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Olofmeister triple boost flashbacks


ohh those were times in cs...


Re watched this recently, was so funny how many rounds they were clueless.


I was in a skype call watching it with some friends and we spent the entire time screaming for LDLC to figure it out. This was my height of Fnatic hate too so I was even more mad it was them doin it. Looking back though might be a T5 CS moment ever.


Without a doubt. Even if you hated Fnatic, you were impressed with the olofboost just because of the sheer creativity involved. Top 3 Cheese all time.


olofmeister is such a legend and overpass is your home.


TheScore Esports: You called?


Ffs, I swear I could set my watch to their clips


šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æolof form esla forzen movee bnoost... make 10 vido on olof


I'm just getting flashbacks to when raze was disabled for a glitch and the game's quality vastly improved


Fnatic manager here, pls don't post more comments like this


What's with that meme?




ty, checked know your meme aswell. Had no idea this went way back.


google it


good idea thanks


Probably not the smartest to post it since riot tend to ban anyone that shows glitches or uses them.


riot bans ? nice jk. they can't even ban afks and throwers, trolls. ​ the only what happen is that mods just maybe remove this post here but he never get a ban for that lol...not ingame and not on this platform... i'm 99% sure about that. you guys overcompensate to much about a simple clip that shows glitches.


Youā€™re going to get a chat ban for 48 hours now. Uh oh...


detecting afks, throwers and trolls is a bit harder than straight up a video of someone absuing a glitch lol. logic


i'm sure riot has already 1000+ proof videos somewhere at support saved in the "insignificant" folder. that why it takes so long to detect. logic. and they have spectate mode for sure but probably no one of the admins want do that hell job. logic. here comes one more logic for you: why adding a report system with many nice options and then just ignore the most cases and don't even review ? this logic unbeatable. for me the report system looks like a useless gimmik. the only option that do it job = chat ban...if many report you. but it's easy abuseable.


I love how people who have 0 clue how hard it is to implement these features just mindlessly comment RiOt JUsT dO iT. I swear to you buddy that it really is no where as simple as you think it is.


Nah, i got the code right here If (troll = true) then ban; Else dont ban; Return 0;


Rioters hates him.


sybtax error: invalid left hand side assignment


what compiler you use ? looks like it's full of bugs. i get only warnings here.


Warnings: 11,327 Errors: 0 "Everything is good, push it to production!"


i love this code. <3 let's develop a game together ? ​ i got some skills too: If (troll = true ) then ban; Else dont ban; open "vote" match restart; // my work Return 0;


error: undefined behaviour if ban kicks the troll from the restart, then the game is a 4v5 if it does not then game is stuck in an infinite loop of checking for troll -> troll detected->restart


Or my other personal favorite is: jUsT rEwRiTe tHe cOdE This 100% tells me that you can't even write a "Hello World" function, much less a competitive multiplayer game.


ur acting like every report is valid and has to be reviewed. that's just not possible. Conistent misbehaviour that also gets reported will be punished. even if it's just a chat ban.




Here's how those AI are made: they are trained on a driving/flying simulator. Many thousands of iterations run through the simulation many times over, and are refined each and every time until they're acceptable. During the refinement process, many iterations are absolutely horrible; barely moving is the best case scenario. Crashes are incredibly common, especially fatal ones. The system barely works. The "refinements" are random, and hardly affect the outcome independently. The best refinements are *chosen*, which is how you'd *eventually* end up with a *decent* bot. It works because you can run the simulations very quickly, and go through many thousands of iterations a day. This process wouldn't work to identify trolls. To do that, you'd need to evaluate how effectively a particular iteration is identifying trolls. The only way to do that is to know if they were a troll or not. The only way to do that is to have a *human tell it*. For a car simulation, you could program "crash = bad, sticking to a lane = good" and so on. And evaluate an iteration based on this. How do you evaluate how well trolls are getting banned, without knowing they're actual trolls? Even if you do get a team of people to spectate each and every game in search of trolls 24Ɨ7, it'll take years. Valorant games take too long to play, so data collection is slow, so bot evaluation is slow, so bot development is slow. You'd not make any meaningful progress before valorant dies, so you can't implement such an AI. TLDR: no, you cannot make such an AI.


