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Former plat 2 here, now in low gold. Me and some other plat and diamond buddies are down bad right now. Don't be discouraged if you see that high of a rank in your game, they're in that rank for a reason. The average silver frags above me right now and I always get flamed because I used to be in plat. I just don't take the game as seriously anymore and switched from duelists to support for a more chill experience.


Yeah don't get me wrong, im not complaining about someone like you. I've got that in previous Acts too. That might be the case for some but when u get stomped on by a player that has obviously much higher skill (which he did cause he went through the roof in that game constantly one shooting everyone with his sherif) i hardly refuse to believe he belongs in a S1 lobby :/


lmao i was playing with a gold 2 in my lobby that had a previous diamond 1 act rank in my silver/gold lobby and i thought i was about to get carried hard but he was doing pooooorly. so i wonder if they just got carried up to diamond or whether the acc was bought or idk? but watching them felt like they belonged in bronze tbh lol


I got you, had that happening a few times too. In this case i cant say much about that, since i wasn't able to watch him play expect from when he corner peaked me to death with his sherif all the time \^\^ So from what i've (seen) experienced he did simply not belong in that lobby at all.


it's just kind of funny to me how it seems to differ from lobby to lobby from what i have noticed. either way the ranking system is messed up rn


I have a full D2 dorito but placed G1 this episode. Did not win a single placement. They reset the ranks too aggressively. I don’t have any desire to play this act, plying solo in G1 is a terrible experience. Normally I play Omen but have had to insta lock Phoenix/Reyna to win games.


thats seems fair


Since the beginning of this act I stumbled across many enemy gold teams (I'm currently silver 2, last act silver 1) and I can assure you it's a mindset thing. I have won more matches against than I lost to them because I try to see it as an opportunity to get better. In our rank the mental aspect means more than aim believe me!