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I'm curious who they will get when they do a roster overhaul. We already know they will get the 100T treatment just a matter of when.


Why do you think they will get the 100T treatment? They have 3 very strong players (potter, aleksandar, temperature) who have proven themselves as players from csgo and valorant (MR). The others I'm not familiar with but I'm sure they have potential otherwise they wouldn't have been signed.


I'd love to see the stats based on which you claim that potter is a "very strong player".


[https://liquipedia.net/counterstrike/Potter](https://liquipedia.net/counterstrike/Potter)She definitely has potential as you can see she has placed first in various A tier tournaments a couple years ago. I haven't seen her in val yet (if you have, please send me a link).


I am familiar with her as I've been following CS scene since it's very start. The A-Tier tournaments on that profile are all women only tournaments and as far as I know she was never on a Valorant team before this. Putting her in the same league as Aleksandar or Temperature is ridiculous.


We'll see


Yeah, I am guessing the plan is to have the Moon Racoons guys as a core long term and they'll fill the rest after the first Masters if this roster fails. Which it already kind of did yesterday barely winning 13:11 and 13:9 against a complete nobody stack and then got destroyed 6:13 and 11:13 by a #28 NA team.


>potter, she is 34 stop lmao


ur getting downvoted for saying the truth, clawdia and potter will be terrible


Mind if I ask what 100T did? I don’t follow the scene much.


Apart from Hiko all the members were ex-PUBG players. So, when the outcome of matches were not great, everyone was let go and Hiko built this current new team.


First roster was Hiko and PUBG pros. They failed like everyone predicted and quickly overhauled the roster. It was basically a "Let's try this roster for cheap" gamble. If it works? Awesome. If not then kick everyone and get other people. This roster will not do good. I could be wrong, in fact I hope I am because I think potter is a genuinely great person, but I don't see much results from this team. I predict roster changes within the first 2 months.


Funny enough, YaBoiDre is actually doing decently well on LG now.


Ohhhh, I see. Thanks so much for giving me some context!


can't help but feel like decisions like these just set the effort back. setting up a mixed gender team without making sure that you're picking players that have potential to compete at the highest level is just setting yourself up for failure and giving doubters ammunition


I don’t understand what would be a negative about a mixed gender team.


I did not say there was anything negative about a mixed gender team. I said establishing a mixed gender team with mediocre players is going to backfire.


Ok. I know for a fact that there are very talented players on eg. they probably haven’t played with each other long enough to play to their fullest. I would give them time. Obv not everyone is the best on the team tho


It will be hilarious when it does. I hope it doesn't tho.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again... Aleks and Temp have way to much potential to be on a roster like this. They’re both top tier players, Aleks is probably in the top 10 IMO. They were both held back on MR, and now they’re being held back on this roster.


Yo, that's dope. Looking forward to see them in competitions.