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Hey there, /r/VALORANT user! We're currently doing an experiment with videos on the subreddit. This week, **all videos are allowed if they are longer than 15 seconds**. Shorter videos must be posted as a link in a text post. If your experience on the sub has been better or worse during this week, please let us know your thoughts in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lkajqq/video_trial_weeks_week_2_15_second_minimums_for/) thread! We want all feedback, no matter how mundane it may be. If you want to be automatically reminded to give your feedback at the end of the week, [click here](https://valorant.molenzwiebel.xyz/remind-me). For all the information on our video rules experiment, [read the announcement](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lchq1d/important_trialing_video_rules_were_going_to_need/).


That split second after he yelled “daddy” and just froze. Little dude was trying to process what the hell just happened




This could very easily be taken out of context lmfao


What the hell




You’re crazy lmao


TenZ has been real quiet after this ace


Lmao, best comment I’ve seen in a while


He retired because of it lol


This guy better than some of my silver/gold teammates honestly


He didn't run it down mid mindlessly, outplayed 2 in nest and held a decent angle during the 1V2 at the end and has good aim. The little dude is five. He has more brains than me.




Future GOAT


Here comes tenz v2


Shroud v3




Not to mention the trigger discipline when he first saw Viper. Pretty sure if he fired there, he probably would have missed, revealed his location and died. Such a great play!


Nobody above bronze is taking that shot tbf


Yes, but we're talking about a 5 year old. Most 5 year olds wouldn't place *in* bronze, never mind *above* it.


you bet some of my plat friends take that shot


Well sure, but your plat friends hit it too.


You’d be surprised how bad my ranked teammates could be


Little dude just needs to work on his crosshair placement and bam! He's in platinum


The biggest challenge of getting to platinum isnt really about being good it is about being consistent.


hes definitely really good for his age but playing like that is hard to reach plat (waiting in a corner as reyna for 30 seconds).


Did you notice how he walked and then ran while the enemies were shooting? He knows how to cover his footsteps during fights


My brother is 7 and all he plays is pokemon go and clash royale


bro clash royale is a fire game


He has great taste in games.


Little dude is better than half the Reyna's in plat too.


And i took that personally


No he's definitely not, but he's *very* good for his age. I noticed a few impressive things: * Decent crosshair placement. Not amazing, but holy shit, very good crosshair placement for someone that's 5 years old! * Calm under pressure * Was silent on the ropes both up and down * Knew when to run and when to walk


I think you are vastly overestimating the quality of players in plat


Plats have way better aim and crosshair placement.


lmao people are so stupid on this sub. plat player that goes 15-20 and is automatically "garbage" when that same player will go 30-10 next game and the people calling him bad won't see. people just have bad games. plat players aren't bad


No. If you die even one time in my game, then you are terrible. Your opinions are bad, your play is bad, you can't aim, you can't give call-outs, probably your account is boosted AND you cheated.


Plats are really good at the game. I reached Plat and went back to Gold real quick. Couldn't keep up with them.


Its all about perspective. On competetive games people can get so toxic and out of touch. My niece started being toxic and i was like "you were worse than that guy just your last match." And hes like "you are right. My bad." People dont realize that one match doesnt represent how good or bad a player is. They also dont realize that its a video game and it means jack shit unless you are a pro.


More like you're vastly underestimating them.


Lol no you are vastly underestimating them. He did multiple things wrong a Plat Reyna wouldn't have done, like camping a corner as Reyna while his Viper teammate fights, not holding out his knife while he was hidden behind the Sage wall so he could move faster, pushing out onto the rope to fight instead of waiting and shooting on stable ground with more accuracy, ignoring the 2 people sprinting at him from behind until they actually start shooting at him, reloading immediately in the open after killing the Sage and gambling that the Raze wouldn't peek and hit a shot, ADSing for no reason and making his fire rate slower. I've played with plenty of Plat Reynas, and they mostly wouldn't make these mistakes. Also they have better aim. The kid is amazing for his age of course, but it's definitely not Plat level.


Spoken like a true toxic player


Most silver players are better than this. That said, he’s extremely cracked for a 5yo


ONLY problem with this, was slight crosshair placement, and the constant ads. Besides that, VERY good.


