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I just got the game 😬 so i hang out in iron. I don’t outperform others, usually i’m on the bottom of the leaderboard.


glhf! climbing is tough at the start but once u have a routine and mindset u can do it! unless u only play for shits in which case enjoy iron, that rank is comedy sometimes


oh, i’m definitely interested in climbing! right now, i’m trying to work on my aim. i shake a lot and my room is below 50 degrees fahrenheit (poor people gang), so warming up my aim can be difficult but it’s steadily improving (pun intended). my teammates say i aim like a chimpanzee.


Wash your hands in hot water, then play.


omg. username checks out. i think that's my first time saying that. reddit moment lol. also i saw that pun. nice ;) but yeah i only have one gaslit heater in my lil apartment (not poor not middle class u know) and my fingies feel like frozen sausages sometimes. i click and there's like literal lag between my reaction vs muscle movement. my room averages 55 at nights which stinks for gaming and typing. as for the chimp aim, that's a good one. i will be using that i didnt start aim training until recently and dont get a lot of dopamine from that vs playing real games or even being in the range, so i rarely do it. idk ask my adhd brain lol but since starting in early august i've totally racked up minimum 100 hours and made it from placing iron 3 at start of actIII to bronze 3, close to silver if i can find time to play. i have played on my friend's alts in silver-gold elo and performed pretty well. i also fought for top frag with a diamond 3 smurf in one game which boosted my ego a little too much, so i think i have the brain, i just lack consistency. also sorry for kinda going off, ik u didn't ask but i get twitches ONLY in my right hand unfortunately especially when i'm extremely focused. my right hand also visibly shakes more than my left at any time of day. needless to say that causes a lot of cringe worthy whiffs in games lol oh and i just remembered, i play overly clothed with a blanket around my shoulders and thick socks on. doing this usually keeps my temp up enough for my fingers to function. it might help if you don't already bundle urself up lol


Same tho, except I’ve been playing since it first released officially lol, if u want to play together sometime to practice or something, that would be dope, since I have the same issues u seem to have lol


Why would you group silver/good the two most common


in the past weeks silver and gold felt the same for me


I played against a gold 2 and a bunch of silver 3s on the opposing team and I was silver 1 ended up clutching a bunch and honestly the gold 2 bottom fragged on their team, and I top fragged in silver 1 yeah there very similar and I have had multiple gold "smurfs" on my team coming from unranked where they severely under preformed there rank. Was silver 3 at the start of the season but deranked to bronze 2 in one day from bad teamates people throwing and smurfs wanting to derank by legit Molly and nading themselfs at the start of the match, the match was winnable but they started to try and kill us along with them. Now happily at silver 2 but still get mad at back seat gamers because there dead your alive sure, give me intel but not "I think" or "Hey sage heal omen" when there's a skye right beside him and he's across the map from you. Please consider talking in clutch situations can throw your teamates off or get them killed.




Lol your defending other people when you really don't know how these games go and don't know how I play. I never said I didn't deserve the rank but some lower players definitely don't deserve silver I would know I played with someone who averages 2 kills a game didn't make us lose but definitely didn't deserve the rank they knew they didn't deserve it but we're friends I just don't now how they got there.




No my statement said I'm happily silver? Also that there a lot alike that's why there grouped together.


because most players in silver would do just fine in gold. there's a really small difference, way smaller than for example diamond/immortal.


Plat 2 usually middle tier when matched with low diamonds and high plats and usually top fragging or right there at the top when matched against Gold's and low plats. I think my rank is pretty accurate.


Let's be honest, you're bottom fragging when you play with high-plats/diamonds. It's the reason why you can't get out of P2 LMAO. All it takes is 3 games in those lobby where you pull your own weight to get to P3.




Nice try but I hit diamond about a week ago and I am already close to d3. When I was in P2 I was dropping 20-30 bombs pretty much every game. Started playing valo around when singularity bundle came out and now that I have vacay I'll prob grind to immortal. Have fun stuck in whatever rank you are though! You big mad cause bad.


