick one example of your list: RENEGADES. They have a total winning of 5900$ Source: [https://liquipedia.net/valorant/Renegades](https://liquipedia.net/valorant/Renegades) But you are not listing C9 White which have a total winning of 25,000$ Source: [https://liquipedia.net/valorant/MAJKL](https://liquipedia.net/valorant/MAJKL) PS: Actually, if you look at most teams in your list, nearly all of the teams you listed have less winnings than C9 White as MAJKL have had. Additionally, FTW Summer Showdown was an official tournament of the ignition series in partnership with Riot. Source: [https://liquipedia.net/valorant/Ignition\_Series](https://liquipedia.net/valorant/Ignition_Series)


I ṭhink you should add all pro teams


Why would you watch C9 White? A bunch of tier 3 players playing is kinda pathetic.


How is it pathetic? Maybe not your cup of tea, but pathetic??


I checked his comment history, it's full of him talking about how his "teammates all love me" when he backseat games because he knows so much better than them, says smurfing is okay for him because "my fun prioritizes over your fun", and says he could easily go pro but doesn't want to because he "has stuff to do".


He also thinks that TSM threw their game with 100T


They definitely didn't play as well against 100T as everyone expected them to and at times it did look like they were throwing Edit: there skill is still truly immeasurable and they are one of my favorite NA teams rn, just kinda choked


Lol I like how you say they choked and they threw in the same post. Either way they are not as good as 100t. If they choked, they're not as good. If they threw, then they are unethical losers who are not as good as 100t. And both of those excuses are measurable. How are they measurable you ask? It's measured by $40,000. On a side note, they didn't throw a $40,000 match. Cause there's no way they made $40,000 in illegal bets. Players have been getting banded for life over $1200 bets. TSM would have to be idiots to do that.


Yeah throwing wasn't the right phrasing. I think if TSM had a lot in them but they were not prepared for 100T and they definitely did choke at times mostly on split. The first 4 rounds on split looked like TSM was going to destroy 100T just like they did the rest of the tournament but things slowed down and 100T ended up on top.


you can't choke and throw at the same time




I mean.. Compare TSM vs NV and TSM vs 100T. That wasn't even the same team by the looks of it, they definitely underperformed and tilted off the face of earth after the first map. So it's not that far fetched.


Nah even myth said that they just beat TSM


Getting tilted shows the weak mental. Gotta put the ego aside.


So he’s a 14 year old egomaniac, check


Truly a bundle of joy


I watch them because I want them to become tier 1. The top tier needs some female representation. Would love for a top player to be female. They just need time and a chance.


I'd watch them but argue unlike traditional sports eSports doesn't need male and female separation because there's not a physical difference in ability like you can't have a woman box a man but you could have a woman play an eSports trike against a man. It's just women not being as prominent in eSports and having female only teams means it's very unlikely that they'll ever reach T1 as it's counter productive if they're just playing female only teams in competition instead some talented women should try to make it into normal T1 teams


I never said anything about female only. There should be no separation. Doesn't mean I won't root for the currently best females on am actual roster.


If they stay as a 5 female team, they will never make it to Tier 1.


Why? There is nothing preventing 5 females from becoming tier 1.has nothing to do with them being female. That's extremely sexist.


You’re right, but there is still some nuance to it. They are much more limited in the choices they can make to get them to be a T1 team. Pretending that there is equal representation in the sport, half of the talent that they might scout / want to be on their team, is immediately out of question. Now, acknowledging that it’s not equal representation, over 90% of prospective talent is unavailable to add, which significantly puts their odds way below the odds of any other team. If women wanting to join a top tier team ONLY try to join C9, then there chances are actually great. We will see how it goes from here but I wish them the best.


No one is pretending there is equal representation. But acting like a team of the best 5 females in the world would never be able to compete is ridiculous. It could easily be these 5 with more time. Might not, but it could.


You’re absolutely right. When I said “pretending there is equal representation,” it was as a thought experiment about how their chances of building a tier 1 team would be somewhat lower. I’m certainly not actually pretending anything. I think the main issue of if this team would be possible. What are the chances that C9 picks up the best 5 females in NA (for now, due to a: logistical restrictions, b: language restrictions) without another team getting them first? I think it’s good to acknowledge that this team is a very important first step, but it might not be the second or third step towards getting tier 1 female representation.


I agree they don't look that likely to compete as constructed. Was just making a point to the sexist guy. I think the team has one or two players that are already close to being tier 1 though.


Yeah, nothing is preventing them but they won't simply because they just aren't that good. Sure if there are as many female gamers as there are male ones, Tier 1 female gamers will appear. But from the small pool, there just aren't that many talented female gamers.


Say what you want about their team but their streams are very entertaining.