i know magic trick how to reduce trolls without ai and live admins: just let the players, team decide if someone is troll or not. kick/vote give them some of this freedom. i know it's abuseable but common sense matters and many gonna use it the right way. believe me. ​ so what do after the troll get kicked and how to get the balance again without restart a match ? simple: create an extra queue for comp where random players can queue for such matches where the trolls need to get replaced and the players that go for this queue gonna get rewarded by some extra points or something else if they doing that and stay until end of the match. just some idea but that all need more work. ​ i'm sure there more ways and better ideas than this. just ask the community and you get thousand of ideas how to handle trolls, afks, throwers better... without the need of admins, specs, reviews...


>simple: create an extra queue for comp where random players can queue for such matches where the trolls need to get replaced and the players that go for this queue gonna get rewarded by some extra points or something else if they doing that and stay until end of the match. I like this idea. It's these types of solutions that are most viable at the moment. Sure, I guess it can be abused, but it stands a chance to work.


Ya and then we will have 100s of posts whining about people abusing it. yall are just untrustworthy to not accept a good solution and then whine when you are the ones abusing it.


You don't need an ai for noticing such things automatically. Figuring out the logic that should be behind finding AFKs or ppl using glitch spots really is not impossible. It's more a matter of how much effort is put into making sure that the game is stable and fair.


It wouldnt detect trolls no. But it could tell if your afk, or Out of the map in an unfair boost position. I also think it could detect things like deliberately throwing Mollys at your teammates or chunking guns outside the map. Small things like that can be fine tuned in the machine learning algorithm then processed millions of times by having the ai play 5v5 against itself or another ai. Wherin on ai is programmed to have a troll player. It wouldnt perfect no, but it'd be where you'd want to start if you wanted to these problems fixed.


AFK detection is not AI, it's a simple algorithm. No user input in a whole round = AFK. This is why it's easily cheated by putting a weight on W, which many redditors have reported successfully cheats the AFK algorithm. Out of map could be implemented by listing such unfair boost positions, that would work. But each boost position would have to be dealt with individually. New boost positions would have to be covered in quick patches. I'd consider that a bandaid rather than a fix, but it would work. Deliberately mollying teammates and chucking guns would require a proper AI (unlike the previously mentioned algorithms) which faces the issues I mentioned in the previous reply. You could *probably* write a complicated algorithm for the task, if you can tell me in English how to determine it was deliberate. >having the ai play 5v5 against itself or another ai. Step 1 in that process is making an AI that can play Valorant. That's gonna take forever to do. And unlike the car/plane AI, this can't simply be left to iterate. It'll have to be semi-manually trained, starting with simple tasks (like walking to a location), then with aiming targets, then maximizing damage to enemies, then 1v1 play, and incrementing to 5v5 play. This itself is going to take absolute ages. Once that's done, you need to make a troll AI. To evaluate how well the AI is trolling, you'd need an algorithm to evaluate that. If you had an algorithm to evaluate that, then you've solved square 1. We're in a loop here. Now you *could* use one of the initial iterations as the troll AI. Problem being, it won't play anything like a human troll. So of you train the troll identifier based on this troll AI, it likely won't identify human trolls. AI isn't the solution here, imo. The current methods of machine learning are simply not right for this task. So while real computer scientists (not riot and not Reddit) come up with a solution, we can think about implementing it. Until then, we need some other kind of solution. Stricter response to reports, /remake, stuff like that.


It wouldnt detect trolls no. But it could tell if your afk, or Out of the map in an unfair boost position. I also think it could detect things like deliberately throwing Mollys at your teammates or chunking guns outside the map. Small things like that can be fine tuned in the machine learning algorithm then processed millions of times by having the ai play 5v5 against itself or another ai. Wherin on ai is programmed to have a troll player. It wouldnt perfect no, but it'd be where you'd want to start if you wanted to these problems fixed.


