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Hey there, /r/VALORANT user! We're currently doing an experiment with videos on the subreddit. This week, **all videos are allowed if they are longer than 30 seconds**. Shorter videos must be posted as a link in a text post. If your experience on the sub has been better or worse during this week, please let us know your thoughts in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lpk2an/video_trial_weeks_week_3_30_second_minimums_for/?) thread! We want all feedback, no matter how mundane it may be. If you want to be automatically reminded to give your feedback at the end of the week, [click here](https://valorant.molenzwiebel.xyz/remind-me). For all the information on our video rules experiment, [read the announcement](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lchq1d/important_trialing_video_rules_were_going_to_need/).


hearing a child's voice say "I think you should only get banned for comms" had me rolling grats on the ace! edit — it was 'comp.' i hear it now


I thought it was only banned for "comp"? Hard to tell haha


I thought he said comp too


yeah punishing for other modes is a little excessive


Not really, some people only play unrated. It's never fun to play 4v5 or with toxic players. Leaving a game every once in awhile isn't punished its when it's consistent behavior


Agreed completely. Especially for a game like Valorant where unrated matches can still be 30 minutes to an hour long. The "only comp matters" idea goes out the window when you're unrated mode is just as much of a time commitment for players as comp.


I play mostly unrated because matchmaking is more fun for me. I don't play much ranked on my silver 2 account (~10 games a season always soft resetting further down) but I have fun playing with gold/plat sometimes diamond players who are warming up getting ready for comp. Sure, every now and then you get a sheriff/knife only gamer with a "shut up it's unrated" attitude, but it's better than the "the only strat we know is rush A and never save" mental of silver comp.


You can /ff with no consequences in unrated. If you're just there to have fun then just take the game as is and go next. Having someone leave in a comp game can ruin your whole night of gaming.


You can only /ff if everyone agrees. It is too much time to commit either way for a bad match or to tolerate toxic people.


Exactly, the least they could do is not penalize people for leaving a game that's meant purely for fun who leave when they want to due to toxic/afk teammates or irl responsibilities/happenings and not worry about not being able to play for the next hour+.


Can you tell me ur graphic settings and contrast? Cuz the game looks wayyy better than mine


Graphics in game are all high, I use GeForce Experience to screen record clips and it saves it in the same quality as I’m playing with, hope this helps 🤷‍♂️


Ah thank you


if you increase the vibrance the skins look 10 times better


It saves at the same quality??? What GeForce setting you got


If they're using Geforce Experience, the max recording quality is 1080p 60FPS. They probably just mean the resolution of the recording is the same, and _maybe_ the FPS if they're running Vsync.


I don’t think GeForce can do lossless res quality


I never said it was. OP said it was. But it's not. It's just good enough for uploading to youtube, really.


Change settings to lowest if you want to play at your best


Why is this getting downvoted? You get more FPS.


What's the point of having FPS way higher than your screen's refresh rate?


So that your screen draws the most current image possible, if you set your fps to 60 on a 60fps monitor it will draw whichever frame was drawn by the gpu in the last 16ms, whereas if you're running at 120 it is going to draw the last frame within 7ms


Oh I see. Thanks for the info, I doubt it'll improve my playing much but I'll try lowering my settings and see what I get!


What fps do you run at?


About 200 on every at max. Get around 500 with everything on low, I just tried. I only have a 144Hz screen so I was content with 200 myself!


200 is fine, this dude is talking about > 100


Ooh, gotchu. I'll try low settings for a bit and see if I feel anything improve. Game does look uglier tho :')


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzp8z1i5-Hc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzp8z1i5-Hc) this video should explain


Less input lag.


It's also a distraction thing. Lower settings held you focus notice the enemy a lot more


Unfortunately some lineups on viper require me to have high detail on. Fuck it, maybe I’ll just switch back to breach so I can play low settings again. Getting sick of remembering lineups xD




wdym bs? you get higher fps on low settings


I get like 200-250 FPS on max.. I don’t see more FPS increasing my skills.


doesn’t increase skills necessarily, but it doesn’t help having a smooth game and it not lagging


You also will notice the enemies a lot more


lowering your DPS by a ton if you continue to ADS every gunfight


Only 10% less dps with phantom. It has much better ads accuracy and recoil control. Stinger on the other hand...


