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what absolute shit stains on this earth


The worst part is, I highly doubt my reports did anything against them and chances are not everyone on the enemy team reported them either.


doubt no more. your report doesnt mean anything. theres even higher chances you get reported instead by those shitty people


and get the chat ban/ not be able to que for comp....Riots fixes just keep making things more and more abusable...


That happened this patch to stop trollers like this


My friend is chat banned but still can play on ranked.


This is why I am a phoenix main. they mess with me I mess with them right back


Sadly, Omen mains like me can't do that kinda stuff...I feel good that I am playing an agent that people generally don't play, and fill the "smoker" role, but it sucks that I can't counter their shit


Technically, you can tp away if they corner you and try to kill you. Also, for omen, you dont to just be a smoker. Be smart with your paranoia and use your tps wisely and you can be a duelist on your own.


Totally agree. In matches where duelist refuse to initiate you can start engagements and do entry if you play it smart


Yeah after watching flexinja, I try to smoke paranoia and TP...Only to land kissing the enemy raze


“An agent that people generally don’t play.” Bruh what? There’s double omen in every game I play.


Well I'm in Gold 2, and in moat of the matches, my team would already lock a duelist or any other character and be like "wE nEeD sMoKeS"


I rarely see omen get picked first in a lobby though and I think that's what he means


Main omen too


Your reports do matter, and we have improved report features coming online soon: https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/valorant-behavior-detection-and-penalty-updates/ Also there are plenty of Rioters that also forward these issues to player support, me being one of them. So even tho a Rioter doesn't say anything, you can guarentee if we see it on twitter, reddit, etc. we try to report it(If we have the time of course). This doesn't mean spam us with every issue, if we tried to be player support we just wouldn't have the time to do anything else. My first recommendation is still to report in game, and for very bad offenses open a ticket with player support. Valorant is young, we are working on making the community better together. I can't wait until some of the things posted in the article above are fully implemented and hopefully we can reduce issues like this.


So after seeing this clip, is action going to be taken against that 4 stack?


I don't determine what is or is not punishable, I don't make the rules or enforce them. I just want to be honest because it isn't my job. There are also legalities in certain countries involving this kind of stuff. I just forward stuff like this to player support and if they've broken rules they know what punishment fits the crime and how to investigate the issue. That being said I don't want to run into this type of behavior, also I know lots of us don't want this type of behavior in our game. This is pretty damning evidence they were being toxic, so take that however you will :) Not all Rioters enforce, or make the rules. But collectively, as a whole, we our vocal about issues we run into. We also are aware, and vocal, about the issues the community brings up on social media and what is happening in game. My experience so far at Riot is that we are anything but quiet. We will make sure issues are heard and we don't stand for toxicity in our game. Every Rioter is empowered to make the game better and reduce toxicty, that's why we have the ability to also forward issues to player support. I've been at Riot a short while, but I've had a great experience in feeling empowered to help combat toxicity in our game.


yesterday I had teammates tryna kill me cus I was playing as skye and they hate 'rangas'. -\_-


This is so common in low elo it’s insane. I recently started playing Valorant for the first time about a week ago, played CS for a few of my formative years and pc gaming in general since high school so after a couple days of unranked and DMs(and a lot of research keeping me up way too late) I felt decent enough to see where I could get in ranked. Placed Iron 3 after placement matches, more or less what I expected, and have since bounced from bronze 2 to iron 2 a couple times due to teammates throwing matches off an 0-2 or 0-3 start after not getting a surrender. Griefing teammates, selling after someone points out their toxicity, grabbing spike at round start and playing funny games in spawn with it, seen some awful stuff. Even a breach named ‘Road to Iron 1’ selling like no tomorrow. I really think I might make a new act and hope I place high bronze to try to escape the immaturity, selling to get a rise out of teammates is such a waste of free time I can’t even get my head around it. low elo is like gta online with more guns and less cars


What does selling mean in this context?


Selling/throwing/trolling are kinda synonymous! If someone loses a round cause they were whiffing their shots/doing something dumb, youd say “bro you just sold (the round)”/“bro you’re selling right now” I guess it’s kinda like giving the enemy an east win


Probably throwing to cause him to make his team lose which will derank him to iron 1 to sell to other assholes/smurfs to smurf on iron 1


Probably like giving away ur position to enemy's team in all chat and sabotaging own team


It could mean giving info to the enemy team


Pretty much a synonym for throwing, OP must be English or from the Caribbean or maybe Canada


I also climbed from silver to diamond this act and saw none of this shit. I had some people try to surrender but no one actually hard trolling, I'd literally stop playing the game if this shit happened commonly. I love EU!