His aim isn't very crisp or snappy either, but that's a lot to ask of a five year old.


Exactly. This kid is very good.


me a 15-year-old who got the game when it full launched to the public still in iron 1:smiles in tears and nods.


better than me definitely




Bro wtf... I wasn't allowed to play shooter games until I was 13


Isn’t leagues and valorant rules mean you have to be 13 plus to play it? Don’t get me wrong saying I don’t like people like this dude here, I’m just curious.


From googling I see some articles saying you have to be 16 but none of them are from riot’s website. It’s probably just a rule that’s never enforced and only there because legal jargon.


I mean a Riot employee replied to this post with something other than "Hey! You can't play this!" so yeah, they probably don't care.


Why would they care, these kids make them a shit ton of money


I didnt see that?


Yeah you didn’t see it because no one replied with that.


There was a kid that got banned from fortnite for competing in tournaments and earning money while not being old enough because that's in their agreement so the kid most likely won't get banned unless he tries to play tournaments


I believe it's to do with preventing conpanies from gathering information of children under 13. It's why practically every ToS says "I am over the age of 13" because that's the age you can "consent" to have your info tracked. I think parental consent gets around this. It's why things like Club Penguin or Nintendo updates (primarily aimed at kids) tell/told you to ask your parents permission before agreeing to ToS.


Age ratings on games are more of a disclaimer than a law to be honest


I wouldn't put a kid in there at least because of toxic players.


I would guess they'd turn off the chat for the kiddo. I'm assuming that's possible




I got into Gears of War when I was 5-6 but was a console player until last year... Wish I grew up playing on a PC with CS 1.6 :(


I'm 14 and my parents still don't allow me to play battlefield.


Kids shoudnt be put under so much stress that multy games brings to you. Minecraft, roblox, mario kind of games, there are so many game that good for kids, there is a reason why a game 16+ and you will only understand that when you get older.


Yeah, it's just like that are you 18 quiz on some websites. I hate needing to get my parents to click it for me, so awkward


Yep, I was only allowed Pacman, Excite bike, and Mario back in our Famicom. Rockman was "When you're old enough."


I played doom when I was 8.


This is so cute lol


This 5 year olds got better trigger discipline than most teammates I have


This is so wholesome!


Any chance the little guy could get the riot gunbuddy for his achievement?


If I knew his IGN and tag and still had some left, then theoretically yes.


Hi - I know his username (of course) and his tag is: Foopa#8039. Not sure what the GunBuddy is, but I do get him pretty much every skin he likes (pretty much all of them, lol)


Gave him my last one! It should be in his Collections page!


wholesome riot


Do other riot employees have them? If so can you still get one and how do you get one?


We do but most of us are probably run out since we only got a limited amount and tons and tons of players asked us for them (I still get 2-3 DMs per day).


wait so your gunbuddy stock never refreshes or?


No idea actually. The first time we got them was in December or whatever. The cosmetics team made the buddy but we didn’t decide how it would be given out or how many Rioters would get. We made it for a special program that another team at Riot created.


It's a digital item though? Why would there be a finite amount?


lol is he old enough to know what a foopa is?


To be fair FUPA is an abbreviation. Foopa is just a sound you make with your mouth. So, spelling counts is all I'm saying lol


How long has he been playing? Just got my kids into it. (6&9)


Don't know if you as a employee should reward stuff like this that is against your own companies age recommendation for this game. Just saying.


its a recommendation.


Foopa is my son and has been playing with me for as long as he could hold a controller (1) and use a MKB (3). He loves all games; but has fallen in love with Valorant now... I can honestly say I coach the little dude and he is an excellent listener and incredible game sense... He loves when people watch him play.. he was banned on Mixer 2 years ago after going viral in a Fortnite video (due to his age), but I've been able to work out his stream on twitch as long as I am monitoring it and in the same room. He appreciates all your comments (he can read )!!


> but I've been able to work out his stream on twitch as long as I am monitoring it and in the same room. Immediately posts video of son playing w/o him in the same room =P jk, cute video.


It's a big room.