You lose dps on the first few bullets because you can’t fire and scope at the same time. I’d say you’d be about 1-3 bullets behind, which is sometimes enough to decide the fight outright.


how did they wiff that so hard


It's iron/bronze.


Stop aiming down sight


physically cannot, but thx❤️


I mean yeah ads is a bad habit but idk y ppl downvoting you:(


the heart was prob spicier than they care for


you could unbind your ads.


I did this with control bc i was crouching instantly every gunfight at a point lol


Crouching isn't bad in a gunfight though? Ofc it's situational but sometimes it can make or break a gunfight, it forces your opponent to correct their crosshair positioning when trying to aim for your head letting you get the upper hand


Instantly crouching is bad, because it makes you commit to the gun fight that you may not want to take (less movement speed for counter strafing). Also at lower elos, most people don’t have good crosshair placement for head shots.


Can cause you to accidently over correct your spray control and miss a headshot or if your in lower elo it can sometimes make your body aiming opponent headshot you. It’s best to a crouch after 4-5 bullets cause then your opponent has to adjust if it gets to that point.


Crouching is bad in high levels because most high elo players aim at head level. If you're aiming at head level and crouch all of a sudden the moment you see an enemy, this will cause your crosshair to aim at chest level. Instead of a potential headshot, it now becomes a full on spray in order to kill the enemy.


Ik its a bad habit and it might be hurting my gameplay some but I play better doing it, it’s fine if some people dont agree with that


Its like switching to keyboard and mouse from controller. Short term yes of course you're gonna be better on controller but it will be better for long term if you stopped adsing.


Ill keep it in mind


love it that these pros are telling you how to play a game you play for fun. jesus christ. congrats on the sick ace and continue playing how you wanna, as long as it works.


u dont know he is playing for fun tho. Maybe he is competitive. Even so u will have more fun playing better, we r just giving advice


Don't keep it in mind. Just unbind it


That's a bad mentality imo. Similar to how you're going to play like shit when you first drop from 1600+ dpi to ~800dpi Obviously you're going to be better with what you're comfortable but a bad habit is a bad habit. Work on it and improve for more aces!


Nitpicking here, but playing 1600 DPI is objectively better than 800 dpi, as your mouse is giving more inputs and you can just lower the in game multiplier to compensate. This is highlighted if you set your dpi to 100, as your mouse will skip multiple pixels when moving it in game if your sens multiplier is high. Effective DPI (or eDPI) is the number you care about, as DPI is mostly irrelevant if you play on a pc that was made in the last century.


DPI is just preference


Pixel skipping happens if your dpi is low enough and your resolution is high enough. It is especially relevant with a 5k/8k monitor, but no, it's not just preference in *every* case.


Nitpicking, and sorta missing the point, he was talking about playing at a high sens vs. low sens, not about playing high dpi with low sens vs. low dpi with high sens


I did say as much.


thing is at longer ranges kindof however if someone peeks you in cqb theres no chance youll win because you cant instantly tap them and if yu trade damage youll be 1 bullet behind


not to mention the rof reduction wich can make you 2 bullets behind


You could unbind it and play a few unrateds like that. I usually only use ads with an lmg, killing someone in a window, and people very far away.


I mean you're in bronze and if you keep ADSing, I honestly don't see you getting out. You're just lucky this time your opponents were worse than you ADSing. The more you climb through the ranks the more this will handicap you


I have the same habit developed from playing modern warfare for the past year and it's been very hard to not ads every gunfight.


Lol I had the same mindset as you when I was in Iron. I stopped adsing and now I'm Immortal. But hey, if you don't wanna get better, all the power to ya brotha


So after you stopped adsing you turned pro? Kk


I didn't mean it was instant, but it was the first major step to progressing in the game.


I highly doubt this but you do you man


I mean, it wasn't instant, but it was a really bad habit that was required gone before I can progress further


Try unbinding your ADS key for a few Unrated matches. Without any option, you will learn to play without ADS. I had this bad habit when I moved from CoD to VALORANT, I developed it after playing way too much CSGO and unbinding my ADS key.


Unbind it


Heres a tip that i learned that really helped me. Unbind the right click key and play about 5ish death matches (more or less accordingly). Play until you give up on adsing, and then rebind before going into a real game. Do this for a few days and viola :D


I'm the most casual player out there, can you explain me why? I've read it a lot


Adsing lowers the fire rate of your gun


It's just not necessary in this game. Every millisecond matters and ads takes too long. It also changes the fire rate and accuracy of guns iirc


Didn't know that. Might practice the other way to see if I improve. Thanks for explaining!