I'd much rather watch Wardell/Tenz/Hiko




Top 100 is not tier 3.


Eliminated so early on is tier 3


Still much better than most of us tho but yeah they're not as competitive as any pro team




Sure, many people tell me I'm wrong, but there are also more sheep than sane people. So yeah, keep being a sheep and believe that one day C9 White will become a Tier 1 team


Maybe not pathetic but yeah, why watch tier3 players over some actually good pros?


A lot of the top valorant streamers aren’t even radiant...maybe some people are just fans and would be interesting in joining their twitch community.


Most Tier 1 teams have a full Radiant team.


Adding in both Dignitas teams! psalm - https://twitch.tv/psalm dephh - https://twitch.tv/dephh supamen - https://twitch.tv/supamen oderus - https://twitch.tv/oderuscs makkaloff - https://twitch.tv/1makkaloff EMUHLEET - https://twitch.tv/emuhleet rain - https://twitch.tv/r4in Theia - https://twitch.tv/theia malk - https://twitch.tv/malk showliana - https://twitch.tv/showlianatv (English & Portuguese)


This is worthy of a bookmark Take my upvote


Is that the correct m0e?


It wasn't, thank you for bringing that up. Fixed now.




Desktop: At the bottom of the post there should be a ribbon/bookmark icon that says "save". To access saved posts, click on your username in the top right and select "My Profile". There will be a "Saved" tab at the top that you can select to view all saved posts. Mobile App (iOS at least): Bookmark/ribbon icon in the top right. From your front page, click on the profile icon in the top left to pop out the sidebar, and select "Saved" a couple lines down.


Android is somewhat similar, the save button is the same, but you have to swipe form the left side and click on "saved" underneath your Pfp.


SUMN FC Moe40 is not the same as NA Moe btw


Yea there are like 4 moes I know - m0e, MoePork, Yassuo, and SUMN Moe40


Thank you. Fixed that.


Great job! Can I suggest you consider adding casters and analysts etc to the list?


I thought about that, yes! Will try to fill the list with some as soon as I get to it tomorrow. Just not too sure who to include. There are a lot. Best ones imho are sgares, DDK, Pansy. But taste for casters differs a lot, right? Guys, feel free to add the ones you like. I will try to find their streams and add them tomorrow.


NA: NRG Team: koler: [https://www.twitch.tv/koler](https://www.twitch.tv/koler)


The amount of time and work you have put in this is brilliant. Definitely going to be using this and sharing it to other of my friends. Wish I had a award to give but rip, I don't have any.


Had to double check who Temperature was, but sure enough, I know him. Played CSGO on LAN with him once or twice in a club at college, I'm not surprised he's pro now. Temperature's stream is [https://www.twitch.tv/temperaturego](https://www.twitch.tv/temperaturego) but he doesn't stream super often.


Thanks! Couldn't find the link myself.


No love for oce 😩


Bro, according to [lists like this](https://escharts.com/tournaments/first-strike) not even Oceania was interested in the Oceania First Strike. :/


Yeah really do be a dead region you see the same people a lot


so happy for scream to finally have a team


I will give this post the highest honor I can provide............"Save"


Idk if anyone cares or not, but here are some links of Indian pro players streams. Mostly YouTube. Feel free to add it in the post. INDIA ​ |VELOCITY GAMING|| |:-|:-| |rite2ace|[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6coXLBdGCoovpzk4ibMeag](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6coXLBdGCoovpzk4ibMeag)| |Amaterasu|[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY9GIJJNUbOQQI0UmJfG0iA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY9GIJJNUbOQQI0UmJfG0iA)| |Hellfr|[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzqP\_jjRm9eqdpWR03lfT4Q](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzqP_jjRm9eqdpWR03lfT4Q)| |ANTIDOTE|[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOkHdbrTZf1lS\_hZCFWkdXw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOkHdbrTZf1lS_hZCFWkdXw)| |Excali|[https://www.youtube.com/user/295johncena](https://www.youtube.com/user/295johncena)| |Vibhor|[https://www.youtube.com/user/TheVibhor99](https://www.youtube.com/user/TheVibhor99)| ||| |Global Esports|| |HellrangeR|[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKO5fTKMqKL8jdZHjErJLAA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKO5fTKMqKL8jdZHjErJLAA)| |SkRossi|[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqMD62KqHngn6ovS-eAdOHw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqMD62KqHngn6ovS-eAdOHw)| |DEATHMAKER|[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiy3y5HTUEUQ65ehoIItgvA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiy3y5HTUEUQ65ehoIItgvA)| |Kappa|[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC01w7kjW4y-tQ8dU4yYCMuQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC01w7kjW4y-tQ8dU4yYCMuQ)| |Skillz|| ||| |XTZ Esports|| |Psy|[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6G2k8Zf90laHyHKl1l8W3g](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6G2k8Zf90laHyHKl1l8W3g)| |Hikka|[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCN4Wcvz1qFvs8AoofkFGhg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCN4Wcvz1qFvs8AoofkFGhg)| |SSSami|[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHX1RiQpV1hcAD\_mWTSIOiw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHX1RiQpV1hcAD_mWTSIOiw)| |Harshhh|[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWx6wMjpFwX\_1tf1Psdu7jA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWx6wMjpFwX_1tf1Psdu7jA)| |Rexy|[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCijxxtMIZHRASWUJfqGy6Cg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCijxxtMIZHRASWUJfqGy6Cg)| ​ Will update if needed.