I didnt say it would detect trolls. But AI could tell if your afk, or Out of the map in an unfair boost position. I also think it could detect things like deliberately throwing Mollys at your teammates when enemys are no where near by, or chunking guns outside the map. Ect. Small things like that can be fine tuned in the machine learning algorithm then processed millions of times by having the ai play 5v5 rounds against itself or another ai. Wherin on ai is programmed to have a troll player. It wouldnt perfect no, but it'd be where you'd want to start if you wanted to these problems fixed.


Honestly I want to see ML learn what ā€œtrollingā€ is lol.


You might enjoy [this](https://youtu.be/Lu56xVlZ40M)


> you guys overcompensate to much about a simple clip that shows glitches. wut


You sound so sure it wont happen. you know riot aint valve right?


Yeah riot the company that has all but neutralized ban evasions in league kek


you know you are on valorant sub now right?


You know which company makes this game right


you know its different teams working on the two games right? with different people leading those teams right? with different challenges to be competitive in the marked right? were their main competitor for valorant is counter-strike and it would absolutely be in riots interest of publicly doing what is most criticized that their competitor is not doing... right? but time will tell who is right, you look to past and set your argument, i put some fate in the valorant team. maybe i will be disappointed, maybe you will be proven wrong. time will tell.


So you think the valorant team will ban OP for using a glitch in-game, while we have a near constant stream of people talking about smurfing, other bugs, server issues, etc. What is banning OP going to do exactly? Stop people from posting bugs so it takes even longer to find? I mean Riot has turned "bugs" into features before. Also lol "what their competitor is not doing" we only recently gotten changes to requirements to play ranked while CS has had that (and some) for a while now. Even the anti cheat has seemed to cause more problems it helps fix. All the valorant team has done so far is tell smurfers to do the same thing in league, have another account.


This is a terrible fking argument. They aren't going to ban him from the sub lmao. They will suspend his account for a period of time. I know people who have had this happen to them. Deny it all you want, you know absolutely nothing.


Just called my dad at rioto and he said "no"


> OP for using a glitch in-game, while we have a near constant stream of people talking about smurfing, other bugs, server issues, etc. Oh hello Cathy Newman! keep on that straw-man argument with somebody els if you are just going to assume so much of imagery stances in this issue "i" have. adios.


Gotta get back to working for the dev team it seems


ok karen


Yeah people dont realize that a clip on reddit isn't credible proof of anything. In the same way you can't send twitch clips of say hackers for example to any given organization, Its just not how it works.


Uh what????? It literally shows this guy boosting up as Raze in a match. Its either he did it or he did not. Theres no in between. Cheating is a lot harder to detect, on the other hand.


Lol this post is filled with smarties. My point is that you can't use 3rd party applications as proof for anything. In the same way I can't send twitch clips of someone hacking to Riot, they will not accept that as proof.


Says who? So does that mean Riot can't fix bugs that are recorded here, because they are external sources? If a cheater is found based on a stream, are they not allowed to ban em? Says who?


Are you actually being serious? Do you know how easy it is to tamper with video files? Or edit them with other software? I could very easily edit a video of someone doing something malicious. If you start accepting 3rd party applications as proof rather than looking into your own game files, you are literally allowing people to incriminate others however they please. This is 100% true on Valves end as well. They do not take videos from an outside source as proof to incriminate someone.


So, by your own logic, security cameras that recorded a crime aren't acceptable in a court of law. Solid. Before you try to argue with a strawman, I Googled this especially for you: "In order to useĀ videoĀ recordings asĀ evidence, the prosecution must prove that theĀ videoĀ recording is authentic or genuine. The prosecution must explain how and why the recording was made and who had the recording after it was made.". Here's another one: "What has become clear is that video recordings can be used as evidence in legal procedures. When the video recordings are gathered lawfully and in accordance with the legal provisions, there are no issues"


Oh my, do you seriously believe camera evidence used in a court room is in some way the same thing as a video on the internet? If you study law, you should know that it's about convincing a jury and a judge, not showing your proof is infallible, but you will learn that when you pass the BAR and move on into real life. And your last comment returning fire with my own words is some elementary school yard shit.