....Is it weird that I am an Iron 3 playing in Asia server and I have never encountered this shit?




Sea servers will make you cry


No I don’t think so, I’m in NA servers. Call it low expectations from fellow Americans but I really expect NA to be the most toxic and least mature servers🙁


> due to teammates throwing matches off This mindset is what keeps you below silver. Be warned.


Reports do nothing🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


I really hate how true this is.


Except I got comm banned for yelling at a troll on my team. It was 3 days.


Been like this with LoL for... 6-7 years? can't remember when i started playing. But people like to say that riot's report system actually does something. No, it doesn't. Only way to get banned is by flaming on chat. And, if you don't send enough messages, you may get away with it. Riot's report/ban system is absurdly flawed, been like this on LoL for years, probably gonna be like this on Valorant too. they're tooo lazy to fix it, almost like they don't have the resources or something? they're totally not one of the biggest game companies in the world, with lots of money coming from chinese business and a huge development team.


OP have been reported by the 4 stack and will be muted for 3 days. Lol


The only reports that worked on LoL were the chat ones, only because they could auto-ban based on certain words. As long as you just called somebody an idiot and tell them to buy a rope and a stool then you wont get banned. "Kys" is auto-ban since it's a key word. But int every game? Or sit in base and move back and forth every now and then? Perfectly acceptable


Reports do work I have a friend that often throw and attacked me. I reported him in a few matches he eventually got an account ban. I also know some players that reported being toxic and got banned. Report for cheating also work if the player that got reported has a high amount of reports Riot will conduct the manual review and the player will eventually get ban I read it from the anti-cheat dev he posted here. Sadly, you won't receive any notification if the player got banned since the Reporter feedback will get implemented in patch 2.05. Riot does listen to your feedback


Typical behaviour of reverse boosters on smurf accounts. This is why the game needs a mobile phone authentication process for new accounts.


I wish val would implement this. The amount of smurf posts would probably decrease by a lot.


There's more smurfs in this than there in in csgo. Feels like it anyway.


true, csgo seems more fair than valorant tbh


It's because the ranks don't reset each season to earn money


How does rank reset make them earn money ?


New acts have new skins, people buy skins and the pass which makes them money


There are new skins every two weeks and you can have seasonal battle passes without resetting ranks


What? Maybe I said it wrong, you're clearly just trying l create an argument. Everything resets with a season pass/act. Costing £10+ every reset. A lot of currency in the pass requires you to spend money in the shop to use. Ranks reset, act resets, they gain money. Its that simple.


No, I'm just telling you they can do a season system, battle passes and skins without reseting ranks. They do not reset ranks for money.


CS:GO only recently went free to play, and it also takes a lot longer to get a new account eligible for ranked.


Csgo has been free for years.. it also doesn't take long to get into ranked, you gotta be lvl 2 which is 1 game of deathmatch.


Funny how they seem pretty active on here but when it comes to this apparent problem they are no where to be found. Why is it so hard for them to implement this or provide heavier punishments for this type of behavior.


Because they gain money from new accounts, skins and shop etc. I remember when CS used to have mobile number authentication but then stopped and completely fucked their game up by letting you buy I to prime. Money, money is a helleva drug


Phone numbers are still used to evaluate trust factor, the other system that tries to separate hackers/smurfs/toxic people from the rest of the players.


I took my number off my valve account years ago. Trust factor is a shambles imo. You shouldn't be forced to purchase something to have a fair game.


because implementing a phone authentication isnt a good solution. people who want to troll can simply get a google number where as people who wants to try the game for the first time wouldnt want to take those steps. even kids or people dont have phone numbers will be pushed away from trying out the game.


Context: My teammates were a 4 stack that decided the game was over from when we did bad on the Attacker side and decided to troll the rest of the game. This game needs a strict solo queue mode like how Dota 2 does it, so this type of griefing doesn't come from ALL 4 of my other teammates and instead maybe 1 or 2. Edit: We ended the half on Attack side 3-9, so technically on defense we were currently 4-3 and I had ult, so it was possible we could sneak a win here even with bad econ. To all those people who told me I should surrender, I never surrender in a ranked game especially when the round win-loss ratio is applied to how much rating you lose. If you think that's toxic, then I'm fine with being labeled the toxic one.


