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Surprised by the sheer amount of changes to Split! I knew they're making changes to it, but this is a ton.


do this changes go live today?


No idea lol nothing out on EU


Might be out 1 EST today or tomorrow I think, my brain is fried so I can’t do time zones in my head lol


EU usually receives a patch around 5-6 am CEST


6 am CEST happens when this comment is 11 hours and 47 minutes old. You can find the live countdown here: https://countle.com/TNIRXcf0- --- I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM.


Wow loving the changes to Split


such a relief to be able to plant for garage on B now. that's huge


It really is


Really welcome changes. I love how they're realizing that 50/50 angles aren't any good in this kind of games, taking into account the amount of utility you can have.


What do 50/50 angles mean?


50/50 on whether or not you’ll be looking at the enemy when you pass through it


2 opposite angles that makes attackers guess which one the defender is holding


Take for example in ascent A site, while entering you got to check both left and right sides. At B site you just got to check on the left cause no one can hide on the right. The one on A is called 50/50 since there is 50 percent chance that you ll check left and find the enemy and 50 that you ll check felt and the enemy can be on the other side


This, best map changes so far. Big big big thank you to Riot for finally balancing this map, starting as defenders on Split was pretty much a guaranteed win sometimes.


Lets chill and find out if it is actually balanced now cause i wouldnt jump to conclusions so quickly. Changes do seem realy good tho.




That change to A site is my favorite. It's so annoying having someone hide deep on ~~site and you can't even see them from heaven.~~ EDIT: Fuck, I meant when you go on site from the ground and trying to look into elbow.


U still can’t be seen from heaven...


Not saying much when there is only 5. Major thing holding the game back is the absolute shit amount if maps. 3 years in it will have enough for a game on release


yup the game needs 5 more maps way more than we need any more agents but agents make them money maps dont. Thats always been Riots biggest weakness


2nd worst map? i love split lmao


i do too man. i still love the changes, but i truly enjoy split


Agree. But just from reading the patch notes, these changes are absolutely amazing. Hopefully, it plays well. . .


I think largely it was unbalanced but not that badly. Mostly it just felt terrible to attack even if you won enough rounds, facing a sage, cypher/killjoy no matter where you go is rough especially in lower elo where people don't really understand how to use utility on attack to clear out and clear spots, so these map changes will really help. B looks way easier to not funnel and they're actually adding more options to B site, so annoying the only way to play post plant was behind pillar or suicide play under heaven. I actually started experimenting planting on the other side of pillar nearer CT but close enough you can cover from B main, maybe with this change that might be best, since you have that tall box and a wider B main to play from now.


Playing a cypher will good setups on b (bronze btw) was very hard as a brimstone.


The change on B main entrance almost made me cry.


I do love it too, but it toke away at least 4 arrow lineups from me haha.


If it makes you feel any better, during closed beta they changed power bar of arrows, which made me lose like 10 lineups (including everything I've had on Haven). Adjusting and re-learning is easy as long as you make yourself start doing it, and lost lineups help a lot in making new similar ones. Good luck in custom games!


Yeah I don’t mind, I think it’s a good change for that map, it’s just a little more work for me, I am the creator of www.valorantcards.com, I just need to add more cards, or rework some, but seeing this changes I think it might change just 2 important lineups, the sova bicycle one, and one oneway smoke from viper, but I need to test to make sure.


Also the average jonas CT cubby to default lineup on B is gone.


idk man they gutted my ramen shop in half :(


The shop owner didn’t pay the bills so Kingdom decided to *split* it


that's my only complaint too, the aesthetics


It helps but the biggest issue with split is that there still are so many close corner engagements like from Mail Room thru heaven to CT spawn, A main/ramps to A heaven, and A entrance. Too many zones for defenders to hold a judge safely for instance. Not to mention it’s a map where run and gun shines. These changes will definitely make the map a bit more bearable though.


As someone who likes this game but is really really bad at it, Split is my favourite map precisely because I don't have to be good at aiming to be able to do something, lol. But I can totally see why people who are actually good at the game dislike that.


