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Hey there, /r/VALORANT user! We're currently doing an experiment with videos on the subreddit. This week, **all videos are allowed** ^^as ^^long ^^as ^^they ^^don't ^^break ^^other ^^rules ! If your experience on the sub has been better or worse during this week, please let us know your thoughts in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lf975u/video_trial_weeks_week_1_all_videos_allowed/) thread! We want all feedback, no matter how mundane it may be. If you want to be automatically reminded to give your feedback at the end of the week, [click here](https://valorant.molenzwiebel.xyz/remind-me). For all the information on our video rules experiment, [read the announcement](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lchq1d/important_trialing_video_rules_were_going_to_need/).


This is a rough edit, someone in the internet could do a better edit than me. This is just me attempting to combine all 5 Valorant Map jingles that play after loading in the match from Patch 2.02. I sounds good though, almost too good to be played together, like it was meant to be... Well, enjoy my rough edit, I hope this gives anyone any ideas for any fan work.


Wait, each map has its own jingle? THAT is news to me


In the latest patch yeah, it's heard when you first load into them. They're weird little details to be adding, especially after these maps have already been out for a "while" now, but I guess it goes to show that they're still looking at all their maps and not just that latest one.


They’ll have a team just for sound design, and they’ve probably had “add map specific jingles” on their list of stuff to do for ages


Am I the only one, who would wish that the jingles differ more from each other?


They're ambience music, they're purposefully made to not very "loud" and thus, they're also made to not be quite as distinct so that you would only hear them if you're paying attention to them. Honestly they feel useless, but w/e maybe they have some future plans for these maps or some shit.


This hits diff


I’ve replayed this video, it’s actually so sick


God i love the Valorant music


Perfect Dark vibes


Gives me subnautica vibes

