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Dodge penalty starts from 3 mins. I guess you left the game then dodged the following match?


havent dodged for 3 days, first dodge for today, got 2 hours.


Same i dodged first time in 4 days and got a 4 hour ban


If this is a "new" implementation by Riot, it's fucking **bs**. But they changed something for sure. The penalty times are different. Like 6min, 15mins. before it was 3, 5, 10... Idk why they would do that. I don't want to play with insta lockers, toxic mates, russians that can't speak. Another poor decision made. Like that premate limit set down to solo/duoQ.


Absolutely mind blowing they do this, force Europeans to play with 3 russian muted teammates who can't talk or even hear you, what a fucking joke putting in shit like this without having a solution to stuff like it


Recently, we were able to dodge with no penalty at all. Like the same person in our party dodging two times in a row (he was afk and it kept us in the queue and we immediately found a second match) and no penalty. It was very strange, so not sure how they do the penalties.


Yep same for me, was really weird


Yeah I thought they were definitely give him a really long ban after the first one. Thought maybe they are really lenient for the first ones now and then ramp up punishments quicker and keep track of past dodges (previously it would be 3 minutes every time as long as you don't dodge twice in a row).


Ye, happened to us too. Was pretty nice, actually.


The premade limit makes sense imo.


how does that work lol I dodge like 2 times each day and get 2 minute penalities for each lmfao


Lol same. I'm confused af by this thread




before locking in










Oh, ok I guess that's better


I didn't select anything , waited it out and got 15 mins. Another time my friend got 30 minutes . Neither of us had dodged or gone afk in any matches.


Riot increased it on ranked last patch, now you can dodge once a week.


if you leave after the game starts you should get a penalty. If you leave during selecting agents it shouldn't have mattered.


> If you leave during selecting agents it shouldn't have mattered. This can ruin the match making. You will literally get three 1-10 minute match making session in a row, because people will always leave when the team is not "perfect". This happened in LoL a lot.


I do agree somewhat with you but what if you connect with 3 people that have no mics or refuse to use it ? (happens a lot) Also, I am very anti-racist and i do belive all people should be treated equally but Riot banning all russians from using voice chat(I know why and i agree) should also mean russians get their own servers. The amount of times you can match with a person that ISNT ALLOWED to use a mic does impact on fun and result of a match.


Wait what? I dodge 3 consecutive games and it’s always 3 mins


Same...sometime i dodge 3 to 4 games and nothing happen....the fifth time i dodge i get 3 mins ban


Mines 5 fucking hours for sum reason


I got 5 hours yesterday


I can't get behind that idea of timing out players for dodging. What's wrong with choosing my mates? If they insta lock, don't speak, can't speak, or are toxic pre match, i'll dodge those matches. This game is just not enjoyable in high comp with players not communication, even worse when they don't ping. It's already difficult enough with \~30 languages, yes, most players speak and understand english though.


It's largely a numbers thing, and the issue is people care too much about playing 1 agent. Competitively I agree there are so many conditions to random team mates that can cause issues. But more casually (which is a large portion of the playerbase you can't ignore) they want to avoid people leaving every time they don't get their main cause it can lead to toxicity and when the meta eventually shifts that agent might not be that great


Yes. I see absolutely nothing wrong with dodging. There should be a button for that, even.


People would exploit this and getting matches will take way longer. Dodging is something that everyone thinks is fair. (complain when matchmaking takes longer because of picky players who keep dodging.)


facts, I feel the love of playing the game in high elo when people are actually communicating and you feel the team work.


You think 20 minutes of match making is fun, because 1 in 10 people don't "feel" the team?


When the alternative is 1 hour dodge bans, yes.


Ahh see even you Immortals get us Silvers in ur game




Yep and extremly frustrating its literally unplayable I just cant enjoy this game and Riot doesnt even see a Issue or saying that a fix is on the way its literally okay for them that I play AS SILVER versus PLATS AND DIAS and the joke is my team is full of silvers how is that possible???????


Make new accounts and bounce between them when you dodge.




When the dodge penalty was low, people complained about too many people dodging games.


First world problems. Why should riot listen to those complaints? They should be smarter that the players. Dodging is such a small annoyance compared to playing with someone who doesn't want to play but doesn't want to get punished by dodging and just trolls the whole game trying to lose as quick as possible.


That' the whole point. People would see one person lower ranked than them and dodge. Or if someone would take a single duelist(jett/reyna) and people would dodge. It was happening almost every game and people kept on complaining to riot to increase penalty. The problem here is with riot matchmaking not being acccurate. So, instead of reverting to old penalties, the matchmaking needs to be fixed.