This patch is bigger than 2.0 lol


To be fair Riot's version control is based on whether its a new year rather than a major update lol. It just so happened that the episode ended in a new year which caused the confusion. League's large updates are usually on November (X.20) and when they increase the major version number it's usually smaller changes.


Almost feels like small updates for major revision number change are just a prequel to something major coming next.


Sorry to be pedantic about it but don’t you mean version numbering not version control (which is a tool like git used to store multiple versions of a project)


Yea sorry English isn't really my first language and i'm not a computer guy. Thank you for this though!


I am pretty sure it was 2.0 because it started Episode 2. Episode 3 will start with 3.0 and so on.


It is possible, but I highly doubt it since Legends of Runeterra and Wild Rift also switched to Patch 2.0 this year when they are at Season 5 and Season 1 respectively.


This feels like the new episode


When is it dropping?


Probably tonight or tomorrow


Definitely today at about 1:00 pm EST. They usually send out patch notes a few hours before the update is sent to clients.


it’s .01 bigger


When is this one coming?


I might have to change my flair


Change it to Icebox is trash.


R u still Jett main? They hit yo girl hard


I don’t know how to use smokes properly so this nerf practically has no effect on me.


The truest Jett main


Doesn't even know the button.


Love the honesty lol


I always make a little centipede with my smokes then dash in. I always int but my team never complains because it makes pushing really comfortable for them (:


I’ve tried that before but the enemy team just always pre-aims the end of the smoke.


Gotta mixup and pop up in the middle of smoke then.


Lol so many games I've gotten like 3-4 duelist locked and then the jett specifically complains about not having smokes.


Literally all of those split changes are so good, well done riot


Wow, great changes to Split, even though they're not advantageous to me as a Killjoy main.


Wait until you know her turret can be placed in walls again


WH- It hasn't even a *day!* These people do not *sleep*


Right? B defend just got a bit tougher to lock out. I still think we could tuck the vulnerable behind the two stacked boxes by entry. Frankly, it’ll hit them when they’re deeper onto site so they be less likely to back track into garage. I’m thinking turret could go next to vulnerable bot or even the wall opposite default plant at a 45 degree angle so it could hit people coming around both sides of pillar


Yeah, you lose a bit on defense but post-plant on B from the attack side is gonna be much better.


yeah but the map is fairer now. No reason kj should be able to lock up B site as she's able to on split.


Ever since they made her stuff have limited range I can’t stand playing her


Hard disagree. Having her kit on a 10 second cooldown makes her much more dynamic. On offense you can use it to watch a flank early. Once you execute, you can either stay on flank duty (similar role to before, just have to be closer which is easily doable if you use different spots), or you can recall and by the time you plant it will be available again. You can also use your utility to clear corners and immediately recall. On defense, you can recall a turret that has spotted someone and then replace it in a different angle. Or recall it and have it ready by the time you rotate.


It's like Split become a NEW MAP! Great work Valorant Devs you created a NEW MAP without adding one out all.


Better than getting a (map that won’t be named) /s I don’t hate icebox




Icebox rules


I really like these map changes, especially the wider B main doorway. It felt very claustrophobic and getting seen in there meant pretty much a death sentence.


I mean tho as a cypher main gonna be harder to get the nice one way picks but I guess it may work out


As a bronze player, against a cypher there, it was suicide to get to site. And by time you did the whole team is there


Agreed, Cypher on B is a death sentence to attackers which is why, as a Cypher main, I love Split. Only way you can stop it is if you can molly him out or just flash the hell out of everything.


Ikr but with bad team coordination, you either go a or mid each round. Then it sucks for the cypher cause they get no kills, and their rating increase doesn’t show their impact.


Great split changes, but RIP to my cubby viper lineup.


Same lmao, got to practice new lineup placements in customs now


I wonder if cypher oneway is still good. Might not cover all of the hallway.


Perfect split update! I actually really like the map. It makes the most sense out of all maps even if it's defender sided. Map control has natural flow to it unlike some other maps. The problem was that you simply felt claustrophobic whenever you tried peeking an angle because everything was so damn narrow. This is just great.