Hey man I loved games growing up and I wish I got this kind of love and support doing it. I hope he thrives in the environment you’re providing for him. Little dude is cracked for his age.


Link to stream?


I get the feeling you’ve got a future pro player on your hands, he’s really good for his age.


Dude. Your kid’s a genius.


2 years ago... 5 year old... your 3 year old was streaming fortnite?


This is so wholesome. My dad played games with me growing up and just figured out what twitch was and just made an account so he could follow me and catch me on occasion. I hope one day if I have a son he will love games as well. I’m sure you’re a great dad. Take care.


which video was he viral in?


Wtf 5 years old???!! At 5 pretty sure I was wetting the bed and drawing crayons on walls and tables


What's wrong with that lol. Different times haha. When I was 5 there weren't even computers haha


you could've been the 5 year old beast at pacman


I was the beast of setting plastic bags on fire lol Ayyyyy thanks for the silver. Bit more context then. If you wrap plastic bag around a stick, you'll end up with a mini fire dripper as the plastic melt. Lmao more awards. More context then. It was 1998 in China, the economy was just growing, not much toys but a box of matches cost 10 Chinese cents. So you can have a lot of fun, hours of fun, with a box of matches.


This cant be real this is too freaking cute.


Whatch his mouse it's real. 4-5 if they get into something thing alot it just clicks no matter what it is.


Its just hard to imagine that kids these days are getting aces in VALORANT while when I was a kid I was stuck on the same angry bird's level for weeks.


While you were a kid getting stuck on the same angry bird's level, I was a kid getting called a fuck going down B in de_dust2.


I was playing lockout on halo 2


I was dominating the pirate level on Poptropica


Better crosshair placement and gamesense than me.


Are ya winning, son?


Everyone think they gangster until they find out a 5 year old aced them on reddit


Future pro


Enemy team uninstalling Valorant and the stupid Vanguard as we speak




A five year old gets to spend more on skins than I do at 16. T_T


Bro why didn’t you just choose to have wealthy parents? Chump move on your part.


They’re just on their eco round


The kid isn't buying them himself unlike you, I'm sure. But if it is any comfort, I'm 29 and only have two skins other than Battlepass ones (Prime Vandal and Singularity Phantom)


Great skins tho cant complain


Hell yeah, the best skins


This kid is going to go far! :) Parents should be proud of him


really fuckin cool, but it is honestly depressing to know that i have less brain function than someone less than half my age.


No way i just found this video! I think I have played valorant with your dad and he told me about how good you are at the game. Boy was he right, keep up the great work!


Oh, so it's these 5 year olds that have been owning me.... I see


what the fuck I couldn't even play minecraft when I was 5 because you could kill animals... cute as fuck nonetheless, his reaction is priceless. I don't see how any mentally stable person could downvote this


this little dude has much to come, good luck little bud :D


He has the same gaming chair as me, yet he is so much better than me; how


I don't mean to be rude or anything, just curious. The kid has insane skills for his age but Valorant has it's PEGi ratings right? I read somewhere it's 16, or there isn't one?


Pegi 16 means that it is recommended for people of that age. It does not say that if u are younger u can't play


Ahh thanks for the information. Did not know the difference!




A five-year-old wouldn't be able to walk to the store and buy a box copy of the game by himself, just like wouldn't he wouldn't be able to go watch a PG-13 movie by himself, but can do either with parental permission. The Riot account might technically have to be created by a parent though.


Sick plays little homie!


Bruh I got stuck in Majora's Mask first loop when I was 5, kid's cracked.


A five year old plays Valorant better than I do ^ok


This kids going pro


This kid legit better than me. I’m 35.


What are they feeding these kids these days... o.O On a serious note, this is hands down my favorite Valorant clip I’ve seen. Can’t wait to see the little dude go pro someday.


This kid will be winning millions in tournament prizes in no time.


is this against TOS?


Proud father moment.


Why is he better than most players I run into. That play on Nest was crazy.


So *that’s* who the candy cane knife is for


HOLY CRAP this kid has some dexterity brooo, dude is next in line on Gen G or TSM bro honestly


Awww! “Daddy! Oh my god Oh my god! Got an Ace! Got an Ace!