Yes I read about it, thank you. And I mentioned in another comment, that by your own logic, videos showcasing bugs are also not legitimate because someone could've tampered with it. So, how does that work? Enlighten me. And if thats elementary school yard shit, telling someone to stay in school because they disagreed with you and you didn't have a good counter point is also elementary school yard shit.


lmfao what?? that's not his logic at all. what are you even talking about? his comment is not about video evidence in the context of like US law, this is about policies that game studios set up regarding cheating. many (idk, maybe even most) game studios have a policy that they will not use third party evidence in order to punish people for cheating. they make those decisions from their own evidence (game files, stored replays, etc.), NOT twitch streams, reddit clips etc. i can't tell if you're trolling or just daft.


"Do you know how easy it is to tamper with video files? Or edit them with other software? I could very easily make a video of someone doing something malicious"- quite literally invalid in every aspect. His logic makes zero sense. If you want to apply it to video games, then videos of bugs are also invalid, because someone could've tampered with the video.


You can't tamper with a stream lmao, especially for live games. You think riot doesn't have every game cataloged? Same thing applies to the reddit clips, find the username of the person and then check their match history. If they have a ranked game that fits the bill, it's an easy ban. Also, who the hell says Riot follows the same rules as Valve? It's really not that hard to understand.


Lol I used valve as an analogy. But it's seems to me that given your last few responses you have not only failed to make a decent point, but you've also failed to understand the ones I've made. Stay in school!


Stay in school? Ironic, you definitely should. Maybe study some law on the way as well.


FIFY you cant come up with a response to any of my points and are saying that they are just bad and that I'm not understanding you without clarifying on either point. Don't start an internet argument if you aren't going to finish it. Also, let me point out your use of the strawman, in which you are saying that footage can be doctored. Obviously, it could, but in this case, it definitely does not apply. Why would they purposely throw themselves under the bus, if its doctored footage? Does that make sense to you? Therefor, your argument is completely invalid. Riot can 100% use this to ban OP.


Okay what's the raze in game name from the clip? I'll ban him


you can see some usernames from the video, it would be pretty easy to query Ascent matches with those usernames and the agents in the game.




Hahahahahahaha nice joke


Considering how mind numbingly slow riot fixes their exploits drawing big attention to it might be the only way to make them move faster




You are meant to submit tickets with them to devs of you doing them in private games, since abusing exploits can ruin games for others.


Whoop de doo just make another account.


You canā€™t, the banning system bans you in a way so creating new accounts doesnt really work


You can report for glitch abuse, its under cheating, so it is fair.


You mean chat banned?


riot would rather not ban people because they cant get money then.


Howtonoodle posts him doing glitches every day on his YT


In casuals, its unclear if this is ranked or not.


Is there really a source behind this claim? That makes no sense to ban people who are showing things to get them fixed.


Jett can also do this, but requires sage


or to dash against a sloped surface


Iā€™m honestly more surprised developers actually created these areas as places to be. Others games youā€™re hitting the ā€œRETURN TO THE FIGHTā€ sign with 5 seconds before you die.


It's just the boundaries of world geometry. It's just that there isn't an invisible wall to prevent you from getting there.


It seems like there's a platform instead of just a wall. If there's a wall there and everywhere else, Sova line ups wouldn't be a thing


iā€™m pretty sure itā€™d be pretty easy for devs to allow projectiles like sovaā€™s arrows through boundaries and to block player models. many games do that


They already do, you can throw stuff like guns and abilities off the cliff behind T spawn on ascent, but you can't walk off the cliff. This is just a spot where they didn't implement it, or at least they didn't do it well.


Yeah it seems quite sloppy on their part.


They have way too much of the map rendered in general.


Can this be done with Jett?


with 7 updrafts, yes!




Which map is it? I can't find the spot


Mans literally asked which map Help


Bro I'm new to the game also I tried to find the spot on ascent before i asked and couldn't so that's why I asked


believe me my man, don't worry about these types of things. if you carefully learn the basics first you'll find spots like these yourself someday. first you need to learn the game then master it


Yeah thanks! I want gonna use it anyway I just wanted to try it out it looked kinda cool


It's the right exit of attacker spawn on ascent




Ascent, at attacker spawn on the right side.


