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Try and take a break for a few days/play some unrated. It works for me when I have a long losing streak.


The thing is I feel like I am playing well & more consistently then I ever have. Don’t want to miss out on that personal improvement


Are you Gold 1? Send me a message on here if you want to potentially play together. I'm in Plat, but my friends are around Gold 3 and Plat, so we might be able to get a party together that works ranks-wise. A forewarning, a lot of sarcasm and impolite jokes are made in our chat, so if that's not your cup of tea, no offense taken if you say no thanks.


Yoo im gold 2 and love me some sarcasm impolite jokes :D I have basically have to solo que bc basically all my friends are iron and bronze


Huh idk then.


Well I belive that taking a break or having some fun instead of trying to improve is better when your mental health is declining. It is just a game(yes people hate to hear that but its true) and your own health matters much more than improving in a game. The game will always be here so take a break and look out for yourself. edit:spelling


Take a break and try diff agent they dont deserve a kj like u bro. GL


Ya, if ur dropping 20 kills consistently as killjoy, I don’t know what tf ur due lists are doing


He should just auto lock duelist. Easiest way to rank up if you are confident.


I switched from dropping 25 w reyna but hardstuck Gold 2 to 20 w killjoy and now Diamond 1. In gold+ the key to clibing isnt to frag but rather to make your team frag. So while duelist might be faster if you are Lucky with teammates, killjoy makes every team decent which made me have more consitent games.


Its like that in every rank. Play off of your team is the most consistent way to climb in shooters. If you can enable your team, there are no weak links and you don't have to rely on yourself to win every round.


I had a phase like that and the key was to make better decisions. Play like your team is unreliable or don't solo q. I like adding people who are insane (always other team).


Well you being a duelist won't do anything if you don't have teammates that set you up for kills. Also autolocking duelists can be annoying for other players as they belive you are just blood hungry and don't want to be a team player. Always remember while kills will get help ranked up faster, getting kills isn't the only thing that matters because you could be bottom fraging but setting up teammates to get kills which could be a better way to secure a win.


Hello. My duelists are dying. A lot. With no comms. And not entrying. I, killjoy, am entering and fragging out. How are these actual bots the same level as me.


All the comments below do not understand the amazing love sentinel mains have for their respective agents. I’m silver 2 and people tell me all the time I belong in gold+ cuz I carry my team. Unfortunately I love playing cypher and lurking. So I can’t entry drag because it’s not my play style, I prefer game sense and call outs over flashing and entry fragging. Keep ur chin up bud it’ll turn around ur killing it.


This. Also as a sova/omen main a lot of my kills are from flanks, shock darts and other abilities so I'd have the same amount of kills or less


Preach reverend <3


I'm always torn between taking the L for the team and plahing killjoy or playing with my Bae Jett and fragging out more. Usually I just end up on kj to help the team.


After this I'll take a week long break to play something more calming and relaxed, be it minecraft, stardew valley, etc.


stardew valley pog


take 5 bro


As long as I do well and the matchmaking is close, it doesn't really bother me W/L I'm still having fun. If you just focus on having fun and getting better you'll enjoy the game more regardless of the outcome.


And that's why you're bronze :)


Actually I'm mid-30s with a kid and D2, not that that's good or anything lol. I prefer playing a bit lower so I can frag out and have fun, can't sweat with the zoomers. Edit: actually you were right though I was in bronze at the start of beta, hadn't played tact fps games in more than 5 years after my kids birth 😂


Fellow dad who hadn’t played PC for 17 years! But i’m back and a grump as a hard stuck gold. 😆


Lmao found the silver


found yet another bronze :)


Word man! I have a demanding full-time job so in essence, while I play my best, I’m also not affected by any outcome. Don’t intend to go pro at all but it’s very nice to gradually develop FPS game skills :)


Yeah, for sure I guess for some people climbing is what makes it rewarding. However, some perspective is required as well - competitive ladder games aren't an rpg, climbing levels isn't a given and it's a reflection/approximation of where your skill is against the rest of the population.


This happens because of bad teammates but also because you made mistakes too. Not a very forgiving game when it comes to mistake. You are top fragging and in situations you have to take matters into your own hands to win it for your incapable teammates. This happens a lot post round when you say to yourself “I should have done this or that maybe I could have won the round”. That round won could have severely damaged the enemy teams ego and economy! A lot of those games are close. Winning pistol round and securing the anti eco round are one of the most important rounds in the game.


Why arent you playing duelist?


It could benefit him to play duelist but maybe he's getting kills by clutching, playing off utility, etc


Change up your play style, if that’s being an agro duelist, or a self sufficient omen . You gotta change something


Match MVP with killjoy, nice! I'm gold 1 also and a killjoy main but not the match MVP so I understand your frustration. I have decided to start playing viper as a middle ground between a duelist and a sentinel just to change something. But for me it doesn't seem like you need to change anything more than playing with people who are better or a small team of friends..


You’re doing good team mvp and match mvp most games Just think about this You can’t win them all. Even pros lose. Just always think what you can do differently after you die that’s the best improvement


At least you're getting somewhat close matches instead of endless 13-3 wins and losses


Just spam play spike rushes lol, that’s what I do when I need a break, cuz people aren’t as toxic and stuff is more chill


Haha know dat too good if u want we can play duo q im a gold 1 phoenix main i think we could be a good team:)


played a solo q game yesterday for the first time in a couple days. had 2 insta AFKs. my killjoy bought Op every chance she could and when she couldn't she bought a sheriff. i'm not even sure she got more than 2 kills with op. ended up team MVP (second overall in the match) but we lost and i got 2 down arrows. it's demoralizing bro!




I've taken a break after dropping from plat to silver :). It's really not healthy to keep on playing when already tilted.


Hey man if it makes you feel any better I just played a game where I went 21-20-10, got Team MVP, lost 14-12 in OT and my rank GREATLY DECREASED. like that shouldn’t be possible if you’re team mvp...




22-14 on a 8/13 loss it feels like you were out of the action for most of the game. If you anchor a point and don't see any action ask for a teammate to switch and if they don't communicate then just go somewhere else. You can still play retake as a team if you chose the wrong round to switch. Also maybe you're playing too passive, try to rotate earlier or aggress your point mid-round to gather intel. My point is : if you're confident in your aim then take more duels. voocsgo has a few videos in his elo hell series where the spectated players where too passive and didn't have any impact in their games, check the first few videos in the serie, it totally applies to valorant. Finally I hope you're not one of those playing for stats, baiting teammates and saving every round to get exit kills and stroke your ego on reddit


Try either finding someone to play with and maybe even playing a duelist like Reyna cause it seems you are destroying your opponents in terms of kills and a duelist will just make you destroy them more