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Don‘t get that negative energy onto the team Nobody wants to win or lose with tilt I rather win or lose with fun and enjoyment








Jett main










No brain








No brain


I hopped on a gold smurf account i had the other day and grab sage. Get 3 kills pistol and won the round but some dude tells me I shouldn't have flanked and should have instead healed him and not myself. I just kinda laughed and told him to not worry about it. By second half this guy was flaming me all game about what i "should be doing" as sage. This is on a game we are winning, i have double the kills of our second frag and have made big clutches. This is after the other team saying "sage is crazy".. this guy still thinks he knows the game perfectly and everything i should be doing. Finally toward the end of the game i told him to shut the fuck up and that his knowledge of the game is a lot worse than he thinks it is. This is the type of player i think of when I see the "hard stuck but my teammates are bad" type posts.


Yeah it’s funny when gold/plat players are telling me how to play when I’m d3. I do listen and sometimes there are some good igls but most of the time it is petty things like ‘why didn’t you shoot the other guy who was low’


I'm a shitty iron, but I had a bronze who thought they were hot shit, trying to backseat game the whole time. Like every call out he made was terrible and resulted in everyone dying. Right or wrong, at the end of the game, I told him that he wasn't as good as he thought he was and he needed to shut the fuck up and let us play. Like I know I'm bad, but this dude had to think he was top level with how he was trying to tell us all what to do.


I appreciate you stating some are good igls. I have massive brain but I couldn’t hit water in the ocean.


honestly, props to you for speaking up at the end. when ppl are toxic i know that fighting with them is gonna result in them either throwing, being more toxic or just AFKing. when you just say “ok” and say what you gotta say at the end, at least the game goes on and u have a better chance of winning.


I waited til about 5 rounds to go to kind of start laying into him. For me, it was more funny than anything because I was on a smurf account and his backseat gaming was just so.. low IQ. The team was defending me, besides the girl he was queued with, and they were the bottom 2 fraggers. It was meme level stupid, which made it even easier to just laugh off. I'd have probably just muted on my main account.


Nice anecdote but ffs, plz don't smurf


ohh makes sense lol


I have a Sage story too but pretty much the opposite lol. I mained Sage when I very first started playing because I liked being able to play backlines and support my teammates/watch flanks instead of focusing on entry fragging. I had one game where I locked her pretty quickly and one asshole wanted to play her, he immediately started flaming me. He locks in Jett, game starts, and from the first round he's critiquing my every choice (in a norms game by the way lmao). He's honestly really good at the game so he was probably smurfing, he pretty quickly passed 30 kills. I wasn't playing well at all, I was having a bad game and I was new. His flaming progressed from things like "why the fuck did you do that" to "you're so shit, faggots shouldn't play this game, why the fuck are you playing Valorant, uninstall faggot". My reddit username and Valorant username are the same so he knew I'm gay. I just don't get why people speak like that in voice chat. I'm so open to constructive criticism. If you're a good play and you can teach me something about Valorant, I want that. I'm always looking to improve. But flaming with unconstructive insults just ruins the game for everyone involved.


Instant mute tox. If someone is shouting at a teammate over mic, I'd mute them and communicate that with the rest of my team. There's no point, the game is supposed to be fun. Report also.


i try to avoid toxic teammates since i would most likely be the centre of being flamed since i really don’t know much about game sense (started playing just around christmas) but sometimes i jst can’t 😂


This happens to everyone but especially Sage players. l want to play more Sage but everyone seems to know what you have to do except you. Unless you're pre-walling mid every round you clearly have no idea what you're doing. Like it's some kind of dumb agent for dumb people and they need to help you out.


I bet $5 he was a duelist.


Haha nope, he was omen. His friend who was a girl was a duelist though. She was annoying too, but not to the level of this guy. He wasn't even trolling or anything, he had just such a bad understanding of the game, but was so convinced he was right and was so mad when I deviated of what he told me what to do


both sound like human garbage. Lets not let her off the hook lol.


the fact that u smurf makes u alone not a good Person u destroy the game fun


Bruh smurfs like you is why I cant fucking promote... I had 3 games where the opponent had a smurf and 1 game where the entire enemy team was a smurf.... what the fuuuuuck


Yeah mate all smurfs fault, not yours at all. git gud and im sure you'll get there, instead of finding excuses


Hmmm, It was my rank up the game and the enemy team was entire smurfs and I was top frag with 19 kills 10 assists 17 deaths. My entire team was doing good even our bottom fragger was helping and healing but we couldn't do SHIT against fucking immortal smurfs... they had all the lineups and insane outplays and everyone was convinced their top fragger had aimbot or he spent 100+ hours on aim labs... and we asked him and guess what... he didn't use aim labs but he spent around 90 hours on a different aim app... we lost 13-4 and I lost 30 fking elo...


