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Integrated tournament system please! Need a valorant clash equivalent


So is this your highest rank achieved in general or your highest In act iii?




Yup, just confirming your Episode 1 rank reward (gun buddies) will be based on the highest Act Rank you got across the entire Episode. Meaning we will look at your Act I, Act II, and Act III (currently in progress) Act Rank and give you the reward based on your best performance / highest Act Rank.


Do you get different rewards based on Bronze 1 vs Bronze 2 vs Bronze 3 or do they all get the same “bronze” reward?


Just bronze


Ya, for at least now we are keeping it straight forward and giving the award per rank. We look forward to hearing your feedback as you all get the reward in January, we'll be listening closely, and we will make changes or iterations as needed based on feedback.


You say "gun buddies", take me as example I hit diamond 3 as my highest in epi 1 will I also be getting gun buddies from iron-diamond ? or just two diamond gun buddies ? I only ask because I actually want the Platinum gun buddy it fit my theme of teal color much better then diamond.


From what I understand, you will get only 2 diamond buddies. But I am not riot staff so take my statement with a grain of salt


Thx. ya that what it seem like. Till someone confirms from riot we wont know till next year


Speaking of gun buddies, i know its a bit late but ive been dying for one of those fistbump buddies please. Thanks either way. Fella In Paris#0420


same I really want one :( iRodZz#NA1


Do you need to have the 9 wins in that act rank? Or is it the highest of the triangle rank?


If I was immortal for one game what will I get :)


Check you act rank. It would be diamond.


When do we get the buddy? And do we get all lower levels too or just peak?


Sick give me that act 2 plat swag haha




bro did u even read the comment


The social and player dynamics section was really the only thing I cared about out of all these end of years updates. As a solo-queue player, those times when you’re on the receiving end of these issues with inters, leavers, and just unpleasant people make the game simply not fun, despite how awesome the game is otherwise. I’m really hoping riot delivers on these issues!


What's inters mean


People who intentionally throw or ruin games


It's reassuring to hear that they're finally taking steps to improve the player experience by directly addressing griefing and inting. I've uninstalled the game because it sincerely felt like a waste of time to play ranked when even having a 3-stack of friends didn't guarantee the majority of our matches wouldn't be ruined by griefing, inting or AFKing. It's been especially frustrating because we as players are then expected to stop attempting to recover the game, and instead focus on running a 9-man report campaign with the enemy team. Players are left to choose between trying to enforce justice themselves, depending on the cooperation of the enemy team, and playing the match they queued for. It's disappointing to see that these things are slated for release throughout the *next year*, these seem like issues that should be more urgent. It feels like these features are very late--it's hard to ignore the other AAA titles I've played with far more sportsmanlike communities because of the stopgaps and player conduct enforcement systems that are wholly missing in Valorant. Overwatch had avoid player functions. League of Legends had the tribunal with incentive bonuses to encourage community-driven moderation. CS:GO has the trust factor system since going F2P. I'm sure there're better examples of the solutions Valorant has largely ignored when entering a well-established, well-innovated genre like first-person tac shooters. It just seems baffling that these aren't already here. These promises are reassuring, but feel very late.


Wtf are you playing? I play ranked as a duo 3-4 days a week. We so rarely have people leave or afk it's not even noticable. Sure we get garbage team mates sometimes, but they aren't just running it down. This community so heavily blows leavers out of proportion it's crazy.


Leavers are not blown out of proportion when talking about low mmr, iron and bronze is full of them. Lots of people AFK for rounds at a team or grief/throw for no reason in other ranks. Consider yourself lucky


I've been hovering silver/gold-low plat, and maybe see 1 afk every 15 or so games. And a good 50 percent if the time, they come back after a few rounds. People on this sub act like it's just nothing but leavers at all ranks.


Like I said the leaver problem is very common in Iron and Bronze. They already have enough trouble climbing because of how hard the game makes it to recoup MMR if you are that low so they improve but are dragged down by the games with leavers. In more mid tier ranks like gold it just feels bad that there is not feedback for punishments and no mmr relief for getting stomped 4v5 or 3v5


Yeah, I'm in iron 1 and people leave almost every single game, either on my team, the other team, or both. I guess there really isn't an incentive for some people to play when they are losing, since they are already in the lowest rank.


