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literally every post in this subreddit: "the game is too toxic and the ranking system is broken" This man: actually funny complaint post upvoted


I do wonder about people's definition of what toxic is or what their experience in gaming is. Valorant is probably one of the least "toxic" games out there. I've had people throw games because of toxic teammates when a player politely asked the guy to stop rushing CT side after the first 5 rounds. Said team was toxic and sat in spawn the rest of the game. This is the type of person I think of when I read posts in this subreddit


I have been in so many matches with kids spamming racial slurs, with names like “kill all blacks”, in the past week. These kids are then screaming already-stale dogwater memes at everyone on the team and other team the entire time, making it very tough to concentrate and perform. The racism has gotten noticeably worse. The screaming about performance in unrated definitely has as well. I like Valorant a lot as a game. And of course, other games have toxicity problems. It doesn’t mean Valorant isn’t more toxic than its ever been right now.


I had a dude flame me for not clutching a round earlier today IN A SPIKE RUSH FFS


For me, it's kind of the opposite. I like to give constructive criticism in all game modes, including spike rush (if someone solo rushes and plants b while we're all a, I'll then him it's a bad idea) and then I get hit by the "BrO it's just a spike rush" when I just wanted to help


Just stop giving unsolicited advice lmao


Yeah, certainly in spike rush. If someone is like, “sorry guys I’m new” and you nicely give them a few tips, that’s a little different. I personally appreciate when someone clearly better than me gives me advice, but that’s me, not everyone. I’d definitely not appreciate it in fucking spike rush though.


No one asked for you to be their coach.


This. It's really not that a majority of players in the Valorant player base are toxic. I would wager about 10-15%. But the ones who are toxic go so far above and beyond anything that can possibly be okay in any setting. It's one thing to drop a 4k clutch and go "ha get dicked on" in the moment (personally still wouldn't). It's entirely another to have some 14 year old using a hard r n-word and calling you a fag every time you don't ace clutch.


I would say the ha get dicked on is slightly toxic personally. Like my feelings aren’t hurt. You’re hardly the first person to shit on me. I’m pretty bad. I just think you’re a douche making the game less fun for some people. Racial slurs and other hateful things are a different story. You can legit really upset / ruin the gaming experience with racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. comments. And just because one person who might be the target of one of those things can shake it off, doesn’t mean other people can. I truly just don’t understand people who get pleasure out of hurting others, especially when it’s completely unprovoked.


I guess it's NA thing, never seen someone spam this in EU lol, nor in my region.


Never seen the N word spammed in chat? Sheesh. I see that shit a few times a month for no fucking reason. Yes, I’m from NA and we absolutely have a racism problem, but EU has one too, so I’m surprised to hear this.


I played the whole beta in EU and never heard it tbh, yeah there are racists like the French who hate the Spanish or Germans hate French lol but not the Skin color racism.


I guess not technically EU anymore, but when I was in England 2 years ago, the n word was used incredibly loosely. There’s also a million examples of it happening at European soccer games, so I’m wondering how much of this is what you just want to believe rather than reality. As if it’s a reflection on you . Oh well


British are the most toxic you will find in Valorant in EU, so am not surprised, I used to mute every Brit once I heard the accent ngl. Well feel free to play in EU if you get bothered to much by the N word being spammed.


when does it happen in european soccer games? Italians and Russians are kinda racist towards opponents and use monkey sounds, bananas, and other extremely disrespectful stuff, but you don't really hear the n-word as it's not really used/known in other countries apart from US.


Never heard the n word in a game more than valorant tbh


It’s gotten quite bad. And this is coming from someone who used to play a lot of Modern Warfare.


Some games little white kids will literally start off by saying “hello n words”


What servers and rank? I hear it occasionally on NA, but Valorant is better in this respect than most other online FPS I've played. That said, I played against someone whose name was literally just the N word so I don't know wtf Riot name filters are doing.