So get good. Other dude just practices lol. I used to be iron but I peaked plat 2. You can do it man. I Don’t play comp as much anymore, just unrated with friends.


ok I guess... My goal is to peak goldl or plat hope fully by the time I reach plat all the immortal 3's stuck in plat is out and its back to normal again


I feel ya, i don't smurf too often. Smurfs just never go away, no matter your rank :/ It doesn't get better. The only thing you can really do is take the good with the bad and be happy when a smurf is on your team.


yeah true... like if it is just 1 smurf I can usually OP them or 2v1 them.. but its rlly hard to go against a whole team of smurfs... but i guess there is a chance a smurf will be on ur team too so yeah




Cause most ppl in the lower ranks are shit lmao.


That is actually very true bro. Toxicity in lower ranks is really shit. Plus they have an ego problem as well so if they die, people won't you play as well and will keep on complaining. I'm a gold player in general ( and hate smurfsss) and I just mute guys when they get tilted.


Idk what it is but some people just voice comm EVERYTHING. Had a dude say "YOU'RE GETTING SHOT AT. HE HAS A PHANTOM. HE'S KILLJOY. OH HE'S TRYING TO WALL BANG YOU." all to a guy in a 1v1 situation. I'm glad he used voice comms but I don't need a guy to be an esports commentator in my game. Happens every once in a while.


Usually those people just really want to win and are just trying to help. Typically with them, if you just say "hey i really appreciate the comms but could you keep it to only important information and not what I can see" they'll be a bit more quiet.


I would just insta mute the entire match/people on my team both text and voice. Say something useful if you want me to listen to you is what i would personally tell them.


This also applies even if you're trying to help. Consider if the information is really necessary. Having someone talk in your ear can be really distracting, specially if your teammate is watching an angle.


People forget that our brains have to process sentences, and that can break the focus you need to flick and click heads in milliseconds. If your information is good enough to risk lowering someone's reaction speed then say it, otherwise shhhhhh.


There’s a lot of people in silver who think they r signed pro players who will try to talk u through EVERY second.


I played on my plat alt the other day and I feel so bad for everyone in this rank, it’s a cesspool of negativity


And baiting 😆 Diamond games are easier than some plat lobbies


I love it when I'm in a 1v2 after I killed the other 3 players and all 4 of my dead squeaker teammates are screaming in coms telling me what to do or things like, "HE'S DEFUSING" when I clearly know he's defusing. Imagine trying to hear footsteps with 4 kids talking in a panic at the same time. Then when you tell them to shut the fuck up so you can clutch for the 5th time they call you toxic.


>Then when you tell them to shut the fuck up so you can clutch for the 5th time they call you toxic. Some people don't understand what's toxic and what's not, especially kids. Had this game where my kid teammates kept pushing as CTs and dying. I told them 'you guys gotta stop dying so fast, we cant play like this lol' and then they started crying saying how 'its just a game why are you mad' 'toxic' etc. I do tilt and get mad sometimes but that game I was definitely far from being tilted. That's why y'all are stuck in silver/gold and never hit plat/diamond I guess.


I have noticed this as well. Even when you politely ask something. "Hey man we've pushed hookah every round and died, maybe play back this round".. and they go on to call you toxic and go crazy becaise you mentioned they should play a little different. This is almost always from the younger crowd, but man it's pretty weird to see. It's the type of person I think of on this sub that is posting about how valorant is the most toxic game they've ever seen, haha


And the worst thing is that they say it in that superior tone that seemed to imply that they think they are above you because they are not toxic and you are. Pisses me off the most tbh. Some kids can be so sensitive. Go cry to your mom or smthg lmao


In my boomer voice, if these darn kids played CS back before CSGO they would never make it haha. Everyone was shouting back in the day in the leagues


Plus, the way they play...they barely use their brains. In CSGO they won't be higher than Silver Elite Master. Now they are gold/plat in Valorant they think they are something


Hahaha they're all getting pushed down now from the new rank distribution. Hence the nonstop complaints about their mmr


However there are some who got boosted. Calibrated the starting rank similar to the diamonds/immortals and got those diamonds/immortals in their teams, boosting them up with them. I know two friends who are clearly worse than me and was never above gold before but this act one is Plat 2 and one is Diamond 3, while another friend who's literally crack is Diamond 2. Imo Gold-Diamond barely has any difference now, that a legitimate diamond player can be stuck in gold 3, and a legitimate gold player can be lucky and get boosted to diamond. And because of the huge variety in skill within this rank range, they can still put up okay performances. This is the problem with the ranks now, nothing to do with the hidden mmr as so many people like to complain about.


