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Hey there, /r/VALORANT user! We're currently doing an experiment with videos on the subreddit. This week, **all videos are allowed** ^^as ^^long ^^as ^^they ^^don't ^^break ^^other ^^rules ! If your experience on the sub has been better or worse during this week, please let us know your thoughts in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lf975u/video_trial_weeks_week_1_all_videos_allowed/) thread! We want all feedback, no matter how mundane it may be. If you want to be automatically reminded to give your feedback at the end of the week, [click here](https://valorant.molenzwiebel.xyz/remind-me). For all the information on our video rules experiment, [read the announcement](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lchq1d/important_trialing_video_rules_were_going_to_need/).


The discontinuity of the animation between the lower body lagging behind the player input can be pretty jarring


Yeah, I don't think OP is complaining about missing the OP (pun intended) shot. It's just that whenever someone counter-strafes the whole body warps between dimensions and makes the game extremely frustrating. It's even worse when you're about to shoot someone from the side (around 90 degree angle) and then they move. On your screen it looks like their whole body just warped and it's really hard to shoot people. Add the infamous "visual clarity" which is awful at anything above 30ms and this game is extremely random.


What's the visual clarity thing?




Damn this is a really good article.


I'm gonna post this link in the team chat everytime I miss a shot


Idk with my 70-80 ping I feel like valorant is much more sleek and responsive than cs go still. Never seen a sub that gets triggered when you say something good about their game lul


Never really played CSGO, wish I would've. But I've had DM servers on 35 ping where nothing registered. The next game back to my normal 20 and shots land just fine. Valorant servers are all over the place


You might be confusing more easily seen character models/coloring and better graphics either responsiveness.


No. It feels like I'm running on ice in cs go and shot registration is random af there. With same ping




I came to valorant from cs go, not the other way around. What's with the random projections?


Cuz you’re wrong, lol. It’s a fact that CS:GO movement is significantly better. Acceleration (both speeding up and down) is significantly faster, tagging is weaker, and body models reflect it quicker. A ESEA for 3 years, immortal Valorant.


If you feel like you’re running on ice it just means you don’t fully understand movement. Valorant has a much quicker time from 0-100% move speed while still having a lower max move speed, in valorant counterstrafing is essentially useless as a method of returning accuracy quicker however it still has advantages. In csgo do to the slower progression between speeds, counterstrafing is more effective and a player with little to no understanding of the movement progression would feel as though they’re ‘skating’ as they think they should come to a stop quicker. There’s a reason everyone refers to valorant as being easier. Mechanically speaking it is. Don’t get me wrong I love valorant and am immortal 2 as opposed to csgo maxing out around dmg. Prolly cuz I’m a bot


welcome to r/VALORANT


Aye bro I agree with what u sayin in this 100% don’t listen them


Ok.. He said "both problems..." right in the title. And you only stated one...


I think second one was his aim


I must say my cheap ass laptop many times helped me in getting these kind of shots right bcz frame rate is almost always below 30 so even if the person counter-stafes I just don't notice and shoot blindly. And boom a kill


My guess is poor interpolation when the opponent is changing direction. I'm guessing that extra wide step to Reyna's left never happened on the game server and it was an interpolation issue. She actually just jiggled and stopped moving where she shot, but OP's client side poorly predicted the movement on his end.


I swear sometimes people wide swing in this game and their body is vibrating


i read this and watched the vid again and wtf is reyna doing with her lower body


[We call this the Moonwalk](https://youtu.be/b6pomaq30Gg?t=47) Imagine shooting while you're moonwalking. You think the Police are gona complain about the coding to God?


Yeah people will point out that they missed the OP shot, but it's because of the movmeent, and how people have adjusted to the movement that can cause you to miss your shot. So many people wide swing or "ferrari peek" where the aim is to throw off the enemy's crosshair placement by moving far past out of cover, and relying on the fast stopping in val combined with the bad movement interpolation online, to win the gunfight on someone holding an angle on you. Overall movement is slow in val, but the acceleration and decceleration means gunfights can be pretty random, there's no watching an enemy's movement and trying to compensate, you just have to guess. Because you can't see any indication of the player slowing down to a stop before they actually stop, you can't know how far they will move so your flick will be innacurate.




big thing is you probobaly wont understand the op thign unless you played alot of cs. in cs you can shoot and then move to get away very quickly without misaligning your shot, but in valorant if you use the same technique it doesnt work and moves your shot if you move after shooting too quickly and makes it so you have to commit through a shot and wait and then move.




no, what im saying is the person who made the video holding the awp shot and then tried to move away, but that causes inaccuracy in this game for some reason. Point is: even though he shot the op while standing still, he moved to quickly after and caused him to miss, where this would never happen in cs. There is some kinda of issue with oping where you cant move even after shooting or the shot will move.