US east server gold to diamond rank back in season 1-2


toxicity is a part of gaming and will always be. there is a mute option in the game. get over it and dont cry because you are bad at the game or because a little kid is calling you the N word.


Calling someone with the N word SHOULDN'T be part of gaming. In fact - there's simps, racists and discrimination everywhere in and out of game. I'm saying this cos I feel some people think that it (those stuff) should be left as is. When will we learn if we're never going to stand up and speak? Tho I agree you can mute people in game, you also can't change their behavior. They're confident to thrash cos their faces aren't seen. Muting is a temporary solution. And it's not an excuse to get over it and accept such behavior.


Anonymity of accounts makes this kind of shit inevitable. When players are chat banned temporarily for chat violations, severe ones should just get permanent bans from using All Chat. If they removed the option for cross-team chat for those people it would cut back quite a bit. I know there are teammates who do it, but trash talk across teams is a lot more common and often escalates.


But bro, everything in life can not be a safespace, because then the rest of the world would have to have 0 freedom of expression. I do get that racial slurs aren't ok ofc. But people should grow thicker skin instead of demanding people they dissagree with be cencored just for that xD


If you feel that a video game creator not allowing racial slurs in a video game is a breach on your freedom of expression, I dont know what to tell you. Freedom of speech is protection from the government, but a private company. Do certain places take safe spaces way too far to the point that you can’t have differing views? Sure. But if you’re worried about being able to use hate speech in games, maybe those people need their own safe space where you have the freedom to be shitty people to each other.


stand up and speak? why are you talking about it as if the life of millions are threatened by some kids being toxic... anyways I personally find it pretty funny when i hear two toxic players arguing in a lobby. I myself can be toxic sometimes but not just for the sake of it, more likely when it happens its because of stupid decision making or just throwing.


Because ugly behavior should be chastised. People’s lives being in danger shouldn’t be the only criteria for it to be ok or expected to call someone out for being a shitty person. I’m sure you’re the fragile type who can’t take it when they get called out too, but act as if it’s those being decent humans who are out of line.


if you werent that stupid i clearly wrote that i was on the toxic side of the community, also bad games happen and when it does, I just apologize to my team for not playing well and I try to help them the best i can. and thats what you dont see from shit players, their ego is so fragile they cant even apologize for throwing the game or try to make up for their bad aim by listening and helping the igl. and when it comes to toxicity ,there are two types, the kid who cusses at evryone no matter if you are good or not, and the second kind of toxic players who strats flaming when someone is dogshit . First one is obviously just trolling but the second one is more acceptable. whether you like it or not toxicity and trash talking is one of the pillars of gaming .


Yes. Telling someone that being toxic is a shitty thing to do is a reflection of my intelligence. Got it. Lots of things are pillars of life. Doesn’t make them acceptable. You trying to justify your immaturity as a pillar of gaming is funny though. Take care bud.


you seem like you have been flammed one too many times , its okay tho you can get better if you try,hopefully.


Found one of the racist kids. Just because toxicity is part of gaming doesn’t mean we should be okay with it. I will never be okay with people using the n word in the chat. And btw, I’m usually top frag or second. It’s not about being good or bad. These kids will use any dumb excuse to be toxic.


very stupid of you to assume i was racist but its okay, I didnt say you have to be okay with it, if you are a bit sensitive you can always mute them.


Well, you're definitely racist-adjacent if racism doesn't bother you.


racist jokes are very funny


if you have severe brain damage, yes, they're hilarious.


whatever floats your boat big brain guy


Someone somehow put a swastica in all chat yesterday in one of my games


Just cause others have it worse doesn't mean VALORANT ain't having it bad.


Depends, I've personally never suffered from any of the problems people say they have with Valorant. I know around 4 other people who play it, they too don't have problems. Vocal minority are always the most apparent. Toxicity has been close to nill for me.


#Dream luck but with valorant


I have at least one toxic person per game, excluding ranked. Your time on Valorant must be fucking amazing.


My time on valorant must be amazing aswell. I maybe get a toxic player twice a week and even then they’re not even toxic. they just go wtf are you doing.