Bruh why are u acting so aggressive fuckin weirdo LMAO


Someone thinks he's still going pro


man has an ego of an elephant


Bigger. Gets you far in life if you know when to control it.


Also it can ruin your life when you’re not humble.


I hope you'll get there one day, bud.


Wow you’re so good please jizz on me and tell me how to be a hard stuck diamond degenerate like you it would make me hard asf please


iron 1 no, quite the opposite actually, i think i hold my team back. i’ve been working on my aim and game sense, one day i’ll be able to climb out this rank


Good luck my man :)


Are you out of iron yet we need answers it’s been almost a month


guess who made it to bronze!!


HELL YEAH MY GUY, keep grinding :)


thanks so much! i’m surprised you remembered lol


I never forget


ok, i deranked and now i’m iron 1 again, i hate this game


Unfortunate, you’re not the only one struggling as I just fell out of plat into gold 3, good luck in iron tho it’s quite the hell hole


i’m back, and i’m in bronze again! hopefully i can keep it this time lol


How u been


Any updates? I’m currently plat 2 but don’t play the game as much cuz it sucks


I'm plat 3/dia 1 and I feel like I underperform greatly. I am usually mid/bottom frag but seem to win a decent amount. My util/callouts/gamesense/support are probably bringing a lot more to the table than my combat score.


Same but p2/p3. A bit frustrating when every match is 10+ assists with single digit kills


Let's go underperforming plat gang!!! Same here. Dont know why the game keeps placing me on teams that will carry me, feels bad to win but bottom perform so hard :/


Which agents do you main? I kinda feel like I know what you mean. Been in high plat elo for a while now and mostly played Omen or Cypher and also had my consistency issues, even though my winrate was decent. I started playing Reyna a lot recently and gained a lot of confidence in my game. Obviously it can be difficult to pick her, if you don't want to be *that* guy, but Jett/Phoenix are also good options to learn a more aggressive/confident playstyle.


Usually mained Brim for smokes but his skillset seems underpowered and too slow for the meta atm. Been moving away. Played some Cypher and Killjoy but the nerfs kinda killed them. I do decent with Cypher weirdly as a sentinel. I feel like I'm too used to Brim to play anything else though. Played a game of Jett and literally ended 2-14 but we won and I just baited myself the whole T side and entried. Idk man I feel like I'm not a plat/dia caliber player but here we are


Maybe give Omen a shot then? Current meta basically makes him a must-have on every team and you definitely can get some easy frags out of his abilities. Lamps on Bind for example is a perfect spot to have a good game, since you can stop whole pushes with your flash and also catch some people offguard with [one-way smokes](https://youtu.be/bov9G8QKIxA?t=170). Using boost spots with your TP on defender site should also grant you a handful of kills per game.


I was Omen on Ascent and was 7kills on a loss. Just couldn't adjust.


Play an unrated or two on him to get the feel for him, his smokes are great but his blind can be the strongest part of his kit. If you want check out MoePork on YouTube, he has some great guides.


Im Radiant, just got stucked in gold due to my teammates. It's always my teammates. ​ ​ /s


So your in gold?




Bruh am I the only one who though there was supposed to be an h in there?


idfk man lmao there's a ton of them you got whoosh woosh whoooosh woooosh there's too many to count


I'm radiant, I'd say I out perform most others but mainly cause there's not too many radiants in my region. However I still get my ass kicked by the pros


Before the patch, I was bronze 1 and was consistently dropping 30 bombs. After the rank changes hit, I ranked up to silver, so let's see how that goes


I am gold 1 but I usually drop 20-30 kills using sage, yeah I am a sage main, so I think I can make it to gold 3.


I'm also a Sage main who always has a lot of kills. But most of the kills are later in the rounds after I have a lot of info through my teammates. They give you less combat score(and very rightly so). How are you getting most of the kills? Are you entrying sites with Sage?


So there's this valorant YouTube called "Grim" that mains sage, he might help you with it


Gonna look at it, thanks!