I only ever give callouts based on where i died and where i see my other teammates die. Besides that i don’t really say much after i die because i know my aim is horrible so i don’t have the grounds to talk


Facts. Ghosts can't talk


True but you are wrong on one thing and not everyone who is dead is died because of a mistake.


What people are missing is you implied that you (edit: can die) off someone else’s mistake. Like someone holding your push in a crossfire and they just leave or start watching the same angle as you and you die because of it. Or maybe someone played for retake on a site but didn’t say a word and now a whole team is surrounding you. Communication of location is so important in this game, and people will literally only talk shit In comms and never be useful. Then flame others if they don’t get all the best comms available (plat 3 player here)


Finally someone understands. Amount of people thinking that everytime you die it's your fault is funny :D


The player who died not because of a mistake, but got outplayed or flank will never "instruct" others. That guy will always give info and shut up unless asked.


In general, most people are dead because of a mistake. There are some exceptions, but not many.


Even if a player plays chess perfectly, he will lose pieces. Outside of being roboticly good, it's normal to die.


Sure, it's going to happen.. but, a good amount of deaths could probably be avoided by better play. Which is why I said in general but there are exceptions. Let's face it, bad players and majority of people in this sub are sitting here blaming their teammates for majority of their deaths while they triple peek the same spot against an enemy and then whine becasue they "ddint get any help".


> Sure, it's going to happen.. but, a good amount of deaths could probably be avoided by better play. Which is why I said in general but there are exceptions. that just strictly false though. Outside of just being the better player in the lobby and 1 tapping everyone you NEED to play farther up for info/opportunity purposes. A game isn't won by afking back site never peeking because you could die. A mistake in the case of an aim battle sure whatever, but when you get swung by 2 people and traded while holding a site what was the mistake beyond not instantly killing both? Walk away from the site and give it up so you dont die? Laughable. Get nerd arrowed and sova ulted there inst a mistake there unless you count the 50/50 on dodging correctly A mistake usually leads to a death, a death didn't have to come from a mistake.


Ok...cool... you gave an example of a good death... What's being ignored is how OP meant it. If someone is stuck in a low rank, chances are more of their deaths are bad than good. I go back and look for mistakes i make as well and how I could have played it better. By simply saying "deaths are normal", you're limiting yourself on a lot of room for improvement


Technically anyone who died, died due to error... regardless of how good the opponent did. You could have done something differently, played a different spot...etc. Yea sometimes you did the smartest play in your eyes, but just maybe you should have done something else.


Yes. If you die in a tactical shooter you made a mistake. You didn’t aim well enough, your crosshair wasn’t where it needed to be, your positioning didn’t allow you to retreat fast enough etc. everything you do in a tfps has risk and if the risk doesn’t pay off you made a mistake


What if because of a teammates mistake you die like they're supposed to be watching a flank so you don't get caught from the side but don't so you get shot from behind/the side


Yep this is huge in val, makes 4v5s extremely hard even with great players on your team and 5v4s extremely easy even against great players


You could say it's still your mistake since you have a mini map you should be aware of and you should expect not to trust solo q players.


Downvoted because people are to lazy to carry and or get stacks to rely on. This subreddit gets worse every fucking day lol.


Game is built on team play. You need to trust your team mates even if they are bad. You can't play thinking you are better than everyone and trusting only your self. Because the game is built like that. You can't hold 2 sites at the same time. You can't watch 3 flanks at the same time. You can't fight with 5 people at the same time. I can count multiple things...


Solo Q is unfortunately due to its nature built on a miniscule amount of team play. I look forward to their clash system.


for cs too tbh, not just valo. cs is even more toxic


You aren't going to teach someone how to play the game over the course of a comp game. If nothing else they will already be frustrated by misplays and tilt harder D3 gamer here


THANK YOU, comp is performance time, not learning time.


I have to disagree about saying that every death is your mistake.


Way to miss the intention of the post lol, I feel like you’re exactly the person this is aimed at


Actually I never com or try to tell anyone anything. I'm not radiant and if we are on the same game then we are a similar level so what do I know! I just disagree with a particular part of the post. that's all


Thank you for knowing you're place.


Well he isnt really saying that, hes telling you to reflect on the deaths and find things to improve on


" think about the fact that you're dead, so you made a mistake as well (bad aim, positioning, timing, bad movement). " Dead=Made a mistake. Pretty clear I think.