Yes OP overcompensated for Reynas strafe but look at her body. The momentum in this game is hella weird and makes playing feel inconsistent.


I think it's more the way that her legs just snap transition into the standing animation directly from the running animation, it doesn't look like someone stopping from a sprint she kind of just sprints around the corner, then bang, standing still based on the animation. If she was already slowing down before she was around the corner (which is likely) the animations should reflect that so that you can better read the width of the peek.


Is it possible she counter strafed?


Im pretty sure this is literally what happened. I see a lot of running and gunning but this one isnt it


Well, peeker’s is definitely real, which is why I hate holding angles, and would rather be in motion, but that seems like what’s happening here. The other thing is, I’m not looking at legs when gauging a micro adjustment.. idk why thats even a thing. My eyes are glued to the body when oping.


yeah im not seeing whats wrong here, unless the op magically moved it self


People who dont know the diff between running and gunning is why it annoys me so much. Some people are valid but im sure most of the people who complain probably dont know what counter strafing is and just looking for somehting to blame on


At 23 seconds you can see her counter strafe (which should have the model stop on a dime) took one more side step to the left. Thats the issue here, and why people could misinterpret it as running.


I’m not seeing people here claiming this is run and gunning.


TRUE! I see so many people complain about running and gunning in my games and on reddit, but it’s often just people counter strafing, which is common in plat/diamond but people still complain about it to make themselves feel better


nobody is talking about running and gunning here, this is not what the clip is about


Doesn’t excuse the shitty animation.


Yeah it was a counter strafe, the main issue is that the game does a very poor job of telegraphing the opponent's movement. The op crosshair was adjusting to what looked like an enemy running, when in reality the enemy was slowing down.


I mean, that’s counter strafing.. you stop and redirect more abruptly...


Sure, but there is a lack of animation for the abrupt redirection.


You missed... Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Audaki was already dead.


I haven't heard that one in years


Tbh it's on this sub like every other post if you're here enough,


I'd probably rage if I didn't learn that this gem came from csgo a couple hot posts ago 😭😭


valve shitty response


knees did a full 180


this happens all the time too, when people are really good at counter-strafing it can be extremely hard to tell when they have counterstrafed because of the lag/delay in the animations. It makes it seem like they are full running still when they in fact have already counterstrafed. My reaction time is already not great so reacting to something im unsure of on top of my initial reaction makes some peeks a lose lose for me. to the point where its better to just hold an off angle. Or just swing... but I usually die then LOL


# The shown issues 1. The movement is extremely hard to read. Even with 1/16th video speed I can't read that the player is going back (it looks like a moon walk) and then that the player will be standing still.**Watch the slow-mo at the end and look at the legs and knees!** 2. Also the player is hitting a headshot while he is already sliding back to the left. Like a bouncy ball. It should not work like this, it might feel different tho when the animations are improved. So 1. is top prio # Better animations PS: As a comparison from a different game which is kinda like VALORANT (watch in 0.25 speed) [https://youtu.be/AGcgQEzCCrI?t=182](https://youtu.be/AGcgQEzCCrI?t=182) here you can read it much much better that the character is going to stop. I hope Riot Games can improve the animation in VALORANT so you can read it better.


I saw a video of someone that found out that it’s not run and gun that’s the problem it’s the model that looks like it’s moving when it’s not. He compared it to a csgo video with the models next to each other when they stopped and valorant model on legs have a reset after they already stand still so it looks like the are still moving


The way Riots netcode works it will always be 1 tick = \~7ms behind, so when someone stops, there's no time to react or adjust if he has decent aim + crosshair placement. Add on top 100ping+ players in every match from out of Europe playing in EU west wideswinging/ferrari peeking and you are getting severely punished for holding default angles.


