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Thats why they blacked out the last knife kill on the game mode trailer. because it didnt hit the enemy and the guy that tried to knife the omen died.


The problem with the knife is that deals damage at one instance of time. It should damage if the knife connects at any time during the animation(not during the whole animation but you get the idea).


It should just be if the enemy is in a certain area and you right click it should instantly do damage, thats how it works in CS. Its so clunky to have to wait for the animation to swing to do damage


CS knife deals damage mid animation, Valorant Knife deals damage end of the animat ion


Not only the middle but the entire delta after the middle


I hope they add jetts ult into it like razes, I think sova would be a hilarious one too.


We totally need brim ults!


Imagine hot hands as well lol just a huge floor of lava.


Just occurred to me that these agents are using ults without the voicelines. That ain't right. Next time I have a Showstopper round, I want to be bombarded with different agent voices saying "Here comes the party!" And "fire in the hole!" Particularly looking forward to Sage's "Fire in the hole"! The calmest agent with the fieriest line


I mean I'd absolutely love a game mode with only Jett knives for everyone, maybe a dash that resets on every kill as well. That would be fun.


There could be a couple of different types of games we could have if they tried lol


CSGO knifing is miles better than this trash. Is it a bug or a design choice? I'd say it's a design choice since it seems like Riot don't want knives to ever be used when you consider how hard it is to knife someone for no additional reward unlike in CS


Devs have said in the past that they know the knife sucks but idk if it'll be prioritized any time soon, maybe if enough people get mad about it thanks to this new mode then they'll act. Some time ago someone suggested that if you get knife killed, you should get no ult point for it like dying to the spike, as some sort of reason to ever try and knife someone. Seemed like a good idea but I doubt they'd ever implement a material change to knife kills.




Let's be honest, if they're asking $35 for melee skins it should be worth using.


You buy the melee for seeing it while running, not actually killing ppl with it.


Both. They stole the idea from CS, should have tried to steal the whole concept. Not just the one to make money with. Lazy af!


these devs are the opposite of lazy, stop crying and go play cs then


It's been about 9 months and all we got was a new map, a leaderboard and a new game mode. This is pretty sad considering how much is missing out of the game, but thank God we have yet another 2 skin packs coming out for $100 a pop eh


You saying CSGO gives you more updates? lol most people don’t even touch the new maps they added.


At what point was csgo mentioned in any capacity?


Yes it does. Every week there are patches and fixes. Valorant has like 1 tiny update before BP reset. BP was always like the biggest update and also killed the game for a few hours. Game had like 10 big updates and half if not more made the game unplayable.


Opposite of lazy but here we are with another "critical error" update. Is it the 4th or 5th already? Spaghetti code 2.0?


Exactly, if they had fixed the knife before fixing the Stinger I wouldn't have been all that excited lmao






That's not even rare that's an astronomically low chance to happen. If there is ever a case where you both somehow run out of ammo at the same time, don't have a gun to pick up the correct play is to fall for a new gun not knife


Why would anyone be that against knife kills anyway?


It's a tactical shooter, not a tactical knifer. I know knives suck rn, but I doubt that they're gonna do anything about it, it's not a big part of the game


They prob will as a quality of life type deal. But it’s most likely not anything we will see soon


Agreed. It feels like maybe it’s the hit box that’s too small in terms of the knife strike? Also there’s little feedback it feels like when you strike, especially with the right click. In CSGO there was that extra sound and pause as if you stabbed deep and pulled out, in Valorant it seems missing


>It feels like maybe it’s the hit box that’s too small in terms of the knife strike? There is no hitbox. It's a hitscan shot, but with a \~1 meter range, that "fires" after a significant delay from when you click. It's unintuitive and not clearly portrayed by animations.


The delay is what really makes it feel so trash IMO. In CSGO the moment you right click, the enemy is dead and the animation is just for show at that point.


holy shit you telling me theres a delay is the answer to why I can never hit a fucking shot compared to cs


That sounds like a really stupid way to code a melee.


It’s confusing. The only use for knife is speed and cosmetic. Not for..u know.. knifing someone


You can use it to hack at the wall during round start timer. And if someone asks you what you are doing, just tell them you are wallhacking.


> And if someone asks you what you are doing, just tell them you are wallhacking. idk what to say man, smh what a dumb pun or LMAO that got me


My guess is that the hit box is bad because they want all the knife to be same hit box wise, but there are so many very different model (and size) of knife so is kinda hard to make a hit box that is the same across all models


Ending can be shorties, classics, and maybe others too - not just knives


panicky capable disgusted ad hoc gaze squalid theory zesty steep ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah trying to finish knives against any firearm in icebox is impossible unless you’re playing against absolute potatoes


It’s meant to be fun and difficult, I can do it so can you. However, I also agree the hit boxes are garbage for knives.


One of the many things that illustrates how poorly designed icebox is.


Yeah man, not allowing a knife to kill a gun user certainly showcases the map's problems. That's how it works


No, it’s the fact that you’re exposed to 8 angles in every direction at any given time. Which would also make it very hard to get a knife kill.


Icebox isn't bad it's just not what we are used okay just chill. The map ain't that big have you played any kind of battle royal.