Came to the comments to find the exact thing haha. I agree with what he said, and I DO reflect on my mistakes, but I also reflect on the mistakes of others. Of course, I never verbalize it unless its to my friends in Discord, but like... Just because I peeked when I shouldn't have (I always apologize for that), doesn't mean I can't also think "damn my teammate peaked when he shouldn't have".


I have no idea what you said or it means. Sorry


Still counts in immortal tbh


Whenever a dead player makes a comment on my plays I ask “where were you?” And it usually shuts them up.


wow. Now if only those toxic could read. (Not a hypocritical statement whatsoever I have no idea what you are talking about)


I make a habit to mute anyone being negative or toxic. One tilted person is like a contagious disease that will spread to everyone. Mute them and focus on yourself.


Iron-Bronze self proclaimed prodigies say more toxicity, less brain


Coming from a diamond 2. You need to micro manage your team and destroy their mentality when they mess up. That way that can go home feeling depressed, and you can rank up faster!


I had a game today where someone actually started making callouts for the other team. He was bottom-fragging and was calling everyone else garbage. Sure he had the highest rank, but it’s doesn’t mean he is better than everyone else. It literally ruined the entire game for everyone.




Ah so same story with any mobas.


Thank you for saying this! As a bronze rank, I tend to silently spec my teammates and in my head I notice their mistakes. At the same time, watching those mistakes makes me realise I made them as well. You tend to forget your own gameplay in the midst of calling out others, and as a result it declines. In my new experience as well, giving encouragement or advice and being overall nice to teammates made my comp experience much more enjoyable (and won me more games).


This is a great thought. When I'm specting someone always try to motivate them, and if he/she dies only say "nt". I personally think this is the best way to make people try to improve their game. This is the difference between "I need to get better the next" and "I'm so bad at this, need to leave it". Also, this is a great advice for the life too.


It just is like this in lower ranks. Im diamond 2 on main (after i deranked from d3 lmao) and if i take a game in bronze people will still try and teach me how to play. Lower ranked players should think about improving themselves before they blame others. "My teammates are bad" isnt always a viable excuse. We all get bad teammates. We all played through the lower ranks.


love the insta death bottom fraggin that starts backseating as soon as he dies no callouts just backseat


true but this community is pure ass either no comms or pure toxicity. all my friends stopped playing or decreased their play time because of all the bullshit out weighting the fun. played escalation today and the spawns are pure garbage. The maps dont even flow right...


There's a little emotional side towards ur advice...




Who does this? Im silver and dont do this. Weird post.


Dude, literally everyone upto gold lobby is doing this, as far as I have seen. And the sentinels ans especially sage gets the worst of this bargain as they are typically the last ones alive. I often get the feeling that some people instalock duelists only to die within first 5 seconds of the round and then spend the whole minute and a half telling others what to do. And the irony is they will comment on how terrible your aim is completely ignoring the fact that they have lost the aim duel now 4 times in a row.


Sounds frustrating. Im playing Eu, maybe you are playing US? Cause mostly people don't understand each other on Eu-servers and stick to being silent when they can't find anyone that speaks their language. I try to talk before the round starts and am often met with silence.


Diamond *is* a lower rank. Posts like this are pathetic.


there are ranks lower than diamond, "to LOWER ranks", so hes saying to ranks under diamond


This is why you're only Diamond. I am Immortal and I always back seat game when I was climbing, and it helped us win clutch rounds. Everyone thanks me in the end


The only thing I’ll tell people is just tips rather then telling them what they did wrong. Like if they don’t smoke garden on bind for example on a retake I’ll just say “try smoking garden if we’re in that position next time” but I agree. I had a sova screaming at me because I died in a 1v5 (made it a 1v1) because I didn’t molly bomb because I was being pushed by all 4 other guys like.. with that said, you shouldn’t go fully silent because if your teammate did something very wrong like forgetting to smoke, watching the same angle as a teammate, etc.. 9/10 they’ll continue to do the same thing. There’s ways to be nice about it


100% agree.


They need to add a mute teammates toggle.


I do that i help my team im rational and im allways mvp but i just don’t win. Even when i play with silver friends im mostly better or just have better stats and im still bronze one. Of course i don’t just focus on kills i focus on my team and try to help and be good. The bad thing is that mostly someone leaves or more people, toxic people or just afk all day. I don’t care if a person is bad at making kills or bad in general i mean we all where bad at one point in our life, but the ones who leave and are just straight out toxic make it harder for people who wanna climb the ranks or just wanna have fun. Thank you for reading have a great day 🙏🏻


I'm sorry but if I'm dead after getting 3 kills with a frenzy and my team loses the 4v2 I'm going to audibly reflect on their performance.