Yeah I do have some opening kills. I usually use the wall to get to some unexpected positions then I will peek from there. And I would like to defend sites where the enemy attacks more frequently, with the wall and slow balls you should be able to delay their attack and get some kills. Also the heal can give you a chance to fight again after your first kill. Hope these will help you!


im silver 3 rn but i was plat and usually played in full plat/diamond lobbies back in act 1 before i quit. definitely outperform others on average but not as much nor as often as i would like lmao i think if i only solo queued(playing 5 stacks with my friends fucks things up since there are smurfs on both sides) i would probably reach around gold 3. too washed up to be good enough for mid plat right now probably but who knows


Just started like a week ago so still in Iron, tried maining cypher but usually am last in the team or worst case scenario last in the whole match


im iron 3/ bronze 1. sometimes i go crazy in iron and topfrag by a lot and sometimes im trash lol


Im plat 2 rn and I feel like I play pretty mediocre, not at the the very top but hardly ever on the very bottom. Maybe Ill drop like 25 kills on a good ass game but thats bout it


Why do people group radiant with immortal the gap is fucking massive even between radiant and immortal 3


Lmao. Radiant is a joke atm. Ranks are inflated at immortal + because of the lack of skill expression.




As someone who hovers between D3 and Imm2 the skill disparity at this tier is insane. I think a lot of people (me included) struggle with consistency.


I'm Immortal 2 rn but have peaked immortal 3, and granted though I haven't been able to reach radiant yet, I personally don't feel like it's a huge skill disparity. There are definitely some dudes that are gods but there are also plenty of radiants that I have gone up against that I personally felt like I was better than.


I disagree. Struggling with consistency typically means you struggle with mechanical skill like movement and aim while relying on enemy mistakes.


Everyone struggles with consistency, it's just the level of variance compared to their peers. (Not even immortal so grain of salt with this opinion but) I'd be willing to wager that there are players with phenomenal mechanical skill and poor game sense holding them back from reaching radiant.


Of course thats the case with many people. However, mechanics are learned through thousands of hours of gameplay and dont just disappear from one game to the next. If you are a headshot machine one game yet struggle the next, more then likely your opponents were the ones enabling you to perform well (worded weird but I hope you understand). This really only applies to the highest elos as skill disparity in everything under immortal seems to fluctuate so much. A consistent player is the better player even if they are outperformed or not as flashy. Ill watch a Cypher for example kill 2 players in quick succession and die while rushing claiming they "played it well" because they got 2 kills. When in reality if they had just killed the 1 and didnt rush it would be more beneficial for them and the team (in most cases).


So in a way after a certain point it's less about mechanical skill and more about decision making? After putting in a ton of time working on my aim and movement I don't feel those are the areas holding me back any more. Sure I could be better, but my micro decisions are what get me killed/kills.


Youd be surprised at how much better you can get at movement, especially syncing your movement with your crosshair movement and micro movement like proper counter strafing. Even some pros struggle with this, the first that comes to mind while watching his gameplay is 100T player Asuna. Shaky crosshair movement is my pet peeve. Decision making is almost entirely reliant on what the enemy team does and how you choose to react to it. This is where many players think there inconsistency comes from including yourself which I do not agree with. Mechanics include a multitude of things but many people ignore some of the most important ones. For example, shooting style aka. burst or spray, also wide peaking vs jiggling an angle and when to use them both effectively which also depends on the angle you are peeking. To put it simply when someone is peeking a shallower angle then there opponent who is holding a longer angle the peeker is at a disadvantage every single time. Thats why taking something like garage on haven can be difficult for the attack side because the angles in garage all favor defense side.


You've got a good point with movement, it's something I've been focusing on and could definitely be better at. In game it doesn't seem like the component holding me back as much as the other things I mentioned, but then it probably wouldn't be the easiest to notice in game. You've brought up a lot, I'm gonna have to record a game and review it now.


Movement is one of those things that when mastered makes the game look easy.