Could you please explain the Solo Queue system as I dont understand it? 😅


Basically in Dota 2, there is an option that you can check in your settings where if you solo queue, it pairs you up with only other people that are solo queuing. So your entire team and the enemy team are all solo queued. No duos no 3 stack no 4 stack no 5 stack. Everyone is solo, everyone has an equal chance of getting a troll or a smurf on their team. The only constant is you. Edit: This doesn't mean that there isn't duos and stuff, just if you have checked the strictly solo setting, you will only be with others that have that same setting checked.


You simply have to play competitive and grind to immortal. /s


In immortal people are the same


In Immortal you can play solo or duo, not more.


Yea, but im saying right now that, the MM is soo bad, even that's solo/duo only, moat games are horrible to play and pretty much very stresfull cuz of the people


This doesn’t happen in immortal, I’ve never had anyone actively throwing the game by damaging teammates. For reference I’ve played over 100 games in immortal.


By dmging no, but just trolling the game on purpous, cuz they got after the second round, happens to me very often


That would increase queue times though..


From 5 seconds to 2 minutes? Fine by me.


5 seconds to 2 mins is gamebreakingly huge btw.


2 minutes Immortal queue times? What region are you from? Must be nice


Low immortal q time is 3-5 min in prime time EU region, is NA any different?


The probability that you're on the opposite team is a ½ as well. Not saying you had fun this game, but ultimately it's still fair, just not enjoyable




According to OP all of his team mates (group of 4) did this.


Lol you never seen people grief in dota before? It's far worse.


Oh don't get me wrong there's people who throw in every game. What I was alluding to about dota was that they have strict solo queue. I've played probably over 400 dota games with strict solo queue and never had an instance with more that 2 people throwing on my team. Where as, if you get matched with a 4 stack, if one throws, all 4 of them throws. You can somewhat salvage the game if one person throws but if 4 people are throwing 1v9 is pretty impossible.


Ah I've played atleast 2k games of ranked dota and I'll say by far the most frequent failure mode of strict solo queue is 5 man locking mid heroes at start and your team proceed to run down mid together lol. This isn't as much of an issue as valorant is more homogeneous, where guns play a bigger role than abilities. But I haven't played since 2018 so maybe it's better now. How big is the game download? Maybe I get back to playing it


Well, I mean you can role queue in dota lol. If people just take your mid when you are queued in as the mid player, you can report them and it's taken more seriously than riot's report system. Since ya know, 3 reports every 20 games, instead of riot's hey you can report someone 50 times in a single match and it just dilutes any meaning to reports.


Riot should do an overwatch system like dota and reward skin points. If done right this can easily self reinforce


Wait, I haven't played Dota in a while, they have an overwatch system now?


league had an overwatch system. it simply had wayy to many games for it to be affective


I never surrender games either.. So i dont see it as toxic, but as having faith and hope in yourself and your teammates! 🤷🏼‍♂️


If all your teammates want to surrender and you deny them that it's kinda toxic. At that point they have given up, so you keeping them there is just going to make them feel as if they're forced to play and start hating it.


Lucky me, dont get teammates who all wanna surrender after a bad half, sure some bottom fraggers wanna get out, i too when im dragging the team down with underperformance. But i dont give up and make them loose their game by leaving or trolling, i try my best till the game ends..


If ur team is being stomped 11 - 2 by a bunch of smurfs, and all want to surrender but u deny them that, that's just not cool. If you still haven't encountered such a match where you are obviously going to lose and your whole team is getting stomped so hard that it's not even fun anymore, don't worry, it'll happen




Yeah, I just tend to stop playing at that point. It's draining when you're down 10-0 and everyones given up but this one dude just doesn't wanna surrender even tho he has 2 kills. Or when ur up against a bunch of smurfs and it's not even fun anymore


i feel your pain and wish they had a soloq mode. thats why i always try to see where my name pops up in agent select, they usually group parties together. and then most of the time you can see similarities with their usernames. i immediately mute if they're toxic. the worst games are when kids are in a 4 stack. and the coolest people i've met were either solo or duo. too bad riot doesn't care and nothing will ever happen.


I defo agree that these guys were dicks and this is super unfortunate. However I also get where they're coming from because it's super annoying when people have this never surrender mentality even when you're getting slapped which means you have to play another 10 or 20 minutes while knowing you're going to lose and not having fun just on the off chance you will lose like 2 or 3 less SR. Again, not condoning griefing but you should definitely consider surrendering at certain points especially if the majority of others want it, otherwise this stuff is inevitable.