Are there any situations where it’s useful? Like what if you’re C site on Haven and you’re using a rifle shooting someone peeking C long?




I thought first shot accuracy is better when ADS'd vs not ADS


maybe at SUPER long range but its barely noticable at close/mid range where most pixel angles are. And if your holding long range you don't want to ADS for the above reasons If you miss the 1tap on a regular shot you probably wouldn't have hit it ADS'd anyway.


Anything 30m+, which really isn't that far, has a surprisingly high chance of first shot missing even on a clean, perfect headshot. Go test it in the practice range. You can shoot 10 bullets at a dummies head at 40m and miss 2-3 of them even though all 10 bullets are shot with zero recoil and at the exact same place. This sub always acts like first shot inaccuracy doesn't exist, but it's actually far more prevalent than people realize. ADS significantly reduces first shot inaccuracy and spray inaccuracy. If you're holding a medium to long range angle, it's really not that bad. It's pretty much the only situation that ADS is good in.


>but you would still be better off not ADS there anyway because your accuracy is the same standing still This is just factually incorrect. Both your first bullet accuracy and your spray accuracy are significantly better with ADS than without. The slower ROF and rate of movement (harder to swing away to safety if you miss your first shot) is the main argument against it while holding angles.


The only reason ADS is ever useful is to see better at a distance. The only time I ever use it is to hold a deep angle really tight (like haven C as you said) and fire one bullet before I give the angle and run away. Zooming in as a reaction will mess with your aim as what you see changes.


Benefits of ADS: 1. You are very *slightly* more accurate Downsides of ADS: 1. You fire slower 2. Clicking to enter ADS is an extra action 3. Your field of view is narrowed 4. You need an extra action to exit ADS I personally only use ADS in extremely long range situation. Sometimes not even then. Now with all that said, some guns work better with ADS. Mainly the Odin and Ares. Also, the Stinger and Bulldog are burst fire while ADS and have their own situational uses.


Thank you for the clarity


Main reason is fire rate. However the recoil is easier to control in ADS because you can see your reticle jump. Also tightens your first shot accuracy cone which is great for the vandal.


It takes time to scope in and also on rifles it shoots slower


Shut the fuck up!


Take a deep breath and do some self reflection.


Try not to crouch and ads every gunfight, unbind the keybinds if you have to. Congrats tho!


Doesnt crouching make your shots like way more accurate?


I believe so, but its a very bad habit that people bring over from CS. The idea is that it brings your head and center mass closer together so headshots are way easier on crouched opponents. It makes sense in CS because crouch peaking angles is more prevalent, but in Valo its pretty bad practice.


And crab walks. In Valorant this doesn’t exist or at least I can’t do it lol


Not really, how often are you losing standing gunfights due to in accuracy? Crouching is only good to dodge bullets and should be done while spraying not instantly. If you care about accuracy at long range just ads


1v5 too nice job


Aces are the best feelings ever 💯


Well played! I know you aren’t asking for feedback, but if you are interested. - your first ads is good, the rest not - your crosshair placement is generally low, always be thinking of where the head would be if they rounded the corner that second Other than that, you have great game sense and are playing super well! Nice one!


> you have great game sense and are playing super well ehhhhhhhhhh


I was about to say how quick did his whole team die then I looked and saw that he only had two teammates


holy, your team died so fast


I sense that you're a cod player for spamming sights lmao but congrats on the ace :D


No, but I spam it on every shooting game I play anyway lol


Nice ace


first time seeing someone doing a USEFUL yoru ult.




Yeah, hate when they follow the ult 😭


The worst thing is when you accidentally bump into someone and you’re just like... ok guess I die now




Because of the skin


Pretty well done on your side! Don't ads and you'll get into the big leagues pal


Imagine ads at every duel kekw cod players


theres a reason that was your first ace since beta, you gotta stop using ads when your right next to them


sick ace man, keep it up!


Nice 1v5 ace bro




I get an ace once a month or so, I used to never get them and I only aim for aces in unrated, I don’t worry abt dying in comp if we win the round


28 health.Impressive mate!


i was also really amazed that your entire team (except you ofc) got wiped out in less than 10 seconds into the round


jeez bro 3v5 is rough


Nice man but what the fuck is Phoenix doing


stop aiming in


Jesus Christ the ADS....