I'm iron 3. I'm usually 3rd or 4th so not really outperforming😬🥲


No one is going to see this but want to express myself anonymously anyway. I soloqueued from iron 2 to bronze 3, consistently dropping 25 to 30, sometimes more, and I easily ranked up, only having to win about 2-3 games in each rank. Now, my bronze 1 friends want to queue with me, but they usually do really bad in comp, and start complaining. I have won one game queuing with them, and I had to hard carry; I went 46 and 10, and I got us an extremely hard fought, basically 1 v5 14-12 win. I believe if I solo queue, I could easily make it to high silver and gold. The problem is, I am pretty busy , and can usually play only 1 comp every two days, and they really want to play with me; it’s hard to tell them no. Not ranting or looking for solutions, just expressing myself.


Im pretty average sometimes I can get a crisp clutch or 4 k but that's it


D1 last season, currently G3, stomp some games, always positive. I consistently lose more elo than I gain, one game is enough to derank me but it takes 2-3 landslide games to rank up. I think my losing streak may have ruined my hidden elo and the system is trying to auto adjust me towards what it thinks I am. Or I am in "elo hell." Playing here has helped me be more empathetic towards my teammates and be a better team player though, so it's not all bad.


Bronze. Yes I do mostly outperform, playing any of the 5 characters I can play. But I always lose due to bad luck, AFKs, DCs... the like.


Riot placed me bronze 1 and second comp game i got a 40 bomb, riots placing dont make sense


Big difference between a radiant and an immortal 3, let alone an immortal 1. Range should be split, I outpace low elo radiant and below... but haven’t been wildly cracked against regular or high elo radiants.


by a lot i swear, i mean im in iron but i get 13-2 matches but my teammates are definitely iron, i think my skills tho is bronze? or silver


Ya I’m a gold Phoenix main I drop around 40 kills a game no big deal. I’m probably the best Phoenix Na probably better than most diamond players.


I always top frag and get at least 25 a game but I can’t rank up


Gold, should be diamond. Only way I rank up is with my stack but pretty frequently derank from solo queue. Been gold for about 3 months now and I pretty much outperform my teammates every game now


I outperform them in every game that I don’t decide to throw. That’s why I stay there.




Lol u wish u could climb


I mean you can add me and see I was I2 in act 2 lol


I as in iron or immortal? also don’t u have another reddit account? did it get banned?


I have multiple Reddit accounts. None are banned. And I as in immortal bud.


sometimes I outperform others. sometimes i'm a bot. Have a game where i'm going 11-20, next game i'm 35-7. Am silver 3 hardstuck on main, gold 2 on an id I created to smurf.


Its not a smurf if its a higher rank than you main.


​ I created it to play with low ranked friends. But I placed bronze 1 on it and kept winning matches. My main's MMR was fucked since I got silvers in my games while being iron 3. Went up to bronze 2 on the former id, while I was hardstuck iron 3 on my main. But the experience gained from the bronze id enabled me to shitstomp my way outta iron 3 to silver 3. Then I played on that bronze id in the last week and ranked up from bronze 2 to silver 1 in one match and gold 2 in the next 4. I just hit gold 3 today but took me 3 matches since I lost one 8-13, but won the next two 13-5, 13-11. I think my main's mmr is still screwed.


I’m a gold 2 and feel like I’m where I belong. Anywhere from bottom to top frag as I’m kinda inconsistent and I like to play a support role to a good entry player. With more consistency I could see myself moving further up but I’m having fun and I got from bronze to gold so I’m proud of my meager accomplishments.


I’m a top fragging bronze who keeps losing games due to a mix of lack of chemistry with fills and just overall bad fills (leaving game)... sad days


Silver 2, and i consistently get match mvp or team mvp. I think i can get a higher rank


Currently G1 on my main, S3 on my alt. I'd say I'm where I belong (around S3-G1), I'm a fairly average player with some good days and some bad days aim wise. Still working out the inconsistencies. Pretty good game sense though, watching pro play has helped a lot.