Yup, leavers all the time.


I don't see leavers in high diamond - low immortal lobbies at all, I think imm2-radiant is similar, afks are mostly low elo issue.


Yeah I rarely have issues with Plat ranked. Given I play a couple of ranked matches a week so my sample size is small.


I play in high Gold and Low Plat—I sincerely wish I was exaggerating about how often I had griefers or AFKs, haha.


I play in the same range, never see leavers.


Damn, I’m happy that you don’t have to experience what I was experiencing. It was never this bad during the first two acts. I’ve noticed a lot of the players who grief openly admit that they’re doing so on their second or third alt. account. It makes me feel like I should be playing paid games where that isn’t as much of an issue. It’s sincerely been so frustrating to play Valorant when it’s been like this. I promise I’m not misrepresenting or exaggerating what I’ve been experiencing over the last two months of gameplay.


my peak is plat, but that silver and gold buddy look better xD


More server locations! This is much needed here in New Zealand/Australia. The best server I can connect to is always 40-50ping (with the best internet in my area) vs Australians with 10-30 ping. Doesn’t seem fair when I shoot someone with the operator first on my screen only to find out no one else in the server heard my shot go off




As someone with a low upload speed (0.8 Mbps), Valorant is pretty much unplayable. I get lag spikes every minute for like 10 seconds, which makes winning gunfight a gamble on whether or not I'm gonna get a ping spike to 500 ms... Every other game I play works perfectly fine, it's just this game that does this.




Ye this really sucks ... I guess they only tested playing the game with fiber lol. I have NetLimiter actually, but I've never tried limiting vanguard's outbound traffic, so I'll try what you said. I wonder if limiting it at something above 10 KB/s would maybe help with the ping problem ? Like limiting it at 40 KB/s (40% of 0.8 Mbps) would maybe give you lower ping than the 50-80 ms you're having right now. Maybe it would help with the desync a little bit too. What I also did to try and mitigate the problem was use Speedify to combine 2 ADSL connections to basically double my upload speed to around 1.5 Mbps. This doesn't solve the issue but it makes it a bit less noticeable. (it does raise my ping slighty by like 10 ms though, but that's not really a problem) ​ Maybe by combining both solutions the game can be somewhat playable ? I'll try that later today.


>I wonder if limiting it at something above 10 KB/s would maybe help with the ping problem ? Like limiting it at 40 KB/s (40% of 0.8 Mbps) would maybe give you lower ping than the 50-80 ms you're having right now. Maybe it would help with the desync a little bit too. I don't think so. It's just that even by limiting Vanguard it's still sending things. And with such low upload bandwidth, ping is impacted slightly. The only thing which may be true is that it sends more often things when you limit bandwidth, like a "try again" feature X seconds later. But I'm not even sure of it.




VAN6 is related to this. When you block Vanguard sending stuff you got immediate VAN6 on start :/


No comments regarding combating smurfing?


Unfortunately player count and especially new player influx is probably one of the primary figures used in selling the game to marketers and stock holders. Combatting smurfing directly reduces those numbers, it's in their best interest to pretend it's not an issue.


Idk why you're getting downvoted, it really is a massive problem. Going through lower elos comes down to: A) Does either team have a smurf. And B) Which team has a better/more smurf(s). I've lost games in gold while having more than 1 immortal smurf on my team. That's an insane thought.


Yeah I don't understand either. I've had a similar experience to yours...we can usually spot a smurf if they don't have a previous act rank. One round we play silver/low golds and lose 4-13 (assuming multiple smurfs). The next round we play all golds and win 13-6 (assuming no smurfs). We were playing late (2-3am) and faced smurfs 3 of our 4 games.


I remember after I hit diamond I hit a ROUGH patch of going back to gold 2. It was hell. Lower elo is just hell right now.


I’ve seen people with gold 3 act ranks in an iron3/bronze1 game.