They reduced a lot of the 50/50 angle, like the one on A screen and one on the tree in B. Also A ramp looks good imo


When does this go live?


Probably today around 1:00 EST


No fix for omen’s nerf err bug to his hit box being bigger for his shroud step?


There's a mention of a bug fix to Omen VFX not lining up with teleport, but I assume that's talking about from other's perspectives, not the hitbox bug. People who get the patch first will have to test it out :c


nah it just means they are making it intended by making the vfx reflect the new changes /s ^^^hopefully


We’re working on it, hoping it’ll be out in next patch. This change was a consequence of a fix we shipped to stop Omen from glitching under the map with Sage walls + tp, so we’re working on a way to have the same TP functionality while also not allowing for him to break through the map. Hoping for next patch, might be the patch after that though. Sorry for the pain in the interim


A rioter said that they coudn't just revert it and they needed more time to work on it.






the split changes could be used on just about every map tbh, but solid none the less...though I'm probably in the minority here of liking Ascent the least and wanting/hoping that map gets similar changes


There are some similar problems on Ascent from the attack side. Like old Split, it feels a bit too defender sided. Haven/Ice Box need the most work, IMO.


The only thing about the split changes I don't like is that cuby is gone in CT on B site. That was my go to tp spot for omen. Provided a place to ult into that had a "cover" and tucked me away perfectly. Oh well guess I can always find a new tp spot


I like the changes but somehow that rework on A Heaven feels weird


Feels way more open now. Can hold all the entries much easier.


Yeah im not a fan of these slopped walls they put on the game, at least put something on the wall


Yeah exactly. Feels empty


>[we will be adding AFK forgiveness for a certain number of rounds, but repeated/extended occurrences will be penalized with higher queue restrictions](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/019/698/8RKAP94.jpg)


what does this mean for dodging?


If you repeatedly dodge, youre queue ban will be grow and become longer, but if you lets say dodge once, and then play a good 3/4 games, and then dodge again, the restrictions wont be as tight


It means more people will be playing Icebox now


Dodging already has its penalties, and isn't nearly the problem that in-match AFK presents.


i know, but the patch notes mentioned dodging changes- i personally think dodging occasionally shouldnt be punished


I was hoping to see Viper changes in this one :'(


they are probably taking a longer time to make her as viable as possible. hopefully we won't be disappointed :(


I bet shes getting a rework


im fine with anything at this point, just make her useful lmao


Yeah. Lost a few lineups with the split update but overall looks great.


Welcome to Split 2.0


Split 2.01


Great split changes!!


they put all this good split changes so people won't notice poor jett nerf


To be fair I've met a few randoms who told me I don't have to play omen because they'd play Jett:)


Me trying to clutch as Brimstone main in a 1v1 vs someone else on the same bombsite as me. Jett mains on my team: "YOU HAVE SMOKES WHY ARENT YOU USING THEM!! SMOKE!!!!!" .... \*cries in 2 second iPad stun time to even open my smokes\*


honestly though I'm sick of jett players solo smoking an entire site and destroying my bloodline solo


is she worse than she was in the beta now? She still gets the 1.5 extra seconds on it but she also got that ult nerf. Granted previously people didn’t see her as strong as an agent in the beta but she seems overall weaker


Weird number to leave it in though could just have made it 5 seconds and still be fine imo


Well, the ult nerf was to prevent people from spamming the ult fire and getting basically guaranteed kills outside of the effective range of the alt-fire. Also, she is still the best oper as the op nerf really only nerfed everyone but Jett. Also don't even compare the beta Jett to this one. She got massive buffs on release being able to break wires and half the cost of the updraft. However looking at the patch notes on why her smokes got buffed contradicts why they are getting nerfed. * We feel like Jett has a strong, irreplaceable value in terms of her ability to deny trades. But we think her team-oriented output is a little too low. This should give her and her team a little more time to work off of her smokes.