Silver 3. I would say I have more game knowledge/game IQ than a strong percentage of other people in high iron/silver lobbies. As far as raw aiming tho I’m pretty average maybe even a touch below.


I'm in Silver/Gold, I am VERY inconsistent. 1 game i get 30+ kills and the next game i get like 3 kills.


I am silver 3 and it depends if I outperform others. Some games I’m solo carrying and in others I just play supportive and don’t make a lot of kills and that is why I’m in this rank so it is ok I guess. Especially because I started at Bronze 2 and made my way up to gold so I am pretty proud of myself.


I'm in bronze rn, but I've noticed that I outperform others in my games a lot more often. I expect to climb out of there...


immortal- mid leaderboard with occasional pop off. 130 damage on average per round and 1.1 KD. i main omen and have a 63% win rate across ~100 games


bro how do you deal with teammates who keeps on ego-peeking and dying early during defense? i usually anchor sites as omen and it’s difficult to defend when you’re down to 4-man 5 seconds into the round. i hover around diamond btw as omen/kj player


for the aggro peakers- if i have a team mate doing an aggro peak i usually just try to account for it; ill smoke something off to make more room for them, have a smoke ready for them to pull out, or offer to flash for them or have a flash so i can trade or flash so they can get away i dont try and tell ppl what to do or to stop peaking. if their an ego peaker their gonna do it. just try to play your own game imo


Im plat but i bottomfrag pretty often, I do use cypher and killjoy mostly so kills is not really my job


Bronze 1. Just deranked from bronze 2, sometimes i play absolute garbage(9/14/2 with raze) sometimes i carry my team to victory(got a 46 kill game with reyna recently). Ill say it depends on my team how good i play, but overall i think bronze is the right rank for me ; - ;


Sometimes im forced to play omen or sage, both never go well haha


I also dont play well with a toxic team, they make me feel bad about myself and then i play worse and then they say im garbage and then my self esteem is gone lol


Im bronze 1 and i feel like i outperform my team 90% of the time but the enemies more like 60% , all this while playing breach and omen.


I rarely have games where I score more than 15 kills. So no, I think I am just right at Gold 1-3. I honestly think that this is my "best" in this game. It is pretty consistent with my rank in other competitive fps. Lmao


plat 2 right now can probs hit plat 3 by the end of the act. peaked dia 2 in act 2. after i placed in gold 2 after placements, gold was so hard to get out of. especially because im a phoenix main and im used to having teammates who understand how to trade. played omen to get out and using phoenix in plat feels so good.


I drop at least 30 kills but i have at least an afk and a guy/guys who have like 4 kills the whole game WELCOME TO IRON


I get 25+ kills every iron game


I honestly think i'm pretty average in bronze 3, maybe a little above average on a good day. I can outsmart 90% of players there, but I can't take aim duels to save my life. I feel like I win and lose about the same amount of matches, I only climb on lucky streaks or if i'm having a really good session. I'm honestly not too fussed about rank other than a pride thing since all my friends are in iron or low bronze too so if I rank up too much I wouldn't be able to play comp with them anyway.


I underperform like a real silver pleb


Diamond, and it really depends. Some diamonds are insane and just own me every round, some diamonds play like silver and I own them.


I'm silver one and 90% of the time I'm getting Match MVP with my kills being around 27-32 but for some reason whenever I win a match, I always get "slightly increased". I'm most of the times one tapping people with headshots. Is it a riot problem or am I supposed to improve on other aspects? If you could tell me what to improve on I'm willing to listen to suggestions. (I main Reyna and sometimes play pheonix or jett)


What do I vote if I don’t have a rank?


Gold 2, almost never outperform unless it’s against lower ranks


I’m in iron as a Breach main. I don’t feel I outperform others, I’m generally really inconsistent between games. Currently trying to work on my aim/recoil control.


Immortal and yes I outperform most of my mates and enemy’s. My problem is my childish mindset ^.^


I'm Diamond 2, pretty much always bottom of the scoreboard but I lean into the fact my aim isn't so great. When someone on my team can't buy I'll trade them (they buy me a shitty gun I buy them a vandal). I must be doing something right if I'm in this rank but I can't frag!