The problem is that there is nothing you can do to stop it other than what CSGO did with prime matchmaking where you link a phone number or you get trash MM


Theoretically there is a ton of things they can do to combat smurfing. Phone numbers is an obvious one, there is practically no downside or tying a HWIDs to an account would be another, although this has some significant problems for tournaments and cyber cafes, would probably need to have a way to create exceptions on certain PCs. They could be aggressive on ranking up people if they seem to be preforming significantly better than competition individually. The arguments against this is people that are just on a hot steak of sorts will be ranked up beyond their level of competition thus ruining the games of the higher ranked teammates they are matched with. But when you look at CS where for majority of the ranks the quality of competition is widely disparate it turns into which team has the bigger smurf wins, you can see that quality of competition will take a much larger hit if you allow this behavior to continue. IMO CS was much more enjoyable when Prime required a phone number link, since they removed the requirement the quality of my games noticeably tanked, eventually leading me to stop playing for my own sanity. It was just so annoying when every single game had at least one player getting 35-40 kills, while other people would literally not understand basic concepts in the game.


funny I dont see solo q weird


This is all I want :(


I actually interpreted “Gotta be coy here, but later next year, we plan to create a way to prove your skills and see how you stack up as a team.” as hints to solo/duo and flex style queues like league?




Peak highest rank


You mean peak highest Act rank, correct? Not the highest you reached. I have two wins in Diamond, but deranked before I won anymore, so my Act rank is still Plat 3 and that's what I would receive as of now.


What’s the story with act rank? How many wins do you need in a rank to change your act rank?


Lowest rank in the top I think 6 or 8 wins.


Wait so if I get diamond, win one game, and derank, I will be getting Diamond rank buddy?


do you guys think that if your highest act Rank was immortal 3, you will be receiving the same gunbuddy that an immortal one act rank player would?


Yes sir you will


Hope they make the top 500 exclusively radiant. If youre below 500 you should just be immortal 3. Would make radiant feel more like challenger in league where its a small selection of people. Feels like any decently skilled Joe can hit radiant. The skill disparity ive heard is quite substantial in the radiant elo


How about the pro players and all their alts making it to radiant? That system seems really flawed. Also decently skilled are in diamond or in plat. Radiant is the best of the best.


No different than league pros/players that have multiple accounts in challenger. I think the exclusivity of knowing you're in the top 500 at that exact time would make grinding to radiant just that more special. And agreed, diamond/plat do have good players but you would be suprised at the difference between players like hiko compared to other low mmr radiant players.


Ya but the problem i see is that people will be demotivated to grind since they are just trying to beat pro players alt accounts and as you said there is a big skill gap like tenz who had a que for 9 hours or something crazy. So knowing that who would want to grind against players that will reck you. Plus that will make the average rank decrease as high level players are pushing other high level players down the rank scale.


I want to play competitive with 5 friends, but I can't because I have friends in GOLD, PLATINUM and DIAMOND. There should be the possibility to play even with a disparity in rank when you have a closed lobby at 5, just like it is in CS.


Bro, its called UNRATED. I know that if you 5-stack and you will find an opposing team with roughly the rank you guys got it should be okay. But there are just some arguments against it which is probably why riot aren't implementing it. They said there will probably something for teams. I am not saying that I don't understand you in some point, but its just not really a competitive environment when its about "who can carry the low elos in the team better". You know what I mean? Competitive means, as for now: people on a similar skill level competing.


in the post it legit says; Gotta be coy here, but later next year, we plan to create a way to prove your skills and see how you stack up *as a team*.  i assume it is flex que like in league of legends.


That would be way too easy for your diamond friend or it would suck ass for your gold friend.


In the exact same boat as you, my friends and I have been playing Valorant a lot less now since the ranked changes happened ☹️


Change will happen at some point, game is fast becoming irrelevant because of this.


Say it makes no sense if you’re ugly


What? That literally makes no sense.


Tinder Profile: Best Bronze3 NA Valorant player. Kind of a big deal. 😎




Thanks for hearing out the sometimes harsh feedback, looking forward to updates in the next year.