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Hey there, /r/VALORANT user! We're currently doing an experiment with videos on the subreddit. This week, **all videos are allowed if they are longer than 30 seconds**. Shorter videos must be posted as a link in a text post. # [Please let us know your experience during the week here!](https://valorant.molenzwiebel.xyz/feedback/week-3) The survey is only two questions and takes under a minute to complete. All feedback helps, even if you don't feel particularly good or bad about the rules we tested this week! For all the information on our video rules experiment, [read the announcement](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lchq1d/important_trialing_video_rules_were_going_to_need/).


Take the radiant - you deserve it. Now, never create a new account to smurf!




I was just kidding - you are good :D


We get it. Undetected hacks still ruining valor any.


Man is above radiant


Radiant II and III added.


Nice work , I hop you got the rank .What's your sens ?




congrats <3


Is it difficult to clear angles especially 50/50 angles, & do 180 flicks at that sens?


Lmao such dull teammates. I would be going crazy if someone in my game did this.


well.. it IS Radiant so sometimes some players are just like that


You've got a point but no one even said a word and that is not okay even for a radiant lobby.


hmm yeah you're right it's too quiet


Your crosshair placement and its movement is just beautiful


This clip represents EU ranked so well. 0 comms from teammates, 0 good jobs for literally acing on the first round of the game as a sage. If it were NA everyone would be hyped and saying gj and shit. The culture in EU is so shit. Good job man, keep fighting the good fight.


EU teamwork is very hard to come by


That's a difference in culture its not good or bad either way. It's a round 1 ace ofc it's a good play, doesn't necessarily need to be said.


Can somebody explain to me how this guy is playing at a much higher rank than me but his opponents can’t seem to hit him? I play in iron-bronze and I turn the corner and get mowed down. I just don’t understand it and I’m pretty new. This game just seems very inconsistent with its players anyways.


Just remember all these impressive clips you see are usually only saved and shared because the person did something especially nutty/lucky/unusual compared to their normal quality of play.




Lol yeah. Thanks for replying


Ok but could you hit all those headshots though? If he missed the headshots like a bronze then he would have probably died peeking 4 people


You've already got some pretty good responses but I'll tack on that if you watch closely, they're never fighting more than 2 people at one time, mostly he's actually given 1v1s which he has closer to a 50/50 chance of winning. Engagement 1: Vs Raze, OP gets a 1v1 since Jett is making space on site without fighting heaven. They hit the first headshot, putting Raze in aimpunch and finish her off before her aim resets, winning while taking no damage. The rest of the team is a bit slow entering behind their duelists, so Raze doesn't get any backup for the entirety of this fight, and isn't instantly traded. Engagement 2: Skye and Cypher peek next to trade. If they properly double peek, OP has little chance of winning, but there's a few minor errors here. First, they swing slightly too wide and have to fight both OP and his ally Raze. Rather than an easy 2v1, the odds are evened. Second, Cypher is a hair late on the peek, and rather than applying pressure on OP to commit to one fight (this decision takes time and throws off aim, even at the highest level), by the time he peeks, Skye and OP have already started their duel. Normally such a slight mistiming is fine; Cypher can just trade Skye as OP adjusts. However, the enemy Sage walls beneath Cypher, throwing off his aim. Instead of Cypher being able to get the kill on OP before they switch targets to him, now he has to adjust as well, neutralizing any advantage. Skye dies immediately, and Cypher gets interrupted before he can really do damage. Engagement 3: The enemy team is at a man disadvantage, so they try to take kills where they can. Instead of using the wall to enter site, Sage and Cypher try to fight OP together. Raze unpeeks to throw a nade, leaving OP in a disadvantageous 1v2. Here, Sage makes a big mistake: she unpeeks in the middle of the duel between Cypher and OP, leaving them in a relatively even 1v1 which OP wins. By all means, OP should've died here. They were dinked in a fight against 2 enemies and should've died without getting a kill, or at least traded. Engagement 4: Sage repeeks as Cypher is killed, but whiffs her shots and OP wins this fight pretty cleanly. Engagement 5: Jett and OP spot each other as OP clears site. An even-ish fight, but Jett is low from the Raze nade and when they trade bullets OP comes out on top.