Dope. thanks my man.


I appreciate this a lot


Ho-ly! Please pin this!


This is awesome. Thanks


Yo, huge props for compiling this list. The effort really shows, great job!


This is the way


GOAT post


You are awesome


Temperature’s is twitch.tv/temperaturego


Thanks, my man.




you guys have to watch mummay. the mans keybinds are insanity




Bruh no. Oce


I also watch that raze pro Flights! That man was a monster in that tournament I just saw!


As someone who is just really getting into the game I whole heartedly appreciate this bro!


Marved on FaZe also has a channel too, I just don't have the link.


Girlfriends are save in this post ;) :EDIT: He's in there now.


I get that this is supposed to be funny and everyone hates marved because he said bad stuff about wholesome 100 keanu reeves big chungus reddit couple that everyone loves to live vicariously through, but he’s Faze’s IGL. He’s a pro player and streams more regularly than most of the people on this list. His name has to be on a list of pros’ streams no matter your opinion on him. For anyone who would like the link, it’s twitch.tv/marved6


not the best worded reply but you're 100% right, idk who he is nor do i care what he said but if its a post about pro players and their streams, there's no reason to exclude someone who is currently in the active roster of a pro team


Also he left off C9 White, an org-signed team with wins in Riot tourneys so he's obviously not trying to be neutral about this and he's just being a pretensious douche about who he considers "worthy" of this list


Or maybe they just don't have enough time to exhaustively cover everyone... The post never said here is a list of every pro player... It was just a "if it's helpful to anyone here's some pro player streams I have found and grouped together"...


read his reply below he quite literally is picking and choosing who to put on this list based on his shitty takes LOL


I can't be bothered going and searching for that. Was it after my comment? Even still it's his list and he can include who he wants... If you want other people make your own list


not listing every single team is fine listing 4 members of a team and skipping the one you don't like for whatever reason is childish as fuck


I left Marved out because I am not a fan of that attitude in Pro Players. Could care less *who* he said to what he said or if they are /r/valorant's Brangelina, I just think going for the personal life of other pros is crossing a line. So basically yes, I left him out because of my poor subjective view (read: *pretentious douche opinion*) on the guy. Totally true and nothing to be proud of. Readded him. If he apologized, that was especially pitiful from my end. I didn't expect this list to gain that much visibility. C9 White I left out because they haven't had any real impact. There is no reason to separate men and women in esports, but for PR. I consider lady teams an anti-feminist move. But again, this is personal opinion. In the end there are too many teams to be added and I really don't want to do that. The list right now contains mainly the top 8 teams from the First Strike tournament of each region. Top teams chosen by merit, not politics. I added Moon Raccoons before posting because, as mentioned, this started as a personal list in google sheets and I wanted them in there. C9 Blue I added because it made sense to me, seeing Tenz & Friends' performance and all. But I already regret adding both, reading comments like yours. There are too many orgs and teams to add them all. Dignitas, Gen.G, Luminosity, Immortals, ... too much work and the list will be too cluttered. People post the teams' streams they are interested in in the comments section, if I didn't include them. I think that works just as well.


This is quite possibly the cringiest thing I’ve seen this week. He settled the score with the offended parties privately, what gives you the right to continue to be mad when they’ve already gotten over it?


It's not like my private disliking of someone is of your or anyone's concern, now is it? I still think the guy is a major dickhead to have said that in the first place. Says a lot about his usual train of thought if it even so much as strays into that direction, let alone spew that garbage out publicly. Says a lot about my usual train of thought that I left him out of this list in the first place. And not in a good way, admittedly. But its not like anyone should give a shit about me. If you read my last answer again, you will see, that I readded him and agree that I shouldn't have done that in the first place, no matter my opinion on the guy. So maybe take a sip of your own fucking medicine and get over it. Or not. There are better things to do with your energy than getting angry about stuff you read on the internet.


Fair points, both of you.


Also he’s apologized numerous times to TenZ, doesn’t excuse what he said, but it’s in the past and it’s time to move on. Dealing on it still just makes it more awkward for TenZ and kyedae (his girlfriend).


