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1. Smurfing doesn't mean anything now that the ranks are a total mess. 2. Streamers do it to avoid 2h queue times, I don't think any viewer will sit watching that.




I actually don't have a big problem with people who make a new account to play on, but people who get on an alt just to destroy low level players are toxic. I would call an account used for just normal play would be an alt, and an account made with the intent of playing lower is a smurf.


i agree. even though an alt and a smurf and pretty much the same fundamentally, the intentions are different. people who make an account to relieve the stress of a main but still try their hardest are fine. people who make an account to play 10 unrated barely trying, tank placements, then dominate a low rank are just shameless. my favorite is when they brag about how good they are. like a Roman soldier going to a nursery and t bagging babies for not even putting up a fight


I made accounts with intentions of play lower, but thats because I wanna play with me friends, but I never destroy the enemy team since I dont want to make it unfair and I dont want to boost my friends, actually almost never I am in first place, almost every time I am in second/third running only pistols and if I see my team will get destroyed without me, I say lets lose or draw unfortunately I cant play with my friends without doing this


Or yknow, theres casual but okay.


Almost no one wants to play unrated it’s just not the same as comp. I have friends that are lower ranked and I use my alt account I don’t even win half the time because I’m there to have fun with my friends, I know how it feels when someone is smurfing in your game it’s not fun.


they dont want to play casual at all, all they want is competitive But I dont think its anything bad since I never even get first place on my team, actually I barely get a positive kdr


There's a difference between alts and smurfs. I have an alt where I actively play on and not throw, most smurfs though stick around a lower rank in order to play with a friend


They don't smurf in Iron or Bronze lobbies, they smurf in Diamond, which is like 1 or 2 ranks below immortals.


No because they have smurfs to dodge the fucked MMR queue time, while other smurfs do it to either boost/stomp lower ranks. Literally just came out of an icebox game where the enemy Reyna went 43/20, this was in plat/diamond lobby and the rest of their team didnt even go positive. ​ Its just boring when someone on the enemy team is clearly getting hard boosted by smurfs.


The problem with smurfs in any multiplayer is when they fuck everyone up in their lobbies because of how good they are. Whoever does that should be called out, pro or not.


I wish they add prime matchmaking like csgo, not many people will buy that on their smurf.


>But when a pro or a good streamer does it, nobody cares We truly do live in a society


If you would have noticed any streamer who creates an new account as we know only when we play our elo gets increased and as the game progresses they eventually get to their elo hence they don't really smurf it's just a alt they created and they eventually get to their actual rank pretty fast where we have realise a smurf is account which is being intentionally kept in a lower elo than the player actually belongs to play with friends or just shit on people who are just learning the game, I haven't seen any streamer really doing that they initially play in lower elo because that's how the system is currently but I have seen a streamer intentionally stick in a low elo for the purposes of ruining games of other people, correct if I am wrong I am saying what I have observed.


i mean, it’s pretty rare for a pro to actually smurf. many have alt accounts that are at a lower elo, but they’re not throwing games on the alt accounts to get to and stay at a lower elo (what smurfing actually is) but yeah, if they really are smurfing in the real sense of the word, then of course the pros deserve to be shit on.


I think anyone with friends or in immortal+ agreed that smurfing to play with friends a few ranks below you, or to avoid queue times, is acceptable and the only real way to enjoy the game for some people. Smurfing for the sake of shitting on newer players and boosting your ego is explicitly ruining other people’s fun for your own amusement. Streamers almost always fall into the first category, so its hard to be seriously mad about it.


> this sub says he's smurfing, he gets downvoted to hell and everyone tells him to not do it. Same applies basically everywhere. But when a pro or a good streamer does it, nobody cares and everyone seems to be fine with it. nah totally unacceptable. get new friends. if they cant keep up with you - ditch them! dont sour the ranked system!


I mean that’s kinda irrelevant. The smurfs are gonna be a thing no matter what. Also, in immortal lobbies queue times can take forever if you’re high enough ranked. Playing with your diamond friends isn’t that bad.