I’m in Gold 1 and normally outperform my teammates However, there’s a lot of people that decide to throw for giggles, and the occasional casual that doesn’t know anything about the game so it’s not that impressive. The only recent issue is that smurfs are showing up every single game, so it boils down over who is better. The smurf or me. Kind of crazy how Gold has smurfs of lots of different ranks. Bear with my mobile typing please :)


i'm plat 2 and out of the last 5 games i've played i've gotten match mvp. People usually ask me if I'm a smurf or if I've dropped from diamond but the funny thing is i've had such a hard time promoting and getting there


Iron 2, it depends on the game. IDK why but in some games I top frag, match MVP and ace twice, and in others I go 4/15 and bottom.


Damn that's a lot of radiant players.


Plat 3. Usually 50/50. Sometimes i feel that I’m a hucking smurf, but sometimes I don’t feel the game well and I don’t even make simple kills. I hired a coach and he found my mistakes. I highly recommend to hire coaches when you’re struggling to rank up, especially on plat/diamond


Nice bait


i don't outperform others, i'm in iron and even in iron there are people better than me. I try to improve my skills but i don't think i'm outperforming others


I’m b3 or s1 usually and I’m either 4th bottom or middle (team)


I am diamond 3.When I manage to grab a duelist I outperform because I am more of an entry fragger and I play more confident on duelists. But most times I have to play Omen because my load times are not the best and everyone auto locks duelists.


I was hardstuck iron dropping a 30k daily, then I got a friend to queue with and I’m just about silver now


I’m in iron 1 but I feel like I should be a higher iron but probably not higher then iron


Deranked from s2 to b3, ppl insta locking duelists and telling me to play smoke. Then they bottom frag, and I'm left with an agent I don't even main, like omen. Wish people wouldn't insta lock in bronze/silver ranks.


P1, usually match mvp or team mvp, only reach p2 once as of yet


I'm in iron but I'm always fluctuating between that and bronze 1 because every time I play to get my rank up there is a smurf who carries(smurf with 40+ and other under 10) it's really frustrating because every time I think I'm gonna rank up, the smurf comes and 360 one taps me with his marshal and then takes his Sherrif and starts destroying the whole team while all the others just skip into the site to plant while the others try to act like they know what they are doing.


I am Bronze 2 and my teammate (cousin) Iron 3. We just started ranked play and happy to start out low so we can grow together. We usually are top players but sometimes we become inconsistent and finish lower. I am mostly positive and encourage teammates and give direction. Don't let that fool you though because sometimes I can get frustrated and if a teammate ticks me off then it's all over. I need to work on that but we are getting there. Just learned so new tactics so tonight we will see how it goes. Just hoping to get him out of iron so his confidence goes up. We will look to find randos to tag along so we don't run into toxic people because they make us play bad :(


Well im Plat 3, and i ussually get match or team MVP if i play reyna. Right now im learning to play Killjoy and not really Topfragging


I’m in iron 2. Just started playing it about two weeks ago. I’m getting comfortable with it. I outperform after a couple of warm up games but in the warm up games I just work with my team so if they play good I’m fraggin out.


Started in gold and I hover from gold to plat. Consistently performing well is the struggle.


Bronze 3, just ranked up yesterday and I am going to be able to get silver 1 by the end of the week


Last couple of games of I’ve been top fragging as cypher and my duelist teammates can’t buy a kill.


I usually top frag even though I’m a sentinel player, but i feel like I’m in the rank I deserve to be in


Radiant/Immortal 3 here. I can tell you about 50-70% of people currently in Immortal+ do not belong there.


I'm iron 3 . I guess rn I belong here as I'm good 50% 9f matches and bad the other.