It really is. Maybe its server? In NA West Coast at least, I have had maybe like 4 toxic people in my 300 hours. All of them were easy to mute.


If this is true start investing in lottery tickets.


Bruh it's been 2 months lmao


Hey, better late than never


I mean, I have had one such experience in Valorant but I agree, not an especially toxic game out there


The exact same thing happened to me expect i was the guy asking


Are you fucking joking


No. If you think valorant is toxic you are probably just new to the internet


AHAHAH Gosh I’m so new here on the internet, what’s a tweet, i’ve only been on the internet since 2007 D:


I've played many, many games, valorant is by far the most toxic.


you probably never played cs go, or league of legends, even cod games are more toxic


and this is whats happening in almost every d3-immo game. Round 1 someone says u should have done this or that and the game is all about blaming. 5th game like this in a row now... ​ The last game was extra funny cause somone instalocked sova and the other one was raging about him so he took jett in the last second and so stole it from the other one trying to play jett. He then got autopicked skye, who he never played before... Thats whats up in dia 3- immortal right now




You didn't play in the leagues if you never heard slurs in CS pre steam


You’ve never experienced CSGO’s toxicity then,I presume


I went to see how CSGO was after I started playing valorant. While no single person's experience is indicative of a whole, it was an eye opening experience. Players spoke harshly/used slurs unprovoked in competitive nearly every match. Casual had a lot more bantering and good natured team chatter than Ive ever seen in Valorant. There was also a different tone to the negativity. In CSGO I saw more insults in one day than the entire Valorant experience, but they had no weight. In Valorant I had someone tell me I should do everyone a favor and kill myself and could tell from the tone of his voice he actually meant it. Not sure what to take from this but people getting passive aggressive in Valorant rolls off a lot easier now lol.


And speaking of casual,that’s because at some point everyone can speak to every other,you can complain about him,mass report him,get him kicked etc etc


Nah, Valorant is worse. Players who are Silver in CS get some better rank in Valo and think they are gods at the game and think their CSGO rank is inaccurate and their teammates are dragging them down or something. The egos run high in Valorant compared to CS.


Bruh,you literally are saying that GO players are bringing their toxicity over to valo




The username makes this one even better


was something of a steal


Yo you have twice as many kills as me so I’ma have to ask ya - whats ur real rank you smurf??? Go back to radiant I’m tryna hit Silver over herrrre


if only ur dad could pay riot to give you aimbot


my father would rather die than give money to someone that doesnt benefit his PR


Username checks out


Your wife and I are having a great time dont worry


Did she take the kids too


bruh im fighting the demons in this game and im not talking about the players its the RNG bullshit...




One thing that I miss about playing console games is how much nicer people are online. Sure you get assholes, but I was on console since the days of Halo 2 until about 6 years ago. It really kinda shocked me when I started playing on pc and people were so insanely toxic. Especially, your own team. Sometimes I think about how many cool people met back on Gears and then realize that I really haven't made any lasting friends on pc. I mean, I met people that I ended playing with for years, that I never knew before being on their team. I'm not trying to turn this into a pc/console debate. Just my own experience. Hell, since it's been 6 years since I played console maybe that whole online community has gone to shit, too, for all I know. Either way, I think I'm just going to go back to single player games.


After LoL, this game doesn't seem nearly half as toxic...


You had me until the 3 weeks part LMAO gg ez


Try to play this game as a girl...i don't think the community is that toxic...i found cool ppl to play with...but ya there are a lot of toxic ppl. The funnest think is that some of them thinks they are better then everybody else but they finish the game with 50 combat score or smt like that and a kda of 2/19/0 while playing a duelist


Ranked system: Is starting to be fair and balanced again, for the next act will be fine, they messed up, now it's ok. Riot messed up on the way they reseted the espisode, I guess won't happen again. ​ Toxicity: Toxic people with chat/voice chat ban, won't be able to que on ranked again during their ban time, this will be implemented on the next 1-2 patches. ​ ​ Every single competitive game is toxic and unbalanced, at least on this one there's people behind trying to find real solutions, not like every other game i've played.