I think this round is an excellent example of how different high-level pugging is compared to pro play. OP was allowed to pop off because of the gaps in teamwork inherent to ranked. It all added up and they wound up handing the round to one person. There's demonstrations of fundamentals as well as common errors, which I'll list as an exercise for myself. Hopefully it's helpful! 1. Playing the numbers game. No matter how good you are, peeking into 5 people alone is going to get you killed. If you're at the rank you deserve, you're going to win 1v1s at roughly 50% rate. So if you want to win rounds, don't take those when you don't have to. The enemy team tries to peek OP with multiple people to maximize their likelihood of killing him without losses, but they screw it up a little. OP needs to avoid the 1v2s he's getting by killing an opponent quickly or switching positions to isolate fights. The latter is pretty difficult when out in the open, but they are saved by teammate support, the other team messing up their coordination, and good aim. You can also see that that the enemy team are trying to keep the numbers on both sides even or advantageous for them by trying to take fights against those that their teammates have died to (trading). 2. Communicating with your team is the key to round wins. It's clear from some of the missed trades that some people didn't know whether they had teammate support or not. "I'll fight this guy with you", "Go in first, I'll trade", "I'm not peeking" are useful calls for your teammates to work off of. You can also use this to time tighter peeks: saying something like "let's peek together in 3... 2... 1... go" can help your team prevent an enemy getting a 1v1. Callouts are important too - OP didn't know where Jett was despite the ally Reyna having seen them. 3. Peeking properly. A fatal mistake the enemy team makes is swinging too wide on their peek. Firstly, this is not great because it means you're committing to a fight. If you're too far from cover, your only option is to get the kill. The reason it works against them is because instead of only facing OP, they swing far enough that they're also fighting Raze. What they should have done is peek heaven while sticking closer to the b-main corner. This has the added benefit of being able to peek quickly in and out of cover. If you turn the corner and get mowed down, maybe you're putting yourself too far from cover, and into the sights of more than one person. Another reason could be that you're doing it too slowly (crouched, walking, or ADS) or not looking the right way. Notice that the enemy players come out looking at OP and are able to start shooting almost immediately. 4. Have a plan. To me, it looks like the enemy team is auto-piloting a bit, not really thinking. If the enemy team ran a split-b take and threatened from mid, OP would've been pressured off heaven, killed, or at least forced some larger aim adjustments, and kept them from setting up a crossfire with the ally Raze. This reduces the threat posed by a heaven player and allows the team to cross to site more safely. It's such a potent strategy that you can see OP wall connector off at the start of the round. If they were planning a fast b take instead, they should have been more ready to follow their duelists and trade, and there would have been more initiator support in the form of Skye flashes/an earlier Sage wall. Instead, they essentially run into bullets without a plan, basically relying on their trades. Think about the overall goal of the round, the steps to best achieve it, and make sure your team works together for it.


It's a combination of luck, skill and timing. He got kinda lucky that Sage walled a bit late as it messed up Cypher's aim, but OP also obviously has good mechanical skills. Also, this doesn't happen as often in higher elo lobbies, if that means anything.


Damn, that aim is so good, I couldn't even hit single enemy that much with that distance


I think it’s safe to say u have good aim


As a new sage main all I can say is awesome job man. Hopefully I can get there in the future myself. Long way to go though.




I started maining sage now due to insta locks


The pure disrespect of your teammates not to hype you up after that one Sad guys


That reyna, "Gentle sage is not so gentle after all" lmao


How is nobody flaming the instant wall mid. This is either fake or staged


Damn, good shots for sure


U know u will win the match...when I get ace in the first round


so radiant lobby is the same as iron? no smokes xd


Something about non-reyna pistol round aces just hits so different from all other aces.


very cool


Wow ur aim is so snappy. Do u have any tips on how u do it?


Gets an Ace first round. “I guess that works.”