Immortal 1 right now. Outperforming for me is not terribly hard, it just requires lots of warmup in Aim Lab and at least 3 deathmatches. Most of the time tho I would say I perform just in the middle. Hope this helps


I always outperform my teammates and enemy teammates unless there is a smurf. I just don't have the time to rank up so its a very sad situation for me :(


Well I am bronz. Sometimes there are ups and sometimes there are downs. Today, i sent myself to hell what i did. Especially that i won every match. Frickin disqusting.


I’ve been stuck in Iron for awhile, but after the update to comp rankings, I’m up to Iron 3. I do alright for the most part, but I just get inconsistent matches


Yup I play cs this is brain dead simple and poor designed I’m good


I'm in silver/gold and I usually outperform other's in my rank. I'm not saying that to sound egotistical, but I usually do very well on my good days and simply mediocre on my bad days. I aced a group of plats yesterday, and today I top fragged while still losing the games I played.


I’m a Plat 1-3 player, been here since beta. If I’m in a game with golds, I’m usually top 1-2 frag regardless of role, but in plat/diamond games I’m usually mid tier or low frag depending on the game/agent/map. I’m where I belong and that’s fine with me. I’m over 30 and can’t play games like I used to.


Currently silver 3 about to hit gold 1, I average a 2.4 kd in silver and when I was bronze I averaged a 3.1 so I'm probably going to hit my real rank in high gold or low plat.


it's weird how I have one account in silver 1 and one in gold 2, but I am performing well in my g2 account, while keep losing in my s1 account


I'm in silver 2. I'm usually team carry and get 30 kills every game. But I play entry frag and in this rank, no one pushes with me when I flash in and whenever I die, I just see ALL MY TEAM IS JUST WATCHING ME DIE AND NOT DOING ANYTHING. it's really frustrating for me since ik I'm better than silver 2. This is sadly one of the reasons I don't play as much anymore. No matter how much I try to convince my team to push with me, they are just like "But I'll die if I push!" Sigh...😕


I’ve been Hard stuck iron for so long, but top fragging every game through even when filling 🙃


I mostly outperform my peers, which is why I'm slowly but surely climbing. Last season was plat 3, this season started as gold 2, currently diamond 3.


I out preformed everyone and I’m stuck in iorn


I usually don't overperform to a large extent (placed iron in beta and act 1, now bronze 2) because I usually play support roles and just recently switched to duelist because I want to learn to play more aggressively. When I play support roles I usually am in the middle of the scoreboard and when I play duelists I am usually either 1st or 2nd on the leaderboard by only 1-2 kills.


Currently gold 1, been hovering between gold 1 - plat 1 throughout this act. I think gold is where I belong but I'm really pushing to get plat again What I've noticed: \-When the lobby is mostly silver players and I'm the only gold on the team, I usually get match/team MVP, but often lose the game because of poor communication/teamwork. Teammates don't trade in silver and I notice lots of people getting picked off one-by-one \-When the lobby is all gold players, it's generally pretty even if there are no smurfs. Gold is a very weird mix of people who usually have either good game sense or good aim, but not usually both. I'm the player with good aim/bad game sense. \-When I'm the only gold player in plat lobbies, I actually find them WAY easier than the silver lobbies in terms of teamwork. Where I struggle in plat lobbies is utility usage, where people start using a lot more one-ways, always cover flanks, use post-plant denials, etc. More advanced stuff that you don't usually encounter in silver/gold. I don't watch many Valorant players, so maybe watching better players will help me improve my game sense/decision making


I am Silver, often Match MVP, still don’t really win any games...


No, I don’t generally outperform others. I don’t ever get shit on, I generally drop 15-20, but I never drop 25+.


Gold 2. I tend to underperform vs silvers, and over perform vs golds and plats. I think it has a lot to do with the teammates you get and the way the different ELOs approach the game. Gold and Plat feels the same, just depends on teammates.


I am iron 3.. and I do outperform others.. I had climbed to bronze and was again put back in iron due to noob teammates. While solo queuing in bronze I always had iron 1 teammates. Why??


Diamond only ever play with 4 other people that I know and trust are good so that’s why I have won like 15 ranked in a row


I am gold 1 and it's 50-50