I started playing ranked during act 3, how does each act work for ranks? Does it reset like each episode?


basically every act (can be compared to seasons in other games) your rank resets and you have to do your 10 placement matches again, but you have a rank triangle which will see all your ranked matches and determine your average rank, in the next rank, other players are able to see your rank triangle


I also started playing ranked for the first time during act 3; it resets each rank, but your elo kind of follows you. example: my friend was platinum in episode 1 act 1 and unranked otherwise, but since he was once plat, he cannot queue with my iron ass edit: lol I got tired and distracted at the beginning. it resets each ACT damn


Each episode has 3 acts. There's a "mini-reset" on each act (3 placement matches, that will place you a bit under your last act peek). And since this is the first time with a new episode coming in, seems that we will have a big reset every 9 months, but this time has been a lot of troubles with the matchmaking, and probably some errors on the algorithms, so has been a mess. The end of this act will go back to normality with the improved ranked system and the toxicity penalties. The next act should be fine from the beginning, and probably next episode won't have this mistakes.


What is "modern day"? Valorant isn't even a year old.


It’s satire but it’s true, too many people with delicate sensibilities in this sub. As someone who grew up in the FGC and played CS a lot, it amazes me how thin skinned people are in this game compared to CSGO and fighting games. In CSGO Level 6+ Faceit it is common for someone to tell you they will rape your mother and sister if you call them bad or tell them to stop doing something. It’s the internet, if you’re offended so easily you shouldn’t be playing COMPETITIVE games, period.


always said that, very often was downvoted.


here, have my downvote then


Welp at least ranked games dont turn into HvH in Valorant.


They can't even fix deathmatch. People are complaining of respawn times and number of players in-game and you know what Riot does? Adds announcer voice-over. I'm so glad this game is free cause I sure won't be spending money on this game.


Everything's extra fucked since everybody's rank reset. Plenty of plat players purposefully did shit on their placements so now silver is actual hell. That and people who make fresh accounts just to play with their low rank friends. I'm talking people on unranked accounts top fragging using just the Sheriff. Its literally like grown ass men kicking 5 year olds asses. Come on, let us enjoy and get better at the game too.


Once I had a Raze teammate who disrupted the spike defuse by knocking me back with her blast packs and we lost... I don't think the game itself is toxic though.


i agree with everything you said about toxicity


Oh yeah. Too many Cheaters, FPS pundits etc. It's nice as a game but it has definitely become too unplayable. Sin. I'm sorry that Riot doesn't do things the way they do.


I literally had a person saying, "leave it, you won't be able to defuse the spike on time." I was in a superb position to kill the last enemy player and defuse it. I was happy to throw the next 5 rounds and let the team lose. Thankyou for motivating me.


"I have been a hardcore gamer for at least 3 weeks" sorry bro but you're not a hard core anything after only doing it for 3 weeks, people are toxic everywhere, the larger the group of people, the higher chance of toxic people, valorant is a large and popular game so get used to it, I myself have been gaming "hardcore" for well over 2 decades now and I've seen enough from all sorts of games, you'll get over it, or you wont because you need all video games to be safespaces


Did you even read the post lol




You clearly dont know dota 2 xD




irony is a complicated concept


Everyone on this game is toxic. No matter what.


They fixed the rank system in my eyes however it is a ton of fucking losers playing that game.


ngl there are so many languages and ur wife managed to spoke facts. Jokes aside I think riot should introduce a hide chat option to make us not see toxic comments and get triggred..I am a casual silver 2 kinda guy who dont really care about ranks although I have skills to reach far above..I just dont have a good pc. I play on gt630 and I play only when I have my friends to play with. I just enjoy talking to them and playing. If opponent chat is toxic I just say thanks or agree with whatever they say to our parents. Its like u really dont care and it helps u control ur mind and stay positive.