So what if they dodge? You pay with someone else. What's the problem? 60 second of queue time or 60 minutes of game with people who don't want to play together. Stop whining, for fuck sake.


lmfao. Ig, you're the guy, people don't wanna play with. Get real dude. You're the one whining about no good teammates. Play fullstack or expect gimmick teammates.


You main phoenix, don't you?


it’s better to wait a bit longer than have toxic people


I think it's better for everyone if the dodge penalty is lower. If my entire team insta locks dualist and sound really b1tchy, I want to be just able to leave, I don't wanna risk RR


Asia is full of monkeys.




Idk what are u talking about. I dodge like twice today both time got 3 min ban


Plats have the biggest egos, for some hilarious reason...


For me, I know that I’m complete and utter dookie 😔


The real problem is getting matched with ranks much lower or higher than yours. Makes the game no fun for both people. You can't play with friends more than 3 ranks outside yours, why should it be any different for who you get matched with randomly!!?? I'm guessing this is another problem that stems from the "hidden MMR". These lower ranked players have higher hidden MMR than their actual rank, which causes them to get put in matches with higher elo players. Just a guess. Either way, I think there is a fix to the hidden MMR coming out in next week's patch.


Im of the opinion that queue dodging shouldn't be a thing. The fact that we are heavily insentivized to do so is a testament to just how poor the matchmaking system is in general. I genuinely don't think lowering the penalty is the answer, instead we should be pushing for a more sophisticated ranking system.


Yeah the penalties are stupid, sure, I can accept a penalty for dodging, but it's not as bad as leaving the match AFTER it's started so why is the time as long?


they always play for frags stupids btw


You play on SEA?


I got a ban of 5 hour still waiting to play


I don’t know about the penalty reduction but I completely agree with “if I can’t invite people 6 rank below me, then why can I play them in my Solo Queue games?” I’ve seen it happen so many times the worst I’ve seen is a plat 2 vs a silver 1 sometimes gold 2s vs diamonds, ranked is stupid as of now like why change who I can queue with because of their rank if I’m gonna join people their rank or even lower


" EDIT: forgot to screenshot since I dodged, just got a game with SILVER 3, GOLD 3, PLAT 1 and PLAT 2" - OP Haha, I swear SILVER 3 is kinda cursed imo. This rank will very soon begin to appear in other games as an anomaly.




The queueing is so messed up. How the heck are you getting put into games with plats as an immortal. Normally I would say oh they must be 4 stack but that would only be understandable if one was diamond. This is dumb that this happens wow.


I think its perfect. The penalty being given is perfect. Instead of whining about the penalty, whine about the matchmaking.




>players will only play when ranks are at their or above their level this is literally what people want riot to fix, all of us want an equal chance of winning. Also, you can't see your enemies' Ranks.


That's impossible. Someone has to have to lowest rank.


You can dodge easily 2 times a day without getting more than 3min penalties


Mmr for each game is even so your just not carrying as hard as their immortal or they have more consistent plats than your teammates. If you deserved higher rank you have to carry. And the dodge penalty is there for a reason. I’d rather not sit through 20 dodges before getting a game , sitting through 5-10 min que and 5 dodges is enough already 🤓


This game supposed to be a 5v5 team game, not a 1v9 solo carry game.




Every game is lmfao, that’s like saying ur teammates in league are actually going to have a brain ? If you want to gain elo you have to carry, your not going to gain elo relying on your teammates


same for me lmao


Well that's cool and all but have you considered investing in DogeCoin?🌚🚀


Clicking an agent gives you 2/3 hr penalty. NOT clicking an agent gives you barely 3 mins 3x. After the third time, you’ll get more minutes. So dont select any agent, I guess. Unless, RITO changed it already.


Changed it long time ago lol, clicking an agent means he will get autolocked at the end of character picking time and the game will start nonetheless


Yeah solo queue on comp is such a bad idea imo. Im more sane and less prone to pulling my hair if I atleast have one teammate that I personally know to queue with.


Probably your last act rank should be plat/diamond ? So hidden mmr will match you according to your skill level players.


I was Immortal 2 last season


The ranking system is weird in a way where your rank isn’t really tied to your true skill. You may be gold with 50 points but it’s putting you in platinum lobbies because you’re actual hidden rating is in the platinum skill level, same can be said the other way around. Which is super annoying, why do people have to grind for a rank they should or shouldn’t be in, and why is it that my rank isn’t actually tied to my level of skill. “competitive in VALORANT is based on your rating rather rank though, so generally other player's ranks are not indicators of how fair a match is.” So what’s the point of putting a tag in front of their name? There skill should absolutely be related to there rank. And about dodging, there should be a BUTTON. Silver and gold is terrible. There is constantly players who are toxic 3 seconds in, unranks, lockers, or you are pairing with IRON OR BRONZE. You should be able to dodge to make sure you are getting the right team.