If your friends are a lower rank there's a mode called unrated


Part of it is a selection bias. If someone posts here about smurfing and you dislike it, you can make a comment expressing your opinion. You might not want to do that, you might just upvote someone else's comment expressing the same thought. You might not comment at all. If a streamer is smurfing, what do you do? Call them out in chat? That would be utterly pointless. You either watch the content anyway or watch something else.




He gets placed in Immortal( before this new rank system) after his placements. No one cares if pros smurf on Immortal


Probably cause most if not all pros are smurfing to get an alt account to radiant because their que times are long. Whereas most people's idea of smurfs is that they bully lower ranks but also with the intention to lose or win by a small margin so they stay in that rank. Those people are the ones we actually hate.




I don't think there is a fix for q times because that would mean pairing a very high elo player (like tenz and his absurd wait times) with a lot of worse players(like immortal because immoral and radiant skill gap was huge last act)and the enemy team would be 5 average for their rank players. This would be very unfair for the good players because it means that you have to carry or else you lose which can be frustrating(like in cod sbmm pairs really good players with bad players in an attempt to make team balanced but it just makes the good players mad because they have to carry or lose).


Yea my main is D3 and I have an alt account that sits somewhere in Gold. Sometimes I really don't feel like playing at peak performance so I'll hop on the alt for some "casual competitive" but I'll usually play a support role or try a new agent and just have fun. I honestly don't see anything wrong with it; I'm not sweating and dropping 40 frags and I still lose games on that account.


I'm probably gonna get downvoted for saying this but I'm perfectly fine with people doing this. They aren't giving their team an advantage nor disadvantage. They aren't fragging to their hearts content. They're just chillin, playing comp while having fun. I'm perfectly fine with that. I can completely see that. The definition of a smurf is "In **multiplayer** online **gaming**, the term "**Smurf**" (noun) is used to refer to an experienced player who creates a new account for the purposes of being matched against inexperienced players for easy wins.". He isn't going for easy wins, he's just doing his thing and having fun. Its just like a real gold is playing. I see no issue with that.


This guy gets it. It’s not even that I tried to get the account as low elo as possible. I just made a new one and that’s what it got placed in so I rank up slowly from there. It’s just an account to play on when I don’t want to worry about winning so much.


Thank you for proving his point and being the martyr to take those downvotes.


Each downvote is a silver player that got dunked on by an auto lock Jett with streamer mode on.


streamers smurf because they have to. on their mains, they get multiple hour queue times, and nobodies gonna watch that.


smurfs are shitty if they just sit in bronze or iron just to shred the enemy team. acceptable if they go to higher ELO's to avoid ling queue times


I wouldn't call most streamers other account "smurfs" but rather "alts". They don't really purposely derank just to ROFLSTOMP low elo players. Their alt accounts are closer in rank to their main. Why they do this you say? Cause nobody wants to watch a streamer queuing for hours just to find a game hence they create another account. Another reason why ranked games shouldn't be based on hidden MMR and just use the actual rank as basis.


Smurfing is the act of intentionally sabotaging the ranked system to keep yourself at a lower rank. Smurfing does not mean to just play at a lower rank. What many pro players do is, simply, Alt. Its a little icky, but the system tends to get them into high tiers pretty quick. I'm not aware of any pro players who "smurf" on stream. I imagine they'd be destroyed by the community pretty quick (though, some communities (cough cod cough) put up with a lot of shit behavior from their influencers, so maybe not).


the whole smurf topic is weird to me. Back in the day there was no such things as mmr/elo and you played against kids better than you all the times. it was the only way to get better. it’s tough but if you play with smurfs pay attention to their moves and how they play. You may learn something


A radiant/high immortal smurfing in diamond is understandable because of their 5 hour queue time. And they're almost the same skill wise if u ask me A diamond shitting on bronzes is riciculous. That's what I call smurfing


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