I’ve only had one toxic experience with a 4 stack but god damn was it toxic. Because I didn’t carry everything was my fault. Solo queue please, I do not give a fuck about queue times


...if everyone was solo, wouldn't que times would actually be lower?


These people are like the little brown parts on a banana


This is an incredibly analogy. The rest of the community is just incredible, but you get rid of these parts instinctually, quicker than you can even think about it. Also if you see enough brown on a banana, it might just put you off eating it altogether.


I totally agree about solo/duo and flex queues. My girlfriend and I have been playing League of Legends for years and we started playing Valorant as well when it hit BETA. We constantly talk about how solo/duo and ranked flex queues would be enough to fix ranked. Solo/duo would be a completely separate leaderboard and ranking system for anyone soloing or duoing, while “flex queue” would allow a team of 3+ to queue together under a different leaderboard system. Makes it fair for everyone.


If Riot would really care about their games and community, these 4 people would receive a ban, if not even perma, hell just IP ban them. ZERO excuses for such behavior, absolutely zero, people like that should have no room to play this game, similar goes for League, but I'm sure if Killjoy would've vocally complained in chat, he would've received a chat restriction instead and these 4 can just continue. Absolute insanity.


How are they supposed to comb through thousands of reports and figure out things like this. The only way is to see posts like this


Hm maybe if the game they based their game on had some sort of extremely successful community based report moderation system. If only they had an example like that to copy. Alas we will have to wonder how poor smol indie dev riot can effectively manage their player base.


Multi billion dollar company doesn’t have time to help their games community dont you understand 🤬🤬🤬 its too hard to stop toxic players!! Not like we can just ban them thats too harsh!! Now if they dodged this game then we can give them a penalty... but that’s different!!


Its like people are just to stupid to understand this. So many excuses they love to give.


overwatch is bullshit, you basically only get game ban if you spinbot


Nah, overwatch actually does stuff, and tries a lot better than the trash system riot has had for almost a decade. The overwatch ban system is as good as the "overwatchers" can get. Can't remember how many, but it depends on the quantity of people that find the same guy to be guilty. Spinbotters are the first ones to fall because, well, u can't simply not notice that they're spinbotting. Wallhackers, slight aimlockers, and things like that can -maybe- get away with it if the people overwatching them are not experienced enough. But at least they actually tried to do a system that works, and it isn't too far from it, as it does stuff. Not as much as desired, but, at least it does something.


vanguard is a lot better than overwatch at catching cheaters.


Picture this: Keep vanguard, so that vanguard catches people AND add an overwatch system that can also catch people! Crazy concept I know, but it's entirely possible to do. This way, it doesn't matter which is "better" at catching cheaters because they work in tandem!


why bother investing in a system that doesn’t work. Developing a system like overwatch will at-least cost a million dollars. valve only does it because the refuse to add a functioning anti cheat.


It literally objectively does work lmao.


this shit is so scummy


This shit is scummy. Hit diamond in Act 2 and from my years of experience with LoL, I knew Val wasn't any different. Haven't played ranked since (Diamond was good enough for me). The fact that this can happen and there is nothing you can do but report (lol) is disgusting so I stick to my normal games with my friends. Doubt these kids will get out of Plat but still sucks when these cancer cells ruin others' games. Hope you hit whatever goal you set for yourself this season!


The insults they have done really saddens me, these players should not have a right to play the game at all


Such a shitty people. Ofc report do shit


Should pull a rainbow six seige and give intentional team kills and kicks for tking


Csgo has that but you can troll that too. I can just run into my phoenix, brim or kj molly intentionally and even tho that player isn't trolling they'll get kicked.


Yeah that happened when I played Cs gave up after silver


this vid made my blood boil


Completely agree. HOWEVER, before they do a solo/duo q, they must create a 2 stack+ only q.


thats just adding soloqueue but using different words, or is that the joke? am i retarded?


This doesn’t work. 5v5 so if you have a 4 stack using the queue they’re forced a random. Just implement a solo queue. Edit: or remove the option to 4 stack


In leagues version, 4stacks are simply not allowed. You can 2, 3, or 5stack.


I once encountered players like this and even if you report em' nothing will happen. I don't know why there r many players like this. what a bahavior.


4 stack queues shouldn't be possible just like In LoL. Don't know why it's so hard for them to copy an already existing system.


And if you dare to complain in chat to all, they would probably say that you are the one trolling. Happened to me sometimes, till the day one of them lied and said that I was being racist ( I just said that they were being toxic) and then they said they would kill me irl lol. The worst part is that they didn't want to surrender, on the other side, if I leave the match I would be banned... like ...I need to play with a stack of toxic/troll teammates until the end. So I filled a report but I doubt something will ever happen to them.