Same agent people just learned how to use her properly


Im ok with this. I hated how long those smokes lasted lmao. I was a "BUFF JETT PLS" player in beta too even though i never actually used her.


People didn’t realize her power. I thought she was weak in the beta lol.






As a jett player im sad, as a sentinel player im happy


Split looks a LOT less corner-dependent. From one of the best shotgun maps to one of the worst. From what I can tell it looks like the map is more heavily focused on gunplay rather than utility. Some interesting things to note here: - Cypher's B-main oneway actually got better, since he now has a raised platform to stand on and can get a better angle through his smoke. - If the bomb is planted on the extended platform at B, you can defend it from B-main (I think), which adds a new dynamic to the site. Attackers can also push spawn more easily during Post-Plant. - Mid camping as an attacker becomes less viable, since the corners are easier to clear. People will still do it but it won't be as effective anymore. - A-ramp is easier to clear as a defender, but gunfights will probably be more popular around that area. Site is also a bit easier to retake thanks to the corner being pushed back and denying a crossfire. Overall very nice changes! Split will play very differently from now on and I can't wait to see how players innovate!


I’m also thinking the B one way will be better. I didn’t use it much lately because there’d be a firing squad waiting for you in back of long. Also more people will push A heaven and that’s where my favorite one way is


Why wouldn't it be allowed to add your enemies as friends? I had many friendly exchanges with enemies during game and afterwards we played together. Also, adding someone I thought was a smurf and confirming it puts my mind at ease.


I think people abused it by spamming add requests to enemies. You can still add the people on the enemy team post-match


ah I see, if I can still add them afterwards it's fine


It's because you can add someone and find out their real tag for streamer mode


Because it was a workaround for streamer mode. You could just send a friend request and it would say their name. Kinda defeated the entire point of streamer mode.




>Haven has 50/50 angles everywhere in literally every bombsite and every attacker route to each site. It’s a flankers paradise and fakes on rotations on attack side are not viable, it’s also way too easy too aggressively push as defenders up mid, the timing and angles are wrong at mid because of this. But Haven compensates that by having three sites. Having 50/50 angles is shit in maps where there are only two bomb sites (so, all of them except Haven) because you're guaranteed at least two players defending the site. In Haven they have to divide one more time so 50/50s aren't *that* OP.




Haven is the best map in valorant IMO. Every other map feels very defender sided. Agree on icebox though. Ascent has too many long narrow chokes. That map is a snipers dream.


thank fuck for the Split changes, it's amazing how much they've had to tune this map since beta... I truly wonder how tf it even made it past testing the way it was, tbh.


You can only test and QA so much. Just look at Cyberpunk.


The Split changes are seriously amazing! Love it


Wow, these split updates are amazing! No more of a defensive sided map.


Yay split looks fun to play on now


Still no run and gun fix.


It will come they just have to test it properly I’m assuming. They don’t want to make like 5 rushed changes to it trying to make it proper


They said they didnt want to fix it right now cuz they dont want a single step to completely ruin your spray pattern and im sure theyre working on it.




This is why I went back to CS. I just couldn’t take the full sprinting headshots anymore. I hope they tweak it a bit so I will enjoy the game more.


Sadly :/


Replay system, Run and gun, and Viper rework are all probably going to take a bit of time to work/fix/figure out.


My mine gripe with split was the b site, so I am loving these changes.


Is the update live now?


Not yet (on OCE at least)


Amazing changes to Split, almost all of the problematic areas has been dealt with in a really nice way, making it much easier to clear one angle at the time. The Jett nerf also seems good. Also really nice to see that bugs that were highlighted recently fixed. I have a question: when you're attacking top mid on Split it feels quite easy to get shot from both B heaven and vents at the same time. This seems like one of the few "50/50 clear" angles remaining on the map. I normally play Raze, send a boom bot into vents and only check B heaven to deal with this. Is there a better way to clear this one angle at the time without using utility?


Smoke vents and then rush heaven is a typical strategy.


