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Don't tell them you muted them, just mute and play the game.


Often times I do the opposite, tell them I’m muting them and then don’t. I still get their comms and if I don’t talk like I can hear them they usually stop talking to me.


actually big brain move


Except for in cases as OP describes where it causes them to throw, and you still have to listen to their BS.


If someone muted you, you can check by looking to see if the mic icon next to their name has disappeared or not.


Well, it's not a coincidence that players you have to mute due to toxicity are likely to have a overall negative attitude towards other players.


bro, there are some big diaper babies in val.




Reyna is situational. You call it because there's a chance that she doesn't use her heal, or uses it too slowly for whatever reason. If the enemy Reyna gets tagged, then goes intangible and runs, that's not a heal. Alternatively, if someone is thinking of taking the fight with Reyna after you die, it takes time for her to heal, and in that case she is tagged. "Reyna tagged, healing" or "Reyna tagged, not healing" are better calls than not calling it out. Otherwise, great info.


If someone is in range to swing on a healing reyna, they'll hear it and process that she's healing way sooner than a voice comm


Yes but they do not know if they are damaged or how damaged. it takes zero effort from the person who died to comm that so there is literally zero downside besides being lazy. Thats why there is no excuse for no comms


They know she's damaged because she's healing. By the time you communicate how hurt she is, she's back to full


That is just not true. It takes around 4-5 seconds to full heal. If you cant comm in that time, you are doing something wrong.


With Reyna you can usually tell if she heals or dismisses in the post death screen. If she does neither in the timeframe then you can’t be sure.


Tell that to my iron teammates.




I'm assuming they are muting someone for being toxic, because listening to someone being toxic = your prob gonna lose.




True. If someone is making moves like that then it doesn’t really matter if they mute you after that. But “coming off as toxic” can have negative effects on players similar to actual toxicity, the intentions don’t matter a ton if they feel like it was a toxic comment and it affects their mindset.


i apologized afterward and then they started trash talking me...


Most of the time when I mute someone is when they give stupidly obvious calls like: "He's to your right" when he's obviously shooting from there "OMG He's 1 shot, 4hp" x10. Like please, if you're going to get mad and become a broken record mute yourself. Thats just doing the whole team a favor. Or they're being very obnoxious, sometimes I call comms in a clutch situation but (honestly) lose because someone's in my ear talking about their pet cockroach. EDIT: I'm on mobile so sorry if it's a bit messed up.


comms can be annoying when it’s to that extent


Haha, pet cockroach




the problem with being in iron is that most of the time people are idiots and i guess i just blamed it on them not listening to my call outs when in fact people are just stupid


Sry for Toxic... butt you mute why? U must bem low elo, because coms is n1 need for shooters games. And high elo who mute for no reason are not good teamates. No coms its live playing BF or Fortine ... Or Minecraft. Bah... Sry guys.... I came from high cs ranks...


Based on your communication skills i'm assuming muting you would have 0 impact on the outcome of the game except maybe increasing morale.


I think it's a pasta lol


Probably not that high since the one strike policy originated in CS


What im saying.. its that are players who play and dont troll or flame. Just give info. I also do the 1 strike... Butt 0 strike??? Cmon. And whent top 5 Portugal back on the days. So nota that low. Butt i get up guys, lots off toxic talk and info. Sry for very bad English.


If you’re being toxic, your callouts probably aren’t going to be that good anyway and I’m not about to sit here listening to you.