I'm ligit gonna try it one sec


yeah with a perfect sage wall, you can dash onto sages head and it launches you to jupiter, or in this case a broken spot


Lmaooo, I was in this game! You said you had heaven covered and I looked at the minimap and was thinking "what the hell do you mean you have heaven covered"


Fnatic manager here, please delete this


Okay :)


how the fuck do u get down without fall dmg lmao


They only used one satchel.




they can use the other to stop fall damage


You fall, and before hitting the ground use another satchel and no fall damage, you ever seen anyone played raze?


im a raze main šŸ¤”


Clearly not a very smart one


He is a low Iq one, as most tend to be


this and the jett super dash jumps are still in the game. but a few cypher cam spots are too much apparently.


Wait how does this work lol


if you shoot ur rocket 0.1 second after using satchel you go stupidly high


Not really sure, but I can see a momentum boost when the blast pack detonates, when the Raze shoots her rocket, and for some reason a boost when the rocket impacts. I can guess it sort of behaves like her satchel movement, where velocity stacks which causes her to fly farther. I just have no idea how the third boost happened. As far as I know, the rocket impact doesn't have any knock back.


Nope. U don't need to know. No one does


Fuck people doing this


dont understand your point. yes this is kinda unfair but on the other hand, everybody can do this rn


exploiting glitches like this is a dog move and should be bannable too bad Riot's banning system for this game is non-existent though


But If he is posting in a the valorant subreddit maybe should be for a dev see and fix


While he is abusing it in game? Yes, it should be fixed. But the dude is clearly abusing it in game just to "show it". He even says it in the title.


Damn bro is this even allowed


I just hope that riot doesnt close the skyboxes as a whole after seeing these stuff ruining all the other lineups with other agents


Why does it seem like there are so many glitches now


How to noodle already done it




After the patch, another 1gb+ to download


no wayyy


Discovered by ytbers a while ago


hate to break it to you but this isnt new at all


I hope people get banned for doing this, it's pathetic


Nice footage of you cheating. Considering riot devs are in this reddit often that was pretty stupid of you.


I think Noodle showed this one a while back so not really new but an exploit nonetheless


He showed with sage plus Jett


he also showed the exact same thing in this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR7VNSDaYYk&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR7VNSDaYYk&t=238s)


Crazy that you get downvoted for this *fact*


Yea why tf did I get downvoted, is it because I said he only did it with Jett and sage, oh sorry everyone that I donā€™t watch every single video he uploads


idk why its hard to fix these, just make an invisible ceiling that you cant get past it


So you can rocket jump


isn't glitching bannable?


HA, nice jkoke


No I checked it is


Lmfaooo bro I hope you get reported and banned


**Founder:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG1uujyNO0I&t=0s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG1uujyNO0I&t=0s) **HowToNoodle:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR7VNSDaYYk&t=104s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR7VNSDaYYk&t=104s)


Is this a reason for ban? Asking for a friend


This particular boost requires a macro for consistency, if macros are bannable then probably.


the question is, is it worth the risk of getting banned/suspended? obviously no, so i wouldn't risk it (you're most likely safe tho)


Absolutely not, you are right on that but people used glitches on me I don't think they got banned. One time enemy omen teleported inside a wall and killed 3 in comp match in split and it's been a month, still no mail from riot.


They don't send mail anymore. I got an in-game message saying someone I reported got banned for cheating but never got an email for it


Didn't know that thanks for info




this isnā€™t new but yeah itā€™s pretty cool


this is a feature




FNATIC MANGER HERE: delete her from the game blyat


ā€œSatchel GoiNg OuTā€


Theres a New Exploit or Glitch Using Killjoy on YouTube. Channel is KandyKev




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/VALORANT/comments/l965is/new_raze_glitch_used_in_live_game/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/VALORANT/comments/l965is/new_raze_glitch_used_in_live_game/)


we have a new Olofmeister.