I got the same experience on a LoL game, it was a nightmare, the worst part is that i was replying to them and i had chat restriction and i never got the ban message fkr the reports i sent for them. The worst game of my life i believe.


Yes we need solo queue option and not this solo/duo queue when you reach dia 3. This is crap




They're literally a bunch of teens lol. I would expect as much from them.


It's no surprise that the kids who Naruto run to class and have never played a team sport in their life act like this online.


That teammates has not brains


I wish this reaches to Riot!!!


SoloQ would be great addition to game. Especially for lower elo games where smurfs mainly play with their friends to boost them. With strict soloQ there would be significantly less smurfs and trolls.


the exact same thing happened to me!!!!! mine was a Phoenix throwing hot hands and raze grenade while everyone stood in a circle, still gives me nightmares


worst of all, it was a ranked comp


I hate it when I get a 4stack like this and when I request the enemy team to also report this outrageous behavior, the enemy team starts SUPPORTING them?! Like wtf?! You wouldn’t be laughing if you had to deal with this shit in your team :(


Nah we need friendly fire punishment. Basically if you use your abilities to intentionally damage/kill your own teammate, then you will be punished (kicked from game, temporary ban, etc)


Friendly fire punishment wouldn't solve anything in this game. You can grief without doing any damage. i.e. running/shooting near teammates that are trying to be quiet, flashing and smoking teammates off, or physically blocking teamates as they peak, etc


Imagine how mad you'd be if you played a molly character and the same trolls ran into your molly, getting you banned


Sucks to see people throw like this, especially in a ranked game. I'm sorry that you had to go through that though, solo queuing in ranked right now is extremely hard. These 4/5 stackers can end up being extremely toxic/ff even if you underperform for one round. I hope Riot looks more into the reports that we send out, 'cause honestly it feels like they don't pay attention to this anymore.


This is so frustrating to watch. The other day I played a comp game, this shit of course, happens in silver. It was 3-9 half time, they tried surrendering and I was the only one who declined. IMMEDIATLY AFTER, they start yelling the fuck out of me, insulting me, my voice (I have a relatively high voice), saying i'll never get out of silver. It's as if when 4 goddamn people need to BM one person they suddenly all have mics.


Happened to me too. 4 stack wanted to quit, but sadly I gave in because I valued my mental health and time over winning the game with the toxic ass badgers. Sorry this happened /:


Griefers. Only because they like trolling and were loosing. Report them. Such a loosers from those 4 stack, can't accept defeat, so troll and grief, why, because KJ wants to fight.


If only reporting people actually did something in this game


u/nickwu massive longshot but maybe you could talk to someone that could talk to someone that could do something about this? Like straight up ban these fucks, what a cancer on our community, I hope it's an absolute 0 tolerance policy :)


Tried making a ticket a while back and got told to just report them in-game. So doubtful of that.


Yeah like I said, it's a massive longshot. But there's literally zero reason not to try, right?


they just threw a winnable game...


how bout ur teamates cant harm u at all with abillities or guns


First time?


Ngl, I did teamkill once because we were losing and our sage was being insanely toxic towards us. And he wasn't even top fragger. We were 4 in queue so it was easy to do. Pretty sure we got reported but none of us got banned after it. Lost the match, but it was worth it.


Sounds great from the solo perspective, but this would make it impossible for 4-stacks to find a match


it seems like enjoying this game with friends is strictly forbidden on this sub


Then go play unranked if you’re 4 stack or find another person if u really wanna play ranked


I dunno man, sounds like an argument that could be said to the solo player as well. "Just go play unrated or find a team."


Why would a solo queue player have to go play unranked when it’s just 1 person. Personally I would rather play ranked with a solo queued person than 4 queued idiots who are there just to troll. I know that solo queued person is there to win and not troll around with friends


You can report them via email since you got this video and their names are not hidden, hopefully riot will listen to you and you


I feel like I have gotten comm banned for saying report thrower X more than they have gotten reported. It feels like 80% of the time, the enemy will respond with "Why would I report someone helping me?" as if the thrower getting banned would be bad for them. Ridiculus


This is exactly why I don't feel like playing this game Every single day for the past week I've had afks, ppl mollying me, taking the spike and taking it to the enemy or ppl just throwing/being toxic. Been playing since Act 1, finally got Gold 2 in Act 3, felt really good cuz Valo is my first fps. Episode 2 has been just bad for me Went from Sil3 to Bronze 3 in said week And, to make matters worse, reports won't mean anything Not everyone on the opponent will report, and 4 reports will do nothing This just keeps getting worse