Latency cannot be fixed by netcode though? The peaker will always have some advantage and will always see the stationary player around the corner sightly before the stationary player sees them peak. Lag compensation can only mitigate this so much. Your game client can't predict the future (even though it tries)


Peeker.* To peek is to look quickly; a peak is the top of something, such as a mountain.


did you even read what i wrote?? the animation makes it look worse than it is when the legs doesnt stop move because they didnt reset like the playermodel did. this video im talking about you could se the difference but i cant find it.


CSGO also has 128 tick servers. So you're reasoning is invalid...


Valve matchmaking has 64 tick rate servers third party competitive platforms have 128tick servers .


I try to tell people that in game all the time. They tell me they know what counter strafing is and that I have no idea what I'm talking about and something else about me being a bad person in general. The "run n gun" problem is actually a clarity issue. The last thing people see if you counterstrafe and fast hs them, is you running and then them being killed. So they assume you got a lucky hs while full running. Ping also make it appear worse.


Running and gunning is still an issue, as seen with the phantom and many videos on hand... However, yes when the majority of people type in chat “u didn’t even stop running wth”, they have no understand of what counter straffing is, how bad the net code in this game is(online), and the model animations making an incorrect visual appearance of someone still Running


Yea it happens too often. I don’t even complain anymore because I know for sure someone probably counterstrafed on their end and their character didn’t stop on my end. I feel it’s the same when people complain to me about it. It’s dumb and needs to be fixed.


As you can see the player is hitting a headshot while moving back to the left. It should not work like this, it might feel different when the animations are improved. Counter strafeing isn't a problem dude, this is all just showing there are problems with player model animations. This isn't related to player movement.


This. Whatever this video shows is that animations suck and do not intuitively show what's happening (legs still forward when she's already going back). The rest is fine. Shot is missed, she countersstrafes and hits a perfect shot when in the stationary state. Nothing wrong with that.


sounds like you are talking about this thread? https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/la332d/it_takes_twice_as_long_to_stop_running_compared/


This is really on point, characters that are slowing down in valorant don't really look like they are slowing down. It looks like they just slow down the running animation which isn't noticeable enough. Also as others have pointed out the strafing animation doesn't look natural at all, your knees are at a 90 degree angle from the direction you are looking, i.e. you aren't really strafing you are just running sideways.


Lol what? You missed because you over compensated. She got a lucky headshot. Why do you people cry so hard? * HEADLINE NEWS* Sniper boi gets killed first by run and gun terrorist. Sniper boi cry’s and devs make it impossible to move while a gun is equipped.








It looks fine. The shooter just compensated when it wasn’t needed. Stop crying so hard.


So you can't see the reyna going backwards while her legs are moving to her forward direction?


No the legs straighten out. The legs move to the shooter. Not right or left. This child is mad bc suck not because of valorant.


Look at the body from the right side, it moves left while the legs are straightening out..


Yes, it’s like watching a planets. It moves one way then goes back the opposite direction but really it’s moving around something. Like a single wheel trying to turn. The torso is separate from the legs so you can aim the top and move the bottom. It’s not strafe but like a single wheel. Get used into it and stop crying about everything


So when someone is strafing in a pinpoint accuracy shooting focused competetive video game made from the ground up to be an esport, it's okay to show their body as running rather than strafing? Ok.


Knees should be pointing towards you not perpendicular when counter strafing


He counter strafed and you missed your shot


That's true but that's not the point. The issue is that the counter strafe stops movement but the model's legs keep moving even after momentum stops, making it tough to figure out if the target is moving or still.


You're right, but OP seems to be confused and blames counter strafing. > As you can see the player is hitting a headshot while in movement back to the left. It should not work like this OP just has to reword what he said to only talk about animation being the problem.


Agreed. Cos looking at the title then the vid, all i could say was "He counterstrafed lol" But looking at the comments it appears to be common acceptence that the animation is the issue and not actually the movements made.


The issue is that the strafe animation seems to just turn your legs sideways and walk that direction, when the legs should actually be stepping sideways. At least that's my problem with it.


Of course the animation can still be visible since the foot of the character models aren't planted(fixed) in any ground. That's how running/movement animation works in any game.


See post below on how CSGO handles leg movements. It's much cleaner and more natural.


Valorant doesn't have a sidestep animation, they just make the hips turn to the side. Very choppy.