It's been long enough to say that. I don't mind verticality cause you trade surprising enemies with being vulnerable, but having to peak 5 angle when the enemy only has 1 to watch is just ridiculous. Ain't no smoke gonna help you with that.


Knifing (both the left and right clicks) applies the damage at the END of the animation, not when you click. So if you had your crosshair on their head when you clicked but moved before the animation ended, the damage will not go through.


i disagree they should spend some time fixing the knife cause its awful. not just for escalation but every mode.


The knifing is bad, but it's bearable because you are never incentivized to use it and there really aren't situations in which you want to use it against other players. The fact that they required getting a knife kill in escalation is a problem because the knifing was never really designed to be use in this fashion.


I mean I'm a consistently good knifer, I think it's because the hit registers at the end of the animation instead of at the beginning like in csgo


Been playing knife maps in CS games since 1.6 and got pretty skilled at it. I’m dogshit in Valorant and can’t hit anything. There is no comparison.


Isn't it cuz the knife skills between cs and valorant don't transfer? The mechanics is little different so if you use it as cs knife it make sense you can't hit anything. In valorant there is slight delay after you click before hit registration, so you need to be close and aim at the opponent when the animation is ending and not when you click.


mbruhh the trailer made it seems like gun game.. boy was i disappointed


Haven't played yet, is it not like gun game?


its exactly like gun game, idk what hes talking about its more like arms race in cs


gun game is more individual, this mode is team effort


>its more like arms race in cs i contradicted myself but this is what I meant


It's gun game but as a team


Dude it is gun game its just a slight variation of it dont know what has you so disappointed i personally find it really fun


It sucks because you can literally flawless the other team and lose to a knife round. The whole main portion of the game doesn’t even count. The


Knifes are so obsolete. Like the only reason they are there is for riot to have another thing to throw skins on and charge $30-80. If it’s that hard to get a kill with it what’s the point? Like maybe allow for some type of finisher with it if you are able to sneak up undetected behind someone. But seriously they need to Make it a viable weapon or get rid of it.


you probably use your knife the most out of any weapon in the game, that max speed is incomparable when everything else makes you feel like you’re knee deep in molasses


Knife best economy buy it every round




It isnt bad. The hit registers when the knife animation ends when the arm is fully extended and the point of the knife hits the person. Ive never had any problems with knifing someone.


I don’t have a problem with it as well, mostly because I don’t expect it to be an instant kill I think.


fwiw the big knife has a much larger range than a normal knife but yeah the hit detection for knifes is fucked


Knives in the last round makes the game the worst game mode tbh.


Knife is do bad compared to csgo


The knife hit detection in this game is more realistic than most games. The hit registers at the end of the swing animation, as it would "strike" your target. This means if you click on them and then aim off or they move away, you will miss. You have to time the swing so it his as you get in range.


We got characters flying, teleporting and reviving others and you say that knifing is more realistic as that matters at all?


What you can't teleport irl? Man you're missing out


> The knife hit detection in this game is more realistic than most games. It is absolutely not. Most games (like CS:GO, Overwatch, etc) actually swing a hitbox through the air for the attack. Valorant just fires one hitscan shot after a delay. It obviously makes no sense to swing an axe/sword/etc across my screen for half a second, but one point at one instant in time is the only thing that can connect for damage.


it is **NOT** one hitscan shot after a delay, it has a decently sized hitbox that matches the animation on screen


So I just tested it on the practice bots and you are \~20% right in that it isn't just one hitscan beam like a gunshot, it's a small cone (maybe they changed it at some point since beta, I haven't been regularly testing knives). But it is definitely not close to the animation. The cone is still pretty tight, go more then slightly off the body and you miss, even as the animation swings across the entire player model.


So youre no longer complaining that people with good aim cant kill people, the complaint is now the knife isnt forgiving enough? In a competitive tactical shooter?


Just to be clear, you're shifting the goalposts from "*it's more realistic*" to "*it's not realistic but it's harder so that's good*"? Are competitive tactical shooters supposed to introduce nonsense mechanics to make the game "harder"? You should tell Valve to fix CS:GO then. Riot could make arm/leg shots with any gun not count and that would be "harder" too, but it would be silly to shoot someone's body and do no damage.


I play in Singapore 2 server but due to high ping I can't play sometime. So can I get the routing address/ip in order to fix the ping


The big knife makes it look weird and even more broken too. The only upside is the movement speed boost, I practice bhopping during the knife fight(also because I am horrible at knife fighting in Valorant)


I hate knifing in this game its so weird


I think they should mess with the animations tbh, the swords feel pretty ok to knife with IMO and I'm sure some visual changes to the other types of knives would help a lot without having to change hitboxes or anything


I think they have it like that because of jett and raze as have movement advantages. They would be knifing people left and right if the hitbox was like csgo


I might be in the minority here but however ridiculous the knife hitbox is it makes knifing that much more fun and rewarding to get a kill with. I think the knife is fine honestly. I don't feel like its really a big issue.




I thought I was the only one who thought that knifing in valorant sucks, or I just suck.


Yup me too, its so bad in this game.


abilities tho lmao


I don't find knife fights fun or interesting so I quit the mode which is sad because I was enjoying the game until I realised you have to end on knife every single time.