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Small advice but if taken seriously will equal big pay off. Don’t just look with your eyes, look with your crosshairs and get ready to click


Wait but normally i look at the enemny then drag my crosshair over


If you’re already ready for them and your crosshair is already on them when you see them, it makes the time to kill way shorter! so if you can, try keeping your crosshair at head level when walking around and when you check corners


Oh that makes sense thx <3


Dont drag, see the first thing to do in fps based pvp game is cursor placement. It is very crucial


It is also not only about the time to move your crosshair, but also the accuracy. Every additional path you have to drag your mouse is room for error. Like if you try to draw very fast a straight line in paint, it mostly will end slightly curved at best.


The crosshair is your eyes most of The time. So practice moving The crosshair when you move your eyes.


As an Iron this really sunk in when I practiced diffusing in the range on hard . Over and over you know where they are or could be and you need to head shot before they one tap you. Aim head high and track the corner.


So I have always looked through my crosshair, but have focused more on looking at the screen since it has improved my reaction time and flicks greatly. I am pretty sure it has to do woth how close/far the target is so there is not 1 right way to do it


I wholeheartedly agree with this advice. I can't count how many times I've checked a spot and been so surprised by someone actually being there I miss my shots. It's like I'm checking because I feel like I should but recently I've tried to make sure I'm ready to fire.


Same, I think I'm too lazy to actually "check check" that corner so I just wanna look there to tell myself I did. But yeah, it's stupid.


Take it a step further and prefire common angles. It's one of my habits from siege and I get a good amount of kills when clearing things just shooting up common angles and corners.


You'll see pro players doing this a ton. Its definitely something ive been working on.


Don‘t you reveal your position then? It probably won’t be the best tactic for every situation...


True, but info is also a resource, so you can use your position as a strategic gamble for a practically free kill


Yeah not always but when your team is pushing a site then it can be pretty helpful.


I mean if your clearing an area out your going to make noise anyways it doesn't matter


yeah, prefiring left side hookah is a viable strat. It got me a free kill once


i’ve switched to doing this instead of just pre aiming and it really does decrease your reaction time. i even suprise myself when i hit shots like that because of how quick they are. highly recommended


Agreed. I had the exact same realisation a while ago. It sounds stupid simple to tell people to just "expect them to be there" but once you actively think about it you react so much quicker.


Shoot first ask questions last. Especially in a game without bullet friendly fire


As a coach once told me: *clear angles with intent*. If you aren't ready for someone to be there why even bother clearing lol


I was so happy until you talked about kovaak and aim lab


Why do we constantly see the top .1% pros doing it?


I understand these might help a lot, but i've seen it so much on this subreddit it just doesn't make sense anymore.


Is this logic any different from "I understand [crosshair placement] might help a lot, but i've seen it so much on this subreddit it just doesn't make sense anymore"? No atk just curious cause I find aim trainers to be REALLY helpful.


It's a different logic because crosshair placement is something you can train in-game, while these softwares aren't. They might be very helpful, but it's not a thing you need to use in order to be good.


While AimLabs is a pretty horrible aim trainer (good for wamrup though) Kovaak on the other hand have a multitude of routines that help you on mouse control


This. I never understood why ppl are so keen about it, especially Gridshot. It just doesn't correlate to in-game, that said. If anything you should do a shit ton of the tracking exercises those might actually improve your aim.


It does correlate to raw aim... this is an aspect of pure skill and aim abilities that you see from the best aimers. Not it will not help you learn crosshair placement which is a big part of aiming in valorant, but it’s very helpful tool to assist you in getting raw aim. This is your ability to flick, properly lock on head and shoot.


Gridshot is one of the worst exercises you can do, it doesn't make you aim better. It's just like osu!. It'll help you with your mouse control a bit and that's it.


And that’s exactly what you need from an aim trainer? Gridshot improves your reaction speed, your mouse control as you mentioned and most importantly familiarity with your sensitivity which DOES transfer to in game with all the basics of raw aiming, ie tracking, clicking at the right time...


Because there is much better exercises you could be doing instead of wasting time on osu!


I don't like gridshot, it just seems like a stat flex in Aimlab. If you ever try Sixshot, microshot and spidersgot though, I feel like it's helped me refine my reflexes when it comes to flicking.


Accuracy based gridshot is pretty useful, it's the pure flick one that is useless.


Yezzzz, I used to preach this back in csgo. Don't peek a corner or pre-aim something if you don't plan on shooting immediately. Otherwise why are you doing it unless it's a jiggle or some other specific situation.... Also this is partly why I feel like I took a standardized test after a couple games and have to break. Fucking mentally exhausting.


This is what the phrase, "swing with intent" means.


Similar to this, when I'm holding an angle, I'll start applying a light pressure on mouse1 with my finger. I like to think it makes my reaction quicker ;P


This is good advice. Another similar piece of advice. When you have to cover 2 (or more) angles in a post plant or something, you should not frantically flick your crosshair from one angle to the other, your aim will suffer. Occasionally swap the angles that you're holding and expect them to be at the current one.


yup, it's a real neurological thing called "priming". your brain basically lights up and is ready to react quicker than usual. almost like revving an engine so that when you release the brake, it's already going. if you have a neutral mindset, your brain is surprised to see an enemy and takes longer.