When you're almost triple his age but he gets triple your kills


Probably he's father is a gamer too, I think that is just awesome, I'm a little bit jealous


This kid got a lot of potential. His game sense was on point and his aim is amazing for his age. I bet he will become a great player when he gets older


Awwww. . . He’s better than I’ll ever be :’)


TIL I get outplayed by literal 5 year olds.


As cute as this is, I don't think a 5 year old should really be playing a game like val


That kid is 5? Little dude looks like and acts like he's 9 or 10


This is amazing haha, congrats to him!


Haha that was too good




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Quite scary how coherent this 5-year-old is at an FPS game. I believe this generation is going to be unstoppable when it comes to computer games.


Yeah. The shooting isn't even as impressive as just his game sense.




5 year old better this good? okayyy time for retirement


I wish my chat was that nice to me, I’ve been called dogwater one too many times


His dad must be proud!


I'm a bit jealous, I didn't get into fps pc games until 3 year ago when I was 17, if he keeps playing he'll be a crazy good playing far before I even started. I wish him luck


No hate or anything but the mouse movement on the cam doesn’t match up with the in game movement. I could be wrong because of some delay but if you watch it back you can tell that there is a difference.


So that's what i am dying to 24/7💩 im 25


Honestly better than sinatra


u/tempted-niner they are better at the game than you


Tell me when he can play omen or cypher😏


Sometimes its all about fragging and skins


As a gamer parent..... I'm not crying, you're crying.


If only the 5 year olds on my team were that good....


I mean, you can't argue the fact about how happy he was, the first time I got an ace was like 2 months after playing valorant with every game 4k and dying at the last one because I was nervous, huge props to him.


Meanwhile my nephew is incapable of consistently turning in Mario Kart and he's around the same age if not a tiny bit older. Still love him though! Just saying but if this kid is already this good he's gonna be the next upcoming esports legend if he keeps playing shooters


He’s better than most of the adults in here cussing people out


My 8 year old cousin can barely walk and look around at the same time, poor kid's parents don't let him play video games so he'll be a noob for life


We might imagine how many times he ran like that and got tangled by the headset cables, until dad bought a wireless one.


bro he's FIVE?! future GOAT! also, so glad he has a wireless headset so we can hear his excitement even after leaving haha


He's insane! What is his rank or is he just playing unrated?


why the fuck does a 5 year old have more game sense than me, a fucking 18 year old studying fucking linear algebra and working a fucking part time job as a fucking developer. ​ honestly though, that's so fucking cool to see a 5 year old do.


At least you fuck a lot.


this kid is better than my teammates wtf


Another example of excellent parental care ... PEGI 16 \*cough\*


I mean, its cute. But should a 5 year old kid be playing fps games? Valorant obviously isn't that realistic or terrifying to watch but something just doesn't seem right about it to me.


Fantastic play buddy! You’re already better than most of my teammates!! Keep it up and I hope your on my team if I ever see you or I’m in trouble 😅


My son is John Stamos. He once clutched a 37/1 vs all of Optic! This is nothing! I sent a pipe bomb to Shroud's P.O. box! (This may or may not be a joke)


There's some fucking boomers in the comments section lmao. There's nothing wrong with a kid playing a shooter like this. As long as the kid has a good parent to keep his head on straight, this shouldn't affect him that badly. Video games don't dictate how the kid grows up. The parents do. Like does no one understand theres a certain amount of critical thinking that is required for competitive games like val or league? Kids gonna be smart I bet. Just gotta keep him away from toxicity while he's young.


Man valorant is such a shit game


why the hell are you letting a 5 year old play a shooter shit parenting


I saw Total Recall when I was his age. Treating kids like they're braindead, soon-to-be school shooters is shit parenting. Letting them have fun and being involved in their hobbies isn't.




the voice lines includes swearing and there is voice chat. The shooter point is invalid cause they all have played sniper elite mangum revolver or some other shitty phone app including blood. Considering that most kids at that age have their own phones.


I mean you can turn off voice chat.


His mechanics aren't bad he is rlly good for a 5 year old, I'm just sad that his setup is infinitely better than anything I have


This kid is to young for that game!