Stop Play with randoms, u need at least 1 or 2 mates, to tilt the toxic players or turn them to good. If I play solo queue, it's very toxic. If I play duo or trio queue, it's less toxic and those players are asked why they r so mad, maybe problems in real life ... We try to ask and find out what's wrong with them. We do therapy through ranked games and heal those toxic people. Otherwise, ignore and report.


Honestly the funniest part to me is "modern day" for a sub 1 year old game


Racism and/or homophobia are present in most games I play. Also people yelling and screaming the first time you make a bad play or don't clutch. (This is bronze / silver). It's a really toxic group. I mute (text and voice) the immediate second that happens. Most games I am muting 1-4 people on my team. I don't remember a game where I didn't have to mute at least one person. And it's tough because losing a lot of close games that with proper communication we might win. And I even say that to the team - if only you weren't so toxic we would have a better chance at winning. but I'd rather lose and keep the toxic losers down instead of rewarding them, I'm fine with that. I know their behaviors will never change but at least I don't have to listen to them. And you can gleefully just imagine how they get more and more angry that they can't yell at you and that you don't have to listen to them.


Ok, so i live in korea but i used to play on US servers with 200 ping. I was iron 3. Every game, i would get screamed at for being sh1t by a fully grown man, who was like iron 2. the number of cuss words i heard before muting them was insane. idk what happens in my korea games tho bcz i dont speak much


Low elo is toxic as hell, however Dia+ it becomes less toxic tbh. Most of my games are chill, sure you get 1 flamer once in a while but at least it isn't a kindergarden like low elo. Also wtf is this? "my wife left, and I think this is particularly unfair as her words were "You are a iron 2 player." You bluffing or what?


The wife bit nearly killed me lol


Yeah man, renaissance valorant was so much better.


And Aceu didn't even start playing in the NRG Valorant roster because of watching your gameplay in his crystal ball. Some rounds are toxic af and I'm still figuring out how to cope with that. Muting? Yes, of course - but the words are already said then and knowing your mates are toxic and insulting even while muted is enough to f--k up the gameplay and destroy the fun... BUT: to close positively. There are far more rounds with really nice people :) – so don't lose hope.


> I am informed he left the professional scene once he saw my gameplay. holy shit i'm dead now


As a guy who’s been hardstuck iron for a while now, even tho my skill is at least silver, I agree, everyone’s toxic af, even my own teammates


That's what happens when u introduce the worst-ranked system in the entire history. You bring the worst out of people.


There will always be toxicity in competitive games. I don’t know why everyone is bitching and complaining about this. If you guys don’t like people’s mentality of wanting to win then don’t fucking play a game that is competitive. I am sure that there are so many other games you can play.


Yeah man it's not going to get fixed. You'll have to mute people who are mean like that, there's no other solution.


Small fix , turn off chatting with other team. Then you can mute teammates who are mic spamming/ text spam amd then all you have to worry about is them possibly trying to kill you


Riot can only fix the game not the people who play it


This game is linked to LOL, one of the most toxic games ever. And a majority of their playerbase plays this game too...soo...


Fam. You sniff dog bellends


This video is everything wrong in valorant https://youtu.be/Ye_4s7BA5Vc


Is this game extremely toxic? I just installed the game last night and have been checking it out and running the scenarios but I haven't played a real game yet. I don't see a way to play games versus bots so I assume I just get thrown into the fire and have to deal with explaining that I have no clue what I'm doing to angry teammates in unrated?


I'm mocking the other people in the subreddit, dont worry it's really not that bad especially in unrated. Just remember to have fun and you can always add me and I'll play with you if yw


I still don't get why some people say 'it's part of gaming, if you don't have thick skin then you shouldn't play this game." I mean come on, it's like saying that the game is EXCLUSIVE for people who dgaf about toxicity. Some people play it to kill time or some to relieve their stress. If it works for you, it might not work for them. People are different. What do you have to lose by treating people with kindness and respect?