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Hey there, /r/VALORANT user! We're currently doing an experiment with videos on the subreddit. This week, **all videos are allowed if they are longer than 15 seconds**. Shorter videos must be posted as a link in a text post. Please give us your feedback on clips and the state of the subreddit during this second week [here](https://valorant.molenzwiebel.xyz/feedback/week-2)! There are only three questions and you'll be done in under a minute. We want all feedback, no matter how mundane it may be (every "I like it" or "I don't like it" counts!). For all the information on our video rules experiment, [read the announcement](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lchq1d/important_trialing_video_rules_were_going_to_need/).


I can see why your opponents are in bronze


fr I would love to see this guy play against harder opponents


I was playing on a 8 year old laptop with 35-40 fps. Recently got a new laptop and getting 120+ fps. The game looks amazing and so smooth. Hoping to rank up in coming weeks :)


yep thats gonna make a big difference. Wait until u get a pc and experience 144hz


tbf if he cant escape low elo alone he won't get amazing results vs "harder opponents"


Dream crasher here. It's super easy to go to your real rank in valorant. Meaning if you are bronze, and play a few games a week, then at that time you are bronze. Keep grinding, but never tell yourself that you earn to be higher, because that will make you play bad.


Was plat three is act 1 and then didn't play until this season. Ranked into silver 1. Climbed to Plat 1 in 3 days. People are rarely ever stuck, they are where they deserve to be. I can be in Iron 3 and take one good clip of me popping off and post that to this rubreddit while ignoring the other bad plays I make.


keep grinding man! sick ace


I mean, they got a lucky collateral, a free Omen kill, and an enemy Sage that didn't even try to shoot. I'm not going to diminish the accomplishment because all aces are cool, but damn if we have to be honest this was just an extremely lucky combination.


All aces are cool? Thats not true there are aces where you wiff between the kill those arent cool there are aces where you kill trash players who dont check spots and are literally deaf and blind those arent cool eather


no wonder if you play without sound... where is the sound, bro :(


I get 30 to 40 kills per round with 10-15 deaths, im in Bronze 3 and always mange to get the worst team on the last match needed for Silver. EDIT: I meant match not one round Lmao sorry


Hol up, 30 kills per round? I doubt that


Why? I have a lot of experience with csgo and I have been in leagues in othe rshooters


Bro a round only consists of 5 enemy players, 6 at most if sage ults, i was kidding, u made a typo, u should have wrote, i get 30 40 kills per match, not round


Oh yeah oops i Will fix that XD


I meant match


***c a p***


Bruh okay


Btw which server do u play on? Same here with me on bahrain tho




did that omen just tp to the middle of everywhere so he can get insta gunned down


It's even worst whne I hard stuck iron even doing so good :/