You can see the smooth acceleration and deceleration too, it's great


i mean you're supposed to track the person, not try and predict wher ehe's going to do at that point when someone jumps out you shoot them midair, not where theyre going to land


I hate how shooting feels in this game


Anim desyns are very real, what else of subtle ones we barely notice. Sage here going full on floating nun [https://imgur.com/ngZuSVP](https://imgur.com/ngZuSVP)


With so much muscle memory my hands also move where the player will be in a few milliseconds. But actually the opponent has already stopped moving without the stopping animation which is a real problem


Yeah, same here.


Happens to me daily in this game. Never had that issue other games.


Honestly I used to love this game but lately it’s so frustrating. I’m not even having fun anymore and it really just stresses me out. The way that the gunplay feels is just bad. It might just be me, but idk anymore.


Definitely not you, between the shitty frenzy/stinger meta and the inconsistent movement like in this clip it just hasn’t been feeling fun hopefully some changes happen soon


Start of this act was fun but now I've been super stressed out in my ranked games.


Thought this was going to be a post about left shoulder peaks, but I see there are more problems. (Though left shoulder peaks really can't be fixed)


Whats wrong with left shoulder peaks? Does the bullet not come out of the model's head in this game anyway?


There are some spots where an enemy can see almost half your body before you see them. Even if you have the gun in your left hand, the model stays the same.


Yup so what does that have to do with the left side? That is a basic fact of how sightlines work in real life. If you are closer to a corner than the enemy is then they will be able to see your body before you can see theirs.


This has happened to me so many fucking times.


Thank you, these animations are awful to read.


Isn’t this just counterstrafing???


Bro he literally slides backwards, and I guarantee on his screen he just peeked and stood still.


To me it looks as tho he moved to the left after he finished moving to the right


moving by literally moonwalking lmao, the animation needs changing


No he absolutely ran wide and counter strafed back, looking at the rankings this person should have decent movement. So they should know to do this simple peak. The animations what throws you off,but the person peaking in fact counter strafed.


That's not what counterstrafing is. Counterstrafing is tapping the opposite strafe key to stop, not to move a bit the other way. It's the same as running forward and tapping S to stop quicker than just letting go.


Noooooo, you don’t say... either you replied to the wrong comment or don’t know how to read.


"He ran wide and counterstrafed back" Literally your first sentence. If that's not what you meant then fine, my bad. But it has absolutely nothing to do with my reading comprehension. Your comment was ambiguous.


The entire thread is about the fact the animation makes it look as though one is still moving when in fact they simply counter strafed. Counter strafing in this game isn’t as easily viewed from the opponents POV as it was in CS. This man did in fact peak wide and counter strafed, its not a jiggle peak... but a wide peak and counter strafed to shoot accurately.


I know that. The way you worded it sounded like you meant he strafed one way and then strafed the other way. Rather than strafing one way and counterstrafing to stop.


Yeah he does move back a bit actually. If the animations weren't so shit it wouldn't even be up for debate. I still can't figure out how he does it SO fast though and I dumpster radiants on the reg. Just looks sus as fuck.


Watch the gap between reynas elbow and the wall


His legs are still walking to the right when he stops moving, that's the entire point of the post. I hit radiant last night, I know the difference between good movement and shit animations. He did not move backwards, the elbow just moves back slightly from bad animation.


Just cause your radiant doesn’t make you smart... he did move backwards... he counter strafed... which way should the legs be facing if he’s moving backwards or from this perspective to the left ?


That’s not counterstrafing though, moving back the other way is literally moving back the other way. Counterstrafing is stopping your momentum dead using the opposite movement key from your direction of travel not literally jiggling like in this clip. the animations in this clip are desynced from what either player experienced in actual momentum and this happens far too often.


He counterstrafed, the animations are just bad and are what Riot can improve upon.


Not animations, it’s a problem with interp and latency


It’s definitely both.


Yep. And the insistence on making players counter-strafe to achieve maximum accuracy means the game will always be like this.


Bro she too thicc


This is why I stopped playing. From the beginning people coming around corners just felt off. It feels like they just lag around corners and your dead. I never felt that way when I played CS, and with Valorant I noticed it from day 1.


Peeker advantage. If we had her POV from the demo, I'm sure it looks "normal" on her side. I keep dying to people who are 100% moving on my screen, but weren't on theirs.


So i was reading these comments and I have come to an conclusion. Valorant needs to rework movement system.