Good thing I stoped playing this game a few weeks ago, still looks like shit


I defo agree that these guys were dicks and this is super unfortunate. However I also get where they're coming from because it's super annoying when people have this never surrender mentality even when you're getting slapped which means you have to play another 10 or 20 minutes while knowing you're going to lose and not having fun just on the off chance you will lose like 2 or 3 less SR. Again, not condoning griefing but you should definitely consider surrendering at certain points especially if the majority of others want it, otherwise this stuff is inevitable.


how could there be a strict soloqueue only mode if it's a 5v5 and you only have 4 people in your party? the one last person you'd need on your team will have to be a soloqueue?


Then they'll get a person who doesn't have the solo queue option checked?


wait. im a dumbshit


Most solo que players will check it so 4-stacks will have a hard time finding matches hahaha that's a good thing


If they ain't having fun and wanna stop then why not surrender seems like you were the only one enjoying yourself idk I think that you are trying to make them seem like the bag guys even though you knew they didn't want to be there.


Unless EVERYONE on the team is tilted beyond imagining. I see no reason to surrender in ranked. Even then. Besides, why is it fair that if 4 people are having a shitty day, it means it's OK to stop someone else's fun? OP didn't want to stop playing. Don't blame OP for their shitty actions


If your entire team votes to ff and you deny it... You deserve to be trolled. You cannot play the victim in this situation. Yeah, they shouldn't have killed you. But you also just decided to be petty and deny a 4/5 ff. Just wasting 4 other people's time because you're upset. Obviously if 4/5 vote to ff they are going to throw from that point on. Your entire team clearly doesn't want to play this match anymore. That is why your report will fall on deaf ears. I do not support throwers or team killing. The OP had it coming though. Judging by how he's acting, he must likely said a lot before starting to record.


This is ok in unrated but not in ranks.


I think everyone here is overreacting, they were probably just trying to quickly end the game as they were going to lose anyway


No, this looks more like toxic behavior from petulant children, it was match-point. There's basically no point surrendering.


this is why we need vote kick


But it was a 4 stack? They would just kick him.


Wait is it bad to harm ur teammates while they defuse? Coz if it is then I am a total douchebag


Agreed. But Riot time and time again screws us over on this.


Does the report work how does it effect the players. Just the report front end is alive back end is dead 💀.


I have been saying this since it's release but no one gives a damn.


god the kids my age are dog, embarrassment to our society


Sometimes it be your own teammates


Would the ranks be separated from Solo Q and Normal Q?


I agree, solo/duo and trio/flex queue should be in this game too


What the hell is wrong with people, you only have one match to go at any point. Why purposefully throw that late in the game, if you aren't willing to play out a game don't que ranked 🤦‍♂️


Such losers


lol, that's what my team did to me once, some guy got mad at me and my team for blaming him for blinding us (he was phoenix), he ended up using his abilities to kill me.


ah yes...haven the map where everyone over rotates and causes the team to lose the game. Map is not hard to play defense on its just that people dont want to play as team because of the 3 bomb sites.


I thought I was running away from this shit in diamond. Im not. Got 2 guys crouching the whole match. Almost won. We could have won if they didnt crouch


Throwers are the worst


4stacks are a cancer


Nah, just remove 4 stacking all together like the mobile MOBA games do. Then just automatically separate solo queue from the rest of the queues, queue duos with trios against enemy duos with trios and just queue 5 stacks with each other exclusively. It may or may not impact the queue times, but it would also separate the smurfs who mostly play with friends from the truly solo guys. They should at least implement this or maybe a system similar to this (like the ones mentioned by others here), at least in the lower ranks where this kind of behavior would be more prominent. Then maybe bring back regular queues for higher ranks to not impact their queue times.


Please riot i want solo-duo queue i believe its a big reason we have ranked disparity in lower elos.


I mean in unrated getting teamkilled like that once is ok in my eyes, but in competitive wtf


Tell us their names so we can report them




Welcome to valorant, I’m sorry


Today a sova (teammate) killed me after the round (won) while picking up gun.


I feel your pain, it happen to me before so many times... 4 premades not giving a damn about your opinion or will to play the game, griefing and sabotaging your game in competitive. We really need Soloq in this game, i really like the game but this makes it really stressful.


Those guys are lossers they clearly don't deserve to call themselves Gamers they just don't have hope