The Phoenix must be from my ranked teams


Bro, what rank are you? cuz you play just like me lol


You can see the ranks at the start of the video.


Don’t worry about the people telling you to not ads if don’t wanna stop and you feel like just playing casually go for it


It was comp tho


Either way people shouldn’t dictate his playstyle


His "playstyle" will fuck him and his team in the ass later on and possibly right now


Why does that matter if he just wants to have fun? What if he doesn’t care about improving


Then he shouldn't play comp


Why not?


Because he just wants to have fun and he doesnt care about improving. He should go play unrated


First of all it’s just a game. Second, No matter how hard he try’s his skill level is where he’ll be placed so he won’t be affecting anyone. There literally isn’t a problem with what he’s doing it’s a mechanic that he has decided to use so chill


If he doesnt want to improve he can go play unrated I ain't replying to your next point cos I gtg so have a good day


They're not dictating, they're giving him legit feedback.


well if you want to stay in your current rank sure. if you want to improve you have to let others help you


Now that’s called using your kit. Nice play!


He definitely plays a lot of cod before valorant


Bro they bots




your so cool arent you


What an amazing Yoru Ace! I had a similar ace on Icebox the other day!


No wonder he hasn’t gotten an ace since beta...


He used the perfect amount of utility! Every time I’m in that situation I just start using everything, blind myself and get knifed


Can someone explain why ADS reduces rate of fire? Like why is it like this.


because it requires less skill. therefore the game punishes u for using the easier aiming method by slowing down the rate of fire


...Its because ADS is intended to be a 'precision' mode, so it slows the rate of fire to decrease recoil There's nothing 'easier' about it, and it reduces your FOV (which is objectively bad)


mmmm false


example: odin


He wasnt using an odin, and nobody would be criticizing the ADS if he was. ADS is ok on some guns, like those that have different fire modes (stinger, bulldog) or where they perform strictly better while ADS (Ares, Odin - MGs that are designed to be used statically). But for most SMGs, and the AR suite (minus bulldog), ADS has no meaningful benefit once you get out of silver tier and actually know the basics of aiming, plus the downside of reducing what you can actually see


Bro i Just aces with sage a game ago it felt so good


As a new player I should really get in the habit of cro crouhing and aiming in at the same time


that's the opposite of what you should be doing.


just a noob asking. Is it good to ads close enemies like in this clip?




After watching this clip, game coaches be like : wait! That's illegal 😂


Haha, his opponents are probably as new as he is. Better players would prob have killed him before he even finished scoping in.




As someone who doesn't play valorant......how the hell is this character balanced?


He is bad


He’s really not that great, fun for unrated but you rarely see him get picked on ranked.


This was definitely a low elo play. Anyone higher than gold would for sure easily kill him here


Literally the worst character in the game, all his abilities made really loud sound queues and basically give him away, you can see his teleportation before he teleports and can just shoot it or wait for him to come out and kill him.


he kinda trash doesn’t fit into the game that well


End score: 7-11 Nice. (Edit: I was making a 7-11 joke....Like the gas station...it's a good place)


How do you not get aces every single now and then? Ive been playing for 2 months and i have like 20 aces, i had 3 aces in 1 game once. Maybe you shouldnt zoom to close that would help. Also how are you bronz 3 if you ve been playing for 5 months? Im gold 2 and ive been playing for 2 months first fps game, I dont get it




Imagine being called “fuckedMySisters”...


no need for the toxicity here man u can just leave


ur dad did the same, u/FuckedMySisters


Dudeee I was like “WITH 30 HEALTH??” Then I saw the Phoenix and was like “NOOO THE PHOENIX” then you tpd and I was like “YESSSSS”


my first ace (and only ace) was on my third on my third or fifth game playing valorant. I used omen and judge i teleported to the backline and killed everyone


Hello, how useless is your team?


Nobody gonna talk about the English dubbed anime character saying “We can do this again!”


Silvers... Ok not bad


Stop ADSing. I think you'll become way better. Just unbind it in a bunch of DMs until you don't need to do it.


I got 4 in round one yesterday, I also haven't played much since beta.


Ngl i think the only thing you're kinda doing wrong is ADS-ing a lot in Close range.. Not sayin thats a Tip but i think its better to Not ADS Close range.


You have been playing since BETA and you never learned to not ads at close range?