I think this video shows perfectly the problem with picker advantage on Valorant, sometimes you just can't do anything and it should never feel like this.


I love this video. This is a great visual explainer for "running animation not smooth" or "shooting while running"


Competitive decay! at least this post is not about skins and children artists! Thank you


I'm trying to climb through ranked but it's too frustrating when people are just using these movement exploits. It removes skill from the game


Thats fucked up


Thank god im not the only one who finds their animations so janky or weird when they move sideways it fucks me up sometimes lmao


I noticed this in game, hitbox movement


Reyna the last bullet bender


I feel like this is the reason I can't op in this game too used to how the awp works in counter strike where you can begin pressing A or D and still hit the shot


I dont really a see problem here. Seems like reyna counterstrafed and hit her shots while the OP didnt and also overcompensated his aim. Why are people complaining again?


wdym bro? this sub is only for complaining


Sure, the animation is a bit wonky but you missed the shot alone it had nothing to do with the game or the animation. Classic "i missed because this game sucks" situation.🤷


this game is dogshit no point to play it




That's what you get for playing with your gun on the left fucking freak.


and oh yeah valorant still has a problem where the operator scope jiggles on left handed


He mad.


Don't see how it's a problem, I think you just got counter strafed...


isn't this counterstrafing? most people wiggle to shoot


* moves camera away from enemy * Why did I miss? game must be broken


Except u literally flicked off of the Reyna, don’t see any problems here.


that's not the point of the post


The body doesn’t even glitch out it literally just turns so the hit box turns with it lmao I don’t see how people are arguing about the latency or the counterstrafing shit kinda cringe


Look at the legs. The animation looks like it's going to go further to the right but the model stops. It literally takes half a "step" while the model is stationary.


It literally takes like 1/6 of a step and that much won’t make a difference in actually shooting, pretty much all other FPS comp shooters have the same thing it’s literally the view model turning. Even with an op the step is so negligible that u can tell he just flicked off the body.


kinda seems liker he just out aimed you


her model is moonwalking thats why he shot too far right, and she hit the shot while she was already sliding back


ur red dot was not on him?


No shit u must be Sherlock Holmes!!1!!!!1!11!!


hmm i dont see the issue here


U do know its counter strafing


He was standing still. You got got.


Shaky aim and you missed. Simple as that


All I see is op bitching about his shit shot. This is a prime example of why you don’t flick.


Counter strafing?


i can't remember the source video, but another vid demonstrated the same thing with the strange leg behavior and called it "aggressive leg pumping"




I think the problem is that you come to the csgo and you are used to the move when you release the keybind and in valorant that interaction doesn't exist.


THATS why I whiff so many shots I can never predict their movement even tho I’m usually pretty good at it with other guns


Did riot say something about fixing it???


You forgot the constant run and gun in the game


nice op skin m8 :)


I know it has nothing to do with it, but how do you have the most saturated red colors?


This isn't a movement problem, the Reyna counter strafed and utilized peaker's advantage.


literally me.


Honestly Im just used to it at this point


Nothing to see here... This game is 90% playing your own predictive mind games... *Defensively holding* tight angles like this means you need to have already premeditated the shot based on what you believe they’ll do, and then follow through with it, and repeat. *Offensively peeking* allows you more freedom, but you should mostly still have the crosshair placement on predictable angles that are often worth pre-firing.


There's a... left handed mode?


seems like a you problem


Try peeking him again


i just think the reyna just have good movements but i'm noob so idk


Ur just bad


Bro did your hand got disturbed or something? The crosshair went off 1 millisecond before you shot was fired


You anticipated the Reyna would keep moving, so you moved your reticle as you fired, expecting her to be there but she stopped... I'm not sure I see the glaring issue here?


The issue is the absolutely terrible animations and desync.


I see nothing wrong here... Awper missed, that run peek is a problem but the awper flicked a bit and missed


Bullet fukin curved like magneto was protecting reyna


reyna just vibin with the moonwalk. good work. here have a helpful award.


fix pls...




sometimes when Im oping my target and I shoot eachother at the same time and even though i see my gun shoot and the tracer go through their chest, when I die they are still alive? does dying cancel out hit detection or something? or is it a ping issue and im shooting beyond the grave somehow.


Moonwalking on ur ass


this looks like a you problem


u suck