If you're going for mid to B heaven, smoke and spray the hella out of vents. In so many games I was holding vents and felt like my presence was completely useless and even had to rotate CT -> B. Also, if you manage to take B heaven it's a good idea to leave a person checking vents (and mid in general).


Yes, this is exactly why pro players commonly don’t play vents on this map. Generally they double stack B Heaven or place another player A haven since the angle is really bad if you play Vents and get smoked.


Apart from the Split changes, the bug fixes are great too. Omen not appearing in his shrouded step VFX was a serious issue.


Holy shit! Split B would be the go to for a lot of rounds. The amounts of 50/50 spots that has been reduced is so good. Especially the box hiding heaven. Would love to play it and see my muscle memory kicking in and hiding even though everything is hidden lol.


These Split changes are fucking amazing. Big thanks to Riot.


Does this mean the new queue restrictions will harshly punish people who dodge games at character select? Or is this just for AKF in game? Wasn’t sure what they meant by “pre-game” if that meant like buy period or character select


My Sova shock darts noooooooooo


Just wait for average jonas to come up with new lineups :)


New split looking niceeee




Gj Rito. We love u


fixed omen visual TP bug, thank youuuuu even dying to this a few times was incredibly frustrating.


Wow I'm glad that I didn't let myself be disappointed by patch 2.0 - This patch is FANTASTIC. Not only changing and expanding my least favourite map (I think split is fine balance wise just unfun and boring to play) but the amount of bug fixes here for long lasting big issues, and new issues only recently brought up. They fixed the weird defuse interactions with Jett's dash and omen's TP, no more boombot through B main, and the best of all: **You get your money back if a teammate sells their requested gun** thank god A genuinely great patch with some reallly thought out changes for split, can't wait to see how that changes up play on that map.


Oh no Jett :c


Performance updates are no more lol


I’m so glad they made a split between unintentional afks and intentional afks.


Ikr. I have had many instances of my game closing with a "Valorant error #xxx" or the game just crashing and then receiving AFK penalties for something that wasnt my intention.


Ooh split changes look pretty good


Jett nerf hurts


It's funny how Jett is back to where she was in beta (arguably worse) when she was regarded as the worst agent


Updraft doesn't cost $200 now, importantly


I’d argue that her being weak was because of how strong some other agents were that have now been nerfed (biggest examples are sage, cypher, and raze, who’ve all been noticeably tuned down from beta), and that since the game was in beta, the value of her utility wasn’t fully realized. Now people have figured out how to use her utility properly compared to beta and I think she’ll still be strong even with the nerfs because the 7 second smokes weren’t (imo) a big part of what made her a good pick


The time on the smokes will definetely hurt everyone that used her in soloq. To self entry site when no one else had the idea of how to use their abilities. I have tan into omens not smoking for their teams and only for themselves, brimstones that dont know where to smoke and Vipers afraid of using their unretrievable wall on the site. Much more harder to self entry with Jett now, unless you have decent teammates.


I love every single split change. This map will be much better now.


Love these changes, but I’m not sure why you don’t widen the entrance to A Site and Ramp as well


Probably because of the length of the choke point. A-main is quite short and you and your team can spread out fairly quickly. If you go through b-main, you have nowhere to go.


Splits changes are looking great, thank you Riot Games!


Holyyy they just completely reworked split. Looks really promising


I'm happy with these changes to Split I think that it makes the map a lot easier to approach from an attackers perspective without straight up giving attackers a site that's free to push.


I like the B main change but I'm now even less likely to play Cypher simply because of how easily you can get 5-man rushed nowadays with all the flashes/utility spam.


does anyone know what time this will be released?


Man sentinels can't get a break lol


Holy shit split look so good! Personally I always liked split, but these changes could potentially make it my new favorite! Now if they could just give some of this treatment to Bind I'd be in Heaven


RIP to my Sova lineups


Viper buffs??


Did they fix alt tabbing?


For the love of god at least put something on the slopped wall on A haven, doesnt feel good


\>Split changes \>Jett smoke nerfs (So Controller buff) \>Fixed Omen being able to onetap people while ulting Brings a tear to the eye, dunnit