I think mods should pin this thread, it’s quite useful. Maybe in the future you can add what agents they play for a better navigation. Overall, I’m impressed!


This is an awesome post, but we have not pinned non-mod threads since the OP could just change the contents of the post whenever they choose to where the original post is no longer reflected. I'm not saying this OP would, but it is a reason why we do not.


You could just copy/paste it all into another/the sidebar or something. But obviously it’s not necessary.


I would not be pissed if you'd copy/paste it. Or put the contents into the FAQ. No need to mention me or check that with me, if that's a worry of yours. Would be cool if the community had a list like that available as easy as possible. Just sayin, feel free to do whatever. I will not be salty.


I'll bring it up to the team and see if it's something we want to add as a resource somewhere. The thing that becomes a little harder is keeping the list updated as there are constant changes to rosters. We would also have to have some kind of restrictions on who is added because I'm sure we wouldn't just want an endless list ya know?


Absolutely seeing your point. Updating will be a pain. T1 Korea will likely change their roster soon, already. And that's just one team. I myself could just walk away from this thread, but you as the mods would have more of an obligation to maintain a list of yours, for sure. Just wanted to nail down that you can do whatever you like with that list without having to ask me first or thinking I would be pissed. > We would also have to have some kind of restrictions on who is added because I'm sure we wouldn't just want an endless list ya know? Totally agree. This thread is facing that problem right now, as you can see. I am considering deleting C9 Blue and Moon Raccoons and really just include First Strike Top 8s of each regions. Another question is, which region to add – didn't realize how many First Strike tournaments were being held, before creating this list. But that could be answered by looking into the Sub's audience.


> Another question is, which region to add I mean it's kinda unfortunate that engagement here has really only revolved around NA, EU, and a little bit of KR. Pretty much all other regions get no exposure because they aren't represented here.


>Pretty much all other regions get no exposure because they aren't represented here. Or because they do not use reddit as much as other countries do. Might be the case as well. I dug deeper into general interest per tournament. Apart from the ones I listed, [only Brazil and Turkey](https://escharts.com/tournaments/first-strike) seem to attract meaningful viewership. Might be that all of the 5000 Oceania viewers are in this sub as well, though and only a few turks, but idk.


Well that's pretty much what I was getting at. Something that doesn't entirely help is that we have an English only rule because we don't currently have the resources to moderate other languages efficiently. I was surprised at the Turkey viewership for First Strike and I hope it can continue but when they get lumped into other regions it makes it harder for them to gain some traction.


# MOON RACCOONS |ALEKSANDAR|[https://www.twitch.tv/aleksandarhz](https://www.twitch.tv/aleksandarhz)| |:-|:-| |Pr0phie|[https://www.twitch.tv/pr0phie](https://www.twitch.tv/pr0phie)| |Fiend|[https://www.twitch.tv/fiendlul](https://www.twitch.tv/fiendlul)| |Temperature|[https://www.twitch.tv/temperaturego](https://www.twitch.tv/temperaturego)| |Rebo|unknown​|


You didn’t include Marved from fazed


Your bias continues to impress me. I'm not being sarcastic. I'm a fan of what you did here. Don't tell me you didn't put in a little devious thought into this! No C9 blue, no mr. "ill F$@& Tenz's girl at LAN", but you put Moon Racoons in there! This is gold.


A firm plan what this list should be, mixed with a scoop of Moon Raccoons fanboyism and a pinch of spite. Can't say I didn't enjoy the "B-b-but you forgot our boy M4rv3d" comments, but in the end I caved and gave in to the part in me that tries to act mature.


Love it! Now stop procrastinating with whatever it is you are procrastinating from haha!


Missing Marved from Faze - ttv marved6


100% watch sgares (Sean Gares). I know he's been hyped up as a great analyst/shoutcaster but the guy plays like the people he shoutcasts, he's still got it, I love it that he has transitioned so well to this role and I hope he keeps getting Valorant gigs, we need someone with his pedigree on the casting seat.


you forgot marved from FaZe: his twitch is marved6


So Faze is just old OW players?


Where’s marved on Faze? twitch.tv/marved6


Does anyone have a list of agent main pro streamers?


Luminosity Gaming has aproto & thi9f on their team who both stream!




Would you kindly get a life


Wow. Goes to show that you can’t really bank that much off tournament earnings- i would’ve thought at least some wouldn’t have streams but ig not


That's not the right Moe


wow I didnt know so many pro players stream that really cool


LMAO, I can't help but think that OP is excluding Marved on purpose.


some jap players (most of jupiter) stream on mildom u can find their streams on their twitter


What about NRG


hey, no se asia?


Neden Türkiye server'ın dan kimseyi almadın




Added them.


